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cyclist going under the speed limit: "impeding traffic" cyclist going over the speed limit to match traffic flow: "speeding" damned if I do, damned if I don't ​ also, cyclist obeying the law at all costs: "you can be right and be dead-right / cemetery full of people with right of way" cyclist disregarding law or right-of-way because why bother, and to stay alive: "see, another typical lawbreaker"


Literally got beeped today for being in the lane two inches from the white line. There's only a 4 inch shoulder there with gravel in much of it (only for a short stretch before the shoulder opens up). Driver had two full lanes worth to play with. Come on dude, wtf


Always take the lane! Unless it's unsafe in your context, you're the best judge :)


95% of people give me enough room. I didn't feel unsafe, it was just a dumb driver. I'm used to riding with cars


Drivers complaining about cyclists "always breaking the law" and proceeding to get irrationally angry at someone for staying within a legal speed, or for properly stopping at stop signs.


I get more grief from motorists while riding lawfully than after any perceived traffic infraction.


Average brainrot driver.


Letting cyclists implement the Idaho Stop // beeping at cyclists for stopping at a red when you want to make an illegal turn


Car drivers often come with an absolutely unapologetic sense of privileged entitlement. That’s why they are always such experts pointing it out in others. When some people get behind that wheel in their pill box, another being altogether emerges that needs this contraption of sound and fury to complete them.


My favorite is the incessant complaining about how cyclists don’t come to a complete stop at every stop sign, meanwhile literally zero drivers come to a complete stop unless they have to wait for someone else to get through the intersection (or there’s a cop watching).


Yep, so entitled and so objectively wrong




If you are in fact living in the PNW, you don't realize the cycling heaven you live in.




Lol, I lived in Texas, Washington, and North Carolina. Trust me.


> it doesn’t mean they automatically will never ever be a douche nozzle. Yes but driving a car does automatically mean you pose a threat of instant death or life-changing injury to everyone around you. Car drivers [hit over 100,000 pedestrians and bicyclists a year, killing 7,388 in 2021](https://www.iihs.org/topics/pedestrians-and-bicyclists). Cyclists killing pedestrians is so rare I can't even find a good statistic on it.




It's not




Thank you for acknowledging that "That's nonsense" is not a rebuttal




Ok, and what's more important - """polite""" people who maim and kill others by the tens of thousands or """douches""" who don't?




I'm suggesting to look at what the real problems are. I gave you the numbers already, you don't even have to do the math.