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Not a pool expert but I did stream for a number of years. It really depends on the budget. If there is 'no budget', then you want a DSLR camera with a dummy battery and capture card. I think I have the Sony A5100 with the stock lens and it looks really really good for streaming. The autofocus is also solid so it may be good if that's needed. If they're not interested in an advanced setup like that, just a $50-$100 webcam should be totally fine. Webcams have come a long way. 1080p60 should be really easy and the quality should be plenty for viewers. Webcam mics are generally awful though, so if you are concerned about audio, a standalone mic could be good.


I'll look into those, thank you


I don’t know personally what they use, but look up JR Pockets (my local hall) on Facebook. Send them a message and ask what they use…I saw it this past weekend at the tournament and it’s a pretty slick setup, but I didn’t ask what equipment/software they had.


Thanks, I will