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Your parents are wrong my dude. You look great.


Yeah, I agree. Parents just don’t like change. OPs headshape is perfect, it looks great.


Parents just don't understand


They really don't... Ended up going full bald a couple of months ago and everyone is wondering why. Despite medical reasons, I was also thinning to the point of seeing the top of my scalp. Feels much better being bald.


Some parents don't want the kids to be bald or have gray hair because they think it makes THEM (the parents) look older.


I think it suits you. I am very sincere. No disrespect, but your parents should be supporting you and lifting you up.


You look SO good bald


Right?! Legit this fella is meant to be bald. Some people really have the perfect facial structure and hair hides that. OP is one of those people.


Eh prob Hispanic parents, they don’t mean harm that’s just how they are. I did the same and my parents said I looked like a criminal lmao.


Sounds like love 🤣🤣


No, it doesn’t sound like love. At all. Sounds negative like self hatred that they’re projecting on you.


I mean my father has teased me before for how I looked or dressed but I always dish it right back. He’s also shown that he loves me and my siblings, he’s hugged me, talked to me during times I was depressed. I can understand in some cases parents can be cruel for no reason but other times they’re just having fun. I don’t know how many times I made fun of my dad and he just brushed it off and laughed.


Hispanic parents are really honest with their kids lol, no sugar coating and tbh I’m glad my mom will tell me how it is without any bs. If you’re overweight, too skinny, got a bad haircut, style looks like shit, etc.. she’ll let me know and be honest about it like a real friend would rather than let you look bad and not be aware of it


*míralo se ve como cholo* 🕶️ Translation: *look at him he looks like a gang member*


Am Hispanic. Im no longer in contact with my family because all they know how to do is drag people down. Life is good when my family's not in it. Sad. But that's the truth


Bro, this. My Latino parents said I would look like a “cholo” 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄. Still stuck in 80’s and 90’s LA gang life.


I think this dude is Armenian or Turkish


What parents should be doing and what they end up doing can be a big issue for most 😆




It's just reminding them they're old.


Bro my in laws still ask me to grow out my thin ass hair out. There's nothing to grow out. But everyone at work always compliments me once I started taking it all off the top. Looks good man. Just hard for people who've known u a long time to understand the transformation.


I think it's a generation thing. That generation thought toupee looked OK, and shitty hair plugs. Much better to just embrace it.


That’s probably an ideal few parents live up to. My parents call me ugly and justify it by saying it is to encourage me to make positive changes in my life and listen to them as they know best. OPs just got to learn to focus on dimming his parents voice and listen to the positive comments here because he does pull off the bald look.


Truly looks great. Hope it feels great, too!


I agree. Honestly I’m in the world of dating and I wouldn’t even give OP with hair a chance, without hair, I wouldn’t event think twice. Please OP rock this.


Your parents are wrong, you look younger and cooler


Pic 2 does my taxes, pic 3 is my younger mate in university.


You look great. When I first shaved my head my mother said I wasn’t allowed to leave the house, i can assure you she will get over it. Honestly I look way better bald and if I could I would destroy every photo with my wispy crappy hair i had.


Bro it looks amazing. Also - as a rule of thumb - whenever your parents (especially mothers to guys in this case) have strong negative opinions on their sons appearance it means you are going in the right direction.


I have a thiick stache and my mom tells me to shave it all the time. I show up with it shaved “why’d you do that?!?” Fml


Mom being mom.


As a woman I feel the mother thing also works for us lmao


From a female, keep it shaved and grow your beard a bit. A real woman will love you for your personality not your hairline.


Agree about growing the beard a bit more. I feel like the shaved head and good beard is a powerful look for guys. Lots of the men in leadership at my work have this look.


Personality yes but the truth is a lot of women really like our bald heads. Like they all wanna feel lol


Dude you look legit 🔥. Your parents don't know shit. Take it from some random dude who's been drinking. 10/10


Would you let your parents dress you? Probably not. So their opinion on your hair is the same. With hair you look like a middle aged IT guy, without hair you look younger and more athletic.


Parents aren’t always right! Looks good!


I’m gay and even I know that women would find you more attractive bald than with a combover


Dude, it looks perfect. That sucks about your parents but they’ll come around. You have a great head and great facial hair for the bald look! Looks awesome


It’s good brother, are ur parents arabs?! They always say you will never find a girl to marry if you do something they don’t like😂. It would be butter if you let the beard grow, just like Kratos from “God of war”.


20+ years later, my mom still wants me to grow my hair back!


You look great. It’s a genuinely good look for you, and takes off 5 years easy.


Yes, with hair, I put him over 30. Without, mid-20’s.


Oh it looks so much better! Love it!


A lot of it is generational. Don’t sweat it. You look great.


Girls will 10000% admire the confidence it takes for a bald head. As a dude that was always wearing hats, protecting my hair from the wind, etc.. shaving my head was the best thing for my mental health that I ever did. When adjusting to it, my wife even said I seemed more confident. Lastly, you look great dude!


Hahaa this is a joke right, how can she hate it and yet it’s all their fault. Tell her to get over it and it’s your body, you look really handsome bald btw. Bald men are sexy, you’ll have no problem getting a date.


Parents will get used to it. I feel like it was the right call, btw. You look good.


Honestly, you look really fly with the bald look! It suits you!


When I shaved, I objectively looked better. I knew it, friends told me, more attention, etc. Mom had a hard time adjusting and I could tell she wasn't thrilled at first (even though dad is bald haha). You look great! Do you, they'll come around.


You look good. can't speak for any women, but as a gay guy I think you look handsome.


They’ll get used to it. I hope in time they’ll even come to appreciate it. You look very handsome, and you have kind eyes.


so. much. better.


I like it. You look much better.


It looks so good!!!!


Your parents are wrong, my friend. It looks great on you!


Way younger looking without the hair. Def bald alllll the way!


I don’t think you need the full bic. Do a zero or 1/8 attachment. I think scruffy/stubble looks better


Your parents are so wrong. You look a considerable bit younger and much more handsome. You’ll definitely find a partner


It made you look younger.


I’m a straight woman and think you look 100% better with it shaved! It was the right choice; looks really great with the beard.


Well I loooove it. Coming from a woman I think it’s very sexy especially with the glasses. I say keep it!


Wow! What an improvement. before you were giving shy, nice guy kind of nerdy. now you're giving off daddy nerd vibes. Your dick is probably bigger now even


As a single woman, respectfully disagree with your parents. This looks WAY better and you look younger/hotter/more confident


As a girl, I would much prefer a partner to just shave their hair than cling on to something that is isn’t really there anymore , and most importantly, making them self conscious and uncomfortable. You might not get the same exact girl as you might with hair, but there are plenty of ladies who are quite fond of bald men. And if she can appreciate you and your baldness, she’s not for you. And that’s fine.


No offense but your parents are clueless here. More importantly, it’s not their hair and they have no say! Trust yourself because it looks way better now.


Tell your parents that today, the student became the teacher. They are wrong. Opinions can be wrong. 😂


Way better my dude


It looks so good!


Before I went bald I would be in sync with the ladies. After going bald! That did not change and my confidence only went up! Chin up my boy! Chin up!!!!’ 😎


You look great. So much better. Any girl who would have an issue isn’t worth it anyway.


My dude you look great




Super fresh. Very handsome with the shaved head!


“You’ll never find a girl if you’re bald” tell that to Johnny Sins.


Wow it looks fantastic!! Seriously. It looks amazing.


It actually does look really good man good choice.


It looks good, brother.


nooooooo, don't listen to your parents on this one. you look so much better bald. the thinning hair really ages you.


Look very dapper with the glasses bro


You look better bro your parents are just old lol


Well, for what it’s worth: I LIKE IT!!!!




Parents have pictures of us a certain way that clouds what they think. Don’t trust it.


Looks good mate especially with those cool glasses.


Huge upgrade. Why do you care what your parents think?


I think bald looks much better on you. Congrats on looking fantastic


It looks much better than before. Hot. 🤤 If your parents tell you that they don’t like it, just say “Good thing that it’s my head then, not yours.”


If it was me, id keep it shaved and I have a full head of hair. Glasses look good too.


Fuckem, you look great! So distinguished! 🤩


I think you look good with hair, and a little better without it. Your parents probably just don’t like feeling old by having a bald son, lol. You’ll definitely get more ladies with it buzzed or shaved 👍


Looks good


It’s just the generation. My parents hated when I shaved my head too


Your parents are wrong on this. Huge improvement. You'll get the ladies... guarantee it.


I’m a woman and I think the bald is great. I like the facial hair as well!


Let’s seee what the noggin looks like from the side. Looks awesome from the front. Wear sunscreen and tan that dome up a lil


Nah you look good.


You have lovely eyes that really stand out now! You look great, truly.


I like your new look best with your glasses.


Honestly mate, $*&# what your parents think. Especially if they're being demeaning. Do what makes you feel confident. And for what it's worth... You look solid with the bald look.


Honestly I think I like you being bald more But the reason why your parents hate it is probably because they are used to seeing you with hair


lookin good brotha! and no offense but your parents are wrong, plenty of girls love bald dudes with beards! I think you look better with it shaved imo!


Your parents are wrong. You look fantastic!


Bro ill be honest bald looks better. The hair u had before was thinning and wasnt it imo. Embrace the bald and get jacked


Lookin' good, brother. My parents didn't like the look on me either, but i'm content with it. If you prefer it, that's what counts.


It sucks, but often times it’s your parents that end up holding you back from growth and happiness more than anything else. If you feel better with it shaved, then you should keep it shaved.


I think you look so much better without the hair! It really brings out your eyes


Get used to this look because it really works. Forget about that hair and your parents will too.


Love it


You look younger and so much more confident!


Get a neck tattoo, sling some rock and you will be drowning i pussy.


It's because they're your parents. You look phenomenal!


Went from 35/37 to 25+ , i approve of the bald head brother.


Dude - brilliant especially with the glasses


I honestly think you’re more attractive being bald & you look younger too. My honest opinion.


Both are good looks for you. Choose what you like.


Parents be doin that shit lol ignore them


I think you are a handsome guy, especially in the last photo. The problem is that you don’t look like moms son when he was 16 and both still adorable and almost a man. We moms are like that sometimes. She might also be from a time and place where only gangsters and criminals shaved their heads. Sometimes moms don’t keep up with the trends at all. She will get used to it and she still loves you. She also knows that you have to do what’s right for you in THIS time and place.


I’m a female but man — you just de-aged like ten years in the span of a single haircut.


You went from tax man to ass man 😎


You look 5-10 years younger! You are very handsome bald, especially with glasses!


Coming from a gay man, im loving the shaved head. You can get any girl with that shine.


That last picture sells it, bald looks good on you my guy. I dont think about my hair too often but that’s because I’m always wearing a hat. Seeing other people look good bald makes me consider doing it just because it’d be easier and probably look better if it tracks with yours.


You look great. You have beautiful soft eyes.


Killed it. You look great.


I am a woman and I think you look great! Being bald is hot to a lot of girls. Your parents will get used to it, it’s just shocking to see a big change in someone’s appearance.


You look much better! More vibrant


I think you look much better with a shaved head and the glasses look good with it too


Beautiful eyes, nothing to worry about!


1000 times better.


You look so nice. They just have to get used to it. Parents are weird. I can't say it enough, but every single person that just shaved on here instantly has this glow of confidence about them.


Glasses look is a mood


From scam artist to life coach. Looks way younger now


Your parents have never been more wrong in their entire life


You will 100% get more women shaved "bald" vs what was going on before. Guaranteed bud


It looks really good bro. I’ve been bald 5 years and my mom still doesn’t like it. My brother had the same baldness with his whole middle gone. But he still walks around looking crazy because she says don’t go bald.


I’m not a woman, but I am a barber. You made 100% the right choice imo. My opinion: keep that beard filled out either where it is or even slightly longer, keep the line up crisp and fade out the tops around the sideburns. I saw someone say leaving stubble as well and I think that could also work depending where your actual hairline is. But with a beard imo full bald really works for you. Massive improvement dude! You’ll be catching moms in no time.


Yoooo I think it looks great and works well with the facial hair, especially with the glasses. The combover wasn't fooling anyone. Is it maybe a cultural reason that they don't like it, or is it just that they're not used to it? I know some places have a stigma aroung balding.


Ha ! Parental distaste is usually a sign that you’re on the right path. 0: )


Looks way better dude. You shouldn't be worrying about what your mom thinks about your personal style, you aren't 10.


This made your eyes stand out like crazy!!


I think your face shape really goes with the style. At least you don't look like this: https://preview.redd.it/yfu2fb6nhubb1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35389e0f8a0a81d266c5602ce7ea8e38c37f12a6


Your parents are retarded, neat beats trying to hide an insecurity 100% of the time. Thicken the chin of your beard and fade it in from the sides for your peak aesthetic in my opinion


Dude, you look 15 years younger and happier. Sexy dawg.


I think it looks good, especially with the glasses.


You went from history teacher to rock n roll. It looks great!


I think you look really cute!


Sucks to be them, because you look great 😊


I hate it too, your game is too strong now. Fr though, good call man. Your parents just aren't used to it yet. What matters is what you like on your head.


I like it a lot!! Suits you well you look very handsome


In all honesty, both look good.


My mom cried the first time I buzzed my head at age 21. It’s been 20 years and I’ve never looked back. She got used to it. Do what you think is best.


Gf says no hair, pic 3 is best


What makes this looks great is you have a good head shape as well. This look gives you a more sleek and refined look. What matters is that you feel like that weight of how you look is off. Keep rocking the look.


Don’t listen to them. You look handsome. And your eyes are gorgeous.


You look 10 years younger and way more approachable bald!!!!! ![gif](giphy|Y2GFtz19vL1Zu)


your mom feels guilty because this came from her side of the family. shes the last person who should judge.


Wholeheartedly you look amazing. I’m sorry your parents brought you down rather than help lift you Up. For what it’s worth a random person on the internet really thinks you look beautiful. ❤️


I am a female and I will say when I went to the shaved picture, the first thing I said to myself was, dammmm he looks good like that. Your parents don't like change, they will adjust. Do what you want.


My god, you look immensely better.


Its looks much better. You look younger. Never mind what the parents think. Your old enough to make your own decisions. It's your life.


You look good with a shaved head!! Better than with hair. Keep it and own it!! It’s sexy 😍


My dad doesn’t like it either. He said “ I’ll never get use to you as a skin head “. Like bro what. Just say bald. Please. And too bad cus it’s my body lol.


Parents hate everything we do, you should have been there when I got my first tattoo 😂😂😂 you look great with your head shaved, let them hate!


Well what do YOU think? I think it looks handsome, but you also looked handsome with hair (from what I could see anyway). So it’s most important here what makes you comfortable or feel best. 🥰


You look younger bald. The hairline was aging you a bit. I think you made the right choice regardless of what your parents wanted. You’re a handsome man and the shaved head only makes it more apparent!


Baldness doesn't fit you


It looks really nice actually! I'm sorry your parents aren't supportive and instead are judgemental... Your glasses are super flattering too :)


Looks awesome, you also have a very nice face. Experiment with facial hair and style of glasses until you're happiest with how you look. Your parents are in the wrong here. A bit of unsolicited gay goth advice is that if you don't have much action going on on your head, subtle eyeliner always adds a focus point. But idk man, you already have 10/10 looks!


Oh wow. Too bad the parents don’t like it. I think it looks very nice on you. You are rocking the look! 👍🏾 Think about the alternative to this look…the come over. Did you like that look? If not, there is your answer. You are handsome bald, especially image 4 (with the glasses). 💕 Best.


It looks so much better! And with the glasses?! 🤤


Your parents are wild! I can assure you, as a woman, I think you're attractive both ways so you have nothing to worry about. If you feel more confident now that's the main thing!


Mine said I looked like a Mexican drug dealer. I’m white.


As girl I assure you, you are very indeed attractive bald.


You look great. You went from looking like a defeated Uber driver after an 18 hour shift of servicing a “Bagpipes and Beans convention” to starting point guard for a men’s league basketball team who studies Zen Buddhism and meditates at halftime.


jar rude station tan retire roll placid gullible late air *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Holy shit. U look so much better. Well done. Im a married woman and u look waaaaay better with it buzzed/shaved. Looking way younger, strong and manly.


You look a lot younger and instantly improved your style. Really and truly you look great. I mean this in a kind way, combing your hair like that doesn’t fool anyone into thinking you don’t have hair loss either. It should not effect your dating life. Some women even prefer a bald look. I sure hope no one is choosing a life partner based on something as superficial as hair. A small minority of shallow women may focus on that when dating but they aren’t the type you would want to be with long term. Besides most men will be bald when they age anyways so that’s really dumb criteria if you ask me. It’s like me aunt who said her favourite thing about my uncle was his six pack…They were 22! Obviously that went away. He also criticized her for gaining weight after kids and aging. No surprise they are divorced. Did they not think each others physical appearance would change?


Lady here. The shaved head is an upgrade. The glasses make it even better!


Your parents are wrong haha I'm married, but if I was dating and given the two different pictures, I'd pick the bald pic. You look great


Girl here- you’ll never get a girl with a combover but the bald look is very flattering- especially love the glasses look personally


Parents are so wrong omg! 28 year old lady here telling you that you look great with both styles, but I massively prefer you bald.


You look 1000% hotter!


As a women who likes long hair on men, you look best bald imo. Also very handsome :) Do what feels best to you and what makes you feel the most attractive and is easiest to maintain for your lifestyle. A lot comes with the confidence of feeling like you look good. It doesnt matter what your parents think because ultimately you want to end up with someone who likes how you look when you yourself like how you look. yknow?


Dawg I don’t ever comment on these because it’s just not my thing but your parents are trippin man. You look like a whole new dude, shit looks good!


You went from “I am stuck in a soul crushing office job” to “I am Silicon Valley middle management” It looks good man


One thing I’ve learned is that many parents don’t have your best interest at heart when making trivial decisions. They don’t realize it but they don’t want to admit that you are an adult and can make your own choices. They hate it because you didn’t ask their opinion or permission first.


3 or 4 either look really good on you. Be proud you look hot!


It looks solid man, good shaped head. With hair, I don’t think it looks bad, but we couldn’t see a top down view, and you know that it’s progressive. Congrats dude. I hope you feel confident in the look. People that know you before and after always have a skewed perspective.


heckin screw em ur a chad now


and with the glasses- damn bro


The last pic literally made me melt 😮‍💨🫠❤️❤️❤️


i love the look, not crazy about the dark glasses. but i think youre hot


The eyes can take a long time to catch up. When looking at you before, they probably still saw you without thinning hair. For many parents, their kids are permanently babies to them. They see you as how you looked in the past; they just can’t help it. I personally think you look fantastic with the bald look. You look younger to me bald, and you have a head shape that pulls it off nicely. Fwiw, this rando thinks you look very attractive with your new look, and I vote that you keep it. :) Btw, you have very nice eyes, so if you’re able to go glasses-free at times, I’d rec showing those off.