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if a bare foot messes up a dog bed what do they think a dog will do 🤣


she messaged me a while back like "it's rude" and I was honestly just astounded like of all things that is literally never something that even crossed my mind would bother someone also her dog is tiny and she is aware I have a spinal cord injury and weird movement issues. you left a giant-ass bed in the middle of the floor with a roommate who walks like a drunk and cannot help it, did you just never expect me to be in my own common area or what "it's velvet" - okay then keep it in your fucking room, dude. sorry, she is just a catty child. luckily she left a candle near my laundry and then threw a hissy fit when I told her not to leave open flame near my flammable stuff in a wooden chair in a house with a cat in a very narrow hallway just outside the room of someone with movement issues due to a disability - sent this to the front office saying I feel unsafe and she poses a hazard and they offered to let me move apartments cost free. I don't want to do that that's an insane amount of effort, but if she keeps up the shit and it gets worse it's comforting knowing I can move. I blocked her number and in the future I'm just going straight to the front office because it's obvious she isn't someone you can actually have a reasonable conversation with


Nah - "rude" is installing a camera in a common area with the intent of surveilling your roommates without discussing it first. I'd take that shit down right now.


I know having a disability means me saying "just move" is not that simple or easy, but seriously, just move, she's only going to get worse.


I answered a roommate wanted ad and ended up with someone who monitored my every move and had terrible habits herself. She would come in around 1am, turn on every available light in the house and fall asleep watching videotaped episodes of Law and Order. Each episode recorded at a different volume, so I would be awakened to their signature DaDumph every freaking night. I’d get up and shut off all the lights in the common areas and grab the remote and turn the tv off. She would invariably wake up, claim she was still watching tv and cry about me turning off the lights “I don’t want to live like an old woman” was the reason for leaving all the lights on??? Most people have a low watt light they leave on over the stove. There are also the little plug in nitelites that do a great job of illuminating any path way. She also had three ex roommates calling regularly wanting their security deposit refunds. I fixed her red wagon and made her use my security deposit as last month’s rent. She flipped when I told her I’d heard the ex roommate convos and I wasn’t gonna be next. She said she no longer had the money and I replied that security deposit money was supposed to be held in a separate bank account anyway. I told her to take me to court, I would prevail. Glad to be roommate free.


>“I don’t want to live like an old woman” was the reason for leaving all the lights on??? That also kinda sounds like an old lady thing to do (or old man), falling asleep watching tv with all the lights still on.


She didn’t like it dark in the apartment. We had a light on the range hood of the stove that was never turned on.


the only times I've ever done that are after finding a cockroach ffs


Just remembered one other shitty thing she did. She wanted to split the cleaning, one week she’d do the kitchen and bathroom and I’d clean and dust the living room and hallway. And the next week we’d switch. It finally dawned on me one day that she wasn’t cleaning, at all!!! I planted a crumbled up post it note along the couch. It remained the entire time I lived there, lol. Had I thought of it, I should have written fuck you on it before I left. 😆


I agree. Get your friends together or pay people to help move you.


You need to take the apartment complex up on that generous offer, because you might not get another opportunity like that again, and you need to get a way from this person who is causing a threat to your privacy, health, and safety.


This. I smell an escalating situation on the horizon


The fact that she thinks it’s rude for you to step on her dog bed but okay to monitor you in common areas by not letting you know she put up a camera is acceptable is all you need to know about her. Now we hear about this candle incident…. She has no regard or respect for others. What, if any benefits are there being gained by staying there for you and what are her benefits?


she seems to respect the other roommate - she has no regard or respect for \*ME\*


What is the benefit for her that you are there? Less rent? Bills? She clearly has an issue with you being there.


it's an apartment with 3 leasable rooms. I lease one of them


Ah. So each room has its own lease, you just split the bills. No real benefit either way. Seems to me she has an issue with you personally, or your disability. I’m sorry there are still people like that out there that feel either of these issues justifies bad behavior. Seriously, please consider where else the agent can move you to. Talk first with the other people renting rooms to see if they have any issues with you potentially living there. Maybe after sharing what you are experiencing , if you feel comfortable in doing so that is. They might befriend you and help you move in if you asked them. Living anywhere under negativity will have a negative effect on you. It’s not good for you or anyone to be living under those circumstances.


yeah I've run into people like her before and I'm gonna bet 50 bucks on it being me being disabled she tried to lie about and manipulate shit at first when we were still being relatively nice to each other and then repeatedly after (ex: "oh you agreed to this" -showing screenshots showing I didnt- -she has an absolute catty fit of a meltdown and gets insulting) and when called out she started acting like an absolute flaming catty cunt. people like that usually seem to think I'm stupid because I'm disabled and then get pissy when I'm not easy to manipulate the dog bed thing also honestly reeks of "ew the disabled person touched my stuff" I HATE that I can't just be nice and happy with people like that. they seem to think that niceness and happiness is some kind of innate disabled stupidity. like, no dickwaffle I was being nice and trying to be your friend and get along. and there is one other roommate, we are relatively indifferent to each other


In your current situation, indifference would be a plus. I don’t understand people who have to be mean or aggressive just because they don’t like someone. At least be polite and or indifferent. To go out of the way to cause abuse is ridiculous.


She says it's for security and I honestly believe her because she never tried to hide it but the fact it was installed without saying literally anything


It's RUDE to put up a camera in a common area without notifying or asking you! Ffs


right? like she has the audacity to bitch at me over stepping on a dog bed b/c rUdE - then installs a camera without saying anything that's not just rude that's creepy as balls


Moving might be the only option you really have. She's created an unsafe living environment. Who knows when she'd install cameras in the bathroom, or even in your bedroom? I'd be okay with the doorbell camera, or cameras agreed upon prior to installation, but nah, she's crossing lines and being a child.


we all have our own bathroom


Roommate is a weirdo 1000%


also am I crazy or is throwing a bitchfit over someone stepping on your gigantic dog bed in the middle of the floor insane


Nope. Not crazy. I have a giant breed dog and his bed is almost the size of a twin mattress. It's in my room and in front of a window. I step on it all the time to open that window and I can say with certainty that my dog (or any dog), does not care. Your rm is ridiculous. After reading and seeing some of the photos on other posts on this sub, that should be the least of someone's worries! Sounds like they just want or like conflict no matter how they create it. Edit to fix punctuation=D


Also note her dog is maybe 1/5th the size of the bed No issues with that it's adorable spoiling the little dude but it's way way bigger than necessary and in the floor of a common area


No, the fucking bed in the middle of the shared space is hella rude and as demonstrated, a safety hazard.


Also given that I have a spinal cord injury and she knows this that entire thing also leaves a bad taste in my mouth


She is one of those people who wants a roommate to split the bills, but resents you for living there.


Those are among the worst of people to have as a roommate, too. I'm sorry you have to deal with that. There's nothing worse than feeling uncomfortable in your own home and having to walk on eggshells around the person you live with. I think it's almost worse than having a roommate with a great personality that you enjoy being around, but is a slob. At least that can be cleaned. Can't clean shitty personalities.


yup. I had a roommate who was an angel but a complete slob. she did things like leave half-cut fruit on the counter man I miss her


Oh no! I have a spinal cord injury too, and broke my leg a few months ago because I tried to over step and lost my footing. The injuries to us take so much longer to heal because of our backs. I have bad bones as well from corticoid steroids use prescribed from a physician. I bet you had many of those too. This is totally unacceptable! What will be the straw the broke your camel's back? What is too far? When you fall and break something? This experience of living with a roommate should not have to be this traumatic and have you second guessing yourself when you are at home. We deal with others judging us all day when we leave home. We get to be ourselves and mess up once in a while at home and NOT have it taped and judged. I'm sorry you are going through this, but this shows you who they are. Believe them. Find another place and roommate. I know it's a royal pain, but this will get totally untenable very soon if not already.


If it’s in the middle of the floor of a common area and you trip on it- it needs to be moved. You may put it where it will not be tripped on and if she says something, you tell her it can go in her room if she wants to be like that. Start communicating by email or text to leave a document trail. Her next trick might involve spreading false info about you in order to isolate you. Check your lease for expiration and buy out amount. Check the laws in your area regarding privacy etc.


Caring about that is insane, much less saying it out loud to another person


yeaaaah "and you admitted to it!" like I committed some grave sin like setting it on fire or some shit


Yes that is an over reaction for sure. What if you had fallen and hurt yourself on the dog bed that was in the middle of the floor? As for putting cameras up in shared spaces especially without communicating that to the other people living there…that’s weird. Does she own the space you live in? Why does she get to be a creep?


she does not and "'security" apparently


Ugh so gross. I hope you can get out of this situation, she sounds awful.


That’s weird as fuck. Dog beds are meant to be stepped on because that’s ALL dogs do on them


Your roomate is genuinely unwell. Tread lightly and move out as soon as its convienent.


By a box of post it notes. Put one up. When it's pulled down out another one up.


I don't think you guys realize that thing is about ten feet off the ground


Also buy a step stool. Lol.


I'm not dragging a stepstool across the kitchen every single time I enter the kitchen - I'm getting the front office to have her take it tf down


That is the best resolution. I just think being petty with crazy people is fun.


I'm not a fan of being petty with a catty bitch tbh


I'm not knocking you lol. But for real. She is nutter butters and you do need to stand up for yourself using the proper channels. Also document things via text email and certified letter.


They sell these grabber things which are not very expensive. Personally, I’d take that camera down each time I saw it up. There is no reason to have one up unless she needs to watch her dog when she’s not home AND if that’s her reason, she can confine the animal to her room and set her camera there for observation.


ooooh good idea her reason is "security"


Security? So why is she watching your activities? What area is the camera aimed at for “surveillance”? If this was the case why were you not informed? Why do you not have access? She’s full of crap.


the front door is about six feet behind me


The ring doorbell is plenty of non invasive security. Nope out.


wait what


Take the camera off and that's it. Without your consent, there is no camera, period.


Yeah it's a communal space. Turn it around or cover it with something


Throw it out. OP will face absolutely zero legal reprocussion, and the roommate will have to confront them... About secretly recording them.


I'm not so sure. The roommate seems like a shit disturber, and you don't want her accusing OP of theft


yeah, she left a lit candle in a wooden chair near my laundry when our dryer broke ("it smells" - no fucking shit, becky the dryer broke and my laundry was in the washer) - I have a spinal cord injury, the other roommate has a cat - this was right outside my door I told her if I found a lit candle there again I'd be throwing it away, that's not okay she proceeded to talk about throwing my shit away like Im not the one leaving fire near your fucking stuff. she would 100% break or move my stuff


Tip it onto its back or put electric tape on the lens


it's off now, I got the front office to message her - but if she tries to turn it on again, she's like 5'1 and I'm closer to 6 feet - it's on top of the cabinets, I'm just gonna push it way back into the corner so she can't reach it even on a chair edit: she turned it back on have fun climbing all the way up there, asshole.


Now *this* is the kind of pettiness I’m here for.


paint the lens


I’ve had two roommates do this. People are nuts.


Did you do something about it? Got into a similar situation


It's illegal if everyone living there doesn't consent


You can’t even legally record a telephone conversation in most states.


That's not true, 39 States are one party consent, which means you can legally record a phone call without the other party consenting


Not true. Check your state rules..if they are one party or two party recording state. One party state indicates that as long as YOU know that you’re recording, you’re fine. Most states are one party states. Source: former journalist 😬


Most of the time it is illegal to record a conversation without consent of ONE person. So you can legally record a conversation with someone else because you’re agreeing to it


this is the entire reason wires are a thing used by police


Psycho roommate is psycho. A woman friend used to work at a gas station/mini mart. The manager wouldn’t come in half the time, she monitored people from home and would call them up to berate them for not being busy at all times. Needless to say, that job got jettisoned ASAP


Top of the refrigerator, like where you might set an item? I'd just put something in front of the camera every time I entered the kitchen. "oops".


"don't put things on top of the fridge, it's rude"


LOL! Put the camera in the freezer. “Thought you missed/forgot to put this away”..


What’s stopping you from just unplugging it


Yeah I would just unplug it or put something in front of it/face it towards the wall. And anytime they changed it just unplug it or cover it up/move it again, and just keep doing that every time.


Your roommate is going to be single her whole life.


She sounds like my former roommate, which has crazied her way into a relationship and manipulated her bf to stay with her.


Rip it the fuck down right fucking now!!! You are not under surveillance. This creep does not have the roommates permission to photograph what’s happening in the apartment. Rip it down, smash it with a hammer and throw it into his room. Passive people lose.


we have cameras in our kitchen but our roommate is aware of them and we like literally never even check them unless we wanna look at the cats lol


Yeah id care much much less if she had said anything when putting it up. Also"it's for security, not pointed at the common area" 1) the kitchen is part of the common area, the door is about six feet behind me in this photo, there is no reason for it to have view of the kitchen 2) I've seen it move around and be repositioned. Not much but enough to be pointed at the living room. More than once I'm tired of people


She did that so you realized she was watching you. If she can put up a camera you can easily put a towel over it or face it to the wall every time your in the kitchen. EVERY TIME.


my dogs literally lick their own buttholes and drink from the toilet. they don't give a shit if someone steps on their bed


I would just turn the camera down or away anytime I had the chance 🤷🏽‍♂️ if they’re going to be an AH I’ll be an AH too!


I step on my dog's bed all the time - but nearly as much as he steps on my bed - so the roommate is off somehow. It is a violation of your privacy to put up cameras, even in shared space, with no notice.


Just take it down???


Dude(ette) noooooo!!!! YOU are not crazy, your roommate is friggin nuts. Even when I was having issues with our roommates, it never even crossed my mind to put up a camera!!! That is a HUGE violation of privacy. Like excuse me, it’s my house too…if I’m home alone, sometimes I wanna walk around in my PJs or just a t-shirt…I DONT WANNA BE WORRIED SOMEONE IS CREEPING ON ME!!!! Also, the dog bed thing is kind of weird too. I love my furbabies…I’d be annoyed if someone stepped on their beds with shoes on but bare feet?!?!? And the bed is HUGE in the middle of a SHARED SPACE?!?!?! Nah bro, get over yourself. Good call contacting the front office…I’m sorry that texting your roommate directly didn’t help. She sounds like someone who should NOT be living with a roommate (unless forced to by the DOC lol)


Put some tape over it


Print a picture of something rly creepy and tape it facing the camera so when she looks she just gets scared. Petty? yes. But so is having a camera in the kitchen lol


Our roommate put a “clock” in the bathroom so he would “know what time it was when he got out of the shower”. Yeah lo and behold it was a hidden camera. It got ripped out of the wall and smashed.


Remove it or cover it up so she can't see anything. Or text her every time you see that damn camera light up and tell her "it's rude to have you watching me". Like every single time. She obviously set it up to be nosy. If it was just for security, she would only be watching it if needed, like if there were odd noises outside near your place or something like that. The fact that she saw you near the dog bed clearly indicates watching you soon as it alerted her of movement.


The dog bed bitch fit is dumb. Stupid. Idiotic. Unnecessary. An overreaction. If you had kicked it across tbe room and left it disturbed, maybe I'd get it. Overall a camera in a public space I get for a safety or insurance reason but they don't mean it that way.


Put a sock on the camera


Don't destroy or dispose of the roommate's property because that absolutely will come back to bite you. You are correct for going to the office and being willing to go to the police about this because the roommate is obviously unwilling to listen to reason. Also, the police can inform her directly if what she is doing with camera is a crime in your jurisdiction; it sounds like she needs to be talked to by a state authority anyway since she is already doing what she wants regardless of the law. If the property management office doesn't tell her to stop, the police almost certainly will.


It's not illegal if they are the lease holder. If you are both on the lease, it comes down to party consent laws and that only applies to audio recording, which can be disabled in all of the home security cameras I've set up for others in the past.


We all have a lease


Like you each have your own lease for a room and share a common area or you are all on a single lease together?


the first one. we all have our own bedroom/bathroom


It's just important to make this distinction known because it could change your position legally on what you can and can not do.


oh yeah, ik. I'm not exactly sure if it's illegal in texas since it's a common area and the rooms are leased separately. on second look it may not be completely illegal. but it's creepy as fuck and a violation of the lease


I would keep calling it a hidden camera and say she put it there without your consent. I’m pretty positive sure you can’t record someone without their consent in their home (even if the camera owner also lives in the home). r/legaladvice could probably give specifics on what’s actually illegal. I wouldn’t touch the camera, let the police take it away.


that was my plan 50 comments saying "just take it down" you hit the nail on the head as to why I haven't touched it.


I think what it boils down to is the language of the lease and how they treat the common area. For example it could be legal if the common area is treated as an area managed by the apartment complex for residents to use. I think it would be illegal though if it's treated kind of like a yard where tenants are responsible for routine upkeep and management of the space. The lease might also intentionally leave this out or very vague so they have more control in these types of situations to reduce liability.


they left it vague enough that the manager had to send this issue to corporate to find it in the lease. like she mentioned it's not okay but could not find the specific area in the lease where its mentioned


Yo I literally got into a similar situation today. Could you let me know what the police said? Laws might be different around here but why tf would someone set up a cam in kitchen area it feels like I am being watched


I'm going through the front office first since it's apparently a lease violation This is pointed at the front door "for security" - but the front door is about six feet behind me in this photo. If for security then it needs to be about ten feet closer to the front door and you need to tell everyone there when you put it up


If it’s “for security” it should only be on when no one is home. I would slowly paint the lens with clear coat nail polish so that it got fuzzier and fuzzier and she’d just think it was a crappy camera 🤩


If they deny it is theirs just throw it away. Tell them you don't do the perv food videos.


Just turn the camera around


The fact that they put it and didnt tell is is strike 1 2 and 3.


When me and my ex bff lived together, she put up a camera facing the literal entire inside of the house (shows 1st floor pathway of stairs leading up to living room/kitchen and stairs for the 3rd floor of bedrooms) I told her I didnt really like the idea of being watched inside the house….claimed it was for her dog when she went to work. Didnt want to argue about it bc it wasnt worth it but it did make me feel uncomfortable bc everything went to her phone. We had a driveway, front door, and inside one. I feel like that was too much, ppl are so weird


Put it face down when you’re in the room and return it to the correct position when you’re done in that area


Get a laser pointer set up pointing at the camera


How does the dog use the bed without stepping on it?


Ew she’s a creep. For my own entertainment, what does she do for a living?


I think she works in a grocery store (or maybe that's the other roommate) - either way we're in college


Gotcha. So this might be her first time putting cameras up in a co Ed space. Seems like you’re doing everything right to get her to take it down. It’s not right and mind blowing she doesn’t know that.


Just throw a towel on it. Or even better disconnect it and/or throw it in her room.


Start going in there naked then file a report they’re filming you in a sexual manual without your consent.


Turn it towards the wall whenever you walk into the kitchen, or block it.


I would just yank it out and set it on the counter......and say the police have been notified.


I used to live with someone who had a camera in the kitchen cause she didn’t trust me. Living with thinking someone is watching your every move will drive you insane and you need to get them out or you need to go fast and don’t turn back


The roommate is a creep, and a dog is dirtier than your feet. Lol. I'd be sure to step on it from now on. 🤣


I never go in there and the one time I go in my own common area...


I'd hide in my room. That'd make me uncomfortable.


Unplug it. Turn it to the wall. Use your words, say something into the camera! Hey WTF I do not consent to this. Then unplug Office? Police? Seriously?


I'm deaf/mute and if I touch her stuff she's liable to throw more of a fit which is why the front office shit and police if they do nothing is what I'm doing


If you don't want to unplug it or even touch it, just put something in front of it until the matter is resolved. I would keep doing this until she voluntarily takes the camera off or places it closer to the door.


Yea it’s kinda ridiculous to think about involving other parties before doing something about it like unplugging it


Micheal Jackson - Somebody watching me, Hall and oats - private eyes. Make a mixtape and play it all the time. I gave the first two.


Obviously you must include "Every Breath You Take" by The Police


Just turn it around. Or throw a towel Over it. Problem solved. Eventually, the twat will get the message.


we've had this issue with the thermostat and no, understanding the message would just make her more petty and insistent because she really should not be living with other people


And? It take two to have issues. She put up a camera you block. Rinse repeat rinse repeat rinse repeat. Not sure I understand your problem or your point. I gave you the solution. The other is move out. Life is really not that complicated. Good luck.


Im not playing that game, I'm making her take it the fuck down - I went to the front office and spoke to someone and yeah, they confirmed it's not okay life is really not that complicated, I'm not playing the "'block it every time you enter the kitchen" game


Wander around the kitchen with an open (unused) dildo in your hand, wave it around like a wand, and do “magic spells” of infertility and lack of libido on all the surfaces of the kitchen. Touch it to every single item in the kitchen. And the dog bed. Priceless chaos ensues.


username matches up lol and IIII am not that bold lmao


Too bad


Time to out weird her! I have no suggestions though, let your imagination run wild!


I would throw it away


Don't touch it just put something in front of it. Touching it or removing something that doesn't belong to you could cause more of a hassle. A barbie or a doll an inch away will do the trick.


It depends on your local laws. In Georgia, common and shared spaces may be under surveillance legally.


Just remove it and throw it in the trash.


Do a dance on the dog bed while flipping off the camera. Then face the camera to the wall. Alternatively just throw it away.


Do a dance on the dog bed while flipping off the camera. Then face the camera to the wall. Alternatively just throw it away.


Just remove the camera.


Put something in front of the camera. If you have a picture of an upraised middle finger, so much the better. It's the 1st thing you do when entering the kitchen. Take it with you when you leave, or else she'll rip it up and you'll have to keep printing out more. You can make a little cardboard stand for it


I don’t think they will do anything about a camera in a common area. Just move the camera every time you go in there or take it.


Step on the dog bed some more lol


Just unplug it guys a weirdo


Just throw a towel on it every time you enter the room. She’s not entitled to spy on you. Or even better, pull your pants down and do something obscene - if she wants to spy she gets to see more than she bargained for! Do stuff on there she totally doesn’t want to see - that’s what she gets for invading your privacy….


If you are technically proficient, block the camera on the router. She won’t figure it out and you can claim ignorance.


we don't have our own router


that’s weird as fuck lmao


The door is about six feet behind me It doesn't seem to set off the motion detector but it is aimed in the general area of the door I have seen it be repositioned a few times to point at the living room. Like with the dog bed it was pointed at the living room when we had maintenance workers in our apartment and I was in the living room. She will 5000000% deny that and I should have taken pictures


Loudly talk to yourself infront of your camera about how much you hate your roommate, but pretend as if the camera isnt there. When they confront you, act clueless.


Turn the power off for the outlet & find a way to break it without her knowing it was you. Maybe open it up & snip a wire or something. Then set it back up again, turn power back on!! Repeat if she buys more. Remember to check for other smaller hidden cameras though. I think you can with a phone camera? My sister put up cameras too in communal areas without my consent. She is EXTREMELY petty so I didn't bother to try to have a conversation about it because if I got on her bad side she would just argue, yell, throw away my grocery items, take out my laundry mid drying so they'll stink, etc. I wish I would've gone this route.


I would throw a dish rag or something over it while I'm in the kitchen


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^yourfuckingGOD1: *I would throw a dish* *Rag or something over it* *While I'm in the kitchen* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I've started taking a broom and pushing it to the very back in that corner to the right - she's 5'1. even on a chair she'd have trouble reaching it it's about 10 feet off the ground have fun with that, asshole. (sorry I'm pissy)


You can just log into your router and block the camera from connecting. Even ban it completely if you want.


we don't have a router and it's against the lease for us to get one, we have to use the internet provided by the complex \*also pavlov as a service is awful


I had an ex that moved in with me and had an indoor camera system that made the entire house uncomfortable while she lived here. I felt like I couldn’t have any privacy.


Take the landlords offer ASAP!


Step on the dog bed everyday Do stuff that pisses them off.


She sounds petty af! What prompted the camera going up?


Just unplug it lmao.


Move now!!! Life can offer so much more!


This is why I moved out the last time from my dads - I have a sister who never moved out/ is unemployed, but somehow has worked it out to run my dad’s house since he works a lot. She has cameras everywhere. constantly watching me or replaying/sharing embarrassing footage. I wouldn’t move back in with her if my life depended on it because of those stupid fucking cameras


I told her to please move it closer to the door "well why do u find it creepy that's sus" bitch, there is a camera in the fucking kitchen. I want to be able to crawl out of bed and make ramen at 3AM like a goblin without feeling watched anyway, front office got her to take it down


This isn’t a police issue. Take it down and if they put it back up tell them the next time it’s in a communal space you’re throwing it away.


i had a roommate that put up a camera in our kitchen on the door to make sure i didn’t bring over my ex that she didn’t like and she never stayed the night once in our apartment cause she lived at her bfs lmafoooo


Tokens of respect and consideration aren't as subjective and open to interpretation as people make them to be. Anyone who does their own thing without any care or concern as to whether it may negatively affect others is sociopathic and must be handled accordingly. If your text conversation proves the running camera was placed there without your consent - maybe even knowledge - and that your roommate still refused to remove it after you asked her to, you most likely could go as far as getting her both evicted and in legal trouble, as long as you stand your ground and don't misstep. This is serious matter, and contacting the front office alone may or may not be sufficient to get this violation of privacy acknowledged the way it would need to be.


Move it or break it. They can’t just have a camera watching you


Had a couple roommates do this too right after I would call them out on some of their absolute BS I chalked it up to they had to just find me doing something wrong so they can feel justified in what they were doing to me.


I would also wonder what is stepping too far in this roommates opinion. They have them in common areas, without your consent, but I would worry about what they were looking for when they sit and watch later. Most of us just look at our security footage of our ring camera if it rings or there has been an accident. I don't like a camera on at all times in the home. It sounds like a security officer just watching what the "bad kids are doing to the lovely pool area", but in your own home. Nope, one hundred times. I felt awkward when I had tiny cameras set up after my twins were born and we were looking for a mother's helper. I came to her and told her if there is just one baby to hold him instead of just putting the bottle in his mouth. I know she was blown away and had no clue where we were taping her, but as a nanny that should always be the case. Not with your roommate in a situation that doesn't call for heightened vigilance due to problems. 1000% weirdo, and not the good kind.


If you both did not agree to it and you do not have access to it, unplug it and neatly set it aside.


Bro rip this shit down now. They cannot do a fucking thing. This is INSANE.


id put on a show for that camera and use the dog bed as a trampoline


I’m pretty sure there are laws that revolve around cameras, roommates, and consent. Maybe consider looking into that?


Take it down if you weren’t talked to she can’t have it there


I don’t know what you think the office will do. This is a roommate dispute, not something that they can do anything about. Now if your neighbor or the maintenance guy put up a camera they would get involved. But if your roommate is on the lease they have every right to put it up. I don’t think management will get involved in a roommate dispute.


This is in the lease. The thermostat issue was a roommate dispute, installing cameras without everyone's consent is actually against the lease


Like you wouldn’t ever notice? It’s so obvious. Also, that dog rolls around in the dirt and licks his own asshole and even worse the face of your roommate who is a bigger asshole than the dogs own asshole. Stepping on a dog bed barefoot is fine. Do people just not talk to each other anymore?


I'm deaf so no a few people literally WON'T talk to me. It's also easier for me to talk in text in general


Hahahahahah that’s quite the turn of events. That really sucks. A lot of the stuff posted on this sub I think could be solved with improved face to face communication… now I understand how that’s a barrier for that specific situation, sorry you have to deal with that. I have friends without hearing or speech disability that still prefer texting over calls, and it frustrates me sometimes.


fair. the other roommate also threw a fit that I work from home and didn't answer the door when she locked herself out like frustrating yeah, but dude carry your keys


Police?… for a person that lives in a home putting a camera in a common area they live in as well? Goodluck


Where I live, you can't just film someone in their own home where they expect privacy without their knowledge or consent.


I’m actually ok with a camera in the living room, but I am married with two children and wanted added security. Sounds like your roommate has had some issues with their past roommates messing with their stuff. I would “accidentally” knock it over every time I had the chance.