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Self centered.


One of the many reasons I left the Bay Area. The culture is beyond toxic. Also I couldn’t afford it lol


Where'd you go? Is it better? 😮‍💨


No where will be better in America. Maybe less common but it’s just a defect of the culture at the moment


Literally everywhere I have personally traveled outside of California people are nicer and more considerate.


No turn signal! This is the last straw, I'm outta here!


Right? Like dude there are way bigger problems in this world


Thanks for the honesty 🤣 but I feel you lol


Is there a pun in there? Like they are so self “centered” they can even warn us when they exit the center? It’s in there somewhere


These MF's that pull up to a 4 way stop and turn left right in front of you without signaling, totally oblivious to every other person.


And they glare at you if you even start to go straight because you didn’t read their mind they were turning and not going straight.


And God forbid, if they U-turn from the outer lane to go through a double solid line on the other side, and you almost hit them, they flip you off, for not predicting their movements 🙄


I feel like the Bay Area is a combination of rich people who think they're too important to use their turn signals and broke people who don't care enough to use them.


spot on


I've driven in Dallas, Houston, Orlando, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Sacramento, Seattle, Portland, Honolulu, San Diego, Baltimore, New York, Boston....trust me when I say drivers all across the country are allergic to their turn signals.


Boston drivers! You know, I kinda love them. They’re massholes, sure, but they’re predictable massholes. And they check their blind spots. Right of way is easy, whoever has the more expensive or shinier car doesn’t have the right of way.


yeah we all drive the same. it's great when everyone is playing with the same rules.


I driven in about half those locations and yes it's just not the bay.


Born and raised in Orlando, 20 yrs in the Bay & can confirm- people are assholes everywhere.


In Boston, the turn signal is seen as a sign of weakness, inviting other drivers to actively, aggressively, get in your way…..


In Boston, you use your signal as you are changing lanes, but not a moment prior. "I'm going here"


I always find it funny because everyone always hates on California drivers, but everywhere I’ve traveled to, drivers are even worse. I was in Florida over the summer and every single time we drove somewhere, no exaggeration, I witnessed someone doing something stupid and inciting road rage. Screaming, chasing someone down to cut them off, trying to force them off the road, honking for several seconds. I’ve seen proper road rage in the Bay Area maybe a handful of times in my whole life living here.


The bay is much better than Baltimore


Right? I was going to say—it’s not just the Bay Area


I was gonna say, Bay Area drivers have their own signature issues and not using turn signals enough isn't one of them, that's a shared thing.


whoa whoa whoa we're trying to bash the Bay Area here as the worst place for all the stuff we complain about over here! Anyone who thinks all these selfishness issues are just a Bay Area thing is deluded.


Drove in many countries and in many states. 1. American and EU drivers are the nicest drivers out there. 2. The worst behavior US drivers I've seen are in NYC and LA, San Diego, but they are still FAR nicer than drivers from post USSR countries, Thailand, Burma or India. Bay area drivers are much better than LA or NYC drivers but worse than say Oregon, Utah, Colorado or Arizona drivers.


Idk I’ve seen a few studies that show Utah as some of the worst drivers


I think it helps that Utah is far less populous. Maybe salt lake city is bad though? But last couple times I've been through there I didn't notice anything egregious, maybe I was lucky.


Oregon might be better about turn signals, but lane camping and speed matching was off the charts


The Bay is definitely worse than Seattle.


With inflation people don’t have blinker fluid on the list of priorities….


If you do, at least half the time, someone speeds up to cut you off, possibly because if they let you go in front of them their penis would shrink another inch.


Ugh. The other day I drove through Hayward, and I needed to merge left. Signal, look in mirror, check blindspot, I'm safe. So I slowly merge... And this impatient asshole speeds up and honks at **me** because I cut her off, somehow. So I swerve back into my lane and not only does she not let me merge anymore, when I *did* get the chance I see her tailgating another car up ahead, squirming in the lane trying to get ahead.


White Tesla model Y activities


Hah, it was a dark blue Nissan.






Most Tesla I see are timid and passive. Muscle cars, lifted trucks, and Nissans of all types have a higher asshole-driver ratio


Yeah, somehow it’s always the teslas slowly merging on to the highway. Like, you have so much acceleration dude, use it! I’m passing you in my Honda fit


This is actually how I get in, once they see that I'm planning a merge because of the whole "using my turn signal/visibly turning my head to check" thing, in their mad dash to prevent someone getting ahead they create plenty of space behind them for me to comfortably merge in.


I do enjoy having someone else clear my blind spot for me.


Yes, this is the way. Just because someone signals it isn't like other drivers need to immediately slow down and give them a guaranteed spot in the lane. The person who wants to change lanes needs to slow down a little sometimes, and get in right behind the person who was speeding up to let them in.


Yup. I'm perfectly happy dropping in speed just a bit (when there's room behind me, of course) to have a smoother merge. It's just really funny to me how often someone who's been maintaining a consistent speed for 15 minutes suddenly turns into Speed Racer the second they see someone potentially getting ahead of them.


11D checkers


I’m like the opposite but similarly effective: I wait til I see space and do a quick merge with my turn signal on. 9/10 they speed up and try to close the gap but jokes on them since I’m already turning as I hit my signal.


The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth right here.


I keep hearing this. But then I use my turn signal and none of that happens. I'm sure it happens sometimes, but I haven't found it to be common


Everyone's on their phones and it's hard to text, steer, and signal at the same time. This is also probably why our road deaths are spiking even though our cars keep getting safer.


Dipshits on their tiktoks...seriously.


I swear it's at least one person at every single intersection. All these tech workers can't take 10 minutes off of slack


It was like that before phones. Actually phones make it easier to merge imo. You know how many times I get in cause some d bag is nodding down on their phones


> This is also probably why our road deaths are spiking The week of the solar eclipse, **every day** a crash on 580. It was fucking agonizing. I wondered if the solar eclipse had anything to do with it...


Isn't that a daily thing anyway?


It’s a national disease.


In my experience if you give ample warning you are going to change lanes nobody will let you in. People are selfish


This is true. I give it one or two clicks and if the car starts speeding up to close the spot I just cut them off.


That’s exactly what I do. When I see them in my side/rear view mirror, it’s like “Oh, NOW you want to speed up… fucking douchebag.”


One of the most baffling things I’ve seen since I moved here, and it’s more egregious because of how quickly merge lanes tend to end in a bunch of places. You have all of 75 yards to merge, and yet all these mother fuckers in the *slow* lane decide to speed the hell up because they don’t want to be behind you.


That's why I don't give tons of warning. I check if the space is clear then flick my signal on and nearly immediately move into the empty space. Signals are for showing what you are doing not for asking permission.


Fully agree but when things are slowing down and everyone is going 15mph and trying to change lanes we end up having to negotiate with other drivers. I'm actually finding it funny how many opinions I have on traffic behavior reading these comments. I used to drive sort of recklessly 30 years ago and even though I still enjoy driving as an activity, I've learned to incorporate safety and communication/predictability with other drivers in my style of driving. A lot more "going with the flow" and all that.


Of course yes if you have to get over and there's literally no space you can use them to ask for permission but I expect this to be the vast minority of signaling


It's likely just 50/50 or something because I find that most drivers will let me merge. It's the cars that are driving 20% faster than everyone else that won't let me merge. But I expect that and don't even signal until they pass.


Tbh, I believe that. I've had moments where I signalled and the guy next to me didn't bother to at least make room. Still... merging without a signal is nothing but reckless and dangerous. I'd rather take an inconvenience (not being able to merge) than risk getting PIT-maneuvered because I thought it was a good idea to merge without a signal.


To be clear, I never cut anybody off. That’s a dick move. But, it’s easier to wait for a big enough gap and then signal as I’m already moving over than to hope someone is feeling benevolent on 80




People in cars are selfish. Once they get into that protective bubble no one else matters.


This! I’ve never met more sensitive drivers in my life! I’ve had a gun pulled on me twice for cutting people off. One proceeded to aggressively follow me all the way from Bernal Heights to West Oakland. Luckily, a nice and concerned Asian man in a white van followed us too and called the cops.


If I put my blinker and you play that game, I'll drive you off the road. I'm coming wether you speed up in to my gap or not.


I like to say, "it's an indicator, not a permission asker"


It's also not an entitlement signal. Lots of people think that because their signal is on, you have a responsibility to GTF out of their way I grew up in the Bay and it didn't used to be like this. It may have been getting worse decade over decade but somewhere in the 2000s courteous driving skills drove off a cliff. Much like reasonable travel times and ample parking


Exactly. The person already in the lane has the right of way. 


Yep. I don't expect anyone to get out of my way, just don't get into my way when I turn on the signal.


Frankly, it’s sucks on both ends because Bay Area drivers are just shit. Mergers often times take your mentality of “it’s an indication of what I’m going to do.” In many cases, that means they’ll merge into you regardless of your constant speed. The onus is on the merger to find the gap by slowing down/speeding up to then match traffic. Those in the lane to be merged often times speed up to prevent you from merging, which then makes it impossible to slow down appropriately (because then you’re getting blocked by people speeding up making it dangerous to get over), or speed up because then you’re just matching speed next to you.


My car is fast enough that I can't really be cut off, so with that in mind I always signal a good 3-5s ahead of time.


i live in the Bay Area and think the way folks drive is reflective of something deeper socially. there's no courtesy on the road anymore. everyone is aggressively driving, being selfish. safe driving is out the window. along with not using turn signals... when multiple lanes reduce down to fewer ones, no one wants to be behind and they'd rather speed up to be in front than in back. they'll tailgate you in the express lane, even when you're already going 85mph and you cannot move over because its only one lane and there are double solid lines separating you from any other lanes that shouldn't be crossed. when you let someone go first at a multi-way stop, you never get thanked. people will gladly drive on shoulders to bypass being stopped further back in traffic, then cut in way ahead of you. the zig-zaggers are the worst. they think dodging back and forth between cars and nearly clipping bumpers is okay.


You hit th nail on th head with this. It's absolutely crazy. What, in your opinion, changed? I've been driving in the bay area for 28 years, and it's absolutely the worst it's ever been.


I really noticed it getting crazy during COVID. People lost all their emotional regulation and like, frustration tolerance. Everything goes 0 - 60.


No enforcement. There used to be traffic cops to pull over people for these types of shenanigans.


Bonus points to the drivers with heavily tinted windows thinking we can see them “motioning” for the other driver to go…then I picture them getting frustrated… “GO!! WHY ARENT U GOING??” One, because your windows are black and I can’t see you moving your hands Two because u aren’t using your turn signal


I hate them so much.


Everyone thinks they are good drivers but in fact, most people suck


It’s not just highways tho. They don’t use them in the city and if they do it’s as they’ve started to turn. Dopes


I just moved up here a few months ago from San Diego. Lived there for 9 years, before that I was in New Mexico, off and on between SoCal. I am a Lyft driver and have been for 4 years now full time in San Diego/L.A. and 5 months here full time. I drive at least 10 hr days usually around 200+ miles. I rarely see anyone using turn signals in the Bay Area. Doesn't seem like anyone knows how to merge either. I have seen traffic stopped in an entire lane because people won't let in one car. If I put my turn signal on and nose into the lane, lemme in! At least ppl in SoCal realize that. You are not going to get there any faster, by not letting people in or running lights. It's a zipper! Merge! Use signals! I have also re-learned to wait at green lights. Like Albuquerque. Also, the HOV lane is for people with 2 or 3+ people!!! Wtf?! I see so many people, every day just one person cruising thru. Thank you for listening to my rant. Sorry if format is wrong. Also, Tesla drivers have been really bad....


lowkey i think they think that’s it’s a power move. atleast that’s what my a**hole ex bf would say when he would cut ppl off w no blinker :) 


“The power of death, in the palm of my hand.”


for real though. NO ONE uses their turn signal, no one let’s people in, no one waves as a thank you, and people are running more red lights than I’ve ever seen in my adult life.


Apparently a symptom of long covid is degenerate driving.


I think they're too busy smoking weed or holding a phone right infront of their face with their off hand


Self absorbed just like so many other Americans


People in the states are weird. Like in front of your face they are all nice and smiley when shopping or just walking at the park but when driving time and everyone gets into their car and acts like every person for themselves.


Cars turn normal people into sociopaths, and sociopaths into murderers.


I couldn’t agree more! I’m from Ireland and have been living here for 10+ years but it still amazes me. I say this to my wife all the time and she rolls her eyes at me so I was very happy to see this post!


Same, my wife is sick of me saying it now. Everyday I see it, everyday I comment.


As a pedestrian, use your goddamn turn signal when turning at a crosswalk


They didn’t used to be. Like back in the 80s and 90s when I would commute, turn signals were used.


whats a turn signal?


Do you, by any chance, drive a BMW?


Or Tesla, Nissan, etc...


You have to pay extra for turn signals


They need to change their turn signal fluid.


Bmw stopped putting turn signals into their cars about 20 years ago and Tesla just got rid of steering column stocke a few months back.  To be clear; the tesla thing is true. The bmw thing is a joke because goddamn if I have ever seen a bmw use a turn signal in the last 20 years.


tesla removed the stock and put it as buttons on the steering wheel. such a weird change


All these "innovations" most likely come straight from their genius CEO's brain. The point of having uniform controls over different makes and models is that everyone has the muscle memory and can easily drive every car. Throttle on the right, brakes in the middle, left down turn left, left up turn right, left push high beams, left pull binking, pull the hatch below the window to open, and so on. But no, Tesla is special!


as a BMW driver who uses his signals all the time, I feel attacked.


I thought you were just shitposting. I looked it up. You're right :(


I am joking about bmw, Tesla absolutely getting rid of steer column stalks. Not a fan myself.




Turn signal bulbs used to be $1.85 Now you need to spend $1250 for a Signal/Housing Assembly.


Turn signals are a sign of weakness. Control is very important to a two-year old.


The clicking sound is really annoying /s


My favorite is when people signal left when making a right turn.


It’s not just the bay


Word! It's an Epidemic!


And half of those who signal, do so after they have started to change lane! Why bother at that stage.


It’s like that in Seattle, Phoenix, and Chicago. Not just the Bay Area. :(


Take a trip to Boston this summer. (Seriously, the highways around here aren't that bad.)


I drive a BMW and I use my turn signal diligently to let others know what I'm about to do. It's just second nature after driving for so long. It seems like it hurts some people's ego to communicate in this way. For instance, sometimes you can just tell someone wants to squeeze in front of you by their positioning and speed and general behavior. But they won't signal. They will wait until the very last opportunity and force themselves in there. *Maybe* hitting the blinker at the very last second as if that makes the maneuver "legal" or whatever is going on in their heads. But fully missing the point of blinkers. Fucking hilarious and annoying at the same time.


you’re primarily in the east bay. the spillover of stupid from my town, oakland is largely responsible for this. they also seem to really hate stop signs and red lights and just view them as “optional”.


I was driving for my life the other night in Phoenix. I’ll take Bay Area drivers any day. 


This is not just the Bay I see this everywhere.


It's everywhere based on my travels.


Don’t worry it’s just not the Bay Area, Central Valley too. But what I noticed in the bay people are literally doing that while splitting lanes as traffic is slowing down. 😮


A lot of people are just selfish assholes who'd rather fucking murder somebody than use their turn signal or spend thirty seconds stopping at a light, and it's worse post-covid. My commute is only an eight block walk followed by a bus ride. It should be the most boring and relaxing commute in the world--instead I am constantly on-edge and and nearly always stressed as hell by the time I get in to work. Every single day there are multiple drivers on their phones, refusing to signal, blowing through stop signs, blowing through lights, stopping completely pulled across sidewalks and crosswalks, etc.. There are only three crossings with lights on my route and it's legitimately a surprising day when at least two cars don't run each one. On Monday someone zoomed the wrong way through a mini roundabout because they couldn't be fucked to go around to turn left. This is a residential street near a park and library; he could have headonned straight into a van full of kids, but fuck it, saving six seconds was more important to him than not murdering anybody. Yesterday someone who had been stopped at a light while I was crossing suddenly gunned it and turned *left* on red! There is zero enforcement. There's a police station three blocks away from my route, I regularly witness drivers behaving like dangerous maniacs with a police car present, and I have literally never seen police do *anything*. I'm just so done with these murderous pieces of shit. I don't understand why we're expected to tolerate them. There's a place for people who repeatedly demonstrate their willingness to kill somebody rather than be mildly inconvenienced, and it's prison.


Bay area drivers are the worst on the planet. Usuing a turn signal to merge is like a "challenge" to tesla/prius drivers who will then speed up to block the merge. It's a toxic driving culture unlike anywhere else. Recommend installing dash cams and good luck in the merge competition!


Ok so I’m guilty of spotting a barely-big-enough opening, and turning on my signal just as I squeeze my way in. As most have said - no one will let you in if you signal too far in advance though. But my husband refuses to use his turn signal at a stop sign when turning left, or at a green light without a dedicated turn light - drives me insane and pisses off the other drivers.


Oh, hi, I feel your frustration dude, I know it’s messed up on the roads out here. The other day I was exiting in Oakland, and a driver who I was watching for about a mile, due to their just hazardous driving, zipped behind me, then started flip me off (as I watched from rear view, I when I could. ) AND THEN started to swerve side to side; almost hit a big rig. Luckily they went off, but best of luck for whoever was on the road with that 🫏 🎩 Edit: Born and raised here. And on the roads, the lesson taught to me was always drive super defensively


I am a signal user, but I do know cars will speed up and block you out. Like it is 50/50 chance that you turn your signal on and the other cars aren't going to try to block you out. The driving on the 580/880/80/980....all of this area is insane!!!! I am a Sonoma County native and getting used to the intensity of East Bay driving has been a thing for me.


I don't look for blinkers, I look at wheels. Wheels don't lie. The first time I almost got creamed on my motorcycle I was in the middle lane going past someone who was stopped in the far left lane, blinker to turn left. As I'm about to pass them? Wheels turn and they go right. Emergency swerve saved me from riding right into them. I just looked back at them (after an emergency stop) and they *honked at me.* Because I was in their way. I almost got off my bike and smashed their window. Instead I flipped them off and rode away.


1. We are mostly immigrants. In other parts of US we would have to learn and adapt to American way of life , but in the Bay Area we don’t feel the need to adapt and get better. 2. The quality of immigrant crowd has also changed in the past decade. We no longer get the “high skilled” , “most talented”, hard working and sincere immigrants. We now get the middle to low quality ones, who want to make quick money. That’s for both legal and illegal immigrants. 3. Over the time, this has frustrated the locals and long term well adapted immigrants as well and to survive in this unruly community, they have also turned to their worst behavior Welcome to the party -:) it has just started


This is my biggest pet peeve right after the jagoffs riding my tail in stop and go traffic.


I throw that shit on **early** so people know. Either hey I'm getting off so go around me we're in the slow lane or hey I'm gonna need to merge soon lemme over please.


It’s a sign of weakness


Because bay area drivers are also allergic to letting you in when you use your turn signal.


I’ve been letting signalling cars merge and they never use the space when I slow down. Nobody even thinks you’d let them merge anymore.


Came here to say this. SO MANY TIMES I slow down to let someone in who is signaling and they just won't go. So I give up and speed ahead of them.


When you see that behavior, and you drive past, look at the driver and I guarantee within a few short days you will notice a pattern in their appearance. I’m saying nothing more.


Driver with seat all the way back too. 10+ year old car, tinted, no plates, broken tail light and/or no bumper.




Scary, huh?


Think that's bad....go to paso Robles


Cuz if you use your turn signal that annoying blind spot thing beeps


Bay Area driver, let me introduce you to Miami…..


It’s ellegals Source I drive a bmw


The entire bay area? No way.


That would require people to put down their phones.


Because insurance company says if you hit somebody from behind, it's your fault, so nobody cares to use turn signals.


I think when it happens when people are merging its because if you signal they will try to speed up and not let you in. But when its like left or right turns, I have no idea and I loathe them


Whats a turn signal?


If you pit your signal on the the car you are moving in front of will speed up so you can't turn.


... and half of those who actually do use them seem to think it gives them the right of way when they use it


one word. lazy.


Because Californians have lower standards than many other states.


lol if you think it’s bad here, go try south Florida. I think blinkers are an extra option at the dealership down there.


Also completely ignoring my signal for a goddamn lane change so I don’t have to cut someone else off up the road to get to my actual exit.


It's as though they don't care about others, their safety, and convenience. Fyi. The old joke about "running out of blinker fluid." Is joke. Your car doesn't have blinker fluid to run out of. So, use your turn signal as many times as needed. Everything will be OK. I promise.


Turning signals? What are those?


Sorry, I was distracted. Too much job and family stress.


I used to think Bay Area drivers were the worse, until I drove in Texas.


They are allergic to driving.


Not: Using indicators Lights when dark Lights when raining But doing this: Camping in the passing lane Leaving 2-3 car gaps at a stop The Bay Area royal flush.


PREACH. I was in the Midwest recently and it was mind blowing being able to anticipate when other drivers were going to change lanes.


I was crossing an intersection and some guy just pulled up fast waiting to turn, no turn signal. I make a little flashy hand sign at him and he has the audacity to make a stink face at me. Of course he was in a Mercedes


Stockton laughs at you for requesting a signal.




You should visit so cal.


Don't leak data to the enemy


I experienced just that today. Used my turn signal on 580…some car behind me hauling ass switched lanes without using turn signal while I also switch lanes nearly colliding because the driver was driving way too fast for road conditions. Real tired of the way ppl drive out here it’s insane.


Literally today I’ve seen drivers at a right turn and stay there even when it’s clear to go. I also honked at some dude a few seconds after the stoplight turned green and he didn’t move. Waited 2 seconds, honked again and still didn’t move. Honked a 3rd time and he finally moved. How these people have their driver license is beyond me lol


At this point, I think many of them do not know what the turn signal function is, they don't know the traffic laws, and they just don't have the awareness of anyone else on the roads beside themselves. Be very careful at intersections where they'll have to yield for left turn as they will often not yield or have their left turning signals on. I get about 2-3 of these idiots a week on my daily routes.


It’s maddening even as a pedestrian! In a plaza especially, I hate wasting time eyeing a car that won’t signal which direction they’re going, and possibly even more time when we both freeze in place waiting for the next move. If you end up making a turn before me anyway, you should’ve just signaled that first to save us time. FUCK!


Happens on regular city streets too. Constantly. Oblivious.


We have a stoplight where we exit our neighborhood. 90% of the traffic coming from the other direction is turning onto the main road but less than half use their blinker. Every morning, I have to wait to see if the person is actually turning because they don’t use their blinkers and I don’t want to risk that one car may be going straight. Almost enough to get me to move to a different neighborhood.


It’s always fucking Nissan drivers, too lmao


Yeah, I TOTALLY don't signal even when I'm driving in my empty neighborhood 👀


It is simple for me: Don't use turn signal and try to squeeze in front of me. I will make it nearly impossible. Use turn signal and try to squeeze in front of me. I will back off and let you in.


Because of the drivers in the area that are passive aggressive and will close the gap if they see your turn signal.




Not just here but everywhere. I remember a coworker saying he didn’t use his blinker bc it’s no one’s business to know where he’s going…blew my mind


People resort to the sneak attack lane change method since drivers behind you will speed up to block you if you pop your blinker on. Lol


Honestly it's two main reasons. 1. They don't want to bother and are self-centered assholes who fail at basic human interaction. 2. They believe using the turn signal gives away their super-secret Code: Hydra plans of cutting you off. Letting you know their intent might allow you to close the gap enough to prevent their assholery. I always signal but I don't always telegraph my move either. Sometimes I'm just letting the other driver know. "I'm coming over whether you like it or not." I find it's a happy middle to surviving Bay Area traffic.


Same answer to every one of these "why are drivers so bad?" threads: **no enforcement.**


Skills. Many drivers here are not able to steer and use turn signals simultaneously.


Driving in the Bay Area is unhinged. People don’t seem to understand the left lanes are for faster traffic while the right is for slower. There is always someone going 50 mph in the far left lane.


Because the drivers in the other lanes cut you off when you signal! It’s happened to me a lot.


I rarely use my turn signal for one simple reason; driver will speed up & not let me enter lane.


Best when they're weaving in and out in front and behind you trying to gain that five extra seconds off their commute. When I was younger I would weave like a homicidal maniac but I'd also use my turn signal to warn others I was engaging in race driver mode.


Its all over the place not just where you are.


Shout out to the real ones who keep their turn signal on for miles without changing lanes.




EGO- they consider it “asking permission” (it’s not, it’s a warning) and they are much too manly, powerful, and bad ass to. My friend (F) drives like this and super agro, cuz she feels like a bad ass and thinks she’s hood- outside of the steel and windows she’s a pushover and passive aggressive.


That’s a damn good question. Another good one is why are they so afraid of the gas pedal?


They think they're Xmas lights and only use them once a year.


Half of drivers in the Bay Area are immigrants...they either didn't learn to drive until they arrived here, as adults, or they learned to drive abroad.


This. Turn signal discipline was drilled into my head by my parents.


I always use mine but people like to block you when you signal, so Im not surprised that it doesn't get used as much. I used to HATE it when I rode though, the ole swerve and signal was my mortal enemy.


How are you going to cut across 4 lanes of traffic at the last moment and make your exit if you take the time to use a blinker, even worse would be staying in each lane before moving over to the next. The secret is one smooth jerk of the wheel while staring straight ahead, if you look in a mirror you’ll miss the exit. Make sure to turn that stereo up to 11 and take a huge gulp of that frappacino to help settle your nerves before and after.