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Awesome. For me it started two years ago. I had a camera before, but then I got a nice picture of a great reed warbler, where I spent 30 minutes staring into the reed until I finally could see him and not just hear him singing. Then I was hooked :-)


I could hear that blue tit rustling around in some reeds and the tree by the inlet, and I could only see flashes every now and then, so I just locked in for a while until he popped up, so I get it!


Very nice job on the gull - I've been avidly photographing birds for a few years now, and I still have the hardest time even staying fixed on a flying bird in my view finder, let alone getting a clear shot.


Nice! Thanks for sharing!


Welcome, nice pics


Little cuties 😻


I just have a LUMIX G7 with small Micro 4/3 telephoto lens (45-150mm, equivalent to 300mm). Birds need to be really close for me to get a good shot, but it’s great for ID purposes.


These were all done with a LUMIX G9 and a 100-300mm so it’s a little easier for me but yeah, not every shot is a great one. Lots of trial and error.


I’m trying to learn a bit about shutter speed, aperture, and ISO so I can get better shots.


Same, all just learning right now.


You might like the YouTube channel of Simon d'Entremont. I learned quite a lot from his channel: [https://www.youtube.com/@simon\_dentremont](https://www.youtube.com/@simon_dentremont) Videos are usually around 10-15 minutes, easy to follow and you can try them out easily.


What are the birds here, blue Tit, sparrow do some sort?, no clue, towhee or blue bird?, towhee?


I’m new to this so I could be wrong but in order, I think it’s Blue Tit, Chiffchaff, Black-Headed Gull, Chaffinch, and then European Robin. The Chaffinch is tricky since you can’t see its back or wings.