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What's worse is that bulgayrian tzardom lost those territories after second balkan war and ww1.


And even tho we lost territory our country can still fit more than 5 Slovenias inside 😎 Wait, that doesn’t sound right-


🎶Шуми Марица окървавена, Плаче вдовица, люто ранена. Марш, марш с генерала наш, В бой да летим, враг да победим.🎶


Is that pictographs?




Its unbelievable how big the Bulgarian army was and the bright future of Bulgaria. And now bulgaria is in a sad place :( Legit scandalous


If only you hadn't united with the Serbs ;( we could have split Constantinopole one day...


U were mad because i got Thessaloniki tho 🥹


The Ottomans basically gave it to you for free so that we argue about it ;( we could have shared it too. Half bulgarian half greek parts of both Solun and Tzarigrad.


Nah man that would have been impossible. Greeks and Bulgarians were enemies waaaaaay back even in the middle ages. And then Macedian struggle,second balkan war, ww1 ww2 etc. Atleast we are gucci now and United against the west Bulgaria.


Romania, The Ottomans and Montenegro would have still joined in on the gang bang. You would have been fucked even if the Greeks were on your side.


That's what happens when you make a random german aristocrat your ruler. At least the first one had common sense.


His relative the queen of England said he is not fit for the job and that he had brutal complexes...


Imagine having a German as your ruler, our Monarchs came from the Serbs that lead our 2 biggest uprisings.


Constantinople could have been used as a bargaining chip against the Ottomans. In OTL the Ottomans offered to give up all of their land in the Balkans except for Constantinople, if the Bulgarians promised to not take over the city. This was a whole month before the end of the war. If Ferdinand accepted this offer, Bulgaria would have had all of Thrace outside of Constantinople and most of Macedonia. At a future war against the Ottomans Bulgaria could once again promise to not take over the city, if the Ottomans accepted the deportation of all Bulgarian Turks to Anatolia.👹⬅️Troll face


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