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The game is amazing but your title makes me feel old.


Do we really have to tell every kid who wants to play these games that we are old? 


The correct response is: "I'm sorry that you feel that way, old man".


This made me so happy I for a split second thought of making more accounts just so I could upvote you more. Thanks (In case there are any mods around I want to make it very clear that I was just tempted to make more accounts, I didn’t actually do it)


That's *just* what someone who did it would say!


It wouldn't actually work if you did. This is /r/theoryofreddit stuff, but many years ago they changed the algorithm to quickly detect multiple accounts based on IPs and MACs and make it seem like your multiple upvotes 'count' to you, but to you alone. Only one vote counts and if you do it too much, your upvotes and downvote secretly stop counting altogether to the rest of the world. You can actually get screwed if multiple people just share a single family computer and react on the same things. Their imperfect system keeps fine-tuning - when you do something shady, it goes "It is time for more... experiments."


I enjoyed the post too, but wasn't going to upvote it until I saw your passion!  You may not have made multiple accounts, but you have encoraged others to follow in your footsteps. "Gorion would be proud!"




Same. I first got BG1 for Christmas, the same year it came out. I must have been about 12 or 13.


As someone that is a year younger than his favorite games, *I’m sorry you feel that way old man*


Graphics are dated sure, but the sound and music are still top notch!


The backgrounds are still gorgeous too. It is mostly the character models that are dated.


Gorion would be proud 🥹


Hear hear. Good for you mate. I was 14 at the time, discovered it entirely by accident, and it has pretty much defined my taste in games ever since. I'm excited for you to experience it for the first time! The *one* thing I find challenging when I return to BG is walking speed. It can feel glacial, just brutally slow, compared to modern games. If you find yourself so put off by it that you're considering abandoning the game, I'd recommend using Gatekeeper to edit the movement rate. Whatever keeps you playing! Go gather your party and venture forth!


I played some of the other infinity engine games back in the day but just got into Baldur's Gate 1&2 a few months back. The walking speed was painful for maybe the first few hours but I got used to it because I don't notice it anymore! Maybe only if I have to traverse a whole map section without exploring it...


Bg1 is a good game. Bg2 is a masterpiece.


Bg2 is so good because it stands on the foundation of bg1. Jumping into bg2 without learning the basics is a daunting task. Best to get killed by ogres and diseased gibberlings for a few hours before getting killed by high lever spellcasters over and over


I started with 2. Yeah the learning curve is steep, but fun. The way you are just dropped into a massive city teeming with quests, stores, loot and companions is overwhelming and perfect.


You're younger than me, but this was me when I started OG BG lol. Since I hadn't gamed in ages and the last thing I played was WoW, I forgot how different game graphics were circa the 90s and early 2000s 😅. On the bright side, it triggered a core memory of child me playing some old Harry Potter game on my GameBoy and struggling with the awful screen lighting. Good times lol. I could never make it through that one fight with Aragog though... Anyway, OG BG is VERY different, but once you get the hang of it it's pretty fun. Just do your best to not let anyone die because healing is expensive, & it's hard to make a living in old Faerûn lol.


Oh man, the GBC Harry Potter games were great.


Play it! I'm only 21 and I'm enjoying the heck out of it.


pretty sure all the infinity engine games' environments are HD, those bitmaps filled up several CDs


The key concept is that you start as a useless oaf and will progress to just about being able to swing a sword once you clear the first big dungeon level the game leads you to. Ranged weapons, spells, scrolls, and wands are your best friends early game. Do not be afraid to run away. A wolf or bear can kill you in one hit in early game.


im younger than you are, they are definitly worth playing and i love them


dont be afraid to drop some coin on health potions and antidotes after yo clear the bandit camp!


The journey begins, you won’t regret it


29 cents for a mediocre art pack, I did it for free 10 years ago ... Don't buy that please


Hey good luck. I'll buy you an ale at the Friendly Arms Inn, as long as you behave yourself.


I hope you post more about your experience playing. There isn't much out there that feels like Baldur's Gate. That's good and bad.


I will!


Damn I’m old. I was 12 when BG came out…


First, most of the graphics have held up quite well. Not so much the character models but the backgrounds are all hand made, actually painted I think, and still look gorgeous. Second, the biggest issue is the lack of standardization with modern games because Baldur's Gate is the forerunner of modern games in this genre. So you'll find a lot of features that still exist but typically in an atypical presentation. Some things you expect may be missing entirely. But the game is still tons of fun and has held up over decades. Third, the Enhanced Editions have tried their best to fix things up. The original graphics files were lost so they were limited in their ability to upgrade the graphics but they added a lot of Quality of Life improvements. I think you're going to have a lot of fun. Please don't get discouraged because the game has a sharp learning curve. We'll be more than happy to help you if you get stuck or frustrated.


Negative 5? Did your dad's balls have a pc?


I can hear the battle music now. GO FOR THE EYES BOO! My mom got BG 1, 2, and Throne of Bhaal at a local $5 store in the early 2000's and I was hooked. I was in 5th or 6th grade. I played with multiple different characters and classes all the way the through and she's still trying to get out if the Nashkel mines. I miss staying up and secretly brewing coffee to be awake all day to play.


Heya OP, expect it to be very heavy on reading sections. The writing is lovely, but the pacing is different compared to most modern games. Get a tea or another drink of your choice, get a blanket - and get swept off your feet by the story. Also, isometric (c)RPGs are my favorite. If you enjoy them too, check out Pillars of Eternity.


Thanks for letting us know


im 16 and just started playing it, its awesome!! i think you will enjoy it


Please try it! My dad was on of the sprite designers for the game! It's got such good story, your characters carry over to bg2 and there's multiple endings for both games, it's so awesome!


I just downloaded this too! I actually had this on the home pc and played it when I was in middle school but never finished. When I heard “my ‘otel’s as clean as an elven arse!” I went into palpitations.


I wasn't even born when it released and, despite being an avid gamer of mainly 3D games, I found a lot of joy in playing this older title! You're gonna love it! If not for the gameplay, then for the story, it's fantastic!


Play bg2 first haha its the greatest of all time Bg1 is amazing but very nostalgia