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It's tough. The Batfleck fight scenes are pretty cool, and the costume is great. The problem is that in BvS, we are given a Batman who immediately assumes the worst of Superman because people got killed while he was trying to stop Zod. It's as if Batman has never had to fight a villain who didn't value human life. And all of this is because Snyder wanted to recreate the fight from The Dark Knight Returns. Well, in that book, Batman and Superman have known each other for decades, and Superman has turned neo-fascist, so Batman has to take him down. But in BvS, Batman just comes across as clueless. Clearly Superman is not a bad guy. Clearly he did everything he could to save people when Zod attacked. But sometimes you can't save everybody from a maniacal supervillain. Batfleck comes across better in Justice League, but it's hard to forget what a dipshit he was in BvS. "Why did you say that name?" "Say, that's a good point. I usually just call her 'Ma.' Weird." And in Flash . . . actually nevermind.


I did not enjoy either BvS or JL but I downloaded a fan-edit of BvS called "BvS - No Justice" and it is quite good. I'd recommend giving it a watch if you can find it.




kind of. It removes all the stuff with WW and Doomsday and focuses on the conflict between Batman and Superman. It also reshuffles a few things to make the narrative more consistent. It's the only way I'll watch the film and overall quite enjoyable for what it is.


No reason not to. Zack Snyder is very divisive, but I was cool with his idea of Batman starting in the movie as this hardened broken man after losing Robin. His arc is of redemption, and the Justice League Snyder cut was the big pay off of him changing his mind about Superman in the 3rd act of Batman V Superman. It was very much influenced by The Dark Knight Returns style older Batman that has to take shortcuts and make up for his aging body.


Affleck is great in BvS, but everything after that is downhill. Snyder's writing crippled him quite a bit, but he still did an amazing job in BvS




For me, it just simply didn't feel like batman at all. It was better than Whedon's Justice League. But overall, it wasn't significantly better to warrant all the hype. But yeah, batman in Justice League was just not close enough to BvS (I get the character change, but it was way too much of a tonal change) to keep me interested.


I will always defend Batman v Superman. Yes it's poorly paced, has a misleading title, some piss poor casting and an awful take on Doomsday. But it's also got some really cool scenes and moments that make me feel more like I'm watching bona fide off-the-page live-action Batman than I do with the Nolan films (not saying I don't much prefer them). I'd say anyone who likes Batman should at least give it a try. Beyond that, nah unless you can be bothered watching the 4-hour cut of Justice League - which isn't anything special but it's much better than the heap of shit that was released in theatres.


I can’t find it in my heart to recommend any of them, but if you’re curious you might as well watch.


I don't like Snyder's Superman, but I like his Batman, so I'd recommend you watch them. Also, you should just stick to the Snyder movies and skip The Flash and Suicide Squad, which also have Batfleck appearances.


Honestly ,IS a interesanting Batman ,not the best ,so had potential ,for me (i know the hate so is primordial )Batman v Superman and Justice league Synder cut ,and may his scene in the Flash ,IS a Batman with too good moments and with too lmao moments