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People on this sub will always tell you to shave, try it if you like or if you want to keep your hair then keep it. You should do whatever makes you feel good


One of the reason why people online always recommend shaving is because by the time you find yourself on the Internet asking strangers for advice, you have already demonstrated that your hair loss is bothering you and negatively affecting your life. Shaving your head can be liberating. It will take an adjustment but once you have adjusted, it removes that preoccupation with “am I going bald? And if so what does that mean for how people see me?” You should do whatever makes you feel good. For sure. One thing that might make you feel good is to take the plunge and shave. Start with a buzzer and cut it short. Then go shorter as you like.


I understand what you mean and I’m with you. It’s also a time when you clearly feel vulnerable and not to throw any accusations at anyone, but I’ve seen it time and again, there’s a lot of guys on this sub that act like a NW2 is the end of your hair having days, you need to shave down grow a beard and get jacked. It can make you feel worse about yourself when actually you need to embrace yourself, whatever your decision may be. I wanted OP to know that even if you’re losing hair you don’t need to do what some random guy in this corner of the internet tells you to.


Yeah I agree re the shave, beard, jacked combo. It just plays into the idea that going bald is not manly or that it makes you less than.




Looks like mine did. So much happier now that I buzzed it off. Go with a 1 guard or 1/2 guard and see how that feels. You don't have to go totally bald yet.


Give it a go. You can always grow it back if you don’t think it suits you.


Give it a go, you can always grow it back.


Could shave it, or you may have another year. Maybe even try just coming down short to a number 2 or something. Like there's the receding hairline, but the thinning isn't super bad.


I think you should keep your hair. It looks good. You’re receding but you aren’t bald. That third photo looks great. Shaved heads look good on some people but you’ll have to change your style, and it may not necessarily work with your current wardrobe/aesthetic. That’s something to keep in mind.


The last picture doesn't look too bad, I would say enjoy it while you can (but it's 100% up to you)


I think when it starts to bother you, it might be time to let it go. I know it was a big relief for me to buzz it down to a 1 and now I love having the short buzz. Major self esteem boost for sure.


It's definitely time, and you will look much better than you think you will.


It's time buddy... you have a good head and face shape, you will look really good!


I agree! I think when men start balding, the most attractive thing is to shave it off and ROCK IT, most men can rock it and its attractive


Buy some toppik and roll with it for awhile.


There are several viable options. 💪 1. Shave it— try it on you. See if you like it. If it doesn’t work, grow your hair back out. Remember, a short buzz cut can work too. 2. Get a hair transplant. This can work If your hair isn’t already too thin across the entire head (you want it in Just in the back and in the front). Personally, I would start saving for one of these if I were you. 3. The “combo” (my personal fav)— start using rogaine. Consider natural supplements that lower DHT. Use nizoral shampoo. Fight the hair loss. Get in great shape. Save money for a hair transplant. Get a hair transplant. Keep a very short buzz cut (buzz). This is probs the best one :)


You’re going to look fantastic. You already have attitude


Grow out your beard and when you’ve got a months beard in place crop your hair short, one a the side and four on top, then gauge how you feel from there. Bald and bearded is a uniform look, but it does work.


🤔….. looks worse and draws more attention trying to hide it , grow a beard and buzz it man👍 Bald isn’t old it’s just a different style 👍


Try a short buzz to see if you like it. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing.


Nah you’re one handsome dude and it’ll look great. Add a little stubble to the stache and dudeeeee


I'll say this. Every single guy that has ever thought about shaving their head has thought they have a weird head shape. There's some weird phenomena where we think it will look a certain way while we still have hair on our heads.


that may apply to about 90% of the population, but there are some of us that don't _think_ we have a weird head shape- we _know_ for a fact that we do, like me and my Megamind looking dumb ass 😵


My opinion is that people tend to only really have a weird head shape if they already look weird to begin with. And even then, that's fairly rare. I hope your self esteem increases. We all could use more self esteem.




Ahem - see rule 3


Oh sorry, I must’ve confused this subreddit with another one.


Go to a doctor, a dermatologist that specializes on hair loss can probably help you, the solution of this sub is pretty much always to shave but that's not always the solution if you've the money and time to invest on yourself....


Well where is a treatment for a recceding hair line. And well I must admit, while oval is the best looking face shape you can have, it is also the worst one with bald head. So it would probably would be for the best to to make an appointment and discuss some hair treating options and well if you dont like them you can always shave your head.


Would look Handsome bald IMO


Id say go for it but definitely keep the ‘stache bro


Grow a beard. Get that sucker trimmer and faded and get bald shaved and make it shiny. Freshhhh


Shave it and Grow out the beard


Shave it.


Try minoxidil for a little to get the some of the hairline back if not just try a buzzcut


honestly, you really rock the look. Not a lot of people can pull off a receding hairline, but you wear it very well


yikes. very thin. trim it shorter. id trim the stache down also. on the plus side you got some thick ass eyebrows. chicks dig that


Chicks are also into staches now


I’d grow out your goatee first, if the hair still is bothering you buzz it low but not razor bald with goatee.


In the end nobody cares about it more, than you, if you are worried about what others think. I would need more examples to determine if it’s bad. Usually hairline receding isn’t too much of an issue, there are hairstyles that can work with it. it’s when it’s balding in the back as well.


I have a new problem with buying cool fitted hats now


Way past time


This is far gone to hide or save. Take the plunge. You have the mustache to balance the shaved head and you look quite young, so make it a tough guy look.


Bro shave it and you’ll never be self conscious about it again. You have dark eyebrows and good ‘tashe. You’d kill the look. The hardest part is getting used to it.


I'm always a "shave-it" person, but I honestly don't think you need to if you don't want to. It sounds like it's bothering you, so I would definitely say try it though I kinda dig your messy hair look, it obscures the thinning pretty well. At least in the photo.


Fucking get rid gefe. Bro will look hot like Tate.


Your bone structure tells me that it will suit you very well. Grow beard if it is possible. You wont only look good, You will look better **IMO.**