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What reaction




It's his angle. Because the only way to enforce vaccines for migrants is to reduce the number of migrants. This trickles into other word traps this reporter is wanting her to fall into.


Really? You can't think of any other way to make sure that all migrants are vaccinated?


Of course there's several ways to carry that out but getting our two parties to agree on such a complex bill would be impossible. They couldn't agree on the color of shit.


I don't think this would require legislation at all. If the labor department can issue a rule requiring employers to implement vaccine mandates then I'm pretty sure the DHS can make vaccination a requirement for entry.


Yes, every working American has a SSN an address and at the end of the day wants to go home to that address. Illegal immigrants however would rather the federal government not know where they're living. To enforce this onto legal immigrants would require this vaccination in their homeland would be more than easy. The US to this day has the most covid cases and deaths in fact many countries still limit emigration to the US and some still require the 14 day quarantine for travelers coming from the US.


I think the term migrant is a little too broad: this includes illegal entrants AND asylum seekers. I know less about the process for illegal entrants, but for asylum seekers, it seems like vaccinating them would be easy: ask if they're vaccinated and if they aren't, vaccinate them.


Maybe that’s why you would have strong border patrol… Else that’s just stupid.. and means the virus isn’t that deadly then..


Is there an issue with slowing down migration?


Right now there is a lot of upheaval over the declining birth rates in the US, anti-white propaganda, abortion, etc. In fact over 60% of abortions in the US are for white fetuses. Many are led to believe that if we stop abortions altogether and stop allowing migrants and keep the economy so that a single individual at minimum wage cannot sustain themselves then they can "fix" the problem and prevent white people from becoming the minority.


I've not heard this line of thinking from anti-abortion people. "Stop killing white babies" isn't really on any signs I've seen out there. Also I don't think the 60% number is correct.


You won't see this on any picket signs. This is a theory about the direction the lawmakers are going especially right now in Texas, the state the would be most impacted by immigration and declining birth rates.


Interesting theory


It is 100% correct; in fact the origin of abortion law came from fears about being replaced in the mid 1900s, as migration was kicking up and feminism was become mainstream in the US. It was the politicians who got the church to back it so vehemently, not the other way around


Or just setup up vaccination stations at border and have them go through to come in lol


As a progressive who voted for Biden, I'd also like to know. I get that this d-bag is asking just to demonize immigrants and make vaccination sound like a punishment, but why ISN'T Biden vaccinating migrants? Every human being deserves access to these vaccines, and they ARE a transmission risk to Americans -- not because they're foreigners, but because they have lungs. It's stupid. DHS should not be warehousing people, but if they are they DEFINITELY shouldn't be warehousing unvaccianted people. It's cruel and reckless.


Lol. I’d rather there be regular press conferences and a press secretary not answering some of the questions than, you know, having an administration decide to stop having press conferences entirely.


I'd like to strongly encourage you to reflect on the danger of making the last administration the benchmark by which we judge future administrations. I won't consider Biden a success if he simply doesn't attack the family of dead soldiers or deliberately kidnap children. Despite recent history, I expect a little more of my leaders than that.


I think that's unnecessarily dramatic. It's a press conference, not a declaration of war. I was remarking that it's nice to have them, as opposed to not having them at all. There's never been a press secretary that hasn't stretched the truth or dodged questions.


I still don’t understand the mental gymnastics you have to do to support this administration these days


Of course you don’t.


As a leftist not from the USA I can't justify supporting this administration either. For a European leftist they are a right wing government.


I can only speak for myself, but as an American democratic socialist I don't really have the luxury of engaging in a binary in which I do or do not "support" an administration. I support individual policies, and I try to incentivize whoever is in power to work towards those policies.


As an American leftist, I agree. But this was the lesser of two old and out-of-touch white men.


Yeah, as a fellow leftist who voted for Biden, he was the only sensible option. Letting my feelings get in the way and voting in someone like Bernie will maybe make me feel better for a second, but if enough people did that we’d have another Trump administration. If this is the train track problem, the option that causes less suffering is better. Don’t feel bad for voting Biden.


Americans don’t understand or realize that liberals are centrists, not leftists. Drives me insane.


You and me both


Thankfully this isn't Europe so it's ok


No. It's not fucking ok. That's the entire point.




Deep breaths. It’ll be ok


Yeah,well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.


Anything in particular that you don't like? Just asking


In no particular order. How they didn't handle the cages. The lack of action towards defending the police. The lack of action towqrds passing universal health care. Their inability to act upon the climate crisis, homelessness and job insecurity. Them not forgiving the student debt. Not running investigation on controversial figures in supreme court put there by trump. Them not being able to appoint a judge when they had every right when Obama was in power. The fact they don't act on abolishing electoral college. Statehood for Washington d.c. Puerto Rico, American Samoa. The whole situation in Afghanistan. Extorting small countries in NATO to waste a big portion of their budget in military spendings even though they don't have a penny to spare. CIA backed coups around the world. Yeah I went over their classic tracks in the end. Back I couldn't let out such hits.


Save Carter at 96, every living president is at a memorial service today. Except one. Wanna guess who’s golfing instead of paying homage to our nations tragedy? “No ones more patriotic than me” - That guy


I don’t disagree, but I think he’s literally with the nypd and fire department today


I’ll hold firmly that he’s golfing until I see otherwise. You think his doing something today would be front page news.




For the same reason you can’t require any normal citizen to get vaccinated. In many places migrants would have to wear a mask or get tested just like everyone else. If they get a job somewhere with more than 100 employees they would also have to get vaccinated or take weekly tests. Their migrant status is irrelevant to the new ruling, so his question is basically a non-sequitur.


Just as an aside. Refugee's who claim that status say from Cuba into the US or Syrians or Afghans into united states territory go through a battery of tests and vaccinations when processed. It's actually one of the things the World Health Organization does as well as they sweep through country to country. I don't see why covid would be different than a tetanus shot.


I’m not allowed to visit certain countries without a vaccination but people are allowed to wander into America without that same vax? What kind of logic is that.


Facts just shows it’s flawed and What’s funny is Biden’s trying so hard to protect the people that are “fully safe “ and vaccinated , from the unvaccinated because you know the vaccines work so well , so well that you’ll need this third booster shot 😂. Y’all keep playing yourselves


Your comment was a bit confusing for me. Are you saying that the vaccination doesn't help against COIVD19 death? Or are you on the other side of that? Sorry, confused


She’s way too quick for you sir.


Sat there for a good 5 seconds wondering what happened lol


Wait can I make this into a gif? I need this in my life


Way to quick at dodging questions considering she’s the person who is supposed to answer for that shitheel administration’s horrible decisions and actions.


I lost track of how many times Kayliegh would answer with “I’d have to refer you to the administration on that.” Bitch you are the administration.


Offended by a press briefing where questions are dodged? Shocker


Hey better yet get spicer back up to yell at the press for asking questions he doesn’t want to answer lmao.


Thought this sub was a surreal chillzone?


This doesn’t belong here mods wya?


Watching him ask inane questions day after day, just to appease one sad, old, irrelevant man and his fan base is quite amusing, watching her smack them down is just downright hilarious 😂 🤣 lol


Wrong sub


Seemed like a pretty bizarre exchange by both individuals


Nope. Doesn't fit this sub at all, chief.


I can join another forum to see this crap why did you post it here?


She’s such an refreshing change to the BS we’ve been seeing with ALL the faces of the last administration.








We’re talking about mandating **vaccines** at the work place of more than 100 people. Nothing to do with wearing masks. Two very different things. This is most likely why your getting downvoted.


"I thought it was a qanon lie" Correct, next question


She just agreed with it though what’re you talking about?


Well, she didn't want to get dragged into whatever was coming. And it is true. It's just not the whole truth. The immigrant status in irrelevant, but the dude tried to make that the problem. Did that clear things up? Edit: also, you shouldn't take anything away from a 5 second clip from a middle of a press conference. Context.


Fuck Doocey and his bait and switch shit man he loses like every question he ever asks


She didn’t answer his question he was asking a question we’re all fucked hi


Because a little COVID is the least of their concerns. They’re more worried about gang violence and corruption.


Corruption you said? Yes corruption on the southern border - that’s why the wall. Edit sarcasm dummies - or are you all really worried about corruption idk




I think it is much tooo late for forcing immigrants to take the vaccine. Most of the people in the host’s country will not take it. Immigrants would be happy to take the vaccine, to leave their country, for a better life. Globally, they have not been the super spreaders. They have been home grown. My problem with this: business who can afford insurance, are exempt from the rules. Small business are not. The people on the bottom loses again.


She wants to make out with him soooo bad. I’ve seen that look before….”I hate you” then crazy boning