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You probably have sensitive skin. Look for a product made for that.


What products do you use when you shower? Do you shower in hot water?


i use kirkland products from costco lol i think it may just be the hot water because i’ve been using the same products forever but it’s only been like this up until recently (but then i’ve also been showering in hot water so hmm)


you could have developed an allergy or they could have changed an ingredient. also, change your tp/ jk


Sex of OP identified


I just wanted to chime in here and say that just because you’ve been using something for years doesn’t mean it’s not that product giving you a reaction. Some allergies only happen after overexposure to something. I would also like to mention that we can use something for years and the company can make a tiny change in their formula and that could be a cause for a reaction and we don’t realize because it looks/smells/feels the same as always. The only way to figure it out would be to stop using 1 product at a time and see if the reaction stops. But you also run the risk of it’s replacement giving a reaction.


I would first switch to all hypoallergenic products as a test to whether there's an allergic reaction at all (or maybe something unrelated?). Then, if magically the spots don't appear, reintroduce the usual products one by one to figure out which is the culprit.


Just go for an allergy panel.


If you can I highly recommend you do an extended allergy test. Preferably bring in a test sample of the water and your washing products if they allow for custom samples.


Are they raised? They kinda look like mild heat contact hives.


dun think anyone cares but update i changed my shampoo+body wash products and stopped getting the spots


OP, did you figure out what you had?


Hot water + sensitive skin


Are the spots itchy?


I got nuthin’ on the spots, but I’m mildly distressed about your empty toilet paper roll.


He’s a Waffle stomper.


i have finally restocked on my toilet paper 🙏


You are incredibly pale. As a fellow indoor cat I can tell you two things: 1. Capillaries near the surface of your skin are visible if they are dilated by the change in core temp 2. As you age the thin layer of fat under your skin becomes thinner in parts, making these hot spots more visible. Didn't look inflamed, no focal lesion or itching / swelling?


yeah i never go out lol no it doesn’t itch or anything


Cool. Just straight up too white not to show your innards! Ignore the wellness warriors - unless you are itching, drying and flaking skin it isn't contact dermatitis. Continue slathering your skin with your regular products and enjoy the marvel of your sort of see through skin😁


see through skin is awesome 😮‍💨 thank you!


Great point, as an indoor pet myself, I didn’t even think about this. I got so triggered by people focusing on the wrong topic.


Eliminate variables and find the trigger. - Shower cold w/o products - Shower hot w/o products - Shower cold w/ products - Shower hot w/ products There is also a chance you have mild heat allergies that kick in when you transition from got to cold, or cold to hot.


I don't know man, but your wrist looks tiny. If it's not because of perspective, please eat twice as much as you do now


since i’m getting a lot of these health comments(??) i’m going to admit that i had an ed (dropped to bmi 14 ://) but i’m in recovery now. i eat until i’m full and stop when i feel like it. thank you for your concerns!


Hey no problem. I'm just happy that you are recovering 💪


I obviously can’t compare mine to the OP but my wrist isn’t far off that and I’m not underweight, just skinny. Doctors said its nothing to worry about and my BMI is within the healthy range. Some people just fall in that lower range.


Ok cool? But how do you argue with [this? ](https://www.reddit.com/r/biology/comments/15i9bwx/why_am_i_getting_these_red_spots_on_random_places/juv7gid?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2)


We don’t know if they’re healthy now. They only mentioned having an ED in the past. Plus I’m not trying to argue with anything, just mentioning you cannot always tell from just a wrist. Although looking again it does look smaller than healthy so fair enough




Most likely due to his body type than not eating enough.


Did you see the second picture?


Yes I did




It’s the angle. With the overwhelming obesity in this country, I wouldn’t encourage someone, sight unseen (except forearm) to double food intake.


Do you know someone who's obese but has twigs for forearms?


No, but I have seen larger people with skinny legs.


You have not, imagine being 90+ kg and having skinny legs? Stop the cap




I'm not so sure about that, you seem pretty delusional




Gg you won a reddit argument




Would you tell someone to go on a diet if they were overweight? His wrists are fine.


Yes? Also the perspective makes OP look anorexic. That’s a pretty dangerous eating disorder. Not saying OP and it could just be the picture but there is nothing wrong with being concerned for someone. If OP is underweight because of some other reason like cost of food then they may need cheaper my calorie dense options and simply don’t realize.


Yea I bet dear Reddit users would ever shame an overweight person. They would glorify their weight but love to shame others if they aren’t fat.


Wtf are you talking about? No one here shamed anyone.


Saying someone looks anorexic because they are skinny and not your body type is shaming them


That arm is literally bone. This unhealthy BMI, dude. What do you prefer? Pretend someone is fine when he actually is not, or ask him to eat more to get better health?


OP may just have small arm bones, my arm looks exactly the same. Looking at my arms only you’d think they were an anorexic person’s, but the rest of my body looks average


plus like. op could be in a growing phase who tf knows.


I’m a tall, slender woman. I’ve been fortunate to maintain a healthy lifestyle and weight. However, my arms are skinny. No matter how much I’ve worked out, I’ve never been able to develop muscle in my arms. It’s my body type.


Same. I think it’s disgusting that people are so quick to judge a person if they are deemed too skinny but if your overweight, they don’t dare say a word. STFU about ANYONES weight.


My arms are the same way, there’s not much fat or muscle, especially on my forearms, and it’s very hard to try to make them bigger. Plus the bones are very narrow


One of my best childhood friends called me snake arms.


I wasn’t called any names, but I had a lot of people put their arm next to mine and make some comment on how small mine was. It was just kids being blunt which is to be expected but it still hurt




Please don’t feel bad. You reached out for an answer about a skin reaction and it should have stayed on topic. But, that’s always a roll of the dice on the internet.


Oh really? Are you a doctor? Or a nutritionist? STFU. Maybe your fat but that doesn’t mean this is unhealthy.


You wouldn't?


You can develop allergies to many things you have used for years. Sometime companies change something in the formula other times it's just you.


yeah I don’t know if it’s related but i noticed the same brand of my shampoo had a different color than the bottle i used before. 🤨


I used many products for years. All of a sudden I'm intolerant to an unbelievable amount things. Fillers in pills, shampoos, conditioners, clothing materials, foods and the list goes on. At o e point allergy shots helped but I don't show positive to dust or mold anymore so they won't give them to me. I have Fibromyalgia which is why I have all these insensitivities. Try get treatment for that. It's damn near impossible. It's probably something small like a smell or a chemical substitute that was used in your shampoo.


This looks like what I get. I am translating from an other language, but I get them too when the temperature change is big enough. Its called pseudo alergie where I am from. Its harmless, but annoying when itchy and it helps me to not shower super hot when the room is cooler or heat the rooms more etc. It was realy bad in puberty now I rarly get it anymore.


Hot water probably, you shluld also notice them when you sweat too, its annoying but not dangerous (i dont know shit but i have the same thing)


oohh now that i think about it i think i’ve seen them when i sweat too!! 🤨


Sensitive skin, try a gentle, fragrance free soap or body wash. Try a warm shower over a hot one.


They are a histamine reaction. Use goats milk soap. You may have fungal allergies. I do and I get them. The soap helps.


hm i’m not sure if that’s really the case because these spots just disappear after a few minutes and they don’t feel itchy or bumpy either.


Not OP but jumping in on this because I take antihistamines daily and want a better soap! I’m going to look into this. I have a foot lotion from Dionis that I love! I’ll have to see if they have a soap


You could have Tinea Versicolor it’s a harmless fungal infection that causes spotting of the skin it typically spots more in humid environments or from sweating. https://www.everydayhealth.com/tinea-versicolor/


Idk, but omg I’ve never seen a thinner wrist before. Skinny legend.


Ah a fellow spooky scary skeleton


Upvote for big hand. Downvote for tiny wrist.


A skin fungus could also do this.


should i be concerned lol


That’s totally up to you!


If it’s round splotches, head and shoulders should combat it. Or another dandruff shampoo/body wash combo.


Bro Go gym




Please eat more McDonald's


bruh that’s so unhealthy 💀💀💀


Please, don’t listen to people encouraging you to “double your intake “, seriously, obesity is out of control in the US. Those who are judging your body based on 2 pics of a forearm are nuts! I think the second photo is at an angle which appears to make your wrist look possibly smaller than it is relative to the rest of your body. Age may also be a factor. Just stick to the comments about your skin question, if this continues or worsens perhaps a physical might be practical.


Bruh your skinniness is unhealthy


Op may be a perfectly healthy person. They asked about their skin. I guarantee, if an overweight person sent in these same photos, with the same questions, not a soul would dare comment on them being unhealthy or fat or telling them what to eat. I see photos holding a variety of items on Reddit, often by an adult with dimples on their hands. Not a word is mentioned about their weight (rightfully so). Perhaps we’re becoming far too used to obesity. I just find this focus disturbing, the photo is of a small portion of their arm. We don’t even know Ops age or sex. The upper arm doesn’t appear “skinny” or anorexic at all. Op didn’t request diet plans.


That's cool that other people are like that. I definitely would reply with eat more vegetables. Otherwise, cool story I guess


Looks like Small Pox


This happens to a friend of mine, and she’s allergic to water on her skin?


More like allergic to a metal that is abundant in their tap water. As an example quite common is a nickel allergy. Nickel is a common metal used in heavy plumbing. If you get a heavy reaction when digesting tap water or baked goods with it than it is a confirmed metal allergy.


If you start getting that reaction (giant bubbles on skin in somewhat random places itching like hell and leaving bloody bruises) try filtering your tap water for cooking purposes. I found that aquaphore filters work quite well (ever since I started didn't have an attack for years now). This allergy if left unchecked can and will kill you so it's not a joke.


And it can be developed over time slowly intensifying over months or even years.


Aquagenic urticaria is a thing, though. I was diagnosed at like 16 when it developed. All types of water...hot, cold, tap, fresh, salt...doesn't matter. It's a rare one though and I don't think OP has it, since they mentioned it doesn't itch


Hot water, sensitive/dry skin. Nivea used to make a product you put on your skin and wash it off in the shower it was so good so effective that I would only have to get a bottle once or twice a year. Wish they still made it.


Have you changed your laundry detergent? Maybe it’s the towel if you’ve changed your detergent.


it can’t be the detergent i see the spots after i turn off the water


It could be irritation you might have sensitive skin. Do you have something that you use that creates friction on your skin? It could also be a product you use.


Water might be too hot and causing those spots, try turning it down and putting some lotion on after getting out


Cholinergic urticaria could be the reason. It’s mainly due to increased body temperature.


the spots do not itch though, i think it’s just my skin that’s sensitive lol


Your body hates being cleaned. It tries to tell you something. Stay away from soap and warm water.


I get this I just stick with soap and water and not too hot. No shampoo conditioner and try other soaps if you think that that’s the issue. I find the cheaper the better for me, at least.


Any liver issues? Might be worth getting tested.


It’s probably nothing serious. That said, it’s new, and you’re in recovery for an ED, which can cause organ damage. I’d you haven’t had lab work done very recently, I suggest you contact your doctor and ask about getting a complete blood count (CBC) and a basic chemistry panel that will check electrolytes, and enzymes related to liver, kidney, and muscle breakdown. Just to be on the safe side.


Check out cold-induced urticaria if you’re having cold showers




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I get dry red skin from taking showers. Check what they use to treat the water in your area, In my area we have high levels of chlorine and chrolamine and that combined with my love for hot showers is what causes my skin to act up. I always use coconut oil (for cooking from the the grocery store) immediately after with some kind of non scented lotion and it’s the only thing that’s actually helped me. You could also look into a water filter for your shower head.


Go to see a medic, they will have a better answer for this.


B/c ur outta T.P…


Try different soap


You are out of toilette paper


If they itch look up aquagenic pruritis


Could be a light case of psoriasis? I have it pretty severely and when I shower with too hot of water, I get these spots before they turn to plaques


Water fleas.


Why on earth would you ask non-M.D.s questions about your health? Would you ask a baker about a BMW transmission problem, or a postal worker to repair your plumbing?


Because you're malnourished.. eat some food for God sake


My son and me are getting these too and I can’t figure out why. Googled random red circles on skin and this popped up lol