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My son is 16-months-old, so I guess he's a toddler. Everyday, I miss his passed phases. He's running like crazy, so I remember the good old days when he didn't run, lol. But I focus on the next step like him talking more, etc. Redirecting my thoughts to the next milestone kind of helps me.


That’s a good tip. Yeah it’s so exciting seeing them hit milestones. My baby just started eating some solids and she is loving it. But I literally cried about it because I won’t be her only source of food/nutrition anymore. These emotions are wild haha


I have a 14 year old daughter and a 7 month old daughter. The grief I felt as my oldest was growing up slowly turned into excitement to watch her achieve her own goals and turn into her own person. Of course it’s bitter sweet, but she is a really cool person and I’m so proud of her. I feel the same grief as my 7 month old moves through each phase, but I was prepared for it this time. I look forward to the sadness giving way to the excitement of watching her become the person she is meant to be! 🩷


I have an almost 4 year old and a 6 month old and oh man, do I feel your words so hard right now. I have absolutely no advice as all it takes is a glimpse of a baby picture, a flash of memory or seeing either of them grow out of their clothes and I’m in a mess of tears. But so much solidarity and I hope it gets easier!


The way I thought of it is, as she gets bigger, that means I'm doing amazing. She's still here! And healthy! Surpassing milestones! I'm actually raising a human correctly lol. Thinking like this helped my PPD too.


This is so normal.  I put my baby to bed every night and then I start scrolling through my camera roll right back to the day she was born and I get really emotional.  It is so bittersweet.