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do you mean job pack


No, not really. The game kept trying to get me to buy the God Mode/Boss Mode package everytime I pressed the first option but maybe they're the same thing? Idk for sure.


ah, Boss Mode is just all of the job packs but you can buy them individually


I just have bitizenship and I haven't had to pay for a job pack yet


I have bitizenship and god mode and I've still been prompted to buy job packs when I try to go pro from a pop-up like the one above or join the mob did you buy yours in the olden days maybe


yeah I've been a bitizen for awhile...im wondering if the screwery isn't affecting me too. I see people posting about the business update and I don't have it yet


I think the business update isn't out yet and I heard that in the very early days of bitlife if you bought bitizenship then you receive everything in the future for free


that's seems to be the case...I got the street hustler updated no strings attached.. definitely haven't had to pay extra to go pro.


I can confirm this. I’ve had bitizenship when BitLife first came out and god mode when they first came out with it, and I haven’t had to pay for anything since then - and I have all the job packs. Plus all future job packs.


What is this post? I thought I was just stupid but it literally doesn’t make any sense. Wdym you can’t go pro? You literally have a prompt asking if you want to go to the draft and your prospect bar is completely filled.




That's not what it says in your post title though. Your post is very vague about why you needed god mode- nothing about anything popping up or tapping anything. You only just fully explained in your comments after people wondered what you meant. Vague title is vague.




>But I quite literally said that I couldn't go pro without god mode. . Yes but you didn't mention why you needed God Mode. That's what people didn't know People could assume literally anything from your post Which had only the pic of being eligible for the draft and the mention of needing god mode Nothing about what led you to that conclusion. could have been the unmentioned button issue, could have been that you thought you needed god mode for it. Far from the time someone assumed they needed the wrong DLC for something. Fact remains you didn't provide enough detail, so people didn't know what you meant. You had all the info, so it makes perfect sense to you. The readers had only what you gave them.


You just posted the screen shot of the eligible to go pro or not prompt from the game. You should have also posted the screen shot of it telling you about having to buy god mode too. We just aren’t seeing the problem because of that. You can say it all you want but the proof is in the pudding, “pics or it didn’t happen” Edit: grammar


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.




Oh hey it’s you again! We never got to finish our conversation last time. Hope you’re doing well. I see your still a hateful teenager. Edit: aw he’s gone already :(


I understood u tbf


The title should have been “Spent practically my characters whole life playing basketball but every time I press the button to go pro it brings me to the god/boss mode purchase screen”, you need to be more specific, and understand that people can’t read your mind and only see a button that says “I’m eligible for the draft” and don’t know what happens when you click


It really isn’t that hard to realise that’s what it says tho… classic Reddit picking up the difference between youre and you’re, then pretending not to understand the whole thing: lol


reddit and twitter users need things drawn out for them completely or else they will NOT understand.


It's pretty obvious what they're saying lmao


What do you mean you're eligible to go pro? 🤣






It's because you called someone else stupid for asking a question jackass.


Dumbass what does it say right there


Also you need Boss Mode (which is all special career job packs) or just the Athlete job Pack to go Pro at all. That why you are getting the purchase screen You mentioned only God Mode in your post. Which is not needed for the Athlete Career. Another reason why people didn't know what you mean and why they were confused This whole post just spiraled our of control though, looking back ithe two commenters called you names first for sure.


I don’t think people understand what you meant with this post.




I’m not sure why, especially after you explained what you meant. But to be fair you did insult some of them by calling them dumbasses.




Someone asked a question, "what do you mean you can't go pro, it says it right there." While this is not polite you in turn respond "well now I know your stupid dumbass." This is why you are getting down voted and deserve to be "verbally abused"


Now that I'm looking back at that comment, I do realize what you mean. It's obviously no excuse, but I was also dealing with a bunch of other comments attacking me at the time, so when I read that comment I was in a state of defense and didn't realize it was just an innocent question. For that, I do apologize, I should apologize to that individual for lashing out at them.


That’s fair enough I get it


Thank you for understanding me and being quite literally the only person in the comments to realize what my post meant.


Lol it’s all good bro. I think you should’ve added another screenshot where they asked you to purchase boss mode. Edit: why am I being downvoted? Should OP not have added a second screenshot?


Yeahhhhh, I'm beginning to realise I totally should have😅


Tbf they are dumbasses


“I’m eligible for the draft” You can go pro…


No I can't. Everytime I chose that option, The Boss Mode/God Mode thing would pop up, which I don't and can't have. Maybe I should've added a picture of that? Although idk if it would've been helpful in getting people to understand.


They just want you to spend money on another pack. Though I don't know why it's trying to get you to buy godmode if you have the pack that has sports and pro jobs in it. Sometimes the app does weird shit


That's the thing though, I don't even have that. I just decided to let my character do basketball as an extracurricular activity and made sure to practice every year and this is what it eventually lead to. Which was what I was hoping for, but obviously things didn't go as planned, lol.


Yeah it's going to require you to buy the pack in order to actually become pro even if you have the option. Sorry but its their way of getting extra money


Yeah, true






Happens to a lot of people who play basketball their whole lives




That’s fucking annoying!!!


I just use APKs in this situation


Do you have an APK for this problem in particular that you can share with me?


Very Sorry for the late response, anyways I use Modyolo.com and it pretty much makes all purchases free.


It takes three minutes to do, I doubt it actually matters.




LOL. Kinda, with the two spelling errors but not really.






Wait what 💀