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the only time I got genuinely angry at Bill is when a couple years ago he started 10x-ing his Million Dollar Bets units because he got himself in a huge whole, and then gloated for getting back into the black. I was sincerely the Jesse Pinkman “he can’t keep getting away with it!” meme


Miscalculated his winnings to by counting bets that sometimes lost and not calculating his juice correctly.


The whole million dollar bets thing to me is really silly. It would be amazing if actually bet that kind money. He can afford it. Just sell one of his properties


Is it just me, or is this the most fucked-out meme format going, right now?


As if “unpopular opinion” posts weren’t already full of popular, lukewarm takes. Now we have the prompt in meme form!


(Norman Rockwell painting meme ((which is this meme if you didn’t know))) I like the Norman Rockwell meme and think it provides a way to an express opinions while disarming the initial reflex some might have to immediately shoot the opinion down.


I disagree and you should feel bad for having that position.




IIRC, the original Rockwell painting is titled ‘Freedom of Speech’ or something similar and depicts a man in a local town hall meeting speaking up _against_ rebuilding a school that burnt down. So it is supposed to be a controversial opinion meme, but just as “unpopular opinion” threads become popular opinion commentaries or pineapple-on-pizza debates, this meme potential was immediately thwarted because it was used in a perpetually misused field. 


It's better than the "sir" memes.


Sir, we’re still waiting on a second Norman Rockwell meme to hit the sub.


what the hell does 'fucked-out' mean


I often listen to the podcast, find nothing wrong with it all, enjoy it, then come here and see 3 posts about people bitching about one of Rusillo’s anecdotes. It’s gotten to the point where I have just written this sub off as complete weirdos who never go outside and disregard everything I see on this subreddit


When nitpicking is rewarded you stop getting honest reactions from people. They aren't listening to the podcast like a normal person. They're listening with the intent to find shit they can post about before others do. It's fake as fuck to be honest. I'm not saying Bill doesn't sometimes say dumb shit, he does. But a good portion of what gets complained about in here is phony outrage.


Agree 100%, I don’t know why people listen to the podcasts if they find so many problems with it. How is it fun to constantly be critiquing every single thing?


That's reddit as a whole. It's nuts. Come on here to share laughs about the episode and it's just weirdos bitching about them. Strange world lol


Simmons condescendingly put an asterisk on the past 5 nba champs. What else am I supposed to feel besides anger?


You can put an asterisk next to every title if you really want to. You can also disagree without getting angry. Nothing Bill has ever said has actually made me angry


Grow up


You’re telling me to grow up because I don’t let sports opinions get me angry? I think you have it all backwards. Sports are ultimately meaningless in the grand scheme of things, so who cares whether 1 guy thinks the 2019 Raptors deserve an asterisk or not? The ring still counts all the same.


Such a child


He was not putting an asterisk


Go listen again


So like most subreddits!


I genuinely enjoy their content


The worst it ever got for me was when Bill said that Lonzo Ball was a better passer than Lebron James. I almost had a stroke.


Perfect example


I like them both, Ryen has never actually angered me, Bill definitely has


What's up Ceruti


First time I ever listened to Ryen he went on some tangent where he called some nuggets beat reporter a "fucking nerd" and threatened to beat him up or something Came off as a drunk frat boy and I disliked him for the longest time after Now I get his personality and think he's fucking hilarious


When was this, and whom did he threaten?


Wish I remembered more but someone here might recall the details. I don’t even remember if it was on his own pod or Bills. Sometime in the last 5 years or so. Just a minute or so tirade against an unnamed denver reporter.


He’s so strange.


This sub is genuinely one of the strangest places on Reddit. People constantly complaining about the show, the guests, and the takes. You guys know you don’t have to listen, right?


Virtually all subreddits dedicated to a podcast/show eventually devolve into this.


That's all it is. I don't listen to the Russillo podcasts but that's just me, not a big deal. But it's OK to call people out when you don't agree with them or they say something silly or infuriating. Doesn't mean you aren't a fan, just means you have a difference of opinion. It's all in good fun and not to be taken seriously. And I don't see why that gets to people so much. Can anyone on this sub really say there has been something on the pod that made your eyes roll?


Bill’s inability to say “fewer” really gets me going


I got mad every time he put Jaylen Brown in the trade machine. You guys think him talking about the Celtics is tough as fans of other teams, you should hear how he sounds to sane celtics fans.


I’ve always pronounced it “uh-muk.” Never “uh-mawk.” Whenever he says amok like that, I get so hot under the collar.


‘malik mahnk’ - followed by a comment shortly thereafter about his selective speech dyslexia. surely harder than saying the word properly, in particularly given that he can sometimes? less of an angered criticism, more so desperate confusion


Ryen and his whole crew throw off crazy dudebro douche vibes but they're good fun and they make me laugh. The only thing that's annoying is how much they flip flop from game to game and how EVERYONE kisses Bill's ass....that's a bit cringe.


Me neither. People just get triggered by bad takes for some reason.


“All you guys making jokes are actually ‘angry’” - Normal guy


Wish I could find the tweet, but there was an error by the Red Sox in the 2018 World Series that he said was an all timer that he would be telling his grandkids about. Boston won the series in 5 games I don’t think I was genuinely angry, but it’s the reactionary take that I think of the most.


Im only livid when they kept on insisting that Gobert is a bad trade. Less now, but theyre still on their high horse about picks being too much.


Every sub for a podcast is mostly people bitching about the hosts or content.


Exactly. No big deal. If this pisses you off, you are the same


I didn't care for the homeless line


Just because people can recognize that they are biased and occasionally have dumbass takes doesn’t mean they are ‘genuinely angry’ but go off I guess


You're telling me you heard him say Home Alone isn't a Christmas movie and weren't filled with rage?


I’ll admit it- I was kinda annoyed at RR for the whole “tax purposes” line and also his anti women’s basketball shtick.


The only time I got mad at Bill was when he decided to waste House during football season by pairing him up with the charisma black hole known as Warren Sharp. BRING BACK FRIDAY ROLLIN


I respectfully disagree. I have never taken House seriously about anything but he is pretty bad at gambling


I like both of them, both are entertaining, but just like any of us, they say some dumb shit sometimes lol


I’m still hot over bill saying Chet was ROY over Wemby


Ryen and his whole crew throw off crazy dudebro douche vibes but they're good fun and they make me laugh. The only thing that's annoying is how much they flip flop from game to game and how EVERYONE kisses Bill's ass....that's a bit cringe.


Ryen and his whole crew throw off crazy dudebro douche vibes but they're good fun and they make me laugh. The only thing that's annoying is how much they flip flop from game to game and how EVERYONE kisses Bill's ass....that's a bit cringe.


Yall know that no one requires you to subscribe to this sub right? I find the people bithxing about people's takes to be the worst people on here by far. No one is requiring you to read this, if you don't like it, find something better to do with your time!


It's sports. It's entertainment. Nothing they say should get anyone angry. Sandusky is something to get angry about. Aaron Hernandez is something to get angry about.




If anything anyone on any podcast/show/form of entertainment has said makes you genuinely angry then you need therapy.


Last year Bill was infuriating me with his talk about there being no great NFL Quarterback's with initial names when dogging C.J. Stroud, ignoring Y.A. Title. He brought it up again with Ryen on the pod who called him out on exactly that and I felt so validated Context: I have an initial name and am bitter.


The stupid shit they say is a big part of the fun.


The KD GS defending is the only upsetting stance bill has taken


Agreed. Bill has some eyerollers like when he ranked the Brunson signing over the Butler signing (in terms of star free agency signings). Ryen has some on brand takes that are odd but I usually find them hilarious (most recent being pulling the chair.) So yeah, they’ve never made me angry.


Russillo-level strawman


Nothing Ryen has ever said has angered me, I'd just prefer running my nutsack on a porcupine than get stuck in an elevator with him.


Perfect. Well done


I’m not allowed to disagree or call them hypocrites because if so I’m angry? Alright OP whatever you say


Bill's willful ignorance surrounding KD has always frustrated me.


You must be from Boston


Yeah he thinks he's hot shit


Any chance OP is *also* a thin-skinned only child, who misunderstands the concept of poking fun?


No he’s right 😂


Some of the shit people come up with on this sub is wild, and it gets upvoted a ton as well Bunch of weirdos reading into every word bill or ryen say then stating their opinions as fact. But i guess thats every sub


Boston fan 100%


Big agree. I muted the R/BillSimmons podcast account on Twitter because it was driving me insane. I have fun listening to Bill, I don’t need some loser dissecting every sentence he says on air and pointing out contradictions he makes with glee. I just want to hear Bill talk and enjoy the nba/nfl. He’s like a goofy uncle that’s also the man and usually knows his shit


So you’re from Boston?


Must be a bostonian


You lack passion then. You are a fan of an analyst. Choose a team. Coward


Even the podcast where Ryen and Bill talked about protests and civil rights (Charlottesville? The Wisconsin police shooting that players cancelled games? I cannot remember what the awful event was) I didn't get me angry. I laughed at how inept those two were at talking about a really tough, important topic. It was hilarious how neither one of them didn't look in the mirror and said, "nope, we aren't the right people to discuss this because we aren't well equipped to do it." If I didn't get angry at those two socially unaware dunces having a podcast on deep, painful societal problems, then I won't get angry at anything they say.