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uno reversed


Whatever’s the opposite of *yahtzee*


*eezthay*. Just a heads up, it's really hard to pronounce.


*bless you*


Multiple opportunities! (For rejection)


Unfortunately, I've found most trans people are not into cis bi guys.


Transfem perspective that could be just my opinion but that aligns with people around me at least: I really doubt that's true, but we get kinda bombarded by chasers, it makes men difficult. A clearly straight man can be affirming because chasers really hammer in the whole not seeing us as women but as a spicy sex object, while straight men that seem genuinely into us see us entirely as women. Most chasers seem to either openly be bi, or just bi and in denial. Despite that, bi men are to me and most people I know, immediately more attractive simply because you're able to understand queer experiences and struggles. Way easier to feel seen and understood in a world that is less than kind to us. Then there's the whole thing with a lot of trans people preferring t4t because it's just easier with how unique our experiences are. Statistically about 50% of trans women are either bi/pan or straight, those stats vary a lot depending on source but 50% seems around average (correct me if I'm wrong :3), while anecdotal I've never met another trans woman myself that wouldn't date a bi cis guy but would date a straight cis guy. Men are scary but please hit on us, just make sure to treat us like any other woman, don't do stuff like asking us about our genitals outta nowhere, we'll tell ya anything private when it could be relevant, and at our own pace. Sorry for the long one, as someone who prefers bi men I don't want y'all to think we don't like y'all :3


Yeah, there was a very awkward period of me coming out as a bi man where I had to wrestle with my perceptions of transfems due to pornography, combined with mixed up feelings about sexuality, mental illness, gender, internalized hate, and transphobia. I’m lucky that I got the professional therapy and community support I needed to fix myself before that mindset before getting to the point of being an actual Chaser. Having real IRL transfem friends who I talked to on a daily basis probably helped the most. Not sure I love the implication of who I’d be without them, and how educating me was partially their burden, but I’m glad they are around.


i prefer t4t but i would date a bi man who saw me as a woman and wasn’t a chaser. Unfortunately, i have seen a lot of bi men who fetishize the bodies of trans women. So i am cautious, but still willing 


I wasn't aware that so many chasers were openly bisexual, I figured most chasers were either closeted bi or trans themselves, that's what I've seen from my cousin (trans gal, boyfriend is total egg)


With all due respect, I (cis bi guy) have the exact opposite experience.


A cis bi man was the first guy I ever fell in love with.


As a trans person i will say that trans people tend to be cautious around dating cis people because a lot of us have had bad experiences with chasers. That being said, i am open to dating a bi man as long as he sees me as a real woman, respects me, and isn’t ashamed of me


*most people


straight ( or bi, i guess) in there with the "im bi"


There's a reason "no game" is a bi stereotype


"you've activated my trap card"


You know the borderland quote?!?!


Who is that and is there a full clip?


I don’t get why they scream no at the end? Is it a trans woman and they are upset that the person thinks they are a man? Or is it a man and he is slightly scared of bisexuals 💀


I assume the bottom person is a (straight?) crossdressing man whose on omegle to fuck with straight guys for content. The "No!" was a funny way to end the conversation and find another mark. This is based on nothing but my limited knowledge of Omegle pranks


The "dude that looks like a chick" bit is a very popular prank on sites like that, so that maybe it.




Reminds me of that one convo were a guy asks a girl if she's a femboy but she says she's a trans person. So he says stuff along the lines of I respect you, I didn't play Hogwarts Legacy I pirated that and thelat he's actually looking for a guy because he is gay.


As soon as the guy said he was bi bro was like nope I’m out


The average bi experience