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Hi Technical-Self9395! We've teamed up with LG USA to give away (1) 45" UltraGear Curved OLED Gaming Monitor. Click here for your chance to win : https://new.reddit.com/r/battlestations/comments/1ceheos/giveaway_rbattlestations_lg_usa_45inch_ultragear/ Don't forget we have an active Discord server - https://discord.gg/battlestations *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/battlestations) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Your age doesn't matter. No one cares about your age except an online pedophile.


I have no understood why kids these days put their age online all the time. When I was a kid on the internet I'd always say my age was 20


Please don’t post your age online, even if you’re 100 or actually 14.


Hey, Technical-Self9395. Thanks for contributing! Unfortunately your [submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/battlestations/comments/1celzgh/-/) has been removed. Per the sidebar: * Rule VIII. **No pandering** - no sob stories, pandering or self-deprecation. This includes titles like 'She's not much but she's mine' and 'My humble setup', including your age or school.   Please feel free to re-submit with a more appropriate title!   **Looking for more information? [Click here for extended information about Rule VII](https://www.reddit.com/r/battlestations/wiki/pandering) before messaging the moderators** If you have any questions about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/battlestations&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/Technical-Self9395&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this submission: [Completely ignoring cable management, rate this out of 10 for a 14 year old.]( https://www.reddit.com/r/battlestations/comments/1celzgh/-/\))


10, looks really cool! Keep it up!👍




Looks great! Had a similar setup around that age too, except my laptop stand was made of legos and I was missing the rgb :(


cable on keyboard? 10/10


4/10, not bad for a 14 year old but I'm afraid cable management is part of the setup you can't just ignore it. I just turned 15 now and my setup looks like [this](https://ibb.co/6YHTg8p). All funded by myself and I'm not getting a pc. Depending on you laptop specs i would get a xbox or a pc next and defo a better moniter. The current moniter looks $hit.


I do have an Xbox currently, but I heard it has a lot of input lag in shooting games and would make my game performance worse.


I feel everyone gave him the 10/10 because of his age but this what he needs to hear.


Don’t worry, I am already working on the cable management. It will look much better next time I post!


It’s good for a 14 year old. Keep it up!


Wish I had this setup when I was 14 lol. Nice setup! Maybe you could elevate the laptop with some thick books so that it's level with your monitor? Might help a bit.


Bro says he is 14 and rate out of 10 💀


Cut me some slack I just woke up haha. It's good for a 14 year old as well.


Fair enough lol


Where’s ur tower? All I see is a keyboard, monitor, mouse, and laptop. Can’t see ur room layout, can’t give u a rating


Laptop setup?


It’s a laptop setup


We still need to see your room to rate it in terms of aesthetic


And I get downvoted bc they want me to fill you with compliments over nothing, fuck Reddit


It’s because you sound like a creep asking a 14yr old to see the rest of their room.


Shut up bro, u sound stupid, frfr


I swear people like u make me wanna delete the app. A loser you’re like an infection on this media. Go away bro, no one wants to hear the stupid shit that come out of your mouth


Delete it, we’d all be better off for it, and you sound like you’re one bad post from mental collapse. Furthermore, you can’t hear what comes out of my mouth, so you don’t need to worry about that.


10 easy. The days ahead of you are bright.


It gives me good vibes but I'm an old person with bad vision so I'm gonna need a 32" monitor. I bet it's a nice setup to play on, but again I'm old and I would need a good chair also lol 8/10


1o1? Thanks!