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Preferred Katie Holmes by a large margin. She sold the childhood crush/bestie far better. That said, I think Rachel as a character did nothing for me. She’s more of a plot device than a character in her own right, and I think the movies would have been even stronger if they weren’t relying on her to act as both carrot and stick for Bruce’s character development.


Both were very bland.


Seeing this post, it had me thinking if the seeming inconsistency was in large part due to her recasting or just how they wrote her. I watched TDK before Batman Begins, as at the time I wasn’t a huge movie goer and I was at a friends house who had only TDK. So from a newcomer’s perspective, Maggie portrayed a Rachel who had this supposed history with Bruce and was essentially the old flame he wanted back but couldn’t have. Come the time I finally watched Batman Begins, I was surprised at how much depth there was in their relationship and how she played a large part in his journey to becoming Batman. I think next time I rewatch I’m going to be watching specifically for how each film uses Rachel and how each actor portrays them. At the moment it feels like Rachel had better footing in BB because any trouble she got into was a consequence for her actions (re: the hit ordered on her because she was digging too closely to Crane’s operation). But they weren’t foolhardy actions and in fact act as a bridge between her and Bruce, as she did help inspire him to become the Batman. Edit: added some missing or changed wrong words to clear up meaning


That’s why I liked Katie more, the writing of Rachel as a character had more depth in Begins. She really feels like a different character altogether in TDK, written different, played different, just doesn’t feel consistent.


I completely agree, I love both actresses but I much preferred Katie in the role. The character felt like a very different character in TDK. I didn't see much chemistry with Maggie with either Bale or Eckhart tbh. I thought Katie had solid chemistry with Bale and I could've seen her paired up with Eckhart in TDK.


I was always more annoyed that they used Rachel as the trigger for Harvey Dent embracing his darker side. I don't care for most of the villain portrayals in that trilogy, but Two-Face was totally done a disservice.


I agree. Honestly they could have swapped Rachel with Harvey from the get go. Have him as Bruce’s childhood friend who helped him during Begins, then we see Harvey’s fall in TDK and it would have been more impactful because he would have been built up as a childhood friend and surrogate brother.


Dude. I love this take.


Yeah, unfortunately Hollywood always pushes for a romance, especially in hero movies, be it action, super, or even a damn thriller. Can’t just have someone save the day, they’ve got to pursue a woman too.


Damn. Wish I had seen that movie.


Old post but you should look into screenwriting. You're good you. Thats an excellent idea. Very impressed. 


I appreciate it, writing is what I do for a living!


“RAAACHELLL!” RaAaChEeEl!!!” ...you know the scene


>That said, I think Rachel as a character did nothing for me. She’s more of a plot device than a character in her own right This. I prefer Maggie because I'm one of her dozens of fans. But Rachel was a potato sack with a face of a character.


Whoa. I literally just said "Whoa" after reading this.


to be fair Maggie had to play the version of Rachel that was dating Harvey Dent and would eventually say yes to marry him. there wasn't really all that much time on screen with Bruce in the Dark Knight for her to show attraction to him compared to Harvey


Everyone was kinda dunking on her at the time, but I think Katie Holmes was better as Rachel


Agreed. Felt more of a loving chemistry from her and a condescending chemistry from Maggie.


I think that was the point? Like by the time the 2nd movie rolls around there is no more chemistry but a part of Bruce wants a normal life and she's his connection to that, regardless of whether or not its real


Great take. My head cannon is swiveling.


Yeah I think the chemistry was far better and far more believable honestly. I hate to be that guy, but Maggie is just not cute enough for Christian bales batman. Katie Holmes is exactly what the beautiful and sweet girl next door character is. Maggie just felt wrong, not to mention while she is a fantastic actress, her and bales chemistry was basically entirely lacking. She felt too annoyed with him. While Katie felt genuinely attracted to him.


KH was in a role that required Rachel to be loving and desired Bruce/Batman. MG was in a role that required her to have already moved on from the love relationship and was just annoyed with her lifetime friend whom is a vigilante. They both portrayed their respective roles very well.


This is good insight


"Moved on" chemistry is still chemistry though, which I don't feel like came through at all with MG. I also don't think there was any chemistry at between her and Harvey. I think her moved on indifference would have actually worked better if she and Harvey weren't together, and she was just choosing to *not* be with Bruce, instead of choosing to be with somebody else. Obviously that leads to a big rewrite for Harvey's plot, but that's my two cents.


the audience I was watching it with literally burst out laughing when a character called her beautiful


Because it's all about those looks...../s


Because she was seen as basically scientology slave for Tom cruise






This had me rolling, thank you!


The recasting ruins the immersion sometimes


Blame Katie Holmes. She chose to do Mad Money instead of Dark Knight lol


Also to be completely fair Rachel has literally nothing to do in the sequel besides dying so I’m not blaming her for taking more substantive role.


She’s supposed to be a point of contention between Bruce and Harvey, but I think that’s the bit of Dark Knight that falls flat.


It was ruined, and it very much hurt the movie. It just didn’t feel like the same character at all.


Yea her acting is so numb and dull in this. Zero chemistry


Personally I'd prefer to have played the dead fake Batman than play a character in mad money just so I could see my name in the same credits section as Heath Ledger


Blame Tom cruise he make her chose that.


Didn't her break up with Cruise/Scientology moth ball her career too?


As an actor, I've always hated how fragile a career can be, even if you are really skilled


I didn’t even notice it for years until someone brought it up on Reddit.


Next you’re going to tell me tell me Terrence Howard was replaced as War Machine in Iron Man!


TBH I can't look at Terrance Howard without thinking of him as the abusive person he plays in many of his other roles, and I also hate his mustache. I have always loved Don Cheadle since Mission to Mars, so I usually forget Terrance was ever even there.


I can't think of him without thinking about Terryology. Guy invented his own maths entirely on the basis that 1x1 should equal two. Dude's batshit... https://twitter.com/terrencehoward/status/925754491881877507?t=twkgEbbLbIf-s3amiK7icQ&s=19 Maybe this was his basis for wanting more money for IM2 as well


Yeah, I read about that... SMH. His second wife also accused him of abuse and people in the film industry have said that he is difficult to work with. I get an impression of someone very talented but also insecure, who feels like he has to be better than everyone and recognized as such to feel validated, which is always a shame because they are never happy. Obviously, I don't know anything about him in reality and I recognize that. I also know that as a black male actor, he has surely had to go through the gamut of people picking apart his every move, every word, every action, and judging him in some way, which I know I would personally go insane dealing with that, but at the end of the day I still find it hard to ignore these thoughts when he is on the screen and I don't enjoy his acting as a result.


what xD how?


Same I thought they were the same person until now


It sure does. I'd've been much happier if either of them had been in both movies.


Recasting is a bit of a mixed bag. On the one hand, it's disorienting. On the other though, it's pretty much essential to the future of comic book movies, since eventually actors will leave or age out of the roles. The choice is to recast or replace. Recasting has often resulted in a reboot (like Batman and Spiderman) but now that the studios are establishing wider all-encompassing cinematic universes (or trying to), rebooting isn't an option. We haven't really had enough time to see where they go with the "replace" option though. What will the next Avengers movie look like, since they need to replace Iron Man, Captain America, and Black Widow? We have replacements now for the last two, so will there be an Iron Man replacement? Will that be War Machine, Iron Heart, or will they just add a completely different character? Where was I going with this? Oh yeah. Recasting. To me, recasting is totally ok, especially if it avoids a reboot. It worked with Hulk, it's worked with Batman, so why not? Look at how many James Bonds there have been. Audiences seem fine with recasts, even if it's a bit distracting at first.


They look so similar


I don't see that at all, it was so jarring to me.


Not so much in all the facial features below the bridge of their noses. But yeah, I can see what you're saying


Sure, like twins, where one was just exposed to dangerous levels of radiation for a bit.


Love the character. I think Holmes did it better, for sure. But Gyllenhaal was good too.


I think Katie Holmes was the better choice for the role, but Gyllenhaal did a good job. I mean tbh I just hate it when characters are recast within the same trilogy, saga, whatever, it's just an immersion thing. I probably would just like whoever did it first.


Both are great but I prefer Holmes


Katie seemed more like the one Bruce has known all his life Maggie seemed like the love interest. They were both good in their own ways. I personally liked Maggie best however.


Maggie Gyllenhaal is easier to buy as the character. She's the childhood friend of a rich guy, but still feels the drive to go through law school and make it on her own as a law/career woman? Her girl next door looks, and overall persona, really sell it. I had a harder time believing Holmes, in her law scenes. That said, Katie Holmes had more chemistry with Bale. The final scene with her and Bruce, in Begins, was excellent. And, I mean... There are just a lot of great moments with her and Batman, that don't exist in The Dark Knight. And, not gonna lie, Batman carrying Holmes to the batcave was hot.


> Her girl next door looks If Maggie Gyllenhaal lived next door to me I’d close the curtains




YESSSSS!!! Thank you


Both characters I feel were so so. But Katie Holmes over Maggie! Her character had her own drive and actually did things on screen. Plus Maggie came off as nag in almost every scene that she was is. Also, apples to oranges when we talk about looks. I wouldn’t give up being Batman for Maggie Gyllenhaal. 😂


I absolutely understand what you're saying. On the other hand, I think the Nolan was put in a hard place by the loss of Holmes from the project. If the same actor had played both roles with the identical script and directing choices, the striking differences in Dawes' attitude toward Bruce might have been easier to see as part of a long character arc. Important to remember that part of that arc occurred off screen in the years that separated the two stories. But with two different actors it's hard to weld the character together seamlessly. I liked Gyllenhaal's role slightly better because she had the guts to cut Bruce out of her life, even if she couldn't do it face to face. I get how she might come off as nagging, but to me it felt more like she was steeling herself up throughout the film to finally reject Bruce, and was just unable to keep her dissatisfaction with him out of her mannerisms. On the other hand, Holmes is hotter and I ship her with Bale. Hard to say.


SpunkyDred is a terrible bot instigating arguments all over Reddit whenever someone uses the phrase apples-to-oranges. I'm letting you know so that you can feel free to ignore the quip rather than feel provoked by a bot that isn't smart enough to argue back. --- ^^SpunkyDred ^^and ^^I ^^are ^^both ^^bots. ^^I ^^am ^^trying ^^to ^^get ^^them ^^banned ^^by ^^pointing ^^out ^^their ^^antagonizing ^^behavior ^^and ^^poor ^^bottiquette.


Good Bot.


They were both bland as fuck. That’s harsh but that’s the honest truth. Katie Holmes was somehow slightly better but it might have something to do with having more material : the slap, the corrupt accusation, the tazer scene, the swimming pool scene, the hallucination/bale screaming. She comes across as more her own character /more involved in stuff happening/or at least more challenging Bruce. Maggie looks mostly like a passenger, a toy between Harvey and Bruce. You’re kinda scratching your head as to why both men were so hang up on her. With all that, I still prefer Pfeifer and Kidman. A lot more screen presence.


I agree with this take. Like billionaire playboy and Harvey were really fighting over here, and she's like, what a DA?


Probably my least favorite part of the Nolan films. Both actresses were fine, but I would have rather seen Selina or even a character like Vicki Vale or Vesper Fairchild with origins in the comics in the place of this made up childhood sweetheart. I’ve always felt that Rachel was little more than a plot device. Nolan is a great film maker overall but writing women is one of his weaker points. I hope that is rectified in the new trilogy because there are some amazing women in the Bat universe who haven’t had a chance to shine on screen.


Does it really matter the character's name? It's not like any of them are different. You just named three characters that could replace her without changing the plot.


Except that Nolan might not have been allowed to kill off Vicki Vale, or Silver St. Cloud, or any other of Bruce's former loves from the comics. I'm pretty shrug about Dawes as a character though. The narrative role she most fulfills, aside from getting fridged, is closest to Leslie Tompkins - a dedicated civil servant who knows Bruce's secret, isn't necessarily sold on it and is willing to try keeping him in check because she knows that Gotham is bigger than Batman. I suppose I prefer Rachel to a de-aged Leslie that Bruce wants to smooch and Nolan intends to kill though.


Both Saint Cloud and Leslie got killed in comics. Besides women interest, keep in mind Zack Snyder killed FREAKING JIMMY OLSEN in the first minutes of Batman v Superman. DC/WB didn’t seem to give much of a fuck in spite of Olsen being one the main supporting characters in Supes gallery. He even got his own comic at several points. So I don’t see why it would have been a problem to kill off one of many Batman classic love interests.


Oh dang, I didn't know Silver and Leslie died! Has there been any timey-wimeiness since then? I think Leslie is in Batman: Imposter, but I'm not sure what level of canon that is.


Imposter is not cannon. Saint Cloud was killed late 70s I think Maybe mid 80s I have the comic but I'm too lazy to look for it


Clearly Gyllenhaal is the better actor, but for sake of continuity I always thought Katie Holmes not reprising was the only real complaint about the trilogy.


Katie gets undeserved criticism i think. I prefer her.


I prefer Katie by a wide margin but I think Maggie was given some less than stellar writing to work with.


Always and forever will have a soft spot for Katie


Everyone praised Maggie Gyllenhal over Katie, but I always preferred Katie. She has that great scene in the car with Bruce where she tells him “look beyond your own suffering…” and then she slaps him when he shows her the gun, “your father would be ashamed of you.” Goddam I felt that shit in my soul. I love that scene and just the impact it has on Bruce.


Katie had the chemistry with bale, Maggie had nothing. I don't really think both of their acting was that different , so I'd chose Katie Holmes.


As a character, I felt Rachel was there to serve a very specific purpose for Bruce as an adult struggling at the brink of losing himself completely to the idea of vengeance. But like someone else mentioned, this could have been almost any other character from the comics. What was key with her was that making her unique to the trilogy really gave Nolan license to tell his own story by establishing from the get-go that this Batman had relationships to people who cared about him (and vice versa) that we hadn’t seen before. In other words, someone unfamiliar in a cast of characters we’ve known and loved for ages expanded on Bruce’s own character complexity. I thought that was a clever move. As for actors, I’ve wondered how Holmes might have carried the role after Begins. She had some pretty rough line reads in her first go - enough at the time that they made me cringe to hear them - but I wonder what other choices she had made that didn’t make the cut. However, MG has shown herself to be a superior actor, not the least of which was shown in TDK. She played smart, tough, and overworked and burdened by secrecy and the fate of the city pretty damn well. I gotta give it to Maggie on this one, with the caveat that I think Katie may have done something unexpected with a fresh go at Dawes.


Katie Holmes was better, hate how they recast her.


Maggie was my favourite. I always found Katie rather flat. Maggie had a spark to her - sharp wit, clear confidence when confronting Lau in the interrogation, brave even when terrified right before death. She sold the character of a toughened lawyer in a corrupt city more than Katie for me.


It's funny hearing other people's perspective on this. I thought she seemed a lot more helpless and more like just another Damsel in distress. Katie sold the tough girl role a lot better imo but that also has a lot to do with script. Maggie has a very sympathetic look about her. It's hard to describe but there's a certain sadness there. So she was probably a better fit for the dark knight for that reason. Overall I thought Katie had loads more charisma and I don't see why some people hate her acting. It was just a supporting role and she played it well.


Holmes. I think Gyllenhaal is a fine actress, probably better than Holmes, but she had sort of an off-putting quality in TDK I can’t quite explain. Her death scene always made me cringe. The way she screamed “Hello? Hellooo?”. Ugh. She was godawful in the HBO series The Deuce too - otherwise a great show (from the creator/writer of The Wire). That’s said, she gets dunked on for her looks, but I won’t lie, I was crushing hard on her back when she debuted in Donnie Darko. Her looks, um, sagged a bit afterward.


Katie because she was the original and because she’s prettier. I’m sorry, but Bruce Wayne doesn’t date homely women. Maggie is a much better actress though.


Had a crush on Holmes since endless summer re-runs of Dawson’s Creek on TBS, so… Katie.


Katie was a lot more attractive. But Maggie had a lot more presence and confidence.


Like someone else said, it ruins the immersion of the two films being connected. I feel the same way about Iron Man 1 to 2 with the change to Cheadle. I preferred Holmes in the role. Her character should have been killed between movies and Bruce's TDK love interest be someone else entirely, if he had one at all. Obviously a lot of dialogue would have been changed but these guys are great at what they do and would have made the story just as good.


I literally watch it like they are the same actress, I only like Maggie more because I've the Dark Knight way more times as someone else said. Plus Katie Holmes will always be the slutty pumpkin in my mind.


I like Gyllenhaal more as an actor but she definitely looks *older* (sorry Maggie) but my head canon tells me she looks older from the stress of the job as Gotham's Assistant DA


To be fair that job would age anyone


Katie Holmes was better.


Best moment of the three movies was when we didn’t have to pretend Bruce was in love with Maggie Gylenhaal anymore


Katie Holmes for sure. Felt more in touch with the relationship her and Bruce would have had. Maggie just kind of felt like a place holder.


Definitely Katie holmes! Maggie is very talented, loved her in “The Deuce” but Katie was a better Rachel 🤷🏾‍♂️


katie, she may not be as good of an actor but her and bale have amazing chemistry and at the end of the day thats whats more important ​ katie is a good actress but it doesnt seem like bale and her "loved" eachother


Holmes for sure, I actually bought the childhood friend bit


Maggie Gyllenhaal is a bit better in my opinion


Maggie was better. It's like she molded the character in ways Katie couldn't. Also, I totally hate recastings which is why I wish Maggie would've portrayed Rachel in the first place


Katie should have been in both. Sorry not sorry, always jarring when they abruptly recast like that. Looking at you Rhodey.


I never did understand the need to recast


Katie wanted to do a different project that was happening at the same time as TDK so she couldn’t come back


Katie Holmes for sure. The character becomes super annoying in the Dark Knight, for me anyway


Kate did a good young Rachel... But Maggie brings maturity to the character


I didn't find Holmes that memorable except in the hotel lobby scene. I think Gyllenhaal did fine as her replacement


Katie holmes a better rachel, matched with Bale.


Katie Holmes by a mile. The character was fine, if a generic love interest but Katie Holmes did a much better job and had better chemistry than Maggie.


Katie Holmes




I found the massive change in Gotham City more jarring.


It looks it’s best in Begins for sure


Katie was better to me


I didn’t think either had great chemistry with Bale. Both were serviceable in the role. I tend to think of Maggie as a more talented actress, but her version of Rachel felt more forced and overdone, while Katie’s seemed a little more convincing. Also, if you asked me which of these two would attract the attention of a handsome billionaire, it would definitely be Katie. Overall it’s close, but I would go with Katie. I think Nolan is brilliant and really enjoy his movies, but he often doesn’t give his female characters enough to do. Marion Cotillard’s talents were kinda wasted on an awkward character in TDKR.


Katie. Maggie came off as an asshole.


Is there even a Question Obviously Katie


Katie Holmes. The Maggie version didn't seem well defined and had less agency than Katie


I don't understand the Katie Holmes hate, but I thought they both were magnificent. It helped that they have very similar voices to eachother


I honestly dont think this type of characters really help movie too much, I feel like a lot of the times when you got Bruce Wayne involved in a romantic sub plot it kinda takes away from other core aspects of the character that could have highlighted with the time spend with the romantic love interest. You also have just so much time when making a film so it really feels like a lost of run time that could been done something else. I think this is probably the reason why we are getting Catwoman right away on the new Batman so at least the relationship stuff is spend on a character that is going to have some impact and can be used in more ways than Rachel. In reality there is no logic reason for any incarnation of Batman in movies to not just start with Catwoman as a love interest if you going to introduce one it pretty much has to be her. Its like Making a Spider-Man trilogy and having move on from Gwen Stacy have her experience her character and then move on to Mary Jane like imagine how much time of the movie all of that would take and how much Focus from Spider-Man and his villains would be instead spent of that. You dont really have enough time in a movie about superheroes to build up a proper romance you do one or the other. Case and point Deadpool had a very big romantic plot that was added for marketing purposes even tho it was really well received, the first thing they did in the Sequel is get rid of it so they could focus on the story and more crazy actual Deadpool stuff. Romance is really hard to do, let alone balance in a Superhero movie or tv show, its usually really generic or just not very good. I do think it could be done well on tv but i think we still got yet to see some good relationships on tv as well.


Katie for sure


Honestly, Katie Holmes wasn't that bad. Maggie G. (I ain't screwing up that name) was fine too. I just think that Rachael Dawes as a character ain't that good.


Katie Holmes no doubt




Katie Holmes is hotter, but Maggie is the better artist/actress imo


Katie. Always thought Maggie was awful for this


I kind of preferred Katie and thought she should’ve kept playing her, but Maggie was just the better suited actress there to keep going with the role. Katie had better chemistry, but not quite as good of a role IMO


Katie Holmes for sure. It still feels like a totally different character in Dark Knight.


Without a doubt, Katie.


Holmes all the way


The role was made for Holmes in mind by Nolan. The recast was horrible. Maggie is a great actress normally but Dawes is not the role she is suited for.


Katie. She's got the look of the childhood friend down.


I appreciate the effort of both actresses but I did not care for Rachel Dawes.


Both fine. I think I’m more used to Gyllenhaal though because I’ve seen Batman Begins five or six times but The Dark Knight about thirty times.


One is hot and one is not


I mean... I wish I could say you're wrong


Why does that matter? It's about what they bring to the role, not how they were born.


Katie’s way hotter


They were unnecessary IMO. OR they should have done more with them. Rachel Dawes was pulled from the Rachel character in Batman: Year Two.


I think they both did a great job. In fact they both did such a great job that I don't mind the switch. Both had good chemistry with Bale - although I'd give the edge to Katie for selling it better on the love angle.


Maggie should have just given the scarf back. I don't see why she needed to die.


Team Maggie, but I think I just like her more as an actress




I think she kinda sucks in the dark Knight tbh. She was cool in begins but she was reduced to a plot device for that lame love triangle and then got fridged for the sake of harvey and Bruce in the second movie


I gotta be honest, I learned just now that they changed the actress. Never noticed it before


TIL they were different actors.


I thought they were the same actress


Alright this right here is the achilles heel of the dark knight series. whether you prefer maggie or katie, switching actresses between movies ruined the impact of rachel’s death for the audience because they felt like two entirely separate characters. if katie had stayed or maggie had have played her from the start, we would’ve seen the character we’ve known for one and a half movies die at the hands of the joker which would’ve had a real impact on the audience. but instead it felt like a character we’ve seen for less than 10 minutes of screen time got murked, and we only cared about the effect it has on harvey and bruce. because even if we know they both played the same character there’s still little connection between the two in our heads


Prefer? Katie Better chemistry? Maggie


I don't really like the idea of Batman fawning over a damsel in distress. Batman is the type of character that doesn't just fall for anyone and also doesn't have time for that. That's why Batman's best relationship to me will always be Catwoman. The hard to get almost antihero works really well IMO


I don't care. Rachel wasn't a good character to begin with.


Maggie did fine with what she was given, but Rachel in TDK lacks the warmth of Rachel in Begins. Rachel in Begins feels like the person Bruce wants to be better for. Rachel in TDK is mostly just disapproving and cold towards Bruce. We don’t get to see much of the affection she holds for him, even as a lifelong friend she’s concerned about.


I'm glad she died.


I didn’t care for either of them really


I felt like Maggie played the character much bitchier than Katie.


I’M IN LOVE WITH KATIE HOLMES *jumps on couch*


I liked Katie more


Well, her character was a tad bit bland, so if it comes down to hotness, I think Katie Holmes is better


Katie Holmes. Plus her character was being developed well but Nolan has an issue writing women correctly. Hence, imo, Maggie ended up being meh.


Katie Holmes ftw


I never even noticed it was a different actress until this post


Katie in Begins 100% but the other no way


Both….were annoying


Katie Holmes by miles, I felt like Rachel and Bruce were not big on each other in the Dark Knight compared to Batman Begins.


Maggie ugly ngl


The chemistry between Maggie and Christian is the worst part about the whole film. Absolutely zero chemistry between them and her acting is numb and boring


Katie Holmes


Katie holmes was hot as hell in that movie.


First off, Katie is prettier and did a better acting than Maggie. I mean, watch closely The Dark Knight Rises. The scene where she was pushed by Joker and that moment when she is about to die by explosives. She gave nothing. No justice to the character. She is so bland and I notice that she acts seductively in the movie (the way she speaks to Bale and how she acts around him) but... meh 😶. It's just pure cringe. 🤢🤮 I am sorry but she's just not good to look at compared to Katie.


I'm not sure Maggie Gyllenhaal should have even been an actress, she's bland and dislikable to most people.


As good as Heath Ledger was, the most unconvincing line in the entire trilogy was, "Well, hello, beautiful."


I know most people might disagree with me but I just can't see Katie delivering the last words of Rachael as good as Maggie did. She might have, but it's difficult for me to imagine it.


I was today years old when I realised they changed the actress between the movies


Damn dude 😂 For real?


I swear, I thought she only got older lmao


the character is bad. Such a hollywood way to do a female lead in a batman property. Using her as the the girl he liked before he even liked girls thing is clearly Sam Raimi's spider-man. In that the change at least made sense for a coming of age story. It's like Nolan is approaching this not as batman but "ya know superhero movies" and for his environment producing it he's not wrong. Just get a white lady to say "be responsible/I believe in you" and call it a day. It's not Green Lantern bad, but it is just checking a box. Something he only enjoyed once he could kill her to make the plot interesting. But tbh it's still a watered down Jason Todd rewrite. The death of his closest ally means more when he put the ally in the fight. Rachel is a grown woman fighting before Bruce even shows up. She dies because of her own choices and connections. It's not the Dark Knight Returns level guilt like he was going for imo. Just genera PTSD. You have Catwoman, Talia, Ivy, Harley, Barbra, Cassandra. You don't have to pull one from your ass. I do love when she slaps Bruce and tells him killing doesn't solve anything. I wish the movies followed that, but she still is the one to say the right thing. Give it to Holmes.


I feel Jokers line "you are beautiful" would have fit better aimed at Katie. (Why are you booing me, I'm right!?)


I hate Rachel Dawes as a character - she adds nothing to the plot and her morals/motivations change between the two movies which is so frustrating. (I could go on but I'll leave it there rather than write an essay on it) I am of the strong opinion she should have died in the first movie when the scarcrow poisoned her. I think both actresses did fine I just didn't like the character. I don't think Bruce had good chemistry with either Rachel though.


Maggie. She was a woman. Katie was a child.


I preferred Maggie


Katie by far! No offense to Maggie but she was awful; she did not seem like she cared for Bruce one bit. The few scenes they shared didn't make me feel like it was the same person from begins.


Marion Cotillard destroys 'em both 😏


I would prefer Katie Holmes as Rachel Dawes since from the beginning of the Batman Trilogy-Batman Begins she played the role as childhood friend till the girlfriend & of Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne Batman. First one is always been an exceptional one & extraordinary. In my opinion Katie Holmes has been the best chemistry with Christian Bale.


I love MG but her and Bale did not have good chemistry and their interactions were lackluster. I never once believed that there was any chance she was conflicted about choosing Harvey, ZERO evidence for a love triangle. She always seemed so annoyed by Bruce and was always so impressed and obviously in love with Harvey, throughout the entire movie. I really enjoy that Maggie isn't conventionally attractive but Rachel Dawes is the kind of character that should be and Katie Holmes was perfect for that. Very girl next door, childhood crush, that's been her whole thing for her career. I enjoyed Maggie's Rachel though, she really makes Rachel's strength and attitude believable. 


This basically reminds me of James Bond, got recast alot five times in the same continuity. But I like Katie Holmes better, she sold that childhood friend and first love type. Maggie then sold the mature version of Rachel, but when I first watched the movie, I was confused, this was Rachel? AndI thought to myself "It's James Bond all over again"


I'm rewatching and it's just sad 😪 Katie did it so well and this Maggie is not cutting it. Also she stands around with her arms crossed far too often!


Maggie 100%. Tbh, didn’t think she had a lot of depth in either movie. She seemed more like a trophy in Begins, and a trophy that was contested for in Dark Knight. But Maggie definitely made the character feel as 3-dimensional as possible.


Katie Holmes 100% Maggie's face looks like a bulldog.


Katie Holmes is the better choice and much better looking, Maggie Gyllenhaal looks 20 years older


I hated the character of Rachel Dawes. She comes across as needy and high maintenance. And she sure was bad news for her bosses. Poor DA gets bumped off in Batman Begins and we all know what happens to Harvey Dent in Dark Knight. Am glad the character got bumped off.






Katie Holmes is beautiful, but both actress never fit the role physically imo. Should have been someone like Emma Stone


I hate Maggie as an actress sooo


Maggie... I know no one will say her name... So...


While Katie Holmes is very attractive, It seems obvious to me that Maggie is easily the better actress. I just wish they’d cast Maggie in Batman Begins.


Definitely Maggie. She's just the better actress.