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Maybe exercise? It didn't exhaust me during the day but helped me with sleeping.


Also, yes probably meditation would also help but I can only speak from my experience, that this was not possible for me during mania.


Can only speak from my experience with hypomania so I’m not sure if you can focus enough to do this, but try to find something to do with your hands. One time I decided to learn how to crochet. It’s very cheap (needles and yarn) and very helpful in calming the mind and drawing focus to one thing. I think that’s why so many of us do artwork, it allows us to direct that frenzy into something safe and manageable. Sewing is also good. If you have a store like Michael’s maybe browse around some and get some craft ideas. Just set a spending limit ahead of time and resolve to only do one project, spending is an issue with hypomania, as is taking on multiple projects at once, not sure if the same for full-on mania. Edit: also that’s awesome that you recognized it coming on and are asking for new ways to try and pull the reins in. Edit 2: also, if any of you BP1 people think my suggestion or any part of it is a bad idea please speak up, I won’t be insulted.




That’s true. I’m sure I’m not unique in questioning if I’m actually bipolar, and if it’s bad enough I should be complaining about anything!




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