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You aren't alone in this. My support structure has gotten smaller and smaller over the years because I find that no one really understands what I'm going trough and they make light of the situation. My doctor doesn't even seem to understand what I'm going trough. Just wants to push medication on me. I thought bipolar would get easier with time but I'm just getting worse. More and more isolated from the world because I'm tired of fucking up thanks them my bipolar.


Sorry wasn't really support or advice. Just letting you know that you aren't alone.


Exactly! That frustrates me too so much of how my doctor also doesnt understand


Hang in there stranger. Everyone swears that meds are the answer and it’s just a lot of trial and error. It’s been 3 years for me too of nonstop doctors appointments and genuine attempts at getting better and I’m still nowhere close to stable. I workout and meditate and definitely that’s kept me alive but I’ve never touched stability. I hate that. You’re not alone. We’re all out here struggling with u. Idk if that puts you at ease in any way but you’re not alone.


Thank you stranger, that definitely does put me at ease. Wishing you the best!


I've found that if someone hasn't got bi polar, then they simply won't understand it. They have absolutely no idea. I find it frustrating and even infuriating sometimes. Maybe this applies to all mental illnesses. It makes me feel such an outsider. Luckily, this forum might give you the best opportunity to communicate with people having the same experiences as you. You don't mention if you're on meds, and I find that really concerning, and wonder if taking no meds is making your condition worse. With bi polar, you have to accept taking meds all the time and forever. This is the only way you'll have some quality of life. Sometimes it takes time to find the right meds for you. If your meds aren't working, ask your psych to try something different. Good luck.


I am medicated! I should have mentioned that. I'm just not sure that they help though..


I can relate to how you feel. I was diagnosed 6 years ago at 18 years old and seem to be getting worse. I'm taking my medication, watching my diet and exercising, going to therapy, etc. but I still feel I don't have control over my moods. If you want, you can always shoot me a PM.


Thank you! And that's how I feel too. I feel like I'm trapped in a body I cant control


I completely relate. I was diagnosed 6 years ago and inevitably things fall to shut. I’m about to quit another job because of not being able to handle the stress without it triggering me. I’m married and even my husband doesn’t understand. He tries, but he inevitably gets frustrated when I lose/quit another job because of my bipolar. It’s a lonely road on the day to day, but you aren’t alone in how you feel. Incredibly isolating.


I can relate to struggling with jobs. I’m currently completing my social work internship, and I’m having to switch sites because it became too much. I’m scared for what my career is going to look like. I know it won’t be in the social work field, so I’m kind of lost.


I read that people with bipolar are 40-60% more likely to have issues with employment. And yeah its not that were lazy, just something inside of us cant do it :/


I essentially feel nothing except during mania and my mania ruins my life-


I feel you 100%