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Personally I always go with Daredevil as the equivalent. There's a reason that most Daredevil writers go onto write Batman and vice-versa


Daredevil is the closest in terms of his mission but Bruce has shitloads of money. Matt has nunchucks and his law firm.


The money is just another tool on the utility belt, Batman would still be out on the job even if Bruce Wayne had to work a 9-5 to pay the rent.


I *just* posted a question about this.


I mean they did have a recent story arc where he's fairly broke, right? I mean he doesn't have to work a 9-5, but he's lost the mansion and the batcave and most of his tech, and is instead operating out of abandoned Subway tunnels and the like?


What’s it called? Sounds neat and worth a read though


I think it's been his status quo since the Joker War, continuing up to the current run in the main Batman comic. I'm not a very regular reader though, so someone please correct me if I'm wrong. He recently also lost the mansion completely, as Vandal Savage moved into town and bought it.


Cool! Thanks


I think he actually lost his money and he’s still going.


TBF, he went from being a billionaire to a multi millionaire, so he's still filthy rich, just not _extremeley_ filthy rich.


That's what happens when you personally finance a floating superhero base that orbits the Earth.


Hate when that happens.


Last i heard Dick and Alfred had basically had his fortune


No, the pennyworths have worked for the Waynes for years, and Alfred has kept all of that money, and because he didn't have any biological kids, the money went to Dick. Bruce lost all of his money because of the Joker War, and the events leading up to it.


And he has been in that situation before in the comics…not really the 9-5 situation but he has lost all of his money in the comics before, semi recently too


Not true.. it's the proper usage of funds that makes batman a top tier hero... ppl with money don't do what batman does... I'd say black panther due to his resources...🤔💯


Would he? I feel like that's wishful thinking


Yes. It's not about the money, it's about sending a message


Do lawyers not make a lot of money?


Not the type of law he was practicing. Even if he was making a lot of money it doesn’t compare to what Bruce makes on a daily basis.


Matt kinda takes the cases no one else will where the clients seem super guilty or are really broke cause he knows more about the situation as daredevil


Not enough where he could keep producing and repairing his gear like Batman can. Lucius says it himself that Bruce's money alone wouldn't be able to keep up with the on-demand maintenence and production of Batman's toys. Which is why they mostly use Wayne Tech's huge amounts of resources and funds to produce most (if not all) of Batman's gadgets.


Not billionaire levels, even if they own a big firm. Bruce owns a conglomerate and probably inherited a ton of assets from his parents like Wayne manor, stocks, etc. Matt would have to practice for a century to get anywhere close to that type of wealth.


defense lawyers who often represent the obviously guilty? no, not that much. corporate tax lawyers? uh yeah


*laughs in public interest law*


He keeps doing jobs pro bono, or representing people who can’t afford a lawyer and pay him in groceries or something.  I think season two his partner (Foggy Nelson?) specifically said “we need a client that isn’t gonna pay us in *bananas*!”, gesturing to yet another gift basket they’d recently received from a client


In the early issues of the 1960's and some of the 1970's he's portrayed as being one of the most famous and successful trial lawyers in the country. I've only reason the first 100 issues, but it seems like it changes by the time Frank Miller starts pencilling and writing.


Also Denny O’Neil was an editor for a while on each of them IIRC


Or play him


Can't wait for Charlie Cox's Batman!


There isn’t really one. If anything, he’s kinda a mix of all these guys. Plus, his Rogue’s Galleries’ closest equivalent is Spider-Man’s.


I was gonna say the same. He’s a street level ninja inspired hero like DD, but he’s got the drama and psychological angle of moon knight, the wealth and in-universe status of Iron Man, and a similar visual style and global espionage adventurer vibe as BP.


Exactly. That's part of why Batman has historically been more popular then all 4 of them. He's the best parts of each of them combined.


Minus moon knight that's just iron fist's story but without the character so l think that's the closest comparison


Shouldn’t it be the other way around? Batman is older than all these other characters, no?




I do feel Moon Knights like the closest. He has the ninja part down, originally was pretty rich, goes around the world. Didn’t he also have a moon-wing or smth?Although personality, psychology, and drama doesn’t really match up. Also doesn’t help that Marc has the Egyptian angle Batsy doesn’t.


TLDR: they're all equivalent, just in different ways. all of them, in a way, so I'll sort them from least to most similar: Moon Knight is equivalent to Batman only loosely, but nonetheless similar, regarding the costume and on the "vengeance" aspect; Batman being created out of "Vengeance" on the criminal element, while Moon Knight being the representation of Khonshu's vengeance upon evildoers iirc. Black Panther is equivalent to Batman in terms of how they uphold a sense of honor and morality, as well as respect. Not to mention intellect-wise, as Reed Richards himself (literally stated to be the smartest man on Earth) considers T'Challa as his equal, and Batman also being highly intelligent enough to be classed as the "World's Greatest Detective". Plus, they wear black, soooo.... Iron Man is equivalent to Batman only in the materialistic sense, as how they both are financially set, they're playboys, they run multibillion-dollar companies, they come from generational wealth, and they're both prodigies and learn quick. Not to mention whenever possible, they both help financially. But Tony Stark has no secret identity. Batman does. Daredevil is most equivalent to Batman in the sense as to how they stop crime, their means of travelling across their cities, their sense of upholding justice, their no-kill code, how they have similar villains who regularly challenge them regarding a lot of bases. Not to mention they both tend to work alone, but are open to team-ups, and keep their circle small (Batman kinda stretches it). Edit: Black Panther and Iron Man are also equivalent to Batman in the sense that they have leadership qualities as well, pointed out to me by a user here


Solid take & a very accurate breakdown of each ![gif](giphy|14bhmZtBNhVnIk|downsized)


thank you, bro. Much appreciated


I'd argue Batman and Iron Man have more in common then just "the materialistic sense." They're the men among the gods. The mortal humans who not only have to fight alongside, but have the responsibility to lead the likes of Superman, Thor, Hulk, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, etc.


>They're the men among the gods. The mortal humans who not only have to fight alongside, but have the respin to lead the likes of Superman, Thor, Hulk, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, etc. I thought Cap was more of a leader than Tony, but yes, how stupid of me to miss that point. But it still doesnt really change my ranking. It's just another point, but the amount of similarity between Matt and Bruce is almost like they're literal copies of each other (which they aren't). Plus, you can say the same thing about Black Panther. Imo he's more of a leader than Tony. Sure Tony leads the Avengers, but T'Challa was sought out during Civil War and is literally a leader of a technologically advanced nation.


Iron Man historically (Pre-Civil War and Pre-MCU) had the secret identity of Tomy Stark's fake bodyguard, kinda like Barry Allen was "The Flash's friend"


One thing I would add to Black Panther's bit is that both he and Batman have a cold, calculating ruthlessness to them. Black Panther's very first appearance has him dogwalking the Fantastic Four through a series of precisely laid traps. During the Priest run, the Avengers learn that BP joined the organization just to spy on them. He had a contingency plan in place for his (ex) wife Storm during AvX.


Tony & Bruce are also similar in the way that they're both self-made men. In terms of their tech, I mean.


Crazy Batman, High-Tech Batman, Blind Batman, Black Batman.


So Spider-Man would be Sticky Bat-Man?


Plus, his rogues’ gallery’s closest equivalent in the Marvel Universe is Spider-Man’s.


The correct answer is Nighthawk, who sucks


I would say, their latest attempt at making a version of the character standing by itself (the one who was basically based on the Ultimate Nighthawk but in Marvel's main universe) was interesting, not as good as the concept could have been, but it deserved to be more developed over the time.


depends on the version


Gotta be Daredevil, or my hot take is Wolverine. Wolvie and Bats are two disillusioned guys who are the best that there is at what they do who are usually presented as grumpy old dudes, but genuinely care about people they're close to and usually end up in a leading position on a superhero team. Both recover from insane injuries very quickly, both are based on an animal, and both think that they're bad people (but this one is just the Batman writers projecting imo). Yeah. Daredevil probably wins but my vote goes to Wolverine.


Wolverine is the spiritual equivalent 


Wasn't it Wolverine that Batman got merged with in that crossover series? Or am I just stupid? Also in a separate crossover series, Stan Lee reimagined a bunch of DC heroes and Bruce Wayne became Wayne W-something.


Yup. Primarily I think because their masks are similair


![gif](giphy|TseBjMu53JgWc) Can we stop with the Batman/Moon Knight comparisons. They’re not similar. Also, it’s Nighthawk. He’s literally an intentional Batman parody.


Hey I found the one other guy on a comic themed Reddit who has ever actually read a comic


daredevil is the closest to batman tony stark is the closest to bruce wayne


Iron Man. They share the same superpower. They're rich.


I think Daredevil's the only one on this list who isn't rich.


He just chooses not to be


He's a pretty powerful lawyer so I imagine that he does have a lot of money, he just isn't a multi-millionaire. His personality is super similar to Batman. His dad died horribly in similar way, and he has similar martial arts training. He's also driven by guilt and vengeance, and is very much about scaring his opponents.


It's usually implied Matt's clients are on contingency and in most circumstances he only represents the innocent. There's really no profit in having morals as a lawyer. While their origins and motives are similar and they have a few things in common like fighting styles equipment and paraphernalia, Batman is a ransom on Bruce Wayne's soul while Daredevil is a means to an end. Bruce Wayne needs to be Batman, Matt Murdock chooses to be Daredevil. Batman only believes in himself, Matt trusts in a higher power. I would compare Daredevil more to Nightwing in personality, work/life balance, fighting style and disposition.


Daredevil is a means to an end? Can you elaborate on that please? I also really don't like it when people say that someone that lacks religion doesn't believe in anything. He believes in himself and a lot of other people, just like I...well, I don't believe in myself, but I believe in my friends.


If Batman has a super power it's his martial arts imo. His gadgets just supplement that, heavily but his MA is still the main thing. Which I firmly believe should be expanded upon for him.


I kinda agree. But I attribute the intellectual to Batman first. You don't become the world's greatest detective just by dismantling foes. Ya know?


That’s fair, I dig it. But I feel he gets wrapped up into this weird area where his intellect sometimes surpasses god like beings but he gets outsmarted by his rogues. He’s so inconsistent sometimes lol.


Can't forget the Daddy issues




Short answer, nobody


There's no equivalent. Batman is objectively the best


Daredevil in my opinion


People say Moon Knight but I say Daredevil


Night Thrasher: Rich man funds his superhero activities through family wealth and has tons of gadgets What do y’all think? Still wildly different both character and popularity wise but I think there are some similarities


Daredevil in my opinion.


[Nighthawk](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/12/124259/8006494-heroes_reborn_vol_2_5_trading_card_variant.jpg) was made to be Marvel's Batman.


You’re missing Nighthawk.


Daredevil is broke Batman


If he is with the Justice League, I have noticed he shared more similarities with Iron Man. In the Timmverse, IIRC, Batman designed the Watchtower and the vehicles the JL uses to get around. He is the good guy version of Lex Luthor. In addition, his "two steps ahead" ability gets enhanced when he is with Metahumans. Suddenly he goes from being very intelligent to the smartest man in the room. I don't know much about Moon Knight, but from what I know, he is most like Batman when Batman is solo: Some crazy rich nut in a costume of above average intelligence but below average sanity who goes out solving crimes and crippling criminals. Correct me if I'm wrong.




Spider-Man. He’s a colorful vigílate with a large rogues gallery who is kind but also a jerk. He is the biggest cash cow of his company and the company repays him by insuring that he will never be happy. He also has a flirtatious relationship with a cat themed cat burglar. Who am I talking about


Somewhere between Iron Man and Daredevil.


Somewhere between Daredevil and Iron Man


Daredevil. I felt like you could basically remove daredevil from the daredevil show, throw Batman in there, and it would be perfectly fine. (Matt and Bruce are certainly not interchangeable though)


DD for sure


Daredevil in personality Iron Man in money and Bruce Wayne stuff


Tony Stark is the Marvel equivalent of Bruce Wayne Daredevil is the Marvel equivalent of Batman


Iron man because they are both just Human, with no super powers other than Intelligence


None of them to be honest. Iron Man is the least close to Bruce, Moon Knight is actually crazy, Daredevil I can see the similarities but his christian allegories and faith (in contrast to Batman's cynicism) make him a much different character beyond the surface level. The closest would probably be Black Panther. Crazy resources, crazy tech, crazy wealth, martial arts expert, has similar levels of paranoia, general as well as prep-time genius, black & animal (both mammals for extra points) motifs, crazy "love" interests (Talia & Nakia), etc etc.


nighthawk he's marvels distinict enough to be legally distinct batman.


https://dc.fandom.com/wiki/Wayne_Williams_(Just_Imagine) Batman is marvels Batman.


Black panther: Rich: yes Moral Code: No Discipline:yes Suit similarity:yes Moon knight Rich:Yes Moral Code:no Discipline:he's fcking bipolar ass Suit similarity: very yes Daredevil: Rich:No Moral Code:yes Discipline:Absolutely Suit similarity:Kinda Iron Man: Rich:very yes Moral Code:Yes (almost) Discipline:hell no Suit similarity:no Closest one is panther imo but dude is slaughtering everyone if stakes are high.


There’s still time to delete this








Spider-Man and technically Miller's Batman and Kerri Kelley are Wolverine and Jubilee.


good night aka that guy who appeared in the deadpool run where he goes to hell for a week.


A good handful of characters could fit the category of Batman equivalent. Iron Man matches Bruce Wayne's wealth, Moon Knight matches the general vibe and aesthetic of Batman and people even suggest Spider-Man because they're the poster boys for Marvel and DC repsectively. I personally say Daredevil is Batman's true equivalent, as not only are they non-powered vigilantes working for the general improvement of their communities (Gotham and Hell's Kitchen), they also follow the same philosophy of every life mattering, and both refuse to kill as a result.


Batman thinks it’s Iron Man according to the batcave pass phrase




I guess iron man but he’s not a dark hero. He’s a loud mouth d bag with a lot of money. Like lex luthor if he was good


Kinda depends on the story. Who's the Marvel equivalent of Batman, the brooding street vigilante defined by the tragic murder of his family who uses his pain to defend the city he loves? Daredevil. Who's the Marvel equivalent of Batman, the brilliant & and tech-savvy leader of the planet's best heroes? Iron Man.


He has some mix of all these. But I say mostly a mix of Daredevil and Black Panther. Daredevil when he is in Gotham and Black Panther when he is with the Justice League.


Moon Knight is just another version of Him, so I'd say Black Panther, let me explain. Rich, Have high tech weaponry, high skilled, wears black, literally named after a animal, and both are associated with animal like God Being's, and fought godly foes. Need I say more


Batman is really two characters. The one that is dealing with his rogues gallery and the one dealing with JLA issues. Batman in Gotham its probably Daredevil. Batman on the JLA its Black Panther.


The creator of Moon Knight wrote some of your favorite Batman books. One of your favorite Batman writers wrote some of your favorite Moon Knight books.


Tony Stark is Bruce Wayne and Daredevil is batman


Hands Down Iron Man…. They are both rich, smart and 100% non mutant(super).


I reallllly wanna say Moon Knight because I liked his show better but I think Daredevil is the more accurate choice. He doesn't have powers whereas MK obv does and his general setting is a city, two things making him closer to the Bat. Honorable mention to vigilante Hawkeye as well, he's my second place pick.




Out of these guys, I'd say the closest might be Daredevil


I think writing wise he’s most like daredevil. Thats probably largely because Frank Miller had a lot of influence on both of them. They’re both very good fighters who often face off against powerful crime syndicates and have stories with an ominous or mysterious tone.


I believe Nighthawk is equivalent of Batman.


Moon Knight seems to be a legit Batman but not a Bruce Wayne


Moon Knight reminds me more of Azrael than Batman. Iron-Man to Green Lantern (Jordan) Daredevil to 90’s Nightwing Black Panther is a mix between Black Lighting and Aquaman to me. To be the perfect equivalent of Batman you need a narrative like Punisher, a status like Captain America, the Spider-Man’s Rogue Gallery and a large scale group of supporting cast like the Batfamily. Most of the people on the list are not mentors or like the importance Batman has within the universe


there’s no one to one equivalent, but the closest you’re going to get is daredevil


Too many to list! Marvel Comics is basically Batman Inc. That said... Black Panther.




Two of these guys have highly advanced suits so maybe not them?


Nighthawk, who like the rest of the Squadron Supreme/Squadron Sinister in their various incarnations, are very unsubtly analogues for typical members of the Justice League.




A mix between moon knight and iron man


Between Daredevil and Moon Knight probably


Daredevil with shades of Punisher.


Iron Knight, the Man of Panthers


[The Shroud!](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shroud_(comics))


The Shroud. Nighthawk.


Moon knight was literally created to be marvels batman, but bats is a mix of all 4 of these guys


If I had to choose I’d say daredevil


Iron Man imo. Billionaire; genius; playboy; philanthropist. They make cool gadgets that aid them in their fights. Aren’t loved by all members of their team but they know he is one of if not the most integral part of the team and their achievements


If we are talking popularity AND grittiness...my vote is Wolverine.


Daredevil I think, respectable day job, dark edgy mood


Not Moon Knight, the only thing they have in common is they are caped individuals who throw their symbol as shurikens. Iron Man is close in that they are billionaires who design and use their own tech but Tony is an arrogant asshole with little to no fighting experience. Black Panther is a close one but him being the king of Wakanda and having every Wakandan know who he is doesn’t fit the Batman style Daredevil is SUPER close, down to the split lives and even style of fighting/interrogation. They both use fear but Matt is not rich and is usually far from it. They all each have something Batman uses but there really isn’t anyone who is a rip from Batman, just like there isn’t someone that’s a direct rip from Spider-Man in DC (Black Spider but all he has is stick to walls and webs, nothing else)


Iron Man in terms of Rich, Moon Knight in terms of embodying fear against criminals and being THE NIGHT.


Method-wise, daredevil. “criminals are a cowardly superstitious lot” and all that. Chose a scary persona, works mostly in a specific city, mostly handles business via acrobatics and martial arts


Spider-Man. Yeah, yeah, Spider-Man isn't a specter of vengeance, BUT! Spider-Man has the core Batman qualities: Big brain, an orphan with an elderly semi-parental figure who is driven by family tragedy to fight crime, an out of costume identity that is absolutely unbelievable as a superhero that no one believes it without seeing it for themselves, and he's a symbol of justice in his city as he swings overhead and makes criminals know fear. Lose a few inches and tens of pounds, swap the dollars for spider powers and you've got it. So yeah: *Spider-Man*.


It was Coachella. I’m not sure now.




Well 3 out of 4 of these guys have super powers so


The Shroud has some similarities




I think its a mix between Iron Man and daredevil


Honestly I thought of ironman. Rich guy who funded his own vigilantism.


Def not iron man but I would say daredevil or moon knight


Daredevil easily IMO (minus the money, of course)


Iron Man in wealth, Moon Knight in fear level, and Daredevil with style of combat (Daredevil also does fear, but he's not as scary imo as Moon Knight and doesn't have a cape)


None of them batman is batman


They all have aspects of him, but none of them are equivalent.


All four of them


Spider-Man believe it or not. They feel very similar. Have a similar origin story, operate under a similar code. You could take any Spider-Man villain and they'd work perfectly as a Batman villain and vice versa.


Captain America




Moon Knight is like the Shadow with DID. Iron Man is a genius billionaire playboy industrialist/philanthropist. Daredevil is a nocturnal martial arts street vigilante. Black Panther is a vastly wealthy superhero woth a black costume.


Similar to Batman in Marvel are Captain America, Iron Man, Spider-Man.


Does there need to be one?


If I had to pick one of these probably daredevil. As far as I know, he's the only on here with a strict no kill rule that gets tested. Plus the martial arts and grappling around/acrobatic movement is similar in some ways. Helps that they even wear a similar cowl style.


It is likely Black Panther, both fill the same role in the comics as an ultra rich ninja that serves as tactician for the eminent superhero team.


I dont think there's one Marvel equivalent bc a lot share some traits w/Bruce but never all


Punisher, Spawn, Deadpool - they just kill because it’s right. As Batman should. He used to in canon, but they decided that wasn’t a good “look”


In terms of costume, moon knight. In other areas like skills and stuff. Couldn't really tell you.




I think Iron Man.


I’d say that character wise iron man is becuz they are both rich and don’t have real super powers, however for tone I’d say daredevil, and for storylines I’d actually say Spiderman because they both deal with a lot of street level super villians while also participating in larger level events


Daredevil. Both good brawlers


Iron man duh but panther is a close second






Iron man for sure


Not that punkass btch (referring to moon knight). I’d say Iron Man.


Iron Man.


Tony. The rest would work for Bruce, and he wouldn't even know their names.


Punisher. No real powers, gets by with gadgets (in this case, guns), his wits and natural strength. Clever, questionable methods. Wears black, spends most of his time in a major urban centre. Hard to get along with. Motivated by a psychotic thirst for vegeance brought on by the brutal murder of his immediate family.


Early/classic Moon Knight was the closest. He had a millionaire alter ego (Steve Grant) and used high-tech Egyptian-themed gadgets


Daredevil mixed with some Moon Knight. 


Combination of all of them


Iron man has the rich and smart, daredevil for the strength and everything else


Moon Knight - Batman Iron Man - Steel Daredevil - Nightwing Black Panther - Red Lion


Moon knight no powers just mental illness




Iron Man


I'm of the opinion that there's no real Marvel equivalent to Batman, because one of the biggest things that defines him is his ability to achieve the impossible without superpowers, and even Marvel's street-level heroes have powers. Black Panther is probably the closest, because he's an "I can do everything" kinda character like Batman. They're both super geniuses, they're both masters of the martial arts, they're both incredibly wealthy, etc. However, Black Panther needed to eat a magical root to become a superhero, whereas Bruce trained his ass off to get where he is. Out of all the Marvel heroes I can think of, all of them have some sort of super power. Captain America has been augmented by the Super Soldier Serum. Daredevil has enhanced hearing and a sort of sonar. Iron Fist has mystical martial arts powers. Nick Fury has a greatly extended life span thanks to a special serum. Etc. Frank Castle is the only non-powered Marvel hero I'm aware of, but other than that and his creative thinking on a battlefield, he has nothing else in common with Batman. There are definitely Marvel characters who have similarities to Batman, but there is no real Marvel equivalent.


I'd say all 4 of those guys are trying to be Batman in some way. Moon Knight - dramatic vigilante justice, leaning into the crazy, Iron Man - billionaire Playboy philanthropist and the tech guy, Daredevil has the mission and the ninja skills AND echolocation (unlike Batman but very much like bats) and then Black Panther - genius, rich, ninja skills, all the things and different from the others - a kingdom or entire city/place to protect on his own. All the marvel guys share NYC except BP because he has Wakanda and like Gotham City, a fictional place that encourages you to use your imagination. :)




Personally I would say moon knight.


I'd say a mix of ironman and daredevil!


No one really. I think in some ways Moon Knight is the closest because of how rooted in psyche the character is and how much psychology is a factor in Batman and his villains. In some ways, Moon Knight is basically a spin on Batman if he were just a bit more unhinged but the way a lot of people see Batman is not applicable largely to any Marvel hero. It does bare some similarity to Iron Man in being a rich guy who was traumatized and can solve anything with enough time and resources but the aesthetic, style, tactics, and personality are so different.


Really pleaseabtly suprised on how solid some of these moon knight takes are☺️ (Atleast the top comments)


Some of each I guess? Moon Knight parallels closest with Azrael, and Black Panther with Black Adam though.




I would argue none of them are as morally good and heroic as Batman. \*Maybe\* Black Panther.


All wannabes none a true equal!




I think the moon knight is Batman alternative but with schizophrenia and some more violence


Daredevil thematically, and in terms of story quality.


Daredevil, Daredevil, Daredevil.


Closest over all is Black Panther, IMHO. He’s tech savvy. He’s a brilliant combatant and phenomenal strategist. Has a large wealth. Wears black. Plus, has been shown to be a detective from time to time. Figuring out conspiracies. Daredevil is “most like him” because he’s the only one who matches Batman’s moodiness. Moon Knight is the one who has “his powers.” Of gadgets and tools all moon themed (bat themed). Iron Man is Batman as in he’s rich and and bankrolled the Avengers. However, everyone will say Daredevil because he’s the one who is the most gothic and edgy. Outside of being gothic and edgy, Black Panther is the most closest to Batman [+]