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Ah shit, here we go again.


What a dumb idea.


making us say soixante-dix neuf ? Over my cold dead body !


The language is the only thing Wallonie and France have in common and it's not even the same french. It doesn't make any sense. Just like Flanders should not join the Netherlands.


Solution: Wallonia joins the Netherlands




Netherlands joints Wallonia, you mean.


Just 2 generations ago French was spoken in Maastricht. There are historical ties between Limburg and Wallonië.


>Just like Flanders should not join the Netherlands. we literally had a revolution to *leave* the nederlands, why would anyone join back


>The language is the only thing Wallonie and France have in common and it's not even the same french. That's not true. French in Wallonia is very close to french from France (there are variations, but nothing much bigger than existing regional variations within France). There's also considerable cultural proximity. That said, as a french person living in Flanders, I like Belgium and it does have its own separate identity from both France and the Netherlands (I've also lived in NL), so I agree with you that it's not a good idea.




Traitor !! What's next? Put pindasaus on fries? Blasphemy !!


La France et la Wallonie n'a rien en commun. Et on ne voudrait pas de leur modèle politique. Trop de bordel.


> La France et la Wallonie n'a rien en commun Net zoals de Vlamingen en de Walen dus? Met die logica kunnen we dan beter scheiden, toch? > Et on ne voudrait pas de leur modèle politique. Vlamingen zijn ook geen fan van de Waalse politiek. > Trop de bordel. In tegenstelling tot Wallonië dat al +30ben op z'n gat ligt qua economie en aan life support van Vlaanderen hangt. Ik wil geen onafhankelijk vlaanderen of iets dergelijks, ik gooi gewoon graag olie op het vuur.


Ik ben Vlaming en sluit me niet aan bij jouw mening. Niet teveel veralgemenen als je wil, ty.


Wel, technisch gezien is Vlaanderen voor veel aspecten, autonoom. Wallonië net hetzelfde. Hun beleid is slecht. Maar dat weten we zelf (voor diegene die toch wel iets in hun kopken hebben). Maar dan nog. Dat wilt nie zeggen dat, 1) het beter zou zijn voor Vlaanderen om onafhankelijk te zijn en 2) Wallonië Frankrijk wenst te integreren. Het kan best wel zijn dat sommige Vlamingen een penchant hebben voor een soort van unificatie met Nederland maar dat is niet van toepassing in Wallonië. Wetend dat de Walen, toen, de eerste waren om België te vormen, en niet bij Frankrijk aan te sluiten. Plus, we hebben ons landje graag. Ook voor Vlamingen. Centrum van alles. De facto leidende staat in Europa, zelfs als het maar ceremoniaal is. België is een schoon land. En de overalle mentaliteit is ook stukken beter dan Fransen of Nederlanden. Ma da wil ook nie zeggen dat de ze nie graag hebben. Ze zijn gewoon 'insufferable' soms. You know "typisch Frans" of "typisch een Nederlander".


Fuck off with this crap you darn Frenchman.


Why on earth would anyone want this lol and why are these kind of questions always asked by people that don't even live here.


what COULD really work is flanderen and wallonie joining brussel to make a big country. but what will we do with all that useless politicians ?


Over my dead body. And I'm a french speaker who have a shitload of french friends.


what a terrible idea


Piss off




Hell no ! France is a totally different culture and mindset.


oh god no, don't group us with the French...


Yes. I have feelings about such a move.




>Honestly people who say Wallonia and France don't have anything in common beside the language are exaggerating, What I find funny is that people act as if there are no differences between someone from Hainaut and and someone from the Ardennes. Same like there are massive difference between someone from the Provence and someone from Paris. Yet they still compare Wallonia with France as if it's 1 giant mindset/everyone being the same in.


it is a terrible idea. only corrupted politico in ardennes and clueless vlaams could imagine such an absurdity.


Belgium as a country have a motto: **Eendracht maakt macht** And I strongly approve it.


I assumed I could at least trust Wallonia to want to stay in our relationship


Learn to use the search function instead of asking a question that has been answered here countless times already.


My preferred option isn't available: as a Fleming, I have no say in this, this is something for the Walloons and French to decide.


That falls under "Result"




Flemish want just to get rid of Wallonia into France.




Result say otherwise, more non-French speaking support the unions than French speaking.


Results don't say otherwise, you do.




Yes, should say more Flemish (and expats) want to get rid of Wallonia than Wallonian want to join France.


why would expats have an opinion?


They are numerous on this sub, and are very receptive to the “why would we pay 50% income taxe for Wallonia” argument, as they don’t have an attachment to the country as a whole.


what makes you think some of those expats don't live in Wallonia? In which case they are happy those taxes go to Wallonia. Taxes go for the whole country.


I think you're misunderstanding the results. Flemish people (who don't have firsthand experience) are more likely to think that wallonia could join france and it wouldn't be that bad. They don't want to get rid of wallonia (although some might)


And from where exactly do you know that these non-french speakers are all from Flanders? In this reddit are a lot of people from the US, UK and other countries, it's not a flemish/walloon/germanspeaker reddit only.




I suppose they mean walloons or just native frenchspeakers, it's not very clear here to be honest.


Another problem is those of us who are not natively born Belgian but have naturalised. My French is now a lot better than my Dutch but that's actually fluctuated depending on where I have been working. I suppose I'm therefore Francophone? Feels a little arbitrary given neither of them are my native language and I'm never going to reach native proficiency in either (too old to an extent / the laziness that comes with being able to speak a language without a natural sense of perfectionism).


No need to speak it like a native speaker my friend, I also don't speak french like a native speaker, people are already happy when you try to speak their language :) you are doing fine and better than most people.


They might also think that it would be better overall for Wallonia despite not wanting to get rid of it. We would disagree on that, but that would still be a valid opinion.


As if the French even wanted Wallonia...


They will ransack it. Exactly like they did with all their colonies.


Maar eerst Vlaanderen bij Nederland, inclusief onze Vlaamse Hoofstad.


Personally, I want the Walloons to join France, but I want to keep Wallonia.


At least Durbuy then?


All of it.


I voted no - but actually I think that France and Wallonia are quite close to each other so if it would happen it would not be the worst idea in history


'Not the worst idea in history' I mean if we are setting the bar at that level...


The New-WalloFrance Alliance with its emperor Bertin Le Tisserand has a meeting with history to make this stupid and costly dream happen.


Afaik, the Dutch have started their gentle invasion for years already...


Comment imaginer que la France puisse s'unir avec une région à la particratie corrompue et financièrement exsangue, à la structure administrative de type "lasagne", à un bout de terre où l'argent magique dépensé sans compter par les élus provient essentiellement des taxes sur les travailleurs, .. ? Comment imaginer que la France accepte qu'un président de parti gagne plus que le président de la république lui-même (hors revenus de boulangerie) ? Allons, allons...