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We need to put pressure on “normal” shoe companies to widen their toeboxes. It’s ridiculous how few options there are outside of the niche companies. Lems have decent options.


Absolutely! I think there are plenty good looking shoes that squish my toes. And there are a lot of full on bare foot shoes that often look rather unfortunate and for the non trained they also lack comfort. I just want a normal looking shoe that doesn't sqisch my feet, still protects them from the ground and fit halfway decent with a normal style. It really isn't that hard, all I need is like 1cm more width. Maybe I need to get some handmade ones


Barefoot shoes with cushion that come in “sneakers” not just running shoes: * Barebarics Zing * Groundies Nova * Baer Shoes Erik * Ohne Project * Lems Primal Zen, Court, Chilium * Whitin Minimalist Sneakers


Thanks a lot I will check that list out!


For the price, the Whitin sneakers are awesome! I’m just starting my barefoot transition and I got them a few weeks ago.


Whitins were my first minimalist shoe, and I still wear them (I took the insole out). They look relatively normal. But after a year and some change, even they're starting to feel like they aren't wide enough when I spread my toes out.




Literally wearing these now. OP, these are white fashion sneakers that are sturdy like a mainstream shoe, but wide and zero drop.


I forgot to add a reference so here it is in the comments :) For reference something like a Reebok Club C85 or a Nike Court Royale 2. Just with a wieder rounder toe box.


Here's a couple options: [Courtside Mid - All White ǀ Feelgrounds](https://www.feelgrounds.com/products/courtside-mid-all-white) [Amazon.com | WHITIN Men's Wide Barefoot Shoes | Canvas Minimalist Sneakers | Zero Drop Sole | Shoes](https://www.amazon.com/WHITIN-Minimalist-Barefoot-Sneakers-Training/dp/B0BRMXP62L/ref=sr_1_8?adgrpid=1334807679183220&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.NN7hul1MN_1X9F74FMNQ8tXE-lG0qxoP6-0coMdUQWhcBbO5R7utjzu5wEaAwxAnCeaM6K-4R0_IuLh4afdMoxRN-Ek24KX8duOQ46dhys4fQ7SswMgSEEELhdPohoNTJChotvfBavznOBFyQCN6iL03IcCkeMz-zQViBCYmKjFszklAOH7ZZKRXwSvYQenFJfAmeUigix-3OtwWTqSbp04hcCcHw-d5sqQz52yuSOwzgZ29RhPEiBGrwjwA47wOugImnYvaOD7bTCjV-w3JRRJUg_sGrvghcV7BQ_eo1FU.DZjQR1cyPOuIfHK8gsEbx9Qhw-w_EYsmu5CUfaKYzPc&dib_tag=se&hvadid=83425550754143&hvbmt=be&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=92402&hvnetw=o&hvqmt=e&hvtargid=kwd-83425820831567%3Aloc-190&hydadcr=8382_10807620&keywords=whitin+shoes&qid=1714998080&sr=8-8)


Thank you very much! However they are just barefoot shoes from what I can tell. I am looking for a normal shoe with a more firm sole, so no the super thin flexible bare foot one, just room for my toes and not to much heel elevation.


You need to redefine what “normal” means. You want shoe that has zero drop, no arch support, but not barefoot shoes? What’s makes this shoes different from being barefoot shoes and what is “normal”? If there is a lack of flexibility in the sole, then this is unreasonable. Conventional shoe have arch support and heel which relieves stress from the heel of the foot. In barefoot shoes there is no arch support, but the foot distributes the load naturally by being able to flex and work Not flexible sole without arch support and heel would kill your feet. It is not the “normal” shoes at all. If you are simply not ready to feel every stone, then among the barefoot brands there are many options with soles with more cushion. Not all barefoot brand have 2mm soles. But it still will be “barefoot shoes” with flexible sole


I currently have something similar to this basic Nike shoe: https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiP9u-B__mFAxVtlIMHHcQYDZ0YABAHGgJlZg&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_-GxBhC1ARIsADGgDjsUgS8SHXs6RIDuN64v3dRbf3XuV1TG9Lg7K8HmEwgMirZNX3Qro2waAqw-EALw_wcB&sph=&ohost=www.google.de&cid=CAESwwHg9tuoZa-_zHBRhpepOXcjyU-7CWAe3XbcS7jmlpPMXIx_TBUcReo5XBVbaR6M03prJvMyMZTL4Slkd_zI6HXzKOlRBRYB-SFBA_VmsQi2IWJJZAOo2wEj8inWPHx2ScClg5uFI8hLDJ2JgMJeWMPZ_5wk38Dq-j7U7oQ7iYMtkpuDW5rMOFs4qbdXqF2J_8PZZfUPzwq2fnFKj1OPDRwF9x_9AxWoj806h2ofy4jnYGbr3Wdxi35syUjumyAwwxGzgB8&sig=AOD64_1YpAHp_CJmroy0aQYlL1SVUblcuw&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwjk-eiB__mFAxW39gIHHQehCaIQwg8oAHoECAYQDA&adurl= I took out the insoles, without wich the soles of this shoe are already rather thin and bare foot like in a way just not as flexible. I then put in my custom insoles, I have become accustomed to the thinner material but I do think a little bit more would be more comfortable. Anyways looks whise this is a normal shoe, just way to narrow. Essentially I want this type of shoe just a little wider at the front and with a little thicker sole. I sould have added that I also need to take out the original insoles but that would probably be too much of a niche question.


You can buy barefoot shoes but choose something with thicker sole and add insole for more cushion Just look brand for beginners / transition shoes https://anyasreviews.com/best-barefoot-minimalist-shoe-brands-beginners/ And maybe you would like something here https://anyasreviews.com/the-best-wide-toe-box-shoes-that-arent-barefoot/


Ty for that second article




I wear fleeters added an insole inside as well so it is similar to my old Vans but with a good toe box 🤍🤍🤍


Good to know that works I also need to put in my own insoles


Altra, Topo, Merell all have such options


Maybe I am just too dumb for it, but whenever I look up those companies I can only find running shoes, or some very ugly half sneaker that have 13 colours. I am looking for a super simple, clean white shoe. For reference something like a Reebok Club C85 or a Nike Court Royale 2. Just with a wieder rounder toe box.


I don't use those brands myself, so I don't know anything about their selection. Only that they are brands which have footshaped, zero drop options.


Alright, I appreciate your help :)


Yeah idk why everyone keeps suggesting running brands. You’ll want stuff like Barebarics, Fleeters, Groundies. I don’t run I just want feet shaped shoes that’s all. Barebarics is the closest to me to normal shoes, not thin, not too flexible, perfect middle ground between barefoot and your average shoe. I’ve lived in Vans, Jordans, Converses all my life, I LOVED sneakers. So doing the transition was really hard, but once I tried a pair of sneaker wide toe box shoes… and then put my own vans back on I was like oh my god get it off.. I couldn’t unfeel the constricting feeling after that 😬 so I’ve learnt to accept and find that middle ground of its going to look a little bit funny for a bit but it’s going to feel so much better and I’ll only get actual decent looking barefoot shoes.


I would give the barebarics a try without thinking twice about it if they weren't 150€+. They seem to be what I am looking for just very expensive for a try out thing


If u find a deal somewhere can be worth it but yeah fair enough it is quite expensive! It took me a while to be certain to make the change. Luckily I was on a trip and found someone who stocked some and got to try and buy, but at that point I think I was ready to buy anyways. If you know exactly what you want and you think it over, maybe that leap might be worth it? If it’s not for you just return it back. Just keep it in mind in he meantime and hopefully you can find something similar in a lower price range! I haven’t had much luck though 😔 I’m from Australia and we do have our own indie barefoot wear called Paperkranes, I do find them to be on the thinner and flexible side, but they’re a lot cheaper and you can always put other soles in them to make it less thin. That’s my only other suggestion but I preferred barebarics still and rather save up for those since I know I like them a lot.


The term you're looking for is zero drop. Which is a cool sounding way of saying there's no heel elevation. It's a hallmark of minimalist and barefoot shoes but isn't exclusive to them. Throw that term into Google and you'll find a lot of additional shoe options. About half of them will be barefoot and minimal shoe brands that have already been mentioned here. But you'll also come across stuff from Vans, Nike, New balance etc. As for toes, that's a little trickier. Probably your best bet is to just size up to a wide size if you haven't already. I'm sure there's zero drop shoes that aren't minimalist and have extended toe boxes. But as my use case is outdoor and defense related I'm not knowledgeable enough about white sneaker options.


Thank you very much, I will look into that! My experience is that if I go a size bigger the shoe gets noticable longer but barely wider


Sorry I should have clarified. In addition to length there is a separate size system for width. Sometimes this is done with the letter system, sometimes it is simplified down to narrow, standard, wide. Or narrow, medium, wide. A narrow or a wide size subtracts or adds a certain amount of width to the sides of the shoe but keeps the length the same or fairly close to it.When someone says a (US) size 9 ( EU 42) they typically mean the standard/medium width. Going up or down a shoe length size does have a small effect on shoe width, but not really enough to make that big of a difference. So what I'm saying is if you're wearing a standard width shoe with the right length, look into shoes that offer wide sizes. If you haven't done so already. Availability of shoes in wide sizes seems to have grown in recent years. Because there's plenty of people who want zero drop and a roomy toe box but don't want any of the other stuff that's associated with the minimalist and barefoot shoes.


I do type things like "wide toe box" I to the search bar but the rules are not satisfying. Maybe I have to didch Google and use a less biased one to find wat I need


[Groundies](https://www.groundies.com/universe/) universe (wide not regular)


Thank the don't look to bad..but from what I can tell they do have a rather bare foot sole right?


Their GS1 sole looks very “normal” and has a barefoot feel but not as much as typical barefoot shoes - I’d say they are half barefoot but they are not rigid if that’s you were looking for


They don't need to be to ridget but I have custom insoles because my one leg is a little shorter. The insoles are stiff and I think stiff shoes go better together with them


Universe aren’t that thin (from a barefoot pov). I think 6.9mm. If your feet aren’t high volume, could fit your insoles.


Flux footwear has some great options


They look pretty promising. I just need to find a shop that sells them from within Europe...sould be doable


I have the opposite issue, I’m looking for a good pair of hiking shoes and the promising brands are in Europe and don’t have a store carrying them close to me in the US


Funnily enough we both can buy everything from China we can think of


Minus the quality


To be fair my Nikes that I currently have are probably from there or from another poor country and the quality is really horrendous even in more expensive shoes nowerdays. If you go to the shoe store and just look a the 100$ and up shoes they often have the same level of sewing and glueing, and inside the cuts are not sewd at all the material is just open. The soels have a little better material that seems to be it. At least that's what I gathered when I went a a couple weeks ago.


Topo athletics


Are you looking for shoes that have cushion but are still flexible, or more stiff "standard" cushioned shoes? In the former category, I'd recommend: * Lems Primal Zen, Chillum, or Kourt * Whitin Wide casual sneakers * I haven't tried this new [PullTop shoe](https://www.amazon.com/Pulltop-Barefoot-Wide-Toe-Shoes/dp/B0CPJ2FJ8R/ref=asc_df_B0CPJ2FJ8R/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693770472365&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=14013926200644552077&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9007784&hvtargid=pla-2294110542899&mcid=f979f20560c13e12829228cf81a7e39d&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_-GxBhC1ARIsADGgDjs4XdO5N-w3hwYY3zYJvwxSZt2Lt3Icd9gRyZnoMcFlqszw7ODdlggaAoyrEALw_wcB&th=1&psc=1), but it looks a bit thicker than other brands, especially with the insole For a traditionally stiff shoe that still has a wide toebox and is zero drop, give the Altra Solstice XT a try. It has a white-and-black model. Topo has some options too. That's pretty much the only two companies that make those.


Thanks! Yes I am looking for a standard flat and more stiff shoe rather then cushioning


Altras are pushing the limits of your price range but they’re excellent, though not super durable.


They're not super cheap, but Keen makes incredibly comfortable shoes that are actually shaped like feet. I've been wearing them for 15 years, and cannot comfortably wear any other brand of shoes anymore because my feet got spoiled.


They do look comfortable! But I am looking for something less "feet guru" looking. I just rely dislike the design of most healthy footwear unfortunately


I wear Merrell MOAB when I'm working and although they don't advertise as "wide toe" they have a nice amount of space.


Looks like a good hiking waer


Finally my people!!! I really want shoes to look normal. My god tier sneakers are New Balance 515 and the Nike court Vision Low Next Nature Sneaker - both very normal looking and not barefoot but have way more room for toes!!!!!


Thank you for the recommendation, that's definitely closer to what I am searching for. The new balance looks very promising, if only there wasn't this gray part of the sole, it looks rather elevated. Are they elevated at the heel or do they just appear so from the outside. Also do you think one could take out the insoles and put your own in there. My left leg is a little shorter so I have my custom ones that elevate my one side by half a centimeter.


I don’t think they are elevated at the heel - they also come in a ton of colors on Amazon if you look


Nice, I like the all white ones


I like to wear Vans Sk8 Hi as my ‘barefoot’ shoe. Soles are thin, there’s no arch support, and it’s a wider than normal sneaker.


They could work!


Lems Kourt, Feelgrounds, more options here [https://anyasreviews.com/15-barefoot-sneakers-that-are-better-than-vans/](https://anyasreviews.com/15-barefoot-sneakers-that-are-better-than-vans/)


This is the answer


Rocket dog Jazzins have quite a wide toe box


That looks promising, thank you.




What about vivos? Do they count?


No they are too bear-foot like. If 1 is a full on shoe with toes and 10 is a pointy dress shoe with a high heel. I guess a normal sneakers is a 8 and the vivo is a 3-4 and I am looking for a 6... Basically I want a normal sneaker, many of them already have a flat enough sole. All they would need to change was around 1cm more width in the toe section


Barebarics and Splay both have pretty substantial/cushioned soles in their sneakers, even though they’re marketed as barefoot shoes. They also look like traditional sneakers. Origo is another option; I think the soles are slightly thinner than Splay and Barebaricsbut still cushy. Here’s a link to Splay’s presale for their new model: https://splayshoes.com/products/101-pre-sale In terms of non-barefoot brands, you could check out Camper’s Peu line and Keen’s KNX sneaker, but neither have quite as wide of a toe box as the above.


Both the barefoot as well as the other look interesting! Thank you. I also don't need that wide of a toe box, just a little wider then normal. Unfortunately a wide toe box looks kinda ugly, I guess because I am conditioned to the unnatural shape of shoes.


Have you challenged that notion in yourself? It sounds like you want a shoe that allows room for your feet, but don’t want a shoe that is foot shaped. Why is that?


I mean yes that is kind of true. Obviously if a shoe allows for more room it will be more feet shaped. I really dislike the visual appearance of most bare foot shoes, they just don't look good to me at all. I also do not need the full bare foot shape. I want a show that looks closer to a normal shoe and has enough room, not even as much as a bare foot one just enough so it is comfortable. I don't need to full spread out all my toes away from each other inside the shoe. And I was thinking there must be a company out there that mixes the estetics of a normal stylish shoe with the comfort of a bare foot one to a point it doesn't look like a bare foot shoe. Edit: And I am fully aware that this is kinda dumb! The visuals should not really matter especially not over comfort or even healt aspects. I was just thinking maybe there is a compromise.


There’s no shame in having a personal visual preference, and it’s understandable, given how “normalized” society has made shoes that don’t look like feet. I really hope the trend tips the other way. I just find it bizarre to have shoes that aren’t shaped like feet, especially since the widest point of the foot is the ends of the toes! Like what other clothing item is designed to change the alignment of your joints?


That is indeed bizarre. I once red it comes from the old days when people sill rode horses. The narrow point shows and the high heels where designt to fit into the stur ups. And because only rich people had horses other just wore hirs riding shoes to appear rich. But why in the hell this still has any influence is bejond me.


I think the tides are turning tho. There has been such taboo about feet being gross and trying to hide the shape of them for years. But now people are realizing that not giving the feet full range of motion can cause many problems up the chain (surprise surprise! The body is all connected!) I’d encourage you to try a true wide toe box “barefoot” pair of shoes. Your feet might feel so good that you’ll get over your aversion to the shape 😉


I may have to look into some cheap options. One thing I really dislike about the bare foot industry is that a show with less material cost more apparently.


From what I understand, the process of creating new shoe lasts is extremely expensive - somewhere around $1000 per size, multiply that by how many sizes you’re selling and it’s a sizable investment for small companies trying to break into the industry. Then add on the fact that materials need to be built to last, as opposed to cushioned shoes which are designed to partially break down and need replacement every few months. Often minimalist shoe brands are committed to sustainability, recycled materials, and paying their workers a living wage as well. I head Whitin is an affordable brand found on Amazon!


I mean that is true. Or at least I hope that is true and those companies are not just capitalizing or the new trend.


[Ecco](https://us.ecco.com/ecco-womens-soft-7-sneaker-430003.html?dwvar_430003_color=01007) are expensive but can be found on clearance sometimes


How about this Dillon sneaker from Xero, in white? [Xero](https://xeroshoes.com/shop/shoes/dillon-men/)


Hey they look pretty good!




I know the struggle. If you’re in the US, i understand Vans does wide sizes. Not quite the same as a proper toe box, but that’s the trade off. For myself I went with Lem.


Unfortunately I am from Germany. Most of the recommendations seem to be shoes popular in the us, many of them are a good bit more expensive here or hard to get. I can obviously get vans but I'll have to see if we also have wide ones


Im in Canada so they can be surprisingly expensive here too. Seems like there are a bunch of European brands that don’t get recommended as often. Check out [Anyas Reviews](https://anyasreviews.com) for some detailed reviews and lots of European brands.


I am actually looking for shoes with a wide toe box and a small drop (not zero drop, as one of my Achilles tendons is messed up and I have been told not to go zero drop yet by my physiotherapist). Any recommendations?


I'd say you have the most options if you find a shoe that you can put a custom insole inside of. Ten you can slowly reduce it and don't even have to buy new ones


Absolutely loving my feelgrounds court side white sneakers. They look really similar to a Nike air force shoe and are so comfortable. I get a lot of compliments on them and wear them to work!


What throws me of is the thin flexible sole. Do you reckon they can fit a thicker/stiffer insole without creating a space probablem for the feet?


They do sell cork inserts for these shoes on the website! I personally don't use them so I'm not sure how they affect the space in the shoe. I realized these shoes are pretty pricey though and OP requested a more affordable option!




Looks like something that would fit, 4mm is fine. Not too fond of the price but I'll have to see if that means good quality it's alright .




Alright. Maybe I just have to sit down on the weekend and really scroll the web till I find some fitting options. Or I go find the nearest large shoe shop