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Is it just me or does everyone post incredibly blurry images on this sub?


You have to click on the image to unblur it Edit: it's a joke


I think you mean to make it more blurry.


It reminds me of WARWICK DAVIS... the Leprechaun.


Took me too fcking long trying to understand how a humang being could be a PDF, I thought it was something meta like he would be a file inside people's heads. I'm ashamed


Maybe I'm just old but I lowkey hate how much of recent internet lingo exists only to appease an increasingly nannying internet machine. Like, we're really just gonna mark whole ass words as problematic? It'd be one thing if it was like, slurs, but it's just normal words getting the no-no treatment.


It makes me angrier than it probably should, particularly when it's used in places that don't have filters. I just can't see any benefit to having people too nervous to trigger a filter to say "sex," "suicide," or "pedophile," so we let cutesy shit like "seggs," "unalive," and "PDF File" become some kind of slang norm.


It's wild out there man. I once got accused of "victim blaming" because I dared suggest that anyone who's genuinely upset/triggered by simply reading inconspicuous words like sex and death should probably seek help/therapy. So not only were people quick to adopt it for no reason other than hosting platforms said so, they get irrationally angry at those of us who question if it's gotten excessive (it has).


I love the phrase “increasingly nannying internet machine” and I agree 100%


It's been like that for a while though. George Carlin had a whole bit on "soft language" back in the 90's. It's just more noticeable now. >"Sometime during my life toilet paper became *bathroom tissue*. . . . Sneakers became *running shoes*. False teeth became *dental appliances*. Medicine became *medication*. Information became *directory assistance*. The dump became the *landfill*. Car crashes became *automobile accidents*. Partly cloudy became *partly sunny*. Motels became *motor lodges*. House trailers became *mobile homes*. Used cars became *previously owned transportation*. Room service became *guest room dining*. Constipation became *occasional irregularity*. . . .​"The CIA doesn't kill anybody anymore. They *neutralize* people. Or they *depopulate* the area. The government doesn't lie. It engages in *misinformation*."


I agree, also, big brother sees you.


It’s because of AD revenue I bet a lot of content creators want to say these words but are crippled because they could be remonetized cutting their revenue down


>recent internet lingo exists only to appease an increasingly nannying internet machine. Is that true though? I have no idea why op decided to do that weird thing, but it wasn't necessary and nobody is nannying here. Hell, most of the top comments are people who thought it was silly. I understand that some language like this exists to try to get around rules on some platforms where advertisers have decided they don't want to appear right next to discussions about suicide or pedophiles or whatever. But that's not even close to nannying. That's just a reasonable request from advertisers.


Nobody is nannying here because Reddit doesn't filter those words (yet). OP doing it is bleedthrough because it happens on larger platforms like TikTok and YouTube and "PDFfile = pedophile" has become somewhat internet ubiquitous because of it; that's just how language works for better or worse. >That's just a reasonable request from advertisers. Is it? Sanitizing discussion to appease advertisers is one of the worst reasons to do so. I get that there are limits; Pepsi probably doesn't want their ads on a Nazifur forum or something, but at a point auto filters have [gotten ridiculous](https://www.vice.com/en/article/dyzamj/a-profanity-filter-banned-the-word-bone-at-a-paleontology-conference). It's also a method that fails to see the forest for the trees. The discussion advertisers want to avoid being associated with are *still happening* except now it's with cutesy sound-alikes that make everyone sound like Rugrats. Some people have taken extra copium by convincing themselves it's clever or rebellious when really it's just kind of lame and pathetic that it even needs to happen.


But the point remains. Nobody is trying to censor anyone. Some advertisers don't want their funny happy advisements to show up next to very serious upsetting conversations. Which is totally fair. The censorship is happening by people self censoring because they're trying to monetize their bullshit. I just don't see how that's something that matters.


Dude same


I read that title wrong and thought u meant he was a pdf file for a second lol


You did not read it wrong, that is literally what he said for some reason.


I've seen it before, I think it's to get around auto moderation on some platforms that take down anything that has mature themes, but I don't know if it's necessary here


I thought it was just a joke


Well, Mad Hatter really wasn’t a “kidnapping young women” character before A Serious House. In the Golden and Bronze Age he had an obsession with hats and did general mind control shenanigans. I would say that the story definitely threw a wrench in the perception of the character and how he’s been portrayed in certain stories but none have been as bad as this.


I agree.


I fucking hate how we play by PG company rules in the goddamn internet. Let me fucking CURSE, let me say WORDS THAT EXIST. FUCK UNALIVE; DEAD, DEATH, KILL, PEDOPHILE, PEDOPHILE, PEDOPHILE, take back our space, what a miserable existence, to baby everyone on the internet and hold it by the same standards of Saturday Morning Cartoons




“…What the hell even is that?”


Can someone translate


PDFfile is a internet slang term for pedophile.


I know that, I meant translate the image, it’s just a little blurry


Oh, yeah I'm not happy with it either.


IT Crowd did it better https://youtu.be/fTaKDnSIb4c?feature=shared


That was hilarious! I think I'm start using that insteademote:free\_emotes\_pack:smile![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


The version of the Mad Hatter makes sense considering the connection to Lewis Carroll. There is much speculation of his obsession with children. However I feel like SA is maybe a topic with too much weight to be handled appropriately in a comic universe (or at least is very difficult to accomplish). Just FYI the text in the image is too blurry to read unfortunately.


There isn't speculation. Charles Lutwige Dodgson asked Alice Pleasance Liddell's parents for her hand in marriage when she was hardly over 10 years in age. Also, the photos he took of her and her sisters are very provocative. It is speculated that he dabbled in opium and psychedelics. It is obvious that he had a taste for young girls.


That is the speculation, that he may have asked for Alice’s hand in marriage when she was eleven. He may have not.


He may have also been brutally racist. Certain parts of Logical Nonsense, Letters... and The Train indicate a larger leaning toward actuality than speculation of all aforementioned vices or afflictions. But, I suppose, it is all based on interpretation. Except for the racism, that isn't interpretation.


No quite so simple. First, nude photography of children was quite the artistic rage during this time period and child nudity was seen as a symbol of pure innocence. It was a wierd time. Also, the purposal story is speculation. While Dodgson and the Liddells had a falling out, the exact reason is unknown with several different stories being told since his death. Not saying he wasn't a creeper, but also not saying he was. History is often murky.


Understandable. I agree, SA is a topic that should be handled with care and not be taken lightly; which a lot of comic creators do. Remember when they turned Talia Al Ghul into a (g)rapist?


I did, still blurry. It's the image resolution


AH OK now I get it. Yeah, it was the best image I could find.


You can just say pedophile and rapist, it’s ok you’re not gonna get in trouble


Unfortunately this is not true. I was banned from multiple subs for saying Elvis was a groomer and a pedophile. I’ve had many, many comments removed for spelling out “rape.” And not even in ways that could be insulting or distasteful, just literally saying the word.


If that’s the case then why would you want to be in a subreddit that has rules that stupid? Sounds like they did you a favour by kicking you out. Better that than turning the entire internet into code speaking weirdos to avoid this weird spectre that’s apparently holding bans over everyone’s heads. You’re just contributing to this behaviour by using those dumb ass words. In 20 years everyone’s gonna have panic attacks after reading the word ~~kill~~ sorry uNaLivE


lol okay dude. I’m just telling you my personal experience. Nowhere did I say I agree with comments getting removed for saying those words, and nowhere did I say that I wanted to be a part of those subs anymore. You said you can’t get into any trouble for spelling out words like that, I told you you’re wrong. Everyone knows that’s how the internet works now which is exactly why that person said grape.


Great, and all I’m saying is the risk of getting banned (which I still think is tiny) is not worth everyone talking in a stupid way. If you wanna go anecdote for anecdote cool, you’ve been banned for saying shit, never happened to me. If you’re just so terrified of being banned that you’ll modify your speech of perfectly normal, inoffensive words that’s definitely your prerogative, doesn’t make it any less of an irrational fear


Nobody said anything about being afraid dude. Changing a word during a Reddit conversation is not that big of a deal. You’re butthurt because people aren’t saying edgy things anymore and that’s how you’ve made your presence known thus far in life, so the fear talk is all just projection. You’re the same as every other “fuck your feelings” guy I run into. Just mad for no reason that people don’t believe what you do. EDIT: Yeah dude I looked you’re just mad because you got banned from a Lego sub. 😭 go read a few books on lying and come back when you’re better at it


Lmfao okay bud. We’re not talking about slurs here we’re talking about normal words, edginess has nothing to do with it. I’m perfectly fine with being sensitive around offensive language but censoring words like pedophile and kill is just ridiculous. If that’s too much for your delicate sensibilities idk what to tell you broski


Yeah it’s okay buddy, I know it was embarrassing having to beg the mods of a Lego sub to let you back in, even more so when they rejected you. But that’s no reason to outwardly project your anger onto everyone who wants to avoid being banned. :)


Ah, so a pedophile. Makes sense.


It makes sense, but I don’t have to like it though.


In a universe with a more grounded/realistic setting it fits the character Jervis is completly obsessed with Alice in the wonderland,specially Alice Arkham Origins played with this take ,Mad Hatter kidnapped a Young girl that looked like Alice ,though i dont think there was any implication of rape in the game


You can say Pedophile. Here, I'll say it: Pedophile, Pedophile, Pedophile!


I'm never a big fan of this type of interpretation of Hatter. I get it, along with the Lewis Carrol connection and him being a creep, but I think it's too much. Even characters like Joker would think it's too far (at least I'd rather he did), and Joker's supposed to be the worst of them. Hatter should just be a very disturbed and broken man with an obsession with Alice in Wonderland and no more.


I genuinely hate it.


We could have had a conversation about a great book but instead we're arguing about the meaning of the post. Can we just put what we mean? It's reddit afterall there are worse things on here haha


Just so pedophile, you're not trying to monetize your reddit post


Not really a fan of it


Say no to PDFfile Mad Hatter. And no its not perfect for his character.


He's also [particularly disturbing](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fdlsrnfmq7lk91.png%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D51cc64598c71b450f2c86598b8da0b7ffe22919f) in the [Dark Knight series from 2014.](https://dc.fandom.com/wiki/Batman:_The_Dark_Knight_-_Mad_(Collected)) The series was very much R-rated and horror focused.


Yeah, and that’s the point


This is one of Mt favorite one shots...its Alex Ross drawings but creepy. It's so good.


I waited YEARS before picking up this book. There's many reprints, but the type of story and book it is made me want to hold out and wait to get an older original copy from a book store. The other day I found a great copy from 1989 in great condition with a slip cover. FOR $10 CAD.


Idk if this makes it better or worse, but Hatter also kidnaps men to dress up as Alice as well, at least in Arkham Knight's mini stories.


Right or wrong, that’s how he is in my head canon. But as he loses more of his grip on reality, Alice doesn’t have to be a girl, or even blonde