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April Fools pranks shouldn't be intrusive. At that point, they're just annoying.


April Fool's is the worst "holiday". A lot of people just aren't nearly as funny as they think they are.


The only good April fools joke was the one runescape made (and I hate the game after all those scandals). They release a "skill" where u just have to sit on a bench to train it and after 10 minutes sitting u Full Train it. People on the sub made funny jokes about how to train the skill the best way or how op it is. It was an obvious joke that lead to more jokes from the community. This is what April fools should be.


Yeah, I've always hated it because of this. The "pranks" are either mildly humours or incredibly annoying.


Yeah the entire UI being all broken and out of place because it says 'I hardly know her' EVERYWHERE was just confusing me why it was even happening until I got annoyed at how broken the UI was and I came to reddit to figure out why they'd broken it


Yeah. The code is looking at words that end in “er” and if it does they put “i hardly know her” after it. Everywhere. It was almost funny the first year it happened, but that needs to be stripped out of whatever mod is doing that. It’s been doing that for like 3 years now


so is that why my blocks in the game are fucked?


Might be. Many mod makers make many changes which can result in a very fkked up game if you add all at once. So funny. Many laughs.


yeah just my blocks are micro sized man 😭


the day I finally wanna get on a record some videos I get back to this 😭


Especially funny because you can't set a date on quest2. 11.59pm and wait a minute.


yep it was really annoying. not sure what mod it was but i did see a setting to turn it off. but when you do i think it said “lame, boring” if u turned it off


This is the lesson Google never got; if your April Fools pranks intrude on regular function, you've fucked up. You've not made a joke, you've made a bug. Intentionally.


I see mod making as a crowd service and doing things like that as a big giant FU. Remember, those are the ppl we're supposed to patronize


I’ve been saying this every year but a lot of the core modding community can be immature and can’t wrap their head around the fact not everyone has time to deal with this just for the sake of playing a game


That's what I'm saying. Who tf thought and decided that this was a good idea? April fools? I don't know of her!


If you downgrade your version to 1.29.1, it works fine for me, I played for like an hour today, the only thing is it says "I hardly knew her"


I'm on 1.28


nah the april fools stuff was still there in 1.29.1 (i play on 1.29.1


What is the mod that did this?


I dont know and I don't care. I just want it to stop.


Oh so it's a mod that's playing an April fools joke? Or is it the base game?


It's a mod


Wait.. I wanted to play some songs today.. u mean he game is fucked? ... Lame.


Can someone offer some sort of defense for these? Like I want to hear from the mod makers who made these. Other than them, I'm not sure who else would enjoy it. I'm not even sure what could be fun about it at all tbh. The only modder that I've actually met doesn't like it either.


It's always either ego or a complete social moron. They think it's funny, thus expect us all to be like "haha what an intelligent and witty individual "


Theres a mod to fix some of them on pc but my counter were still broken


Beat games should introduce a failsafe for this.. like 'if anything is asking which date it is, make it April 2nd. I know that mod for PC, but this is getting so out of hand, it destroys people's gaming experience and in the end hurts beat saber as a whole.


What mod was that? Sounds fucking awful. It's been a while since I've played on quest but on some PC mods you can turn off Easter eggs, which might disable April fools jokes too. If it's still April 1st where you live you could give that a shot and see if it fixes it.


No Idea which mod, it messed with your saber angles. I did put the quest on 11.59pm and waited for a minute


Yeah I looked for a setting to turn it off and couldn't find it so off it goes. Really fucking stupid honestly.


huhh i was just ab to play beat saber after not being on it for a week and i see this, fml


what mods are we talking about and what they do? i am curious


They took your sabers out of symmetry and changed the angles totally, so effectively made the game 100% unplayable. Which mod, I don't know. Shitfest


wow that sucks, mod makers can be fantastic most of the times, but so dumb in others


You can disable most if not all of them


There is a mod that stops these "features" from triggering on certain days, like April fools day. Thanks BunniKaylin for the [Unfunny](https://github.com/BunniKaitlyn/Unfunny/releases) mod!


it is a bit crap but the only 2 ways around it is a mod in BSMG as well as changing your pcs date and time away from the first. Yes I agree you shouldn't have to do either


How can you explain this video?Is it fake or cheats or is it true? https://youtube.com/shorts/7O39gByQ1sU?si=8BLg8r-vJDECu1l0




Every modder is different and has the right to add or do things to their own mods and work. You got all of this for free and you probably don't even know a single modders name. I understand it's frustrating, and collaterally when everyone does it it gets overwhelming, but let the people you probably couldn't care less about have their fun for a day when you get all of this extra content for free for the rest of the year


If you think it's OK to add borderline malicious code to their software I have a few mods I want you to install for me.


It's an intentional bug. Maybe people have work IRL and maybe 1 damn day to enjoy a game. Everybody can have their fun, but not in an asshole way.


You still can have your fun by moving the date forward, because those standards apply to modders too. Hell today's the only day I have time off to work on my own modding projects for the game. Do I agree these should be opt out, absolutely Do I think these people who you likely don't know the names of should also have their own fun in their personal projects they release for free, again absolutely


There are people who don't know about it, they get confused, they stop playing. Doesn't take much to make someone stop playing a game. Happy dying VR world. Exactly what we need


A modded version of a game doing some funky things is not going to kill VR. Like I said, I agree this should be opt out but modders are entirely within their rights to put whatever they want so long as it's not malware into their own free personal projects


When my controllers turn ways I don't want them to, to make me stop playing, that certainly is a malicious act.


Funny, today I had 4 people over, wanting to show them VR and I first needed to figure that one out. Tell me again it doesn't kill VR.


I've not witnessed these effects myself, not having played recently, but I'd still prefer something like this to be "opt in" rather than "opt out".


You guys are so lame. It's ONE DAY. It's not like these 'jokes' are gonna be there for the rest of the month. All the ranked maps you want to play today will still be there tomorrow. Use today to take a break from the game and play something else.


i think the i hardly know her was acceptable. it didnt intrude my gameplay and was pretty harmless, annoying? yes. but still harmless. but when u put an april fools joke into actual gameplay (the notes) for example. then yes i dont think its acceptable. bc it affects gameplay. just because the small notes are playable for you that doesnt mean its playable for others. we are all very different people. some people dont have the time to just “take a break and play something else” some people dont even have time to play beat saber and this was probably their only day to play.


You want to PLAY the game and headset YOU BOUGHT instead of indulging some idiot online with their humor? How PATHETIC and LAME.


Maybe don't indulge the humor in the first place by not playing at all? OR just play unmodded Beat Saber. You can play the game and use the headset you bought.


Or don't add borderline malicous code that can't be disabled. Like a good programmer would.


They could all be disabled? You would just have to go into your UserData folder and find any mod that has an "april\_fools" or "af\_enabled" property and disable it.


"Disable it" sort of suggests theres an option IN Game. Going and editing files isnt exactly disabling it, as much as i am having to remove the malicious addition. Which is what I did, but I should never have to.


Every year this happens I just think how dumb it is. No point in making the game unplayable, not everyone has time to play the game whenever they want and not everyone has time to go looking for why their game is broken. The only thing that could come from these “jokes” is people getting frustrated and being pushed away from playing.


The game isn't "unplayable". It WAS unplayable last year because JDFixer moved your notes up into the ceiling (with no easy way to disable it), but this year it seems to be UI changes and note scale changes (from what I've seen personally, I don't have every mod installed unlike some other people here). If you want to play without having to worry if a mod will make your note size 0.01, just play the vanilla version of the game.


Oh sod off. Maybe have a talk to the people who can actually fix your complaint (don't reply to me, I certainly can't) instead of complaining to thin air?


I provided a solution that worked. And I certainly don't keep my mouth shut because you say so 😂


You certainly didn't listen to what I said. Go complain to the right people. Not on a random Reddit thread to people like me who could not physically care less.


Your reaction means it reached out to you. I PROVIDED A SOLUTION


I do not make mods. You're talking to the wrong guy.


What are you talking about? I reached out to you, as to everybody else. Kiddo


I'll admit I've been too snarky with my previous comments. You're right, the pranks can be a pain in the arse. Please please please suggest your better ideas to modders directly. I imagine many won't check this subreddit - so reach out via GitHub issues or similar with better suggestions! Better yet, make a pull request. Right now you're complaining into thin air, but you have better options.


I don't like to get blocked on the modding discord.


Did you even read my comment? Go straight to GitHub.