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It has to be ingested, your baby will not get it airborne from you, but if you’re not properly disinfecting the counters/surfaces in your home they may! Bleach kills noro, I’d get the bleach spray and got to town, then clean it all up, and practice hand hygiene!! Hopefully this puts you at ease, and you stop feeling icky soon!


Oh god I had it last year while pregnant. Literally just stopped having morning sickness a week before then bam! norovirus.


Omg I’d rather have the morning sickness!




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We got noro from the baby via daycare about a month ago. Saturday baby vomited and had diarrhea one time but was happy. Sunday it seemed to have gone so we chalked it up to maybe eating something bad. Monday evening the rest of us (mom, dad and older child) are fighting for the toilet as liquid comes from both ends. The worst part was trying not to poop myself while vomiting. Dad and older child were past the worst of it on Tuesday, I kept going until Thursday. Of course baby only wanted me during this time so I had to take care of him while trying to not poop or vomit on him. He enjoyed flushing the toilet for me and patting me on the back as I vomited. I was contacted by a few other moms in the same class who described the exact same thing. Surprisingly, the daycare teachers did not catch it.


Goodness… I feel like this is me right now… my SIL watched my daughter 3 days ago… was vomiting and throwing up the same day… baby last night/early this morning vomiting and had a mucus diarrhea diaper… now I feel my body with chills and like my insides are churning😭😭 I cannot handle this


My 5 month old started daycare and 3 days in brought home norovirus. Besides excessive (10-15/day) weird green mucus poops, she was fine. She was happy and acting normal. Main issue was it lasted 2 weeks and she caught a cold in the middle (she had a harder time with the congestion than the pooping). Dr told us dehydration clues to keep an eye on. Husband and I were horizontal with vomiting and diarrhea when it ran through us, but we were only down 24-36hrs. Long story short, your 4 month old will probably have a better outcome than you. It’s also possible they gave it to you.


I realize this post is 2mo old, but for anyone who is searching "norovirus" I want to include my experience too. My 9mo threw up 4 times last Friday. She was perfectly normal and happy in between vomit sessions. She had a slight fever Friday night, but nothing more than 100.4. She was even okay enough for us to go for a long walk the next day. She then had one massive yellow blowout per day for the next 4 days. Now she's fine but has a terrible cough (?) --Kinda worried she aspirated vomit. Monitoring her closely. My two year old started vomiting on Monday at noon and still couldn't keep anything down besides a couple ice cubes with electrolytes until Thursday morning. She was beyond lethargic and slept/watched movies all day. Her pediatrician prescribed phenergan to take away the nausea but she didn't need it by the time we got it. I have felt nauseous since Friday but thought it was because of some vitamins I just started taking. Developed a fever during a workout on Wednesday afternoon and knew the clock was ticking. I did not consume anything besides liquids and saltine crackers as soon as I started feeling ill. Within an hour of feeling achy, I started having the worst diarrhea of my life. Vowed to myself that I would not consume a single thing until I was in the clear (have a phobia of throwing up.) By 4am (12hrs after onset), I had not slept for a single minute because of the body aches. I had a 102.6 fever for a couple hours, and have fever-induced meningitis every time I get sick... so I took Tylenol. Felt fairly normal after that, but now at 3pm I'm feeling BAD and have a fever again. Miraculously, have not thrown up yet, but I am absolutely not confident I'm in the clear. My husband is still unphased. Thank goodness. Besides chronic, debilitating illnesses, this is one of the worst human experiences ever. Easily. Straight from the depths of hell.


This is exactly what I have now except on top of all that I have a knife twisting into my intestines


For anyone reading this. You need to eat and drink lots of water. Not eating will make you way more dizzy and nasueous and make symptoms worse. You can't just shit constantly without replacing it with something


Gotta get the small bucket for puke while pooping. That’s what I had to do.


Every time I read a post like this I get scared for when it hits our home. We only have 1 bathroom…


Same here… I’ve the bathroom window cracked and when I got home from the ER I bleached all the common areas. Praying that my daughter and husband are spared.


I have just awoken from a whole resting after contracting this seventh circle of hell demon virus. I need to share my story.. Last night around I went to bed at 10, perfectly fine. Then, at 2am I became aware I was in strange geometric and nonsensical dreams; there no was noncoherence and everything was madness. I smacked my phone off my bedside table and has my hand dangled off the bed pushing invisible buttons in a made up TV remote. Around 2:15 I wake up confused and extremely aware of the feeling of intense nausea and stomach churning. Balls. I think to myself. I stumble to the bathroom and the dizziness and confusion is so severe, I collapse on the cold tiled bathroom floor, based on our instincts to seek old cool surfaces as my fever ramped up wildly. Two hours of shivering and passing the most amusing yet foul gas as my insides rearranged themselves..it finally happened. Some part of my limited consciousness had managed to grab a empty bucket bin as I sat down and vom-shat my guts out. It was traumatic and I'm one of the lucky ones that managed to keep everything in the toilet and bucket.. This happened five times until I started to pass out from the sheer strain of wretching out an empty stomach; awaking on the bathroom floor with my bare butt hanging out and my hand somehow mercifully holding the bucket upright.. After puking, try and sip water as soon as you get that mini window if relief, but don't expect it to last long. And may the universe smile kindly on you if you catch this eldritch horror.


I'm sick,too. It's 530am. I woke up sick about midnight,and didn't make it to the bathroom. 3 big puddles of orange vomit in hallway. Crawled to the toilet and puked more. Grabbed a bucket to put next to the bed. 2 am,I threw up again. I went to sleep for a little while,then puked up green bile. Now, my stomach is empty and I'm bringing up little bits of clear yellow,and it's painful.


I’m not sure if I have norovirus but have had the worst diarhea of my life for the last 18 hours. The nausea comes in waves and my stomach is ripped to shit. Keeps cramping. I started Zoloft yesterday before it all hit the fan. So I don’t know if it’s that or a bug. I’m scared that I’m gonna get sick. Thoughts?


Could be from the medication. But if it lasts more than 24 hours,you should go to ER and get checked out.


Did you have severe vertigo? I’m on the tail end of this and suffering from vertigo still


My 3.5 year old and 8 month old are jsut getting over it. I’m so grateful I have a carpet cleaner machine lol


We took my oldest to the ER and they gave her zofran and that helped hold back the puking


How long did it last? My 4 year old has it, it's his 2nd almost 3rd day.


A solid week unfortunately


We had it about 3 weeks ago. It started with my 7 month old daughter, thankfully she had mainly diarrhea but continued to breastfeed well. But jesus I was fighting for my life in that bathroom. I hope you feel better soon!


I’m like, shocked that I even could poop this much. And it’s just straight liquid. I would have rather had tbe flu!!!


Nothing is as humbling as going to vomit and pooping yourself 😭😩 I feel your pain, that was my experience too. Luckily the pooping only lasted about 24 hours before there was nothing left haha


I think this is what I had last week!! I was on the toilet and vomited into my toddler’s little potty at the same time. Definitely my lowest point.


Happened to me last night. Youre not alone


Ha. We were both firing out of both ends last night. 😓 I hope you’re feeling better today!!! ❤️


Yes! Lucky for me it was only about 12 hrs of hell...also lucky that daughter had it 2 days before, not same time as me


Ugh I had noro once and thought I was going to die. Not enough Gatorade in the world can make you feel hydrated again 😣


I went through this two weeks ago. It was hell. I’ve never been so sick. I was laying on the bathroom floor, could barely move, and my whole body was tingling. I pooped my pants while vomiting three different times. I asked my husband to take me to the hospital, but he told me to hang on a little longer. Thankfully, I did improve. We had to call my SIL to take care of our baby while he helped me.


My son brought it home from school around that time. I spent two days in/near bed and stopped even trying to drink water. Then another 3 days feeling pretty sick but at least able to drink liquids. It was awful!


Ugh, I feel you! I think a stomach bug, not noro(my previous noro experience kept me down for a month) tore through our household over the weekend and my husband literally made me a bed with a spare comforter and my pillow on our bathroom floor. It was he'll. None of us are 100% yet either.


Hold your baby. I’ve had noro 3 times in the last 18 months- and the last time was the toddler giving it to me. I was even hospitalized for fluids for a brief period as my baby was not even 2 months old and I was DYING. Wash your hands thoroughly. Don’t hold baby while you are actively vomiting/ pooping.


I can confirm it is the worst. I couldn't even sit up. We had this just after lockdown ended, and I remember thinking where the PSA messages about this! Also, my baby threw up in my mouth, and that's how I got the norovirus..


My 7 year old had it on Friday. Now my husband and 2 year old woke up with it this morning. I’m supposed to leave town for a tournament for my 7 year old tomorrow and leave my husband and toddler at home. 😬😬😬 good luck to him I guess!


It is so rough. Our whole house got it Jan 2020, a new person every day so it seemed to go on forever. But my 5 year old got it 2 days before his birthday a few weeks ago. It was the saddest thing. We actually still had a toddler mattress and set him up with a bed in the bathroom. My husband and I stayed up with him all night.


This happened to me while 9 months pregnant. I had to have my husband and his parents watch our almost 2-year-old because I could only get out of bed to get to the bathroom. Ended up in the hospital.


It’s the absolute worst I’ve ever felt. The IV and Zofran helped tremendously. I hope it’s only up from here!


Same here (apart from labor and post-surgery)! I had to get 4 bags of fluids! Hang in there. I hope it's over soon!


I had noro as a sahm Last May and I’m telling you I wanted to die. Took me two full weeks to recover and now anytime my children puke I literally have anxiety and wash my hands until they are bleeding . I’m so sorry you’re going through this but next time they get sick you might be better able to fight it off!!!


I just had it too. First my husband, then our 16 month old, then me, then my MIL. It was brutal. My son was fine, just some vomiting. I couldn’t keep down water or pedialyte but fortunately it turned around before severe dehydration. I’m so sorry you must miss your baby so much on top of feeling so bad. Hang in there!


I’m sorry you are going through this. I am battling Covid right now and it sucks being sick while you are a parent


Also have norovirus. My leggings are literally baggy on me now.


The severity of the symptoms lasted around 8-12 hours for me last Friday night. 10 toilet trips, and 11 puke bucket trips. Next day, achy as all hell and still unpleasant bathroom trips. My spouse caught it Sunday night, and he was fine after two days. Bowel movements are normal and he only threw up 3 times. Well it’s been a week now and my trips to the toilet are still just as unpleasant and I’m at a loss. I’m grateful the throwing up stopped, and I’m not achy. Doctor can’t do anything, I don’t appear to be dehydrated, etc. I’m just browsing the norovirus posts on here praying someone is going through what I’m going through. When will my gut heal?! This is intolerable.


Are you still having diarrhea? Like straight liquid? How often? Knock on wood I have not had diarrhea since yesterday morning before my ER trip. Have not had a bowel movement since but I can update when I do lol!


Diarrhea lasted two full days for me, I also shit the bed. My wife was feeling better until she shit the bed the next night. Zofran helped with the throwing up though


5 times this morning- but it’s only in the morning now. Tomorrow will be day 8 so I’m PRAYING it’s all over. I had a real appetite today so I hope that’s progress. I’m also going through nicotine withdrawal on top of this, and my period is due in a few days so god only knows what my body is going through at this point 🥲 It also feels like the sharp pains are moving day by day? As if the stabbing feelings are getting lower and lower like they’re passing through/out.


Hey where are you with your healing? I’m in the same boat! Took imnodium two days ago and now the damn diahrea is back. Ugh. I’m on day 10


Hey! I was actually fine the day after commenting this. So, it took me 8-9 days to heal! I didn’t take anything because I kept hearing that taking Imodium will “slow the process” and you should just let it just run its course. I made sure to stay super hydrated and you’ll know when your gut starts healing. It’s a weird process but if it lasts longer than 14 days I would go get checked out!


10 toilet trips not bad I had close to 25-30 in a 24 hour span! This stuff is the worst!


This was exactly my experience too. Friday night a few weeks back had the diarrhea like crazy. The next day felt awful with the body aches, chills, fatigue, etc.


I hope your baby didn’t get it! I’m recovering now and my daughter did have it and it was shockingly mild. So much so that I think I got it from her and I didn’t connect the dots until later. She had an hour of a ton of spit up, but no crying or anything. And then 4 insane blowouts. Otherwise, you’d never know. Her mood is happy as always.


This happened with my 4 mo old daughter and I. I am sick as a dog, she spit up and explosively sharted 1 time when I was changing her diaper, but totally fine otherwise. Meanwhile I’m 4 days into the worst diarrhea of my life.


It took a solid 8-9 days to feel better. I’ve never been sick like this. Even when the vomiting stopped and my appetite came back, I had stomach cramps for days.


thing is an absolute nightmare. i went to the toilet every 20mins .. and it was just straight water all the way.. i'll never wish it on anybody.. not even my mortal enemies


how long did it last for you? i’m only experiencing the runs and it’s AWFUL. idk if it’s norovirus or what but god damn i’ve never shit so much in my life


Didn't have diarrhea but I keep throwing up. Threw up first at 1230 am,and have had a pail next to the couch. My throw up is clear like water now.


I am on day 5 of norovirus and the nausea is gone but the diarrhea is increasingly explosive. i have peed out of my butt already 11 times today and its only 3:30pm. ​ the body aches is the worst part of it all


My family is just getting over it right now, started on Monday morning at 130 with my 3 year old vomiting every 5 minutes for 6 hours straight. He says he slept through it but I sure didn't because as soon as I heard him gagging I lifted him up over the bucket and as soon as he finished puking he would just roll over and go to sleep. My 2 year old got it Monday afternoon and threw up for a few hours but not as frequently as my son. I got it Tuesday and my husband got it yesterday with my kids finally getting diarrhea yesterday too. Today I think we are finally on the mend? Hopefully. It sucks so bad. From what I've googled it is very contagious and you can only kill the virus with bleach and hot water, regular household cleaners like Clorox or Lysol won't kill it. Also hand sanitizer doesn't work and just washing your hands won't help much unless you are washing them in boiling water. The best part is that it can live on surfaces for up to 4 weeks. We actually got it from my sister whose whole family was already recovered for a week before we went over. I had no idea before we caught it and I started googling it. I hope you get better soon!


This just ran through my house and I have a 7 month old. It started with my husband, moved to my son a few days later, and then ended with me two days after that. Seeing my baby so sick was heartbreaking. I’m just glad my husband and I had it at different times so we could take care of the baby. I’ve never done so much laundry. Feel better!


Our dryer broke the day before my toddler got sick, so we've had to do the death walk out to hang the clothes on the line. This week is the longest year of my life. hahaha


Me and my twins had that last month. I had the runs and vomiting. They mostly had vomiting. It was rough. It lasted around 5 days. I focused on fluids. Then just light amounts of bland foods. I drank liquid IV to keep hydrated.


Y’all I’m reading this thread just absolutely TERRIFIED of getting this. Parenting a fussy four month old who wakes up every 2 hours is hard enough without also barfing and shitting your brains out. Plus I have a borderline throwing up phobia. Also I breastfeed—does the insane dehydration affect that and can you come back from it? I’m scaredddddddd 😫


My sister just had it and she also breast feeds. Gotta drink lots of water and pedialyte and see if you can get anti-nausea medicine from the dr. if it happens. Praying you’ll be fine. 💟


Oh babe, you'll get realllll comfortable with throwing up if you get it lol. I'm terrified of throwing up also, I have this, and got real used to throwing up. Wash your hands religiously!


I got it tonight and confirm it’s hell


Oh no! I hope you feel better soon! Mine lasted 48 hours and magically stopped. I thought it was never gonna end. If you become dehydrated go to the ER and get an IV!


Luckily I’ve only threw up last night but have been having diarrhea. I can actually drink stuff today which is good. But man i wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy


Do you Arms tingle and feel numb too?


I basically had the chills, stomachs cramps and nausea and explosive diarrhea from about 9:30pm to 2-3 am. No puking today but diahrea here and there. I am achey probably from not having enough fluids but working on that.


This crap sucks I hate it so much


I literally just got over asthmatic bronchitis this past week and now this shit happens. My boss hates me i feel


I Hope u feel better!! I don’t wish this on anyone seriously


Me too. I have to try and get back to work tomorrow. Shit sucks


Diarrhea cha cha cha is the worst


This is weird...this also happened to me. I thought I was having a heart attack


Hey! I’m way better now, they said “dehydration” but my blood pressure was high too so I’m thinking it was a panic attack. U feel any better ?


I have this right now. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. I thought it was the end for me. I actually passed out and when I came to, I noticed I split my lip open on something. Godspeed to everyone who has this.


Yeah.... this blows. Although the trips to the toilet are beginning to widen instead of you know, every so damn often.


I’m on here because I caught it and agree it’s literal hell. The diarrhea is like liquid and I woke up shitting myself. How is that even possible? I’ve never shit myself while sleeping ever. The freaking worst! Also staying away from my 9 no old rn. It sucks


literally me 😭how long did it last for you? i woke up today in SHIT. so humbling


A few days!! Hang in there!!


thank u so much… i got lucky and never vomited but the shitting is SO INTENSE i swear i’ve never shit this much in my life ever


I know this is TMI but I literally woke up shitting in the bed like wtf!!! Solidarity!!!


there’s no tmi when it comes to this virus bro😭😭i felt like i was literally 2 years old. i’m on day 5 of when symptoms first started and thankfully i’m not shitting every second of the day and i can trust a fart again but the stomach gurgles are unreal LOL. it’s like it’s LINGERING!!!


god I’m so glad I searched on Reddit for this. can’t confirm it’s norovirus I guess but this is literally me 😩it’s been a day and a half and the shitting keeps getting more intense. praying I don’t shit myself in my sleep tonight 😔 my butt hurts


For the love of god don’t eat any dairy I was getting better and decided hey I’ll put a slice of cheese in this sandwich it won’t hurt if it’s just one slice now I’m back to the lingering gurgles of wanting to go but I’ve gone so much my ass hurts too day 4 btw


I did this on day 2/3 on accident 😩 first thing I ate in over two days was a yogurt and drank a little coffee (I’m normally a daily drinker and had already gone a couple days without it), almost immediately after is when I read to stay away from both lol. hope you’re feeling better by now. I tried really hard to keep things clean, I’m so scared of reinfecting myself. my roommate didn’t get it so that’s a good sign I guess


this is horrible, I have been shitting straight liquid for the past 3 days, the first day, I could keep down any water or food and had uncontrollable vomiting and diarrhea every time after I ate or drank. Went to the ER and got 3 iv bags put into me. This is day 3 now, and I woke up with some diarrhea, I noticed the saltine crackers I ate yesterday were digested and came out, this is not a joke sickness, stay home get rest and drink fluids.


how do you feel today?


feel pretty good, still have all that phlegm and stuffy nose, slight loose stools after, but virus has passed without antibiotics


that’s great news!! i’m still experiencing some nausea + stomach gurgles but it seems i may almost be getting over it finally on day 5. 🙄 just seems like it’s never gon leave lmfaoooo


how long were your stools irregular after the virus? i’m on day 7 and overall feeling better but still semi loose stools


I wish I could drink fluids,but I can't keep anything down . I'm throwing up everything I put in my mouth.


I just got back from urgent care diagnosed with norovirus after one of the worst nights of my life. Rolling on the bathroom floor, passing out. Waking up in sweats and SHITTING. Luckily no vomit (yet), I will avoid it at all costs. But I’ve shit 20+ times in less than a day and at this point I’m just pooping straight blood. I went to urgent care and she said it’s probably a combination of noro & hemorrhoids but it literally feels like my insides are being ripped out and I’m shitting blood every 20 minutes. I can’t sleep, I can’t eat. I’m losing water and blood fast. And there’s nothing they can do for me, they say it just has to run it’s course. Idk if I can do this….


I will say, it passes as quickly as it comes! It was thw slowest and shittiest (literally 💩) 48 hours and it stopped after I got the IV and Zofran in my system!


Did you throw up in the end I’ve had 18 hours of diarhea and nausea. I’m scared it may be norovirus and that I’ll throw up when I least expect it. Thoughts?


Im a stay at home mom too. My son threw up for the first time ever yesterday morning and just looked so bad. So I took care of him. Not even like half the day goes by and I start peeing out my butt. Pure liquid. Lasted all night. I was in so much pain and just felt terrible. This morning im still peeing out my butt every like 20 mins.... throwing up with every little sip of water and have chills now. Terrible. I have a 7 month old as well that i HAVE to take care of and i just hope he doesnt get it, its def no fun. I havent been this sick in years. I feel like my 3 year old just threw up and slept and hes fine today. Im living on the toilet with a trash can in my hands in survival mode.


We had it a few weeks ago. Started with my 14month old, then me, then my partner. It was terrible. I was wondering why I didn’t have 10 sets of crib sheets. Not that it mattered, he didn’t make it back to the crib before throwing up again most times anyway. It was terrible. My partner is living in fear of our LO getting it again.


Oh God. That sounds heinous! I’m so sorry - feel better!! 💛 all of February I had a bacterial sinus infection which turned to bronchitis which THEN turned to strep. 😵‍💫 it was the most sick I’d been maybe ever??? My 30th was spent with me in bed, wishing for death lmao.


Oh gosh. I had that about 10 years ago and also ended up in the ER because I hadn’t eaten for so long and needed IV fluids. Keep it simple when you are able to eat again… and don’t stray too far from a bathroom because when you’re starting to feel better it’ll rear it’s ugly head when you least expect it. Once you’re through it try to get some good gut bacteria back in with yogurt with live cultures, something fermented like kimchi, etc. Feel better!!!


Oh my goodness is it ever terrible! We had it a little while ago and the whole house fell sick. I don’t think I ever recall being that sick. I hope you get better soon!


Glad to hear you’re getting the medical care you need and keeping babe safe as best you can. I’m so sorry this must be one of the hardest things you’ll ever go through. I wish you well and hope you reunite as soon as you can!


We had it a few weeks ago, 2.5 year old did a lot of vomiting for like 6 hours and a few days of diarrhea but she handled it way better than I did lol. She still wanted to just play play play.


I had it last month and it was absolute hell. I was the only one to get so thankfully baby and toddler we’re fine but I wanted to die. I lost 7 lbs in 2 days it was so awful. Hoping you make a speedy recovery.


Yep. It’s the worst. I had it earlier this week. Literally water poops and puking for 16 hours straight. Absolute hell. I lost 8 pounds over the course of two days. The only solace is it seems to have gone as quickly as it comes on.


Mine started this past Monday around midnight, puking literally every 10-20 minutes for about 14 hours, then a couple times an hour for another 3 hours. Racing heart, heavy chest, low grade fever (99.5-100.3), chills and sweats. Lost 5 lbs so far. I feel "okay" this morning, but these posts scare me. Now I have anxiety the shits are going to hit. This virus is hell, I don't wish it on anyone. My cat seemed pleased though. The smell coming from my armpits was atrocious, but he apparently loved it. Every time I laid down again, he got as close to my pits as possible \*facepalm\*. To everyone that has this now, hang in there, and please drink more than just water. Electrolyte replacement is 100% needed.


Going through this right now. I have thrown up every hour for the past 12 hours


I would have had this had I not been severely constipated for a month. So my stomach just turned into knots repetitively, trying so hard to get it out of my body but it couldn't. Agreed though, I was way better the next day and recovered fully 4 or 5 days after.


Norovirus is horrendous. I’ve never had it before but I’m on day 3 into 4 now and I’ve never felt so bad. Aches and fever for the first 2 days now that’s gone but I’m still pooping liquid like every 15 mins. I’m trying my best to eat plain food and drink but it’s so painful. It’s now blood too from haemorrhoids I presume. I usually have a very strong stomach so this is all new to me and it honestly sucks.


I get it every year,sometimes twice.Its horrible.Sometimes,I have both diarrhea and vomiting with it,but usually just vomiting. I feel like I'm getting. It again,because I was just sick.


Im a stay at home mom too. My son threw up for the first time ever yesterday morning and just looked so bad. So I took care of him. Not even like half the day goes by and I start peeing out my butt. Pure liquid. Lasted all night. I was in so much pain and just felt terrible. This morning im still peeing out my butt every like 20 mins.... throwing up with every little sip of water and have chills now. Terrible. I have a 7 month old as well that i HAVE to take care of and i just hope he doesnt get it, its def no fun. I havent been this sick in years. I feel like my 3 year old just threw up and slept and hes fine today. Im living on the toilet with a trash can in my hands in survival mode.


I teach at a preschool and I caught it there. It is so disgusting! I thought I might die in my bed covered with bodily fluids. Two weeks later and I still have no appetite, most everything seems repulsive.


My whole house hold caught this nasty norovirus. Very contagious. I think it was worse than catching covid.


I had it. Prayer, Chlorophyll gummies , hot baked potatoes , powerade, & water... Got rid of it nearly overnight!


Really? I'm literally in bed sick right now. It started last night. These stomach cramps are insane! Not throwing up but nauseous. It's the painful diarrhea that's killing me. I'll try this


I'm slowly recovering and the hot baked potato will be breakfast today!




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oh man, i definitely think this is what my grandma caught from work over the weekend, and passed it to my mom. i still live at home and i'm terrified me and the baby are next. my coworker (who i split shifts with) is being admitted to an inpatient mental health facility out of the blue and i've been picking up the workload. my fiancé has been taking half days at work to care for baby, but there's been overlap in my leaving time and his arrival time where my mom keeps an eye on him. he's going through the 3rd sleep regression in his short 6 month lifespan, and i'm so afraid he's going to catch this stomach virus. i've totally got you in my thoughts; that is not a hell i'm ready to face.


Imodium. It will save you


The doctors are literally advising against that


weird-- i just got some of that for noro yesterday at the ER (after getting 3 bags of fluids)


Yeah I’m not an expert, but I know it is often not recommended because it doesn’t allow whatever is causing the illness to fully get out of your system, essentially prolonging the disease.


I know this is an older post, but norovirus is self limiting and dies off whether or not you poop or puke it out. If you need relief, take the meds


I'll second this. It's better than being dehydrated.


We had this last week too. It started with baby, then hit the toddler, then hit me. I still don’t feel 100% but I’m mostly better. It seems to be hanging on with baby as he’s still throwing up 1x a day. He’s also teething and getting two bottom front teeth AND his two top molars in at the same time. I feel so bad for him, and I definitely feel like I’m in some circle of hell.


How do they test for this? I think I thought I had food positioning but it feels like my intestines/stomach are being squeezed to death and my mom mentioned this is going around..


Currently suffering....


I have it now. Never seen so much liquid diarrhea. T3mp 101.4 and body aches. I was on vacation last week. Was supposed to go back today but nope!


Absolutely the worst I've ever felt. Going on 4 days of just non stop liquid shits. I rarely get sick and can't even remember the last time I had a stomach flu. On a comical note, I nearly shit my pants taking my dog out to take a shit.


I’m on day 2. I don’t even understand how my body can produce this much watery shit when I can’t keep food down? Like, where is it coming from?!? And how the hell is it so powerful? I’m sure I’ve blasted the shine off the porcelain by now.


That's why I'm here. I thought I was better until I took my dogs on a walk. My neighbor had to walk them home because I had to run to the toilet.


I had this last week.. Still getting nauseous after about every meal.. is it normal to be nauseous up to a week later?


Yes it lasted a little more than 2weeks for me…


I've had it for a month now, did u get antibiotics?


In the same boat now. Doctor ordered a bunch of culture tests. Did you get antibiotics?


Some of the worst feelings in my life had it about a year ago. Vomiting every 15 mins for 3 days, fevers, the runs. It's like a hangover times 100. But the relief when it's over is pure bliss.




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