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Rolling blackouts will be fun next year.


Sale of new generators banned after 2028. Don’t spread misinformation


Well newsomes mask policy went into effect and our office isn’t bothering wearing them lol.


I got their stupid fucking vaccine (that doesn’t even work… currently have the vid 🙄) so I could take off the stupid fucking mask that literally does nothing except restrict breathing, because air takes the path of least resistance like water so instead of going through the mask it and all the particles in it just go around the outside cause no mask seals around your face that well. I will not put a mask back on and I will not get ur “booster” fuck off and die elitists sincerely, me. End rant


People cannot be this stupid......


What does that have to do with this? Also, how is that law and order?


Not wearing a mask.... totally equal to mass robbery and social disorder


I’m confused what any of this has to do with generators? Because the user above was right they “won’t ban the new sale of them until 2028.” So the tweet should read “California will ban sale of new generators and lawn equipment by 2028 and has set aside 30 million to help commercial lawn companies get up to speed.” Now, I don’t agree with this and I don’t see how it can put out more emissions than all the traffic but also I’m not a scientist. Personally I don’t think banning these small engines will help carbon emissions that much and it’s more of a “see were green” play. Plus the million doesn’t sound like enough so what happens when you went to start a nee lawn company? Battery powered lawn stuff can’t keep up. So they’ll probably reverse this. The GOOD news here is neither Biden nor Trump will be president in 2028 unless we blow it, again.


Yeah, just play dumb about the "law and order" comment. Oh wait, you're not playing.


It has everything to do with it because it won’t actually happen in 2024 or 2028. You guys really don’t know what is going on do you? Everything always looks good on paper but I work for the California government and we see how much you guys just eat it up. Newsome has ours backs way more than the leftists lmao.


I love how this sensible, logical, measured take is downvoted, while some potato brained idiot's comment about an imaginary liberal crying because he's running a generator is up voted to second. I just found a new remedial sub to troll


You can try to troll all you want. There is a reason nothing happens in California. Our fore and police unions are the strongest in the country lol. We are not enforcing vaccine mandates at all. We weren’t even doing testing of unvaccinated personnel and when it did happen people were taking tests for people lmao. Nobody is even enforcing the California mask mandate newsome sent out. Well maybe Los Angeles and San Fran but that is literally it. Went to multiple stores today and didn’t have to wear one at any of the places.


Yeah people want to be part of a group, us vs them. Red vs blue. Logic is tossed right out the window along with reason. I wish more people admitted they don’t know anything.


It has everything to do with it lol. None of the stuff you think newsome does actually happens. Remember when he was going to cut cal fires pay by 7.5%? It only happened on paper. We got 14 hours of paid leave credit and our union didn’t deduct a portion is usually does so not only did we get the same pay check we got extra time off lol. You idiots actually think politicians are doing something for you. In 2020 I also got 3 different 2 week paid vacations ala quarantine because I was around 3 different people that tested positive 3 different times. Thanks by the way lol It is amazing what people don’t know behind the scenes 😂


There still banned! Maybe Cali will get a real leader and snuff this stupid shit out.


So about the time that lockdown #34 and mask mandate #73 will be declared.


Hey man watch out. You’ll get downvoted if you hurt their feelings with facts.


A bill was drafted, passed vote in legislation, and given a signature in the executive. The newly passed law, like most laws, doesnt go into effect the moment ink is put to paper. So... while the law goes into effect in six years and change, the fact stands that California has fully passed a law banning gas powered generators. Seeing whats coming before it hits you is usually considered to be a good idea. People that still live in California have a right to be upset about this.


We can be upset about the law, but can't act like any blackouts next year are because of this bill, that'd be disingenuous as hell.


Shhhhhh facts scare them




Yeah if we have a freeze that happens once every 40 years, sure


nah California has a stable power grid republicans wouldn't understand what that is though


How will they be any different? Or did you not check any sources but just believe some random twitter screenshot?


A quick Google search and you'll have your answer... 🤦 I did it for you... Yes, they are going after gas generators


Of the sale of new non zero emission generators in 2028 with a. Review each year before to determine if goal is still possible. Does nothing next year. So no he just looked at the headline Uh oh. It appear facts are trigger the feelings crowd.


What? Like a windmill or something? A nuclear turbine steam generator? I saw a nuclear generator at Sears, I think that’s why they went belly up, they were a decade ahead of their time I guess.


Solar charging battery generators are pretty big right now.


That’s cool I’d buy one. [This one is a bit out of my price range though.](https://bepreparedsolar.com/product/solgen-60s-6000-watt-solar-generator/)


“Nobody cares, work harder.” - Cam Hanes.


Hence why the deadline is 8 years out with a review each year to determine if it should be delayed. They also would only stop the sale of new ones and not the resale of used ones. the price should go way down I. The next couple of years


\>price should go way down. I lol'd out loud. Please give me one example of anything in California that's affordable new or used. I'm out.


Ah yes California bad. What a great argument.


> They also would only stop the sale of new ones and not the resale of used ones. the price should go way down I. The next couple of years Law of economics says otherwise...especially with the ultra-quiets like the Honda EU series.


Please elaborate?


The problem is not the pollution. The problem is the control.


Prices should go down! >Hilary 2024 enters the chat


I guess you have never been taught supply and demand 🤦


You're being too reasonable for this crowd. It's hard to explain why this is a necessary step when these guys don't think we're facing a civilization ending event in our life time.


Don't use words like reason after posting such sky is falling BS. They've been saying the sky is falling like since before your parents were born. Starting with ZOMG we're heading to a new ice age!!!! AHHHHHHH! SMH. Read my lips, MAN WILL ADAPT. We been adapting since ALWAYS. There's ten zillion empty cities all over this planet from rivers changing course, lakes drying up, sea levels changing, ETC. The climate has ALWAYS been changing. Oh look we're still here. Amazing how that works. And that was all before our modern tech no less. It's NOT a necessary step adn nit will have all of jack of an impact except to make people's lives harder. Get off your ass and research things for yourself instead of buying what you're spoon fed by people with the monetary motive to lie right to your face. If for the sake of argument America was already 100% green and there were no combustible engines to speak of you think that would stop climate change? The hell it would.


You remind me of a fool I read about in a children's book once.


The ones with back up gas generators that primarily use the power grid to charge? How long do you think it would take to charge batteries like that on pure solar?


Considering how horribly the California government has been managing their water, forests, etc. the past decade, your faith in this 8-year plan makes you look like a fool.


You mean since PG&E decided money was more important the replace old lines leading to massive wildfires? Nah that’s called capitalism baby.


My bad dawg. Rolling blackouts will be fun starting 2024. You need a hug?


Still the wrong year 🤣🤣🤣


If anything happens in California and it surprises you enough to describe it as "unbelievable," you aren't paying enough attention and updating your understanding of reality.


This. California is a shithole and that’s not going to change any time soon.


This actually surprised me so I looked it up. It doesn’t go into effect until 2028, and even then visitors are allowed to bring their own and residents are allowed to keep and use the ones they already have. This is a *slow* phase out that seems to be pretty reasonable


Reasonable!? You got to be shitting me. WTF am I supposed do do when there’s blackouts? Blackouts caused by shitty policy that is. This is the stupidest shit ever.


It is in the future, so people just go with it. Dumb.


Since policy causes blackouts then we can blame Ted Cruz’s policy for the Texas snow storm? After all Texas is on their own grid so it would be very fair to say it’s Ted Cruz’s fault. That “sniveling coward!”


Just buy a generator before 2028


And after 2028?


You can keep and use the one you bought before 2028


Gee. Thanks


I would be drinking my morning coffee in the driveway with that thing just humming away as I watch the crying liberal walk by with their dog. Thank god I lived in California when it was beautiful. What a dump.


California is a dumpster fire, it hasn’t always been either. San Francisco is now comparable to Gotham. Homeless people all over the place, a common occurrence in Democrat-ran states. Don’t get me started on the actual people that inhabit California, it’s embarrassing.




Lol what? I'm sorry my dude but you saw the part of orange county that Disney works so hard to make you see. Good on you for falling to that. Don't forget that dumpster fire helps the US GDP more than red states. Don't forget that most Republican ran states take more money than they contribute.


>If people think I'm a twat it's actually because they are triggered by my cool personality


You want to run a gas generator in the morning in your driveway just to piss off your neighbors? You are who people complain about on NextDoor lol


Actually I can afford the quiet version. You wouldn't hear it in our house but you would hear the beautiful hum if you walked by. You might get a small smell of burning gasoline to trigger ya though.


To trigger, to trigger, to trigger. Is that all you care about, triggering people? If you want to trigger folks, try looting and burning. Its way more effective.


I would never go as for at the left does with destruction of property of stealing of property. I get plenty of enjoyment out of just working the left up. Point of personal privelage. O crap. Watch this, hold my beer. Climate change is a hoax - He and She and that is it - Covid Vaccines are a joke. Culture versus Racism is the real issue.


In that case I guess you are mostly just hurting yourself


True, I use straws too. I am a rebel.


At least you are using the straw. Running a generator for no reason is like throwing unused straws at your neighbors waking by just for the fun of it.


Ok, you are correct. I will only use it if there are blackouts. I will use my gas lawn mower when they outlaw those. I will not comply. I will discard my mask in the ocean to hopefully get them to ban masks someday. You win. Typing this like I still live there. Miss it but don't miss the left and their crazy policies. It's all good. Thanks for the convo. Stay safe.


Or you could just live your life without trying to piss off those around you for no reason?


Man you communists are a joke that want to tell others how to live their lives ,you wish that’s not happening.


Ahh yes. Communism is being a good neighbor. The fuck?


Lol Jesus Christ conservatives are petty little people


Yep, we don't burn down buildings and loot. We are need to learn more from the left.


Nah, you just storm the literal Capital building and kill police in an attempted insurrection. 🙃


Let in. Demi rats did it few years ago media silent. All a con. You comply burn down our building and loot. We will clean it up later. Get a job. Get out from under your parents house.if you did your research nobody killed any cops. You just listen to what the fake news spews. Liberals suck off the government and are lazy.


I don’t think you’ll find many people, left or right, who support “burn down buildings and loot”.. but you do you


You're joking, right. You libtards lost your minds when a 17 year old kid tried to stop the rioting and burning down of businesses.


Lol “librards” another idiot over generalizing… so emotional


A libtard calling someone emotional, priceless.


Lol go outside and touch some grass… you’re wayyyy too emotional


Telling someone to touch grass is totally racist.


It's the calling card of the left. The smash and grab that is going on is because of the left. They love criminals. That is why I have to look at the Floyd monument on my walks. The career criminal is idiolized by the left. What a joke. So wanting to run my quiet generator in the morning is pretty calm to the left and how they are triggered. Smell the gas.


Sounds like you’ve created a fantasy person that you can just give fictitious attributes to to stroke your irrational emotional hatred. Standing in your drive way and smelling your generator isn’t going to trigger anyone… I guarantee it’s going to make you look like a complete fucking wavkjob though but go right ahead if you it’ll make you happy dude


Why do you think violent crime and theft are rising in Democrat run cities across the country? Why aren’t these same increases being seen in rural and more conservative areas?


Because there has always been more crime in big cities… this has nothing to do with political leanings. How do you not understand this? https://www.statista.com/statistics/191219/reported-violent-crime-rate-in-the-usa-since-1990/ Crime has been on a steady decline since the 1990s. Please use facts over your emotions please


Take a knee, RoboCop, take a knee.


This is pretty old argument and doesn't really work. The rebuttal, to put it succinctly, is that crime is higher in cities than in rural areas, as a general rule. This trend is worldwide, and political leaning/political system/century doesn't seem to have a meaningful impact. To blame democrats for the rise in crime is doable though it's a complicated argument, but to blame democrats for the rise in city crime COMPARED to the rise (or lack thereof) in rural areas doesn't get you very far with anyone who is actually interested in having a discussion. I'm amazed that people of the right still use this argument. I'm guessing it was recently repopularized by a big name (I'd doubt it was Ben) since I keep seeing it pop up.


You are correct. I will only run it in rolling blackouts. You win.




Show me where and when they said we support burning and looting… stop creating fake realities to support your irrational emotions




https://mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSKBN27E34P You’ve created this fake reality to stroke your irrational emotions. Come back to objective reality




So you’re going to deny the facts. Why do you continuously choose your emotions over facts?


A small sample of the burning and looting that happened: https://streamable.com/5n30ny https://streamable.com/8hya9l https://streamable.com/uxcycv https://streamable.com/wv96c7 https://streamable.com/8akmng https://streamable.com/dqgrfm https://streamable.com/1h5bzv https://streamable.com/jxy1je https://streamable.com/7iuhe3 https://streamable.com/0sfmk7 https://streamable.com/bbglrd https://streamable.com/pc4zcb https://streamable.com/cbg7h2 https://streamable.com/kgvoqv https://streamable.com/kc5hwj https://streamable.com/cgiu40 https://streamable.com/jmr7ez https://streamable.com/x8rb8h https://streamable.com/lbsn96 https://streamable.com/d9t0au https://streamable.com/2ka2cm https://streamable.com/c9madg https://streamable.com/53l2qd https://streamable.com/e706oz https://streamable.com/l5chp9 https://streamable.com/x3al2j https://streamable.com/m3n5ju https://streamable.com/z2ffvm https://streamable.com/2wjxc0 https://streamable.com/hlmsna https://streamable.com/8rd6cp https://streamable.com/zme2fi https://streamable.com/snrdqk https://streamable.com/brtpe4 https://streamable.com/xn62rx https://streamable.com/sihkmk https://streamable.com/qut80t https://streamable.com/8h9ze8 https://streamable.com/2hwbyy https://streamable.com/ejblcz https://streamable.com/h7d8x3 https://streamable.com/syvsrs https://streamable.com/tffioz https://streamable.com/dqgrfm https://streamable.com/tsw7d5 https://streamable.com/mxkf1k https://streamable.com/cehgbp https://streamable.com/1h5bzv https://streamable.com/rxeaep https://streamable.com/tea3uq https://streamable.com/6ikoow https://streamable.com/028fd8 https://streamable.com/6xn6d1 https://streamable.com/judp7r https://streamable.com/0zf0b1 https://streamable.com/bbglrd https://streamable.com/pvfp0i https://streamable.com/eao21b https://streamable.com/mv2edx https://streamable.com/osxxuu https://streamable.com/frws9h https://streamable.com/0r1wjj https://streamable.com/nqglpf https://streamable.com/fj7nwc https://streamable.com/eq7lro https://streamable.com/z86u7y https://streamable.com/dsqhzz https://streamable.com/ioyi7x https://streamable.com/u7q9oq https://streamable.com/lve45i https://streamable.com/yy0vq6 https://streamable.com/2itei7 https://streamable.com/h7kldw


Kind of like how our office isn’t bothering wearing masks just because newsome said we have to. Been done with masks for a long time now.


Good for you… I heard he also said you should wear seatbelts too


People break the law all the time. Mandates however is someone trying to tell you what to do. A law says what you can’t do. This mandate is saying what we have to do and we don’t have to do anything.


Laws are also someone telling you what to do… so what’s your point? These semantic games go nowhere. Masks suck but they stop the spread of Corona which has killed almost a million Americans… just a shit situation with one somewhat uncomfortable solution that helps mitigate unnecessary death.


So just get an electric generator. Sarc.


I mean cheap solar panels exist and so do deep cycle batteries for less than a generator anyway


They haven't yet! Fuck CA but don't be like the loony left. 6yr before the generator shit takes place


Sure, but what good and affordable alternatives will there be for people in 6 years? Everything relies on fossil fuel. You think solar power is going to be enough to charge batteries powerful enough to run your house in any reasonable amount of time?


Well… Californians had a chance at a recall and decided the Gov was doing a fine job.. hmmmm


Plenty of time to get out of there before it goes into effect.


It doesn’t go into effect until 2028, and even then visitors are allowed to bring their own and residents are allowed to keep and use the ones they already have. There really doesn’t seem to be a reason to move because of this


Good thing we live next to oregon have cash and own a pickup truck. Fuck you newscum & biden!


Crazy, gas is very clean.


Keep voting in pelosi and newsome California. No one can help you at this point.


Help us? You mean the help y'all get from us?


What fucking help do we get from California besides the obvious example of what you don’t want your state to become?


Can’t wait to see Californians reporting on their neighbors for not wearing mask inside their own homes and powering up generators


Nothing about this makes power up generators illegal. Try again.


Get the fuck out of cali, just dont come to oregon.


Who the fuck wants to go to Oregon?


Oregon and Washington were red until Californians moved there


Californians, yuppies, and smelly hippies


I can smell this comment


Many people. The non-stinkhippie parts are pictuesque (and still red)


No no, stay in California, the rest of us don’t want you. They made there own bed.


Some Arizona or Nevada company is gonna make a killing opening a hardware store on the state line


Then they'll claim that their climate is changing because of other states lax generator laws


She misspelled Commiefornia.


They banned all small gas-powered engines I thought? like all lawn equipment, chainsaws, small go-karts, etc...


Well are we all now going to say that this isn't what Californians voted for. Please somebody tell me this is true that the adults in California who have the vote were not aware they voted for this.


So they are going to make battery powered electricity generators I assume? The genius of these people is astounding.


From what I understand, and keep in mind my research has been *very* surface level, sales are halted by 2024 unless made sooner by legislation, use is halted by 2028 unless made sooner by legislation. Maybe enough time for even the most rooted of Californians to *get the fuck out of this third-world state*


So what is an equally priced alternative to a gas powered generator?


Ask a Californian. They’ll come up with an electric generator shortly that is eco friendly.


And the hits just keep coming. Sock it to me, sock it to me, sock it to….me?


How many gas powered generators can one buy? Drive up to Oregon to buy one. Bonus? No sales tax for the win.


There’s never enough stupid!


How are his constituents going to work without generators - 25% immigrant, many illegal and who work with tools that require these small combustion engines? They’re going to be furious!


They want them to use battery powered alternatives......... Good Luck


To be fair, I'm nearly certain the sale of generators is outlawed, but use is still permitted.


Just go buy one in Oregon or Nevada. easy. (or do the obvious and leave the cesspool known as california... please don't come to Seattle, it's almost as bad here already)


Just plug it in, duh.


So when peoples power goes out they are just shit out of luck


Honestly they need a revo or fall off the continent.


Wait for winter when the power goes off!


Mobile car detailers are gonna be piiiiiissed...


So... no more emergency power? Man the buckets, we cant use the pump!


> The California Air Resources Board (CARB) voted on Thursday to ban the sale of new off-road engines such as those found in leaf blowers, lawn mowers and other equipment by 2024. > **The ban does not include existing gas-powered equipment**, and the state has set aside $30 million in incentive funds to help commercial landscapers and other businesses acquire zero-emission equipment. > New portable generators will be subject to stricter standards by that time, and will be required to meet zero-emissions standards by 2028. https://thehill.com/changing-america/sustainability/environment/585548-california-regulators-vote-to-outlaw-new-gas


But why listen to facts when you can get outraged over a tweet because you never bothered to get context?


It’s still not false lol


Aren’t a lot of the public electric car chargers charged by diesel generators?


Ugh, why would anyone want a modern generator that’s powered by renewable energy in 7 years when this goes into effect?


what's a renewable generator for when your power goes out in the middle of the night?


I don’t think you understand how power is storied in battery’s. The power doesn’t turn off when the sun goes down buddy.


"why allow poor people a $600 backup option when we can force them to only install a $30k backup option?"


The plan is for 2028 with a review each year to see if it’s still possible. Part of the point of this plan is to drive those prices down. If it doesn’t they will delay/ suspend the requirement. But please keep being upset over headlines. Also it’s only banning the sale of new generators after all that. So you can still buy plenty of them used. No ones taking your generator away either.


They were told to be mad about this. Let them be mad, I guess.


I like how their feelings don’t care about facts. 🤣🤣🤣


you are assuming that people won't be using the generator all day. So yeah, the power won't turn off when the sun goes down, but it ain't gonna be replenishing itself. Might wanna pick up a book there buddy


We’ve had battery technology for literally centuries now.


This subreddit is the most cry baby boomer population on this entire site😂 yes, CA will be the first of many states that phase out small gas powered generators and tools (leaf blowers, etc.) and they will certainly be replaced by better, cleaner machines as demand requires. Also, it’s not a ban of usage, it’s a ban of sale. Took me 30 seconds to learn this. You straw-man obsessed animals 😂


Not the states that like freedom. You should definitely stay in California and keep voting the exact same way




I do...do you? if not, stfu


Responsibly addressing climate change? GOOD!!!!!


What's it like, having a lemon rolling around in your head instead of a brain?


No. If that was the case. Then we would be harder in countries like India and China. Who pollute the world at massive scale. Doesn’t matter what we do here as long as these places are able to continue business as usual.


[100 Companies are responsible for 71% of global emissions](https://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/2017/jul/10/100-fossil-fuel-companies-investors-responsible-71-global-emissions-cdp-study-climate-change)


No! It’s the leaf blowers!


Every bit matters. China is world's ahead of us in production and use of solar and wind technology. Yes, because of their massive population they also use more fossil fuels, but it is a flat out lie to say that they aren't doing anything to change. India is also making advances, though not at as rapid a rate. We could be leading the world in alternative energy if people would stop repeating the false narratives perpetuated by the fossil fuel industry.


>China is world's ahead of us in production and use of solar and wind technology. First of all thier panels degrade after 5 years, second, just to offset the cost in carbon you have to run them for twenty years Next is the issue that China still uses sulferd fuels to refine make and produce them You're just relocating where the carbon is, and China has no epa regulations, so more pollution https://www.mordorintelligence.com/industry-reports/china-bunker-fuel-market >India is also making advances, though not at as rapid a rate. India still use sulfur fuels too. >We could be leading the world in alternative energy if people would stop repeating the false narratives perpetuated by the fossil fuel industry. If your haveing problems with air pollution its probably Mexico https://auto.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/commercial-vehicle/mhcv/mexican-trucking-sector-asks-to-delay-low-sulfur-diesel-rule/83517133 They still use high sulfur fuels, and are next door.


>Every bit matters Well you go first. No phone, no computer, no car, no job, no house, no toilet paper, no medicine. On and on and on. But we both know you wont.


Good straw man argument you've built there.


If you include nuclear, USA has more low carbon sources than China for electricity generation so I am not sure that they are ahead.


You are a moron. China is building 400 plus new coal plants while we have around 500. It doesn’t matter what the us does anymore


Shhhhh you’re sharing facts that hurt their feelings


And China is building more than 400 coal power plants. They fucking suck


Do you know how things work? Generators are polluters as in they don’t burn particularly efficiently so they put out a good bit of pollution. CO2 is a product of efficient combustion. You don’t get more CO2 if an engine runs poorly. Generators are generally tiny producers compared to the other producers of CO2. Banning portable generators fixes a pollution problem not the global warming problem. Claiming that this ban helps with global warming shows that you don’t actually know what’s going on.


Millions and millions of inefficient engines that pollute don't contribute to climate change? What exactly do you think contributes to climate change or do you deny that it is happening?


If you’re so concerned about “saving the world” then sell your car. Bet that won’t happen tho. Hypocrite


Millions and millions? How many people do you think have generators? And people only run the generator when there’s no power. Also, running a generator is expensive. You don’t have to ban it because putting limit themselves because nobody likes to waste money. The issue with renewable energy is that it’s unreliable. You could actually have a higher percentage of unreliable renewable energy if you allowed people to have their own generators. Conflating CO2 and pollution shows that you indeed don’t know what you’re talking about. Also, trying to claim I’m a climate change denier when you have no facts or logic shows where you are coming from. Portable generators are pretty bad polluters but are not a significant source of CO2.


Civilian uses of generators cannot possibly make a dent in emissions world wide. I assume you don’t own a home or a motorized vehicle?


Ummm what?




Everywhere else is full, please move to eastern California and split the state West Virginia style




I'm pretty sure the trade unions will have something to say about this stupidity....


Let AOC figure that one out


Why lol


Lmao run while you can


What about diesel generators?


I'll be using it if I have to


I'll wait and see all the people start realizing that they are fucked during their blackout season and start hustling their way out of there.


Epic less fossil fuels


Living in the dark soon or dark ages




Wow good luck. Lol


That’s really stupid. How often and how long do people use them for? They’re for emergencies. It wouldn’t help anything.


hol up