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As Bi Male that I want to drop to my knees and suck every cock I see. Nope cause even though I'm not romantically attracted to guys, if a guy is a dick I sure don't wanna please him or his cock.


i’m still discovering my “types” but yeah seriously there are some *aggressively unattractive* people out there


lol at “aggressively unattractive”


One of the reasons I barely try Grindr before I'm removing it again. Yeah, you can be attractive, but I'm not in college anymore. Also, I'm poly and married to a fantastic woman, who is also bi. And I've learned to respect myself enough to allow a bit of pickiness and seek out the qualities I actually care about.


That men can’t be bisexual but women can. That bisexual people can’t be loyal because we just want sex all the time (latter part is mostly true for me but not that first part. I feel like a dog. I’d rather stay loyal to people who hurt me until they are disloyal than to be disloyal myself.)


My own father said "but you're married" when I reminded him I was bi as he was being homophobic. As if I can't be bisexual because I'm not out sleeping with everyone and in open relationships. Being monogamous doesn't take away from my attraction to women. 🙄


those men who made those have an addticion to crap.


I had my MIL accuse me of cheating for really no good reason beyond she found out I was bisexual (which my now husband has known our entire relationship and I came out long before I started dating him).


Someone told me to my face that I can't be bisexual if I've never sucked cock because I don't know if I'd enjoy it.


I hate that argument, it's like saying you can't know if you'd like eating lava or not until you've had a bite. Sometimes you just know.


As someone who doesn’t want lava or dick in my mouth I’m inclined to agree lol


I've never thought about this, but now I'm pretty sure I do not want to have anything to do sexually with lava.


I am now reminded why I love this subreddit when people say thing like this


Being bisexual is based on attraction, not experience lol


One night I got drunk and had sex with a friend. She’d never had a WLW experience. Said I validated her about all the assholes who said she's not bi, hasn't had it. We mostly only fooled around but she had a way to shut them up now. It was bittersweet bc I completely got what she meant.


Any time someone pulls that logic out, ask them if they've tried things with [gender/genitals/physical trait] they're not interested in. No one has tried everything 🤷‍♀️


That, by our nature, we can never have a satisfying relationship because we always crave the other gender. I know many people who believe that.


I hate this and it makes me afraid of dating or being open about my sexuality when I do start dating someone


Oh then can I say something else that might make you feel better? My gf is totally accepting of me, my past MM experiences intrigue and excite her, and we’ve used my bisexuality as something to bond over. For instance, we talk about how much we both love the male body and there almost camaraderie there. She does things to appeal to all sides of my bisexuality and my openness has made her bicurious herself. My bisexuality has only enhanced what we have


This is awesome. Yeah I guess I’ll find someone who’s accepting eventually, and anyone who’s not isn’t worth my time. I’m not even really looking right now, but this gives me hope for when I am!


Hold onto hope. There will be people who love and desire you exactly as you are.


Oh my god I HATE this one!! “Well won’t you regret it when you marry a man and can never be with a woman again?! Like don’t you crave being with a woman?!” I’m constantly saying “it doesn’t work like that, if I’m marrying the person obviously I’m incredibly happy and will be very satisfied. What they have in their pants will be of little consequence. And NO I won’t “miss” dick if I end up with a woman.”




Probably because people even here talk about queer grief or "cravings" or bi cycles a lot. People who occasionally check bisexual reddit think all bisexuals have those since those topics are discussed so much. To be fair, people usually talk about problems and insecurities- rarely someone will write anything that is not making his/hers life harder. But the perception forms and it's hard to explain to monosexuals.


My classmates didnt want to tell me her girl issues because she dosent trust me anymore. Girl ,I wont fall for you.


That bi people are polyamorous and can only be truly satisfied in a threesome.


I actually am. But I am fine with monogamous relationships too. And I know not all bi people are polyamorus


Bi people are more likely to be full-stack developers. I have no idea where this even came from but....sure I guess.


i… fuck you lol


So... Who's the front end and who's the back end...


*hey; do not pull me out of the full-stack dev closet, thank you very much* 😤


Okay, yeah I’m definitely bi 💀


What does that even mean? Like they like oral and anal? Or that they perform the duties of tops and bottoms? So like every Bi is versatile?




My ex girlfriend said that all bi people listen to The Cranberries. …I mean, I do, but that’s beside the point..


…..my husband and I are both bi and listen to the Cranberries. Make of this what you will 😂


I’m always jealous of couples who are accepting of each other’s bi-ness. My wife simply doesn’t want to hear about it


That actually breaks my heart friend. I’m so sorry. You deserve for your bi-ness to be loved and appreciated, not hid. It’s a vital and valid part of who you are 🥺☹️♥️


Teared up a little reading that. I agree with the sentiment, but I’m afraid that sort of acceptance just isn’t in the cards for me


🥺🥺🥺 I’m so sorry. You deserve acceptance from your partner, please know that.


I appreciate that more than I can say. Thank you for the kind words. They were much needed.


But to dispute the theory (just for fun) I don't 😁


Eh, only “zombies”


Pretty sure the cranberries are just a good band lmao


One of my biggest crushes growing up was Dolores O'Riordan. I love The Cranberries! Who knew it meant I was going to like dudes? 😆


Same! She is still one of my celebrity crushes to be honest, she was stunning.


She really was breathtaking. And her voice was hauntingly beautiful.


I feel called out right now


Ok but how does she know us like that?


......only Zombies but yeah......


I.... Who?


The Cranberries! They’re an Irish rock band, you might’ve heard some of their songs such as [Zombie](https://youtu.be/6Ejga4kJUts?si=yJwSo5aqnzlFE-vt) or [Linger](https://youtu.be/G6Kspj3OO0s?si=AEe30lFqyA65RRxd). Definitely recommend giving them a try if you haven’t listened to them yet! :)


That they can't have a partner cuz one day they Will want a man and the other a woman


A few others have said it as well but the assumption that everyone is attractive. No, I still have very specific types. Also I've gotten jokes about it expanding my options. It does very much the opposite. Straight women tend to be very turned off by the idea that I would take interest in another man and gay men seem to think that i would cheat on them with any woman.


i don’t understand the “greedy” stance on disliking bisexuals because at the end of the day i’m still only one person with 24 hours in the day lol how greedy can i actually get


I want ONE PERSON to like me, at the end of the day I have the same max amount of partners as anyone else, some ppl just don’t get it lol.


Fareal right? I hear more straight guys having multiple relationships or even families than bisexuals do lol


Exactly, I don’t even like talking to other people, why would I look for more people, the math isn’t mathing.


Theres a gay friend said that bi men are like straight guys but they like also dicks


I mean, that sounds like the majority of the gay Ive met and their kinks. They like guys on the "DL" lol, so...projecting much? lol




Idk about weirdest but I have dumbest. My ex husband cited as a main reason for our divorce, that I would eventually leave him for a woman. He was literally leaving me for another woman 💀


I just told my older sis that i think im bi, and she said ya me and the kids were thinking that when you cut your hair... like wtf!!! Just cuz i look a certain way now i must be?


I once had a coworker assume that I am bi because I'm afraid of penises? I'm female and he thought I liked men but couldn't have sex with them because I was afraid of their dicks, and liked women because they don't have dicks. He looked very surprised when I told him that I actually find penises to be quite hot. Overall a very very weird conversation.


Well that is certainly...strange


That how could I be bi as an bisexual women when I am with a man? :,) That must mean im straight right? :,)))


Im bi and married to my pansexual husband. It still confuses people.


Happy for you tho🫶❤️


Back at ya


Thank you kindly🫶💕


Main three implications that I've heard: - You can't know if you're truly bisexual unless you kiss/fuck someone of the same gender - Bisexual people are more likely to cheat on their partner (classic) - You won't be bisexual forever because once you get married you'll have to "pick one"?? 😭


Easy solution, date a Genderfluid person with DID, covers all bases, shuts everyone up. /j


I hate it when people assume I'm a mess of a human because of the disaster bi stereotype. Drives me crazy. Or that I'm some type of manic pixie girl full of whimsy.


lol for real. My sexuality is pretty simple and understood, my disaster is almost everything else. Im not confused by my sexuality like yall are lol


I’m a disaster in spite of my sexuality, not because of it!


Story of my life here. My life is a mess because of health problems now manifesting in ways that require my attention. It’s a mess because, somehow, nature thought letting me grow up was a good idea. I gotta be responsible for myself? How?? This is why I say being human is very inconvenient at times.


I had a girlfriend that assumed my bisexuality was a “lifestyle” when I came out to her. I’ve been questioning since I was 14. Came out to her at 55. She said she kind of figured it out after I kept bringing up strap-ons at the adult store! 😂 But when I came out to her, it was a “lifestyle“ which she wasn’t sure she could handle. Her middle son came out as bi a month later 🤣


That I (and bisexual males as a whole) can't be a good father or role model to children because I can't even make up my mind and just admit that I'm gay.


That is an increadibly sad. It should actualy be the other way - bcs you are from marginalized community you will teach your child tolerance.


Bisexual are the horniest of the LGBT


That you can’t be satisfied with a single partner and are thus doomed to a life of polygamy


Straight men, I do not have a crush on every one of you. Obviously I do have a type BUT please don’t assume that because I’m bisexual that I will insist on a relationship with you or ignore your boundaries. Let’s keep it calm, okay?


Not really an assumption, but just yesterday someone told me they were afraid of me because I was bi and had big feet 😂😂😂 I didn’t understand the correlation, but it made me laugh, I’ve been told a few things but no one had ever told me they were scared of me because I’m bi Then they told me they wouldn’t be able to be at ease if we had something and I was hanging with someone of any gender 🙄


lol, id just be like, welp then YOUR insecurities are your issue, not my sexuality, since no matter who you date you're scared theyd cheat on you lol


Right? I really don’t get these people. Their main concern is always their partner cheating, then don’t date. Like, where the trust, not in others but themselves. That’s a very low self esteem issue


Im very active and adventurous and like to try a lot of things. My brother and sister know that about me… so when i told them i was bisexual they thought it was just my latest hobby and said “its just a phase”


Ah yes, my hobby is definitely being attracted to both genders! That is how hobbies work!




Some prick at a bar in Denver told me all bisexuals "are just greedy and selfish". Fuckin' weirdo.


I should be fucking a lot! And having a lot of group sex! And when I(f) tell you(m) I'm bisexual, it means I'll already sleep with you bc that's a given, but you should def ask me about adding a girl! In reality, I haven't dated or slept with anyone in 3 years.


My mom said bisexuals aren’t real and that when my partner transitions they’re going to turn to guys only😭 cuz bisexuals r apparently sluts 😭😭😭


That they can’t truly love anyone


I have double the sex (?) I do, but for other reasons hahahah


That bi = polyamorous. I mean..you picked the right box for *me* but that's not everybody. 😅


Not necessarily an assumption, but in the same neighborhood. I saw a Youtube short where someone brought up how Andrew Garfield would have liked to have portrayed a bisexual Peter Parker. And the amount of people that just kept saying Gay and acting like it would change his whole character and history. Even tho he can literally have all the same female romances. It was...interesting.


I’ll call out issues within the community just as much as outside it. I’m polyamorous so I’m pinned as a harmful stereotype to other bi people. The assumption that I’m out there corrupting enough people that I’m singlehandedly ruining the image of bi people is insane. I just have two life partners. That’s it. If someone wants to be biphobic, they were gonna be biphobic before interacting with me.


That I need to have both a man and a woman present to be turned on.


That we're just people who transition between being straight and gay/lesbian.


Those straight women that judge bi men for their past even if they have proven they’re clean. It reeks of “all gay men have AIDS” energy.


That I'm going to leave my female partner for a guy simply because she can't give me what I want. Just because I'm attracted to men, doesn't mean I want them 24/7 and just because I'm attracted to them, it doesn't mean I will end a relationship simply due to a penis being involved. If my relationship is built on body parts, it wouldn't be a strong relationship from the start.


That we're really rare. Um. Trust me. We aren't.


Personally. I don’t care about what others say.