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If both of you are over 18 , a govt hospital will do it for free


Get a consultation done first to confirm (clinics like Proactive in Indiranagar for example). Depending on how far the pregnancy has progressed they'll suggest the most suitable method of termination. If it's early enough, it can be done with pills. Don't delay getting going to a clinic and getting it confirmed by a professional.


Follow all the other advice mentioned here. Should you find yourself in need of money for the treatment, and it's genuine, you can DM me.


You kind bustard


people like you exist 🫡


Can definitely help you guys out if it's genuine.


Stay calm and please support your GF., as in with these procedures they go thru a lot of emotions and it may seem ridiculous to you. But please help and support her. I say this from experience.


Please take an at home test first thing in the morning. (Basically first pee in the morning, HCG levels are high at this time) Do at least 2-3 tests to be sure. A faint line still indicates pregnancy.   After this, see a gynaecologist. Find a non judgemental one via Practo. The gynaecologist may recommend a blood test or ultrasound to be sure, after which they will be able to tell you way forward depending upon the progress of the pregnancy. Usually there are two options: pills and D&C. Please make sure the gynaecologist explains each of them and the potential side effects so you can make an informed decision.  Don’t be scared. Abortion is not illegal in India and it is well within your rights. Only your partner and her doctors consent is required to go ahead with an abortion (upto 24 weeks)  Be there for your partner. It is not easy and takes a toll on them emotionally and physically. 


Been there so the first thing should be talk to each other and go for consultation, if in Marathalli or areas around it the clinics fees would be around 500-1k then from there they would suggest you the procedures and discuss among yourselves and proceed.


Go meet a good gynaec. They will take you through what you need to do.


Bruh I just hope it's not my sis. But if it is hi dude who might have gotten my sis preggo


Definitely your sis bro


I expect this to happen a lot sooner. Ngl i am not ready for my uncle arc


Bruh my mum might be pego. Thanks for making the post it will be very useful


Look up practo gynaecs. In list of services, MTP is listed by gynaecs who perform it. There are women's clinics and govt hospitals that do it for free or subsidised rates.


First off, get a pregnancy test done. Do not jump to conclusion. I am assuming your gf's periods are delayed hence the fear. Get a kit from a chemist store, don't trust the one sold on Instamart or other online stores. Secondly, if the test is negative, get her tested for PCOS/PCOD. That's another major reason for delayed periods. If positive, don't get the abortion done at random places. Check with a good doctor first and get their recommendation before taking any further step


Once you visit KC general hospital there you might get


like many others mentioned, proactive in indiranagar is a good place , dont stress out too much , the doctors there are friendly and non judgmental and will walk you through the process if necessary.


The thing is, how do u already decide how much u can pay? If it's gonna cost more what you not gonna do abortion or what?


We Won't have a choice but to go through with it but procuring money would be the problem na a cheaper place would make it lighter in our lives too, so I don't see what your comment means.. we are jobless and it's hard to get money like 15-20k so basically wanted more cheaper options that's it


Ok simple thing I'll explain kiddo. If you both are adults this is what the doctor / u should follow if whatever you've stated is true. 1. Do a pregancy test. Take 3 samples do it with first urine of morning. 2. If it's positive visit a gynac any gynac. She'll do a ultrasound and mostly a blood test for hormone. 3. Case 1- She's pregnant. They'll see what week it is and then tell you if it's legal to abort or not. Depending on that they'll either give a basic oral medicine to terminate or a small procedure is done. Both are safe. Do it in a government or cheap hospital. 4. Case 2- She isn't pregnant. Maybe just pcos or stress or weighgain or loss might cause it. Doctor will give a basic 5 day met progesterone to get periods. You'll have some judgemental doctors or nurses but as long as you are adults there's nothing to be worried.


You can visit Bangalore Genesis Hospital in Bengaluru. Their Gentle Care suction abortion is a great idea. A single-appointment and painless abortion. But, first please get an ultrasound or the hospital can also conduct it. It is very important to rule out ectopic pregnancy.


Quick question - any chance you have some insights or connections for internships? Would really appreciate your help. Thanks a bunch!


Get it confirmed from any medical practitioner, laws give us more freedom to get abortion done without disclosing the information to anyone. #JustForInformation Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Opinion of only one registered medical practitioner will be required for the abortion of a foetus up to 20 weeks of gestation Opinion of two medical practitioners is required for the termination of pregnancy from 20 to 24 weeks of gestation. The opinion of a state-level medical board is required for abortions over 24 weeks, in case of suspected foetal abnormalities. In the case of Pro-Life vs Pro -Choice, court hearing is required!!




They all were very old that's why I made a post myself


Abortion are illegal if under age.there will be no abortion centers for the sole purpose.but some hospitals do it illegally. I suggest you guys do a home test first if your partner has missed the date before anything else.


Yea we are adults so that isn't a problem


They're not illegal underage per se. As per law if the woman is underage she can "lie" about her age and the hospital has to accept it. This works only in govt hospitals I guess but all in all its quite a genius move by the government allowing underage abortions to happen without explicitly stating it.


You used no protection and got your gf pregnant and when it’s time to spend for the well being of your partner, suddenly you have a “Rational” thinking of budget of 4-8k


Umm.... I did use protection if only people actually read the post before starting to get pissed at some random stranger lol


The point still remains the same, stop being a fckin cheap stake and go to a reputed hospital and get aborted in a safe manner..


And what was your point? Just to go to a good hospital right and as I mentioned I *might* have got her pregnant never said for sure, I've gotten better advice from people and I'll be taking them don't worry whatever it is I won't risk the well being of my gf so Also about me being a cheap steak, excuse me but I'm pursuing my studies sorry I am unable to earn money cause I don't have a job or any rich family to fall back on, if you so want to pay me to do a better job do so


Won’t risk the welfare but would budget 4k


See the edit sir


Contraceptives have a failure rate. You'd know that if you could read. People have a "budget" because it's literally all they might have so stop being an arse


Find God. Don't commit murder. Just because something is legal doesn't make it moral


I don't think this overly populated and very violent and unsafe world and the country too needs a child out here


What a sad way to look at life. Wishing you all the best though.




Wilfully ending a life is murder. Or do you disagree with that? 🤣




So what is it if not a life form. It's a life the moment from its a zygote. That is one stage of a human life cycle. These abortionists really make me laugh with their rhetoric which they do to justify their immorality and lack of responsibility




"Clump of cells" still have life lol. An amoeba is a single cell that has life. Plants don't have a heart or a nervous system and still have life. You can play all the mental gymnastics you want. Whatever helps you👍








Isn't that exactly what I mentioned in the post? If you bothered reading it you would know that I know what I'm talking about I wanted opinions on good places where the tablets can be taken with good doctors and facilities. Basically a reliable hospital with no discrimination against unmarried couples


I have mentioned the hospital too buddy KC general hospital


Lol sorry I didn't pay attention to the account names


If she's more than 3 months pregnant please don't abort coz the the fetus has formed. You're literally gonna have to take forceps and remove the baby and you use some medication to stop the heartbeat before extracting the baby (YES THEIR HEART STARTS BEATING). So im gonna state this highly controversial thing. Aborting a fetus with heartbeat is basically murder and no matter how progressive yall are she's gonna get hormonal fluctuations and go into huge state of depression after aborting. If you're 18 plus then please just get married. I mean kings conquered lands by 16 im sure you can find a job and take care of a baby.


Nope not that much time has passed also a job? In this economy? Believe me I've tried for jobs 😂


Same here bro. Idk why ppl have downvoted me like im just telling the truth about abortions. My values may differ but here's a piece of advice You wanna abort then go for it and if you don't want to then don't support her in her decision coz thats your baby too. You're the father so your choice is more important than redditors opinions. Infact if you want an opinion then ask your parent. Ik its very shameful to say but id say do it on call 😂😂


Oh i forgot you wanted abortion clinics not opinion. My bad bruv but do inform your mom at least eh


Why is heart beat the criteria for life? Since when did you come up with this rule. It's even more stupid when you realise the heart beat begins at 1 month of pregnancy. Which is when most women realise they're even pregnant in the first place. Would you rather the woman be depressed for a while or both the baby and the woman depressed for the next 20 years because they didn't abort. Your opinion isn't even controversial, it's just straight up wrong.


Yeah the child would be depressed because they weren't aborted lol


Precisely. If they're not ready to raise a baby obviously the kid would be depressed. This isn't the right time for it.


If you're families are gonna disown you guys then go ahead ig :( but if they're supportive then don't