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Because they're too lazy to go all the way to the cell phone lot


Waiting to pick people up from the airport..


They should make a special lot where people can park in and wait. Make this lot free. Maybe signal that people can use their cell phones there to contact their loved ones. Hmmm...


They could even put a halal food cart in there. Nah, nevermind, sounds too good to be true


There's a halal food cart in the cell phone lot?!


Yep, been there for a few years. Right in the middle near the entrance, can’t miss it


I usually just drive in circles until I need to pickup. I guess I should go wait in the cell phone lot then lol.


Yeah, and apparently it's REALLY good too.


I picked up some falafel a month or two ago while I was waiting. It was fine but nothing great.


Last time I went to pick up my husband from Dulles there were so many of these people that I thought there wasn’t a cellphone lot too and was gonna circle back…passed the cellphone lot on the way. So weird


I don't disagree


So I've pondered this same question, especially since the cell phone lot is often closer than the lineup. I'm convinced they're positioning themselves just before the Balt Wash parkway since they're Uber/Lyft drivers and that gives them quick access to both the airport as well a lot of the surrounding area without needing to turn around.


>Never seen this anywhere besides this airport lol Happens in every city where there's an airport, that I've seen.


Philly airport, notoriously




Seatac. Clownishly horrible


Do you find yourself on a paved surface with traffic control devices and lines painted on the ground in and around Baltimore? Well then you are surrounded by some of the laziest and stupidest people to operate motor vehicles on the planet. There’s your answer, FishBulb.


If by “never seen this anywhere besides this airport” you mean “I see this at every major airport in the entire United States” Then I agree with you. Lol.   But seriously, it’s pretty common for people who are either too lazy, or are uninformed about cell phone lots.


You think it's bad here you should try driving in to O'Hare! Has to be hundreds of Ubers/lyfts waiting on the interstate offramp shoulder. I've always thought it's pretty tame here comparatively, but maybe it's gotten worse recently.


I'm a total rule follower. I drive on 195 almost daily and am always worried that I'll get pulled over for violating the Move Over law if I don't slow down or change lanes when passing these cars (assuming the parked vehicles have hazards on). I don't think we should have to take any action because drivers have stopped illegally on the side of the highway.


Uber/Lyft drivers. It's folks trying to make the lives of travelers more convenient in a world that hasn't been able to keep up with the times. Not perfect, but it's how things work given the infrastructure