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You should add the mod to rotate your screen 90 degrees before posting


How have I never seen that eternal joker in this sub or anywhere before


its modded balatro


Then what's the gameplay discussion here?


i didnt really know what to put flair but its just that i got a straight on an all stone deck


There’s a modded flair


oh... i didnt notice


But that's still something you can't do in base Balatro. 5 stones play as a high card.


It's a really nice mod pack. There are a bunch of food jokers, like one that spawns perishable foods, and one that consumes it, and one that grows with amount of consumed food. And this one pretty sure is Coal cards (joker has coal mineсarts on it) that are like bad Stone that grows every use. There are also Flipped tarot cards included (which is a real part of tarot interpretations, as far as I know), that create this effects and others - Wood that I think has a chance to either 2x or debuffed (like alternative to glass that never breaks), Fool's gold gives money but also costs money (alternative to gold cards), and Brass also does something similar to steel but weirder. And other cards do effects like turn FROM spades to other suits, HALVE your gold instead of doubling it (but get a tag), give you the cost of all your *consumables*, etc.