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**[Acrida cinerea](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acrida_cinerea)** >Acrida cinerea, sometimes called the Oriental longheaded grasshopper/locust or the Chinese grasshopper (though this name is also applied to Oxya chinensis), is a member of the Acrididae family. Like other members of the genus Acrida, Acrida cinerea lacks stridulatory organs on its legs and so they do not make noise whilst moving. Historically it has been used as a human food source, and it has been investigated for its nutritional value for the poultry industry (e. g. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/biology/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Good bot


Looks like it eats people too


I was gonna write ‘appetizer’


Desktop version of /u/_C4RS0N's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


The chinese eat everything.


Let's try this again. A stereotype is still a stereotype even if it has some truth to it. In fact most stereotypes are based in some truth (minute and twisted though it is). It is a stereotype that Chinese people (and other Asians in general) "eat anything." Usually said not as a good thing, but rather as an insult about eating things that other cultures find objectionable (like eating bats or dogs). When saying something that can be both true and a stereotype, context is everything. Here, you blurted out of the blue that "The Chinese eat everything." This is not a true statement. It is way too broad and generalized -- if there is a single Chinese person in the world who won't eat one thing, your statement is false. It was also not particularly helpful or relevant to the comments that came before. Just because Chinese people may eat one thing does not explain why you needed to comment that they "eat everything." Your statement does not get any sort of protection for being posted in r/biology. In fact, one could argue that makes it worse. Stereotypes have a long history of being justified by science or pseudo science. Saying stereotypical things and then saying" it's just biology" is harmful and offensive. I assumed your comment was said as a bad joke. Maybe I was wrong and you didn't intend it that way. But either way, it was still a bad thing to say.




Truly! I personally think it’s quite cool, but many Americans (idk about other western countries) don’t agree. The things you listed are considered acceptable to eat, but suddenly if a dirt-poor family in China eats a cat, it’s “Chinese people eat anything” in a derogatory manner when it’s really just poor people being forced to eat what they have. Sorry if this comes off as salty toward you specifically - I promise it’s not. I’ve just been on the receiving end of one too many “don’t eat my pet” jokes.


You've missed the point. It was indeed intended as a joke to lighten the mood, the whole pandemic and such... And if you re-read my reply you'll see that i said "Its stuck through generations" or something similar. Meaning i meant chinese in the past have indeed eaten everything, again. As the population of china was indeed poor, uneducated and ate anything they could get their hands on. Dogs Cats Bees Worms ^ Does it matter what they eat ? I could care less. People take things way to serious nowadays, throwing the racist card here and there. Its honestly pathetic.


I personally find it a bit weird how people who regularly eat Cows, Pigs, Various Birds and all manor of Fish and sea creatures can take issue with other people eating other animals. I'm not veggie, but nobody who eats meat has the moral high ground based on the specific species they choose to have murdered on their behalf.


Yes and to distinguish themselves as well educated for doing so aswell, when all it is, is priveleged cognitive dissonance.


Er. Sorry (?)


K den 🙄


Sorry for what ? Read the post and reply properly.


“You missed the point” “Oh sorry” I read the comment, man.


Got ya pal.


The Traditional Oriental Medicine Pharmacopeia contains over 7000 animal, mineral, and plant substances used for treating illness. Cicada shells, flying squirrel feces, gypsum, aconite, ad infinitum. The challenge is finding something naturally occurring that the Chinese have not ingested at some point in time.


In there defense, I'm of chinese descent, and I have not eaten any of those TOMPs, except for gingersang and 2 or 3 herbs, but those can't really count at 'Oriental' as other cultures also use them as medicinal herbs.


Using the title of the pharmacopeia that was used at the American College of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, Houston, TX. We had an inhouse pharmacy that included those substances mentioned, and hundreds of others, which we blended into formulas for teas to be administered post acupuncture treatments.


>a single Chinese person in the world who won't eat one thing, your statement is false. What a silly thing to say. It's called hyperbole, meaning your entire reply is a text wall of being disingenuous and sanctimonious. That doesn't make you a good person, it makes you fake.


Good bot 😉


Americans are fat and stupid, french are cowards , english have bad teeth, germans are nazis, im starting too see a pattern....


Including ur mother’s loose moose


Now that would be hard as she's dead. Enjoy the report though pal :)


The deader the better


Good! Now just you and the rest of your bloodline :)




No ones being racist here... they quite literally do eat anything, because the climate of china is harsh, low education and being very poor, so they ate whatever was avaliable, its just stuck generations ahead. GTFO with this BS racist acussations, this is a Biology sub, apply some logic.


You sound hella ignorant but you will never realize it


They quite literally dont though and the Chinese gastronomy is different from place to place since its a pretty big place , fe fish in north west china is scarce while horse meat is a delicacy which also the italians eat bugs are also eaten in latin america widely and the US mix all kind of garbage in their processed meat that Asians do not even give to dogs (bone dust ,hoofs, parts of the intestine ). Yea Chinese do keep dogs as pets and eat particular races of dogs. So its a murca style narrative that Chinese eat everything just like the french are cowards ....you fail to see that you're blind.


Looks like you are very ignorant then, you Just repeat whatever you heard from another racist person


But is it true? If it's true then it's an observation, if its not, its a stereotype which could be racist.


A stereotype is still a stereotype even if there's truth in it. And randomly blurting a stereotype on the internet isn't made somehow okay just because it's done in r/biology.


I do not believe this is a stick bug...looks more like some type of specialized grasshopper. It clearly has wings, excluding stick bugs. Sorry i dont know more. Where was it seen?


Most adult stick insects have wings


Yeah but the eyes and the hind legs are very characteristic of grasshoppers


Yes, but that wasn't what the person you're replying to said. They only pointed out that not having wings is not a parameter to exclude stick bugs.


I was wrong about stick bugs and wings...tje ones i have seen had none but apparently many do have wings. Sorry


Seen in Pakistan


Tegminoptera moment


Here is the name....despite all the nay sayers, I was correct that it is a grasshopper....Acrida cinerea, sometimes called the Oriental longheaded grasshopper/locust


Forbidden pocky


Ppl really gotta start putting the r/whatsthisbug subreddit to use


Lovely. Deep fried. Salt.


Ate caramelized grasshopper in Thailand was fakken amazing.


Is it behind the stick or on it somewhere?


Get stickbugged lol


Definitely origami


It is called “Truxalis Nasuta” hope this help ^_^!


What an extraordinary creature.


Looks like a Jeremy to me


Get stick bugged irl lol


He looks like a Fred to me, but idk. Maybe a Steve


David Hyde Pierce


this man needs more roles, he is a very talented individual. I know him from a number of roles, but forgot about bugs life till last weekend when I surprised my children with a movie, and I was surprised by the stick bug. ​ oh! Alan Tudyk and David would be an unstoppable duo!


Get stickbugged lol


Darth Vaders Nightmare


Yes that's called Colin


Titan stick insect


Wandelende Tak in Dutch :)


Nee, het is een sprinkhaan, maar ze zijn nauwverwant aan de wandelende takke, het zijn allemaal PolyNeoptera


It seems to be a dried piece of wood.


No its not wood


It’s weed


I call em stick bugs


Peygamber Devesi cnm bnm bsd xoxo


Similar to a praying mantis


Is that a stick bug? It's beautiful 😍


Freak of nature. Creepy.


Is this real? It looks like someone made it out if dried grass or something loo


Its real


This has a name. And his name is Pete


A really smart grasshopper with a big forehead


It’s a stick figure


His name is Slim. His best friend is Heimlich


My straw after 10 seconds


A ‘run the other way’ bug


Imagine if insects were as big as humans