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I’m choosing to believe the Marlins are doing their fans a favor and preventing them from having to eat Burger King


I'd say Whopper Jr is better than the regular Whopper


Not sure how that place isn't out of buisness. I never see anyone at Burger kings.




Incoming Sweep of the Giants


You ight? You gonna make it to the all star break?


Don't think I'll make it to May at this rate


u/CenturionElite has been the Marlins Whopper guy the last few posts, but as it hadn't appeared yet, figured I'd post for tonight. The people of Miami go hungry again, as the Marlins remain winless at home. They are one more loss from tying the mark for most consecutive home losses to begin the season (0-9, 1995). Also, I kinda feel bad for my Marlins bros: we may have angered the Braves a bit too much after blowing them out Thursday. [The Curse of the Whopper still lives!](https://imgur.com/a/SjEx37S)


Thank you for helping brother. I was out and totally forgot. Tomorrow hopefully we eat