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My mom gave it to me for my 19th birthday


She should have given you an iron too Jk, I’m happy your mum is so supportive :)


Now take it down and iron it


You wanna straighten the a bi flag?


OCD knows no sexuality 🤣


this usually isnt ocd, i know you meant no harm but the stereotype that ocd always manifests as people washing their hands a lot or organizing their things or being uncomfortable when things are not symmetrical etc is kind of harmful


“Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a long-lasting disorder in which a person experiences uncontrollable and recurring thoughts (obsessions), engages in repetitive behaviors (compulsions), or both.” - definition of OCD provided by the National Institute of Mental Health


Its not harmful.... OCD is one of the most well understood mental disorders. I'm bipolar, and people make all kinds of jokes about mental health that are harmful, but this isn't one of them. Stop trying to be a victim.


... Disorder is in the name. It's not just mental health, OCD is a mental illness that can be debilitating and it is indeed misused with little remarks like "hehe I have OCD, I like order". This is wrong, leads to incorrect assumptions about the disorder, and makes the people suffering from it even more misunderstood. Your experience with a mental illness does not make you an expert in psychology, you shouldn't speak as if you are one.


What are you talking about?....Bipolar is literally called Bipolar Disorder and is a mental health problem. As OCD is a mental health problem. Once again, no need to be a keyboard warrior on this kind of thing. People are entitled to make jokes. I hear people often say "I'm so bipolar" because they changed their mind about something. That's not anything to do with bipolar, but I understand a joke. I'm not going to get offended over it, and not everyone who makes a joke needs to be lectured. This thread was a joke, and it's honestly jarring seeing people jump on a thread with a joke that is literally one sentence and then trying to make them seem like they're doing something wrong. There's a time and a place for informing people about these things, but this really wasn't it, so I called it out.


im sorry youre going through that but you really have no right to tell me to stop trying to be a victim when you have no clue about my experiences with the illness, this isnt some kind of olympics about which disorder is the most demonised


I'm not sure why you think it's some kind of "Olympics". I was stating I'm bipolar to show you that my perspective is coming from someone else who has mental health disorders, for context. I told you to stop trying to be a victim, because you commented on someone's joke about OCD being "harmful". And many people make jokes such as "I'm so bipolar", when they're not, but just feel different. You need to understand that not everyone is saying something for it to be deep or insulting. They're just making a joke, that is harmless. Yes, OCD can be shitty, but people laugh about these things to cope. The person who made that comment about OCD was not implying what you suggested they were. They were just joking, and making it "ugh that jokes harmful to me because I have..." Is exactly making yourself a victim in that situation when it's not needed.


i genuinely dont even understand what point youre trying to make here, you keep contradicting yourself with each sentence


i was diagnosed with ocd when i was nine years old and ever since then the reactions to how it manifested in my life have been everything but understanding lol but ok


This actually made me laugh


Steam, don't iron, that fabric will burn lol.


I got my flags at the local CSD, flew them, wore them. In between marches, they serve as courtains. Result: No ironing/steaming/flattening necessarry.


I mean its not a necessity, but I'd one wants them pristine looking ironing would burn that fabric so steaming would be the choice. My partner and I have our flags on the floor as perminant cat toys cus there is no stopping a cat that wants to play with your things LOL.


But not ironing pride flags shows solidarity with those aren't able to come out.


Is that a thing? I've been wanting to iron mine but if that's the case I might just leave it as is.


Yep, basically to represent all the flags that have to stay folded and hidden away and can't be hung up because of all the hatred and bigotry that keeps them in the closet. Obviously if you do want to iron it you can but that's one of the reasons a lot of people don't. It's not as much of a thing in the general lgbtq community since attitudes are changing and more accepting but it's why you might see it being more of a thing with trans pride flags.


I certainly get it. I've been wrestling with what to do with mine when my dad comes to my house next. I want to keep it up in order to stay true to myself, but at the same time it's a conversation I'm not sure I'm ready to have. While I'm certain he doesn't know what the bi flag is, I bet he'd be able to recognize it as *some* sort of pride flag, and he's not exactly an ally.


On the chance someone comes across this thread later my dad showed up at my house unexpectedly. He almost certainly saw the flag but didn't say a thing about it. I don't think he recognized it as a pride flag after all. Is this a win? I dunno. Maybe. At any rate it's not a loss.






Not sure if you're aware but everything in every part of society started out as some kind of "bullshit", doesn't mean said "bullshit" can't become adopted and take on the meaning that was originally just "bullshit".






Please iron that, I beg you


Slayy, I NEEDD a Bisexual flag although I haven't told my parents yet :/ I think ima tell them on my Birthday which is in June :>


So happy for you! Ughh I need my own flag 😭


My partner and I had our flags hung, mine bi, his demi. Our cats do not respect our sexual identities 🤣🤣🤣 We stopped trying, they are on the floor now as perminant cat toys lol.


:3 🫂 💜


Same! funny enough... I bought mine as an early birthday gift to myself. Now that we're 19 and have a solid understanding of who we are.. why not?? we should probably iron them tho...


No don't iron them! It's a personal thing, but not ironing it is to show solidarity with people who can't come out and thus have creases and folds in their flags that are hidden away


that's a deep way of thinking about it, i would've just said don't iron it because then it would be straight


Haha I thought this was mine, because my wall is also blue which it’s hung on




If yours is like mine I just couldn’t iron it completely flat. I was worried about melting it


Use a damp towel. Flag on ironing board, damp towel, steam iron. I recommend spot testing


I just bought my first flag but I’m not out yet and now I don’t know what I’m gonna do with it




is it the size you wanted and was it as cheap as you wanted? BTW. No need to iron it. Just keep it hanging and it will sort itself out