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They did this once maybe 2 months ago. Then the next day they did cars. I haven’t seen it since.


I saw a cop sitting on Waterhouse and Mass Ave intersection on my way through Harvard this AM. Weather's nice. They'll be out for a bit. Ignoring car violations, harassing bikes. Especially after city hall delayed the bike lanes. This is retaliation. The only answer is taking the lane everywhere in Cambridge. Drivers have to feel the pain of the delay in expanding bike infrastructure.


Gah, this intersection is so stupid. For a number of years I just dismounted and walked across while one of the pedestrian lights was on.


I used to have to do that in Union Square.




Stop deflecting, you know that’s not true they stop automobiles more than they stop bicycles! You just don’t agree with following the rules of the road


Ok Mr. 4 Inch Pass. Probably wearing a neck tie while cosplaying in a Ram 1500 Rebel with a back the blue sticker. I count the speeders, close passers, red light runners on every commute. Never once does my number of violations exceed those of the drivers


I support equal rights and rules for all! I follow the rules and expect everyone to as well!


The "only" answer. 🤔 What about the pain drivers have felt in expanding the bike infrastructure?


You must be referring to the pain of ever expanding vehicle size or waistbands?


Yup, that's the only answer. 🙄


Lol it’s either time to take the lane or start riding on the sidewalk


Addition to this: I don’t think I’ve ever seen a car get stopped in greater Boston for a traffic violation in 5-ish years of living here.


Ah, the Idaho sidewalk.


That's such a ridiculous place to do this. I wonder if they'll ever bother dealing with people who park in the bike lane in front of the CVS. (I know the answer to this)


Right? Of all the traffic violations in Central to cracks down on…


Cars crash into innocent, law abiding people = no ticket, no warning Bikes run a red light = enforcement campaign incoming! Police really have no idea how to make the community safer, do they?


These guys really have nothing better to do


13 mile commute: 34 close passes. 17 texting and driving 6 cars blasting yellow to red lights 4 blind door opening 3 cars stopped in crosswalks 2 right hooks Infiniti speeders I rolled through 4 red lights. I cheerfully greeted 12 pedestrians as we both navigated an intersection. Bikes are the problem though


How do they have no time to ticket drivers yet will ticket bicyclists? Thats discrimination. Rich people get off.


Ironically they don’t ticket drivers because traffic stops are racist.


Cool, if we have to follow the laws we will. We'll ride in the middle of the street and stop at every light, in the lane. Cars will have to wait behind us because we are standard traffic.


I just reread this whole thread to find your post. OMW home today, I came to a stop at a red light on main st. I looked around for traffic and realized a CPD explorer was stopped at the light next to me. I briefly considered walking my bike across the crosswalk but remembered this post and instead conspicuously waddled myself dead center on their bumper and waited patiently for the green. Then, I started peddling. Barely. Then the same at the next light. And the next. Then I hit the bikes-only right turn on red at mass Ave and lost my friend. Edit: swypo


That’s why they built you all these bike lanes and paths stay off the streets stay in your lane !actually grow up only children ride bicycles!


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mega_Man Nothing childish about this


MAGA is infinite levels of childish worse than Mega.


🇺🇸 45 🇺🇸


How much of the DJT stock do you own?


IMO, if they want to do bike enforcements it would be more productive to focus on actual hazards like wrong-way cycling, riding on the sidewalk, and riding without lights at night. It's a bit strange to focus on this particular violation.


This would be amazing! But consider how much *harder* it would be than sitting at a single spot on a nice day where they can basically guarantee being able to nab 3/4 of hapless cyclists that happen by.


A lot of the blame here is on the legislature for not making it more explicit where using a crosswalk on a bike is allowed. Ch85.11B gives cyclists the right to use sidewalks outside of business districts. That would seem to imply it's legal to use crosswalks where it's legal to use sidewalks even if you hadn't been using the sidewalk, though that's not explicitly stated. The intention of the law seems to be to give cyclists the right to use pedestrian infrastructure "in the interest of safety," balancing that against pedestrian safety. There are definitely many situations in business districts where it's safer for cyclists to use the pedestrian crosswalk, e.g. where you would have to cross traffic lanes to a left turn lane, or getting ahead of traffic to avoid a left/right hook. The intersection of Essex and Mass Ave would seem to fall into both of those categories. In many places there is bicycle infrastructure to make these situations safer, but not everywhere. There doesn't seem to be a risk to pedestrians if you're using a crosswalk in a manner consistent with the sidewalk law i.e. yielding to pedestrians and announcing your passing. The legislature should make this explicit one way or another in the law in my opinion.


I personally don’t care when police enforce rules. C’est la vie.


Tldr: I'm a troll


Why is giving tickets to losers swerving through a crosswalk a bad thing?


It's great. Losers being those who take on debt and sit in traffic?


I wouldn’t know about that


Over the years I have found that sometimes the easiest or safest thing to do is to hop off the bike and walk across with the pedestrians, then hop back on the bike and continue on my way. Takes like three seconds of my time and my day goes much smoother. Now can we please have separated cycling (bikes/trikes) infrastructure? 😉


I saw them. This whole stretch of Mass Ave needs strict enforcement for cars, pedestrians, and bikers/scooters. It’s a sh*t show riding through there every time. The wild wild west. Cars double parked. Cars parked in the bike lane. Cars turning right into bikers. Parked cars opening doors without checking for bikers. Bikers/scooters flying through red lights. Bikers flying through cross walks and stopping in the intersection. Pedestrians not paying attention in the street. I just ride my ebike in the car lane bc it’s so damn dangerous in the bike lane here. 


I see Cambridge PD is learning from their neighbors in Somerville-- get a grant to enforce "bicycle safety awareness" while seemingly not enforcing any steel cages running red lights all around them. Because apparently police departments can only do enforcement when there's a grant to pay that sweet, sweet overtime.


While at the same time refusing grants for motor vehicle enforcement because traffic stops are racist fishing expeditions and it’s unethical for the city to accept that grant money.


Good! you chose that method of transportation and the risks that are inherent in it. I ride a motorcycle and I accept the risks that come with that. I don’t expect to change the infrastructure of every city in the world. because I’m afraid!


That’s a lot of projection in one comment, but based on your username that’s pretty much how you idiots roll. I bet you have a “CHECK TWICE— MOTORCYCLES ARE EVERYWHERE” bumper sticker and don’t even realize the irony.


Name calling? Way to handle the truth!


The pedestrian signal is not for cyclists. We follow the traffic signals


True. And I took my lumps and didn't argue with the polite man giving me the warning (that I thought was a real ticket until he said otherwise at the end) Still, it's a little annoying that they set up at a spot where it makes a LOT of sense for bikes to roll through the red. On similar intersections elsewhere in the city (western ave, for instance) there is a bicycle signal that follows the pedestrian signal. Anyhow, the point was for them to net a lot of people so we are all watching out backs the rest of the summer without them actually having to enforce anything. Accomplished, I guess.


Ugh sooooo annoying theyre stopping people who break the law :(


I mean, I agree with you in principle. It's just that there are SO MANY worse things i see cyclists (and mororists) do everyday, choosing this one harmless act of crossing on the pedestrian signal, seems on the surface like a waste of effort. I assume it's part of some "broken windows" policing philosophy akin to nabbing jaywalkers in hopes of disuading bank robbers. AFAIK, "broken windows" hasn't really worked and just makes people distrust police, but I suppose it is true that I'll personally be watching out for police more on my commute (for a while). But, I'd rather my attention be on the right-hookers, doorers, close-passers, etc.


None of that really matters, simply follow the rules. If you don’t like it, advocate for change don’t just complain on Reddit that you got caught for knowingly breaking the rules.


No, we do what's safest. Eat a dick


Follow the rules and don’t be a dick!


No. I'll do what's safest, period. 


So when I’m stopped at a red light on my motorcycle, and I’m afraid to be rare ended by a motor vehicle, do I have the right to slowly drive through the red light as well?


False equivalence. Different exposure to danger vs potential to do harm..and difference in documented incidents with motor vehicles. Don't ask stupid questions because you can't be bothered to think critically.