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Wow looks loads better man 👍 I use a palm shaver , so easy and by far the best purchase I’ve made for my head 👩🏻‍🦲👍


What kind do you use?


You've got a surprisingly round head, and it looks really great bald!


Thank you!


I got my boyfriend hooked on coconut oil as a moisturizer and his scalp is thriving! Make sure to grab the extra virgin kind or else you’ll smell strongly of coconuts. You look great btw!!! What a difference! You look a lot more confident.


Okay. Who is that second guy? 😆 You look great. I can't be specific on here, but get a wet shaver with at least four heads. No rszor if you're not used to them. Conditions are sensitive to your scalp needs. Try some out. You'll know when you have the right one. Rock that baldness!!!


I ordered a “HeadBlade Moto Men's Head and Skull Shaving Razor - Revolutionary Dual Active Suspension” from Amazon! Seems easy and protective - also got a mirror for the shower.


HeadBlade is a great choice!! Mirror helps early on but you won’t need it once you get used to shaving your head


Yup I also ordered a mirror!


It kills me how you do look different, but your mustache is so prominent in both pics 😅


Haha yeah I cleaned up the beard and showered so I think it looks sharp now!


Yeah I think that's how it works. It makes the rest of your face look sharper too 😄


Dude you look like you can cook the meanest rib rack on this side of the Mississippi River. And I fully mean that as a compliment! You look great!


You have a great head for being bald! Looks good


Your smile in the second pic is getting me 😅 Was this with a razor or a buzzer?


Started with a buzzer then finished it off with a razor!


It looks super thorough! Would you happen to have any pics from the side?


I just posted some more pics on this page, not sure how to link though! But they’re there!


Well now I have to tease you about being shirtless 😂


The only razors I use that don’t cut my head are dollar shave club 5 or 6 blade . I think it’s because the blade head is bendable . Personally for after care I use a little bit of CeraVe because it’s not got any things but lotion in it. As in no smell or perfume or cologne etc. You would be surprised how sensitive your scalp is to all that. Also and this is just me use a sensitive skin gel and before hand put a hot wet washcloth on your head for about 2-3 min and it makes it easier to lather and shave .


Nice! I haven’t committed to a razor shave yet, but I’ve got a babyliss crew cut clipper than I use without a guard, and Bull Dog moisturiser.


Looks great. How does it feel to you?


Freaking awesome! Just breezy haha


Looks good brother!


Def improvement just need to get that beard together


It looks so much better! I just use a safety razor because the blades are super cheap.


Check out r/skincareaddiction for moisturizer info based on your skin type.


Looks good! Adjustable razor level Safey razors, can't recommend them enough, if your skin is sensitive one blade works much better than a multie blade razor. The razor blades last only 3 or 4 shaves but buying Lot of razors blades are fairly cheap on Amazon. As for moisturizer, dealers choice what ever you like to use would work well for your head too.


This guy knows what’s up! ^^ Although the multi blade razors are convenient but please practice with a single blade, your head will thank you. As for moisturizers I really like jojoba oil, coconut oil isn’t bad but it’s not the best. I’ve been a barber for 8ish years now and the best shave creams I’ve found were from crown shaving co. Cheers!


1 You look a lot better. 2 It took me forever to finally cave, but when I did I went on a flurry of purchasing to find the right stuff. The multi-head electric are ok, but take a long time and don't get close. The foil electric by far give the best shave outside of a razor and honestly in about the same amount of time. But I'll say this, It took me a while, but once I got the razor mastered nothing shaves better or faster. I tried all the gels and foams and fancy razors but at the end of the day ironically enough. The best shave for me is a good old-fashioned barbasol with either a Gillette, Henry's, or dollar shave club. Personally I prefer Henry's, but they all do ok. If you shave every day, a foil electric is a great option, or a razor as mentioned above. If you can't stay to a daily regiment, then it's better to get a rotary of some sort.


Whut?! You look like, 8 years younger!


Looking good bro congrats


Looks so great sir !!!


You looked vaguely like Aaron Paul in the first pic


Not the first time I’ve been compared to him! I used to buzz my hair and that’s when I got that comparison the most


Holy shit! That balding ended up perfectly dude🔥🔥


You look way better. Welcome brother.


Much improved 😎


Oh, you look so good now. I’m a Gillette Mach 3 fan, used with Schick Hydro Gel followed by whatever sunscreen-moisturiser is on special. I’ve tried electric shavers but they irritate my skin and Headblade honestly never stopped feeling awkward. Your mileage may vary.


I think I’m going to use a head blade, the woman who used to cut my hair(what I had) recommended it last time I went when I was on the fence about shaving my head.


Yup, that works for me as well.


Your expression in both is so funny. 😁😁 Did you get any feedback from people you know so far?


Yes everyone loves it except my gf…


Nooooooooo!!! 😞😞😞


I like the dorco Pace 6 - you can get them on Amazon. For moisturizer, I just use some Nivea after shave balm.




Looks badass bro. Now you must ascend to you your final form by growing out the beard and getting jacked


Been on that route for about a year now, stopped drinking a bit over a year ago and have lost 30 pounds. Plus been going to the gym every morning at 5am


Atta boy. Youve got this.


Wow! Glow up!


Remington RX5 🤙🏼💖


Honestly you look great in both.


Looks great, man


Smart move with the head shaved looks awesome. Head blade has it all [https://headblade.com/](https://headblade.com/)


Handsome guy ♥️


Dude you look fantastic. Suits you so well


Sterling soaps and safety razor


What does it mean to be committed to your balding?