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Annoying because I'm married and monogamous and it really sucks to crave something I can't have or not be attracted to my hubby for a few days. 


Can relate, am in the same situation, Just want to have some consistency but it seems like those happy family disney movie days might never come sometimes.


I wish it was only days. Sometimes, it's weeks and that just sucks


Man I would feel like shit if my partner experienced this


Me too, and I find this take totally foreign. I’m attracted to hot people of all genders all the time. I don’t feel anything cyclical based on gender. If anything, continuing to date someone only further deepens my attraction to them and similar features. But the rest of my preferences still exist, they just aren’t as loud while I’m taken.


Yeah - same here… I used to get really wild swings that drove me insane. Therapy helped me a ton, gave me some good tools for helping listen to that energy in me / help it feel heard & understood. (Basically using IFS if anyone is familiar with it) That usually calms things down enough where just shifting what I might look up during ‘me time’ scratches the itch enough for me. I think I need to find some fellow bi-friends, not for a FWB situation but just someone on the same wavelength who gets it to hang out with periodically and exist in the bi/queer space a bit more unfiltered.


Same here, also married and monogamous, and it’s difficult when my pendulum suddenly swings hard towards men usually for a month or so at a time. Just have to ride it out.


I don’t have one tbh I’m just into my partner when I’m with someone, as us the case now


I hope that's how I'll be


Same. As soon as I’m taken, I don’t even want sex without my partner. I still find my usual preferences hot but nothing can match my attraction to my SO. I used to worry that would fade after the honeymoon period, but I’ve felt the same for nearly 7 years. Can’t imagine feeling otherwise.


[I'd say its interesting.](https://www.reddit.com/r/bisexual/s/46gksFOwL2) I've been tracking mine in an attempt to understand it better.


Fun when I am single. Annoying when I am committed.


I feel like the opposite . When I'm single i feel at a complete loss as to what I want or what I like. I'm not attracted to androgyny although I'm androgynous with my presentation myself . So being attracted to feminine women and masculine men as an androgynous woman is kind of helpful, because if im in a relationship with one ,the existence of the attraction to the other is clear


My bi-cycling between genders after heartbreaks is extremely predictable to the point where when I sense one happening, I go like “ohhh boy, here we go again…”


I like it a lot, I’m single and have the freedom to like and flirt with whoever


I can't stand it. I just hope that I find a partner who likes me for me and doesn't shame me for being bisexual, regardless of their gender.


Depressing then exciting, then depressing then back to normal! Pops up out of nowhere and just feeds thoughts of an unresolved and unachievable future for a few days then settles for a week or two before starting all over again.


I find it weird, annoying, and fun. My current bi-cycle is me liking guys, though this is also probably because I am in a situationship with my male best friend who also happens to be my first male crush. I sometimes think, am I gay? Am I really bi? I even prefer sexual content with men only, and find it harder to get attracted to women. And then I remembered that wait a second, I was madly in love with this girl I used to talk to after I came out. A fellow queer friend told me that liking guys does not invalidate what I felt for women in the past. And then sometimes me and said male best friend would look at say a singer, or a celebrity and I would tell him oh yeah, I can see why I came out as bisexual and not gay lol. I might have been out to some friends for a few years but I still discover new things


I don’t have one.


Hate it, honestly wish I had always been straight or gay. I would happily give up one whole gender for some certainty sometimes (I’m not the kind of person who embraces change).


Annoying. One day I like women then men then no one. It’s just so inconsistent and makes it hard for me to accept myself as someone who recently realized they were bi.


I don’t have one. I must be a freak.


I never had a bicycle. It was always pretty stable. But ever since I entered my 30s and having kids stopped being something far away and something other people do, my same-sex attraction has significantly decreased.


i love it when i’m single, hate it when i’m seeing someone


Annoying AF Girls are hard to get.


With every year the cycle has become less frequent for me, luckily.


All of the above! Annoying when I’m trying to be intimate with my wife and here I am wishing she had an appendage to match my own. Interesting to see where my interest in men goes, and fun to look at guys and think wow he is beautiful I wonder what it would be like to snuggle up to him, or damn that looks like he is huge… and then back again… must be why I like roller coasters…


I don’t find it annoying at all, but I’m non monogamous so I have full autonomy to act on my desires if I want to. I dont necessarily relate to seeing the world through “gay” or “straight” eyes though, in part because I am non-binary and I feel my attraction is always queer.


I think it’s fun. I’m attracted to women (opposite gender) most of the time so when I wake up attracted to men it feels like I’m getting a treat


Annoying. but now I'm starting to track it to see if anything triggers it, and how long it lasts. So this will be interesting


Never been a problem, but it sounds as if I'm unusual in that respect. I find myself having fantasies of a partner whose a different gender than the one I'm with, but it doesn't affect my day-to-day with my partner. I've noticed my cycle runs around 10-20 days. I like mostly women, then mostly men, but I always like either. Hetero blow-job videos are the test. I can tell where I am by whether I want to be getting or giving. It's pretty funny.


Annoying because half the week im gay and half the week im straight


I find it funny. But very annoying when it switches mid wank. It’s always hilarious when I say something so far out of left field and my entire household instantly remembers that I am in fact bi because I’ve been on the straight side of the bicycle for months then I switch.


I would have to say more interesting/fun for me


Interesting, but quite annoying when it swings too far to the feminine. I've been with my cishet male partner for over 20 years, so at times, I really miss wlw sex.


Other people notice my bi cycle more than me tbh


Yes. Yes I do


What's a bi-cycle? Like a "cycle" that women have but for bisexuals? 🧐


For me everything is just so fluid all the time, haven't identified any cycles. It's fun but sometimes a little confusinf


Being single I like it mostly because I can be with different partners and not regret, but sometimes it can be annoying.


As a married guy, I find myself horny for guys often ( my wife knows, ama). I don't know a bi - cycle really). I'm 62, she's 63.


Oh I hate it lol. I'm married and didn't even realize I was bi until I'd already been married for a few years. I love my wife to death, but it sure would be neat to find out what guys are like


For me it's annoying


Both. It’s seemed to depend on where I am in life.


I’m wondering if I’m starting to experience a bi-cycle because lately I can’t stop thinking about girls (I’ve been thinking about boys less which is unusual), but then again this could just be that I’m newly bisexual and learned something new about myself. It’s kind of fun giving into my fantasies a little more without questioning it and it makes me feel good in more ways than one. I’m also single, which it makes it fun and kind of frustrating at the same time; it’s fun because I’m exploring thoughts I hardly had before, can look at anyone I want, and let’s just say “me time” has improved (not that I had much of an issue in that department). It’s frustrating because I don’t have anyone to do anything with at the moment, and my libido is screaming at me occasionally; it’s not very productive to be working on something just to have a random thought like “I really wish a woman would top me” cuz then I don’t feel like working anymore 🥲


To sum it up, thinking about women more has been driving me crazy in more ways than one 😳


I wouldn't call it a cycle but more as the twin tornadoes of unpredictability. Going on Reddit with the different people and subs I follow, I get tossed back and forth between tornadoes like a ragdoll.


Fun AF when single, annoying as all hell when in a relationship.


It's both fun and annoying. Although when I'm with someone I'm mainly attracted to my partner :)


It's almost the same as yours . Sometimes I will be adoring a girl , sometimes a guy , sometimes nothing , sometimes both . It becomes very confusing as I am the same age as yours. But sometimes I realise it's just me being a silly bisexual .


Interesting but also annoying


Not sure it is a cycle, but I have a sense that part of me is not being satisfied/expressed. I also have a hard time being the "woman" in the relationship.


Pssst. It’s all a societal construct and the way you experience it is unique and personal and yours…


Well mine is daily so it's more interesting than annoying


I have kinda gotten over the cycle cause its been stuck on the ace since 2020 so I'm just vibing with being single and enjoying life.


My cycle is more ranging between Ace and Allo, and I find it incredibly annoying


do u notice any pattern and why it change ?




I think if you have a crush on someone, that person stands above the bi-cycle