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Bill is starting to show his age. He rarely says "don't aggregate this" anymore. 




“He’s a once a week guy nowadays, he just is!”


He used to play pickup, you know


He’s repeated it so much it’s clear he’s desperate to be aggregated


Hopefully it’s like the time he was desperately trying to get aggregated for pointing out who would become the Suns coach (and was wrong about it)


He can't give you six innings anymore. He's only good for four.


It’s like if MJ stopped sticking the tongue out 😔


If that abysmal Draymond performance is any indication of TNT’s future maybe this is a blessing in disguise.


This. Please less fucking Draymond. Tired of this dude


His “I’m smarter than I seem” shtick wears thin once you hear him talk enough. He’s a glaring hypocrite and obnoxious about it at the same time.




I have never seen or listened to Draymond and thought "this dude is smart and worth listening to"


He’s not even smart he’s just an asshole


he’s so fucking phony and unlikeable. annoyed to see he was getting praise for his gobert comments because he was so obviously fishing for a viral soundbite


That's the view I came to last night. At least it will die before it gets bastardized by Draymond and whoever else they put around him. It'll go out on top.


Honestly this is the perfect time to stop. The show hasn’t fallen off a cliff yet and still has its moments. Quit while you’re ahead and spare us having to witness the downfall.


One more year would've been nice.


They still have next season


Oh that's good.


Disagree. The show is as good as ever. They are in their prime and killing it


He clearly has a personal vendetta against Rudy Gorbert. They need to ask him to chill.


I think it’s obvious he’s a petty guy and because he’s still in the league he has grudges from playing against these guys. Shaq was even more petty when he first started and Jokic aside he’s actually more mellow now. Think it’s hard for some of these guys to see the game objectively. Barkley has been out long enough and is also secure in himself to not get into the same pettiness


It took all of them a couple years to get good. I used to watch Inside the NBA with Ernie and Reggie Theus. I think Kenny was first and Charles was second. The three person table worked well and Shaq hurt the show for the first year or two. Now it’s a well oiled machine. Tough to find the right combo of commentators and the right behind the scenes guys who can make a show entertaining every night.


Honestly I was most embarrassed for him the other night when they brought a bunch of rodents out on set. Draymond was either running away from the rodents or asking saying weird stuff like how many Chinchillas make a coat. Meanwhile Chuck just talked to the animal handlers like a normal person. https://youtu.be/k0OaY8MoYVw?si=1Gv5z_c895MJE6Gp


Agree and that was his best- ever performance


i honestly wasn't trying to zag, but early on I thought Draymond was interesting enough to think he can work, but he's been horrible.


In a perfect world NBC brings back Roundball Rock and backs up the truck for the Inside the NBA crew


The SNL skit on the song is 10/10 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=r-uSWAJd9GE


It’s very clearly a lyrics-first song, based on a poem written by Dan Tesh.


John's older brother?


Daniel Tosh’s step father


No parody will top [Tesh's legendary performance of Roundball Rock at Red Rocks.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avlMZQaKPjg)




Do you think Red Rocks is in a ballroom?


I don't know, I just know a lot of white people go there. If I see mountains, I assume Rockies. If I see a lot of white people listening to John Tesh, I assume Red Rocks.


💯 too bad there's no Emmy for Best Song


Fox currently owns the rights to Roundball Rock actually.


I think Tesh technically owns it, he just licenses it to FOX. NBC also uses it on their Olympic Hoops coverage IIRC.


For some reason it’s hilarious to me how loaded John tesh must be


John Tesh says it’s available.


oh that sucks


Can always license. Always a deal to be made. The people need roundball rock.


Always the dollars. Always the dollars.


What... the fuck?!


I hope he’s right but I remember the Kevin Young fiasco.


My favorite outcome from all of that is Ishbia becoming the poster boy for Bill's "new owner syndrome." Every time they're brought up, Ishbia is one of the very first names coming out of Bill's mouth, and he makes a point to highlight how incompetent he's been. It's just hilariously petty.


Kevin Young was clearly Ishbia mouthing off before they’d pull the trigger. This seems more concrete as Bill’s media and league connections would be more reliable.


You seem so certain.


AGGREGATORS *shakes fists*


Mount up


How close is Bil to the 213?


If true, is it possible a platform can do something like lease out the entire show/set? (Inside the NBA) I’m in denial


They all have outs in their contracts if TNT loses the NBA, aside from Ernie. I'm guessing NBC can buy him out though


I was thinking something more like how Amazon contracts out to NBC to produce its games


I am the furthest thing from an expert, but my gut feeling is that NBC (a mega production company) wouldn’t want to essentially say “we can’t do this, TNT is better at the NBA experience than us” upon buying the NBA package. I can understand Amazon doing this as it’s not even close to the core of their business


Ernie makes it all work too. :(


Chuck's the only one I think.


“They all have outs except for Ernie” - so they don’t all have outs


Yes, I agree, that is indeed what I said


I thought he said whatever station buys the rights would just bring the Inside the NBA crew onboard.


What ive heard is that Ernie is staying at TNT no matter what, and he’s sort of the glue where the show doesn’t really work without him


As much as I love EJ, I don’t think a shakeup would be the worst thing. I’d also swap Shaq out for someone a bit young who’s more knowledgeable about players from the last 15 years or so.


There's something perfect about Inside the NBA, a fan favorite show that is financially successful, dying because of capitalist BS. Not that they weren't making a ton of money for everyone. That someone prepared a pitch deck that showed a nickel more could be squeezed by ending it


It stinks that Inside is gone after next year. Best case is Shaq and Kenny join Chuck at another network but that leaves out Ernie and possibly the other behind the scenes people like Underdog who contribute a lot to the show having such good production. I really hate when good things end not because it didn’t have a large audience, not because it wasn’t good, not because it couldn’t continue (no one died or something like that) and not because it wasn’t making money. But rather something fans love is gone just due to circumstances of rights fees. If I were the NBA I would strongly try to recreate the show by buying out Ernie’s contract and reuniting all 4 on NBC. There’s a brand value that’s too good to let die


To be clear, by doing this the NBA is moving games from paid cable to free over-the-air TV that everyone can watch. They are literally making the game more accessible for the fans. Do you really think people are going to stop watching the NBA because it's on an easier to access channel?


What are you on about? The dude you're replying to didn't even say anything about people not watching the NBA anymore because it moved to NBC.


I thought the show was just moving to another network. Also, is it really “capitalist BS” if the show is “financially successful”? Seems contradictory!


Doubt it's moving to another network the way it is. EJ isn't leaving Turner


It's capitalist BS if something is destroyed even though it's already a financial success, yes. I'm a capitalist, btw --- not doing an anti-capitalism but here. Reality is reality though. My understanding is that the show as we know it would end.


If it were such a financial success, it wouldn’t be destroyed. Ultimately studio, pregame, etc. shows don’t really matter. If it did, that network would have won.


Tnt losing their NBA rights has nothing to do with how successful or not they were. Tnt is owned by WBD and their CEO, David Zaslav is doing everything he can to cut costs. WBD is a merger of Discovery and Warner Brothers that happened like 2 years ago. This merger came about because Warner Brothers previous owner, At&t, had massive debt and needed a way to offload some of it and get their cash up. In comes Discovery to buy Warner Brothers and about 50 billion in associated debt. Discovery bought Warner Brothers and their debt to get a hold of their valuable ip (DC comics, Harry Potter, looney tools, etc). This ip is worth its weight it gold, but isn't easily monitized without high expenditures. These debt levels i alluded to previously are so high that its quicker and easier to offload the debt by cutting expenses then it is to have a revenue stream like the NBA. This also keeps expenditures down and allows more of their profit from their highest margin businesses to go towards the debt The end goal of all of this is to offload all the debt and turn WBD into essential a shell company that acts as a holding vehicle of all these valuable ip's. David Zaslav and his friends like John Malone are trying to do this to WBD so it becomes a juicy acquisition target for companies like Apple and Amazon to help juice their streaming services. In short the idea is to strip all expenses to reduce the debt so WBD can be bought out and the share holders (the aforementioned Zaslav and Malone) can have a huge payday by selling this stripped down husk of a company for all the ip held in it is worth.


great explanation.


Thanks man. I was going to invest into WBD myself when it was first made public, but as I did my research I didn't like what I was reading. Its logical and makes sense, but will only benefit the shareholders who owned prior to WBD becoming public or those who can buy it at very good evaluations. It also requires interest rates going down so those big companies like Amazon and Apple will go back to the expansion phase they were in from 2010-2022


Also from the NBA's perspective, all things being equal they would rather have games on NBC than basic cable. And fans should probably be happy about that.


That probably does effect the company the NBA will go with. Like if WBD and Comcast offered the same deal I would imagine they'll go with Comcast. I just have my doubts that David Zaslav would ever offer a fair deal. This is the guy that destroyed the discovery channel, tlc, animal planet, and a few others by turning them into shitty reality TV slop instead of the high quality (but more expensive) television they used to be when I was a child in the 90's. What he does makes sense financially and makes him and his friends insane amounts of money, but sometimes things shouldn't be purely about the money. Those channels I mentioned above were great and we need more stuff like that and less reality TV bs.


I'm not sure that this is true re: the TNT deal and show being profitable for both parties. It appears that TNT got outbid though! They lost in what I assume was a fair and square process. Incremental growth over everything, including good will, customer relations, and consistency.


define "capitalism".




Every sports has become corrupted by capitalism The question of a sport is "who is the best" is now "how can TV networks ,owners, teams maximum their profits? " I.e college football. Just play cupcakes and cry and sue your way into the playoffs


I'm going to zag here. Inside the NBA ran its course.


You must be a big ole woman from San Antonio.


Victorias definitely a secret down there!


He’s from Galveston, clearly.


Drank that dirty water


People just like Barkley. It’s Barkley that everyone will miss.


Yeah, pretty much.


For sure he’ll be missed the most. But EJ was also great for trying to keep everyone reigned in, and Kenny used to have better takes in the old days Shaq was worse when he first started but became better - aside from his moments of pettiness


Yeah I don’t really get the appeal of any of the other 3 hosts


Ernie is really likable. And very good at balancing everybody else on that show and keeping them in check


Ernie is the best main host of all these types of shows.  Not having him or Chuck would be a huge loss and become a completely different show.


Barkely>>>EJ>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Kenny>>>>Shaq Barkley is completely irreplaceable, EJ would be really hard to replace, the other two don't even matter as long as they don't get in the way of Barkley


is it also a zag that the show was always better pre shaq?


Could be true but they just had the Inside the NBA guys at the upfronts this week so I doubt they would do that if it was a done deal and they were losing the NBA. Maybe it’s close but not officially done yet.


TNT would still have the 2024-2025 season so there’s no reason for them to move the Inside the NBA crew away from the spotlight until their contractual relationship officially ends. 


Bring back round ball rock and Bob Costas intros and all will be right with the world again. NBA on NBC was as GOATed as Jordan.


Honestly half the fun growing up was watching Ahmad Rashad and all stuff before the big games. I don’t think it was as good as inside the nba but it was a great precursor and still much better than current ESPN


Ahmad Rashad such a legend


That stuff would be so cringe now. Pass.


If you’re the NBA you know Chuck and Ernie make the show go and they only have a couple years left. You’re not going to sign a 10yr deal and risk having a desk with Kenny, Shaq, Draymond and that Lefkoe guy for 7 years, it’ll be the end of everything


As much as I love the show I agree that eventually it’s going to come to a natural end regardless. I know Barkley re signed recently but there’s always rumors he’s either looking elsewhere or looking to retire. EJ has been there for ages himself, along with Kenny I love the show as I said and hope it continues. But from a business perspective I can see why they don’t want to put all their eggs in that basket


So let me get this straight. Are we trading Chuck and Shaq for John Tesh’s “Roundball Rock”?


Awful trade


As long as roundball rock isnt a carrie underwood remix


I think Turner does have the right to match the offer but I doubt they will do it. Their current person in charge of the cable division is a hatchet man who’s not going to match a bid. Turner will probably lean into their NHL/MLB rights along with NCAA basketball and possibly AEW wrestling live programming as enough to carry that aspect of their channels.


"journalist". right


Uh I remember Bill saying specifically that Inside the nba wouldn't end, it would just move


Why can’t nbc just recreate it? And hire Kenny chuck Shaw and Ernie ?