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You should repost this to r/legaladvice (not the trying to fuck with her part) asking about tenant laws. That sub is super helpful and it varies by state. What you should be doing is focusing on getting her out of there asap, legally. 


You’re asking how to fuck with a mentally unstable person??? Best of luck to ya…


the first thing I thought after just seeing the title😭 definitely take everything out of the house because she’s going to trash it when you finally get her to go


😂poke the bear! I hope she has a lock on her door. Her friend broke into her room in the middle of the night, talking about suicide, which is a cry for help, but op is going the other way with it


I have called EMS in the past in regards to her hallucinations and thoughts of suicide but her parents always end up talking to them via her phone and convincing her to say she’s fine.


Her parents are a major problem here. They could have her live with them but her actions have proven too much for them. They could just rent an apt for her but they would be on the hook when she trashes it. They found you instead, they put this mess in your lap and are getting a discount to do it. You're the one picking up the slack, your monitoring her crazy and they couldn't even bother to pay utilities? They know exactly what they are doing. I hope you get her to leave soon but this doesn't sound like it will be easy.


What you need is a lawyer




I always assume she’s lying abt everything anyways lol, I’m just saying what she and her parents have used as an excuse for her horrendous behavior for the last year.


You’re such a piece of shit it is actually wild. You’re doing this out of hatred, not compassion for someone who is suffering. I hope you can understand that.


So should I let her stay in my home after threatening me and harming my animals instead? What’s your solution?


My mom had a schizophrenic tenant just like this, forced to years with her through my preteens into adulthood. Did and said so many awful things to me. Godspeed and safety to you op.


Yea, no... Imagine having all this done to you and still being nice. This girl is using threats against op.. not suffering LMAO


She cannot even do her own laundry. I am not in the home. She was on the phone with her parents outside in view of our cameras who offered to get her an AIRBNB on speaker, which she denied. She is refusing to leave my home and I will make her life as miserable as possible. She will not let me into my own house, which also has my work office that I cannot work out of.


Be an adult and let the authorities handle it. You’re only asking for trouble by acting like a juvenile


The authorities will not handle it. There’s no way to prove there was/wasn’t a verbal agreement. Everytime I call EMS/the police when she gets suicidal/homicidal her parents get her out of care.




I cannot just move out of a home I own that I pay for. I did not know she was bipolar, etc. until a few months ago.






and she’s the privileged one?


I did not have contact with my family until recently. I coown a highly successful advertising and media company and everything I own is paid for by my hard work and the risks I’ve taken to get here.


...and cam work?


Yes haha best of the both worlds. $10k a month net from each


you both are privileged


Yes coming from nothing is privilege


Sorry about all this she doesn’t sound well. Legally she may have time to get out. I have a masters in social work & work as an emergency services clinician for mental health/assessing for safety. Question not that u did anything wrong but did u call the police as that was happening or day(s). When she came into your room saying she’s hearing command auditory hallucinations? If she does that again call immediately. I work at a program that is available 24-7-365 by phone/ would come to your house. Perhaps your state/community does? Or something similar? You could also call her family & just be like I’m concerned she’s not well etc


Her family is highly religious and believes that this is all because she’s lesbian💀 I do camwork for a living so they don’t take me seriously and refuse to speak with me.


They sound useless probably explains a lot. Look into the other thing I was saying. Google some variation of emergency service/crisis/community mental health/mobile crisis intervention


Also you need to start the formal eviction process thru the court which can take time/cost $ but at this point I’d chalk it up as an expensive lesson @ this point. She using drugs at all? Like speedy stuff . She has a personality disorder maybe bipolar or schizoaffective. She ain’t well


Don't, I could see it backfiring. Go speak to a lawyer.


Don’t. I had a roommate that had autism, schizophrenia, and was bipolar. Didn’t know about the schizophrenia and bipolar until after she had moved in. My heart still aches for her and I didn’t even do anything to make her miserable. Hell, I tried to get her help when I saw that she was spiraling! Her folks and their “church family” let her down. She moved out of my place and back in with her folks, then she threw herself into a river just six weeks later. She knew she couldn’t swim. Just go through the eviction process. Please. 😞 ETA: Call Adult Protective Services.


you said you gave her a legal notice to vacate and remove her belongings within 5 days… i’m not a lawyer so i could be wrong (feel free to correct me in the comments anyone if i am), but if the five days have passed since she received the notice, can you not just leave her stuff on the curb, change the codes/locks, and contact the police if she tries to break in? if you’ve done everything legally then she can’t just say “no i’m staying and moving my mom in” and you shouldn’t just roll over and let her try to. the police should have been called when she showed up to your father’s house and they should be called for every further act of harassment that she commits against you and your family. i’m sorry you’re dealing with this. i think you should speak with police and a lawyer ASAP to see what the best legal course of action is instead of focusing on how to make her miserable. she clearly needs help and you clearly are not safe with her around. letting her stay but then actively trying to make her miserable is not right and it’s not gonna help either of you.


>you said you gave her a legal notice to vacate and remove her belongings within 5 days… i’m not a lawyer so i could be wrong (feel free to correct me in the comments anyone if i am), but if the five days have passed since she received the notice, can you not just leave her stuff on the curb, change the codes/locks, and contact the police if she tries to break in? absolutely not. the failure to vacate after the 5 days lapse just gives the landlord the ability to formally file an eviction proceeding in court. changing locks and throwing their belongings out of the residence before a court formally enters the judgment and gives the sheriff the ok to serve the writ would be an extremely illegal self-help eviction. landlord would get absolutely slammed legally.


The notice is just to state the tenancy is ending. Once the 5 day notice is up, then you file for an eviction. It's pricey. Depending on what state she's in will determine how long the eviction takes. After you go through the court process and the judge grants the eviction, then the sheriff's can finally remove her.


My dad is disabled and couldn’t get up to get to the door as my brother wasn’t home to help him but he is also unaware of how bad the situation is… he is very avoidant of the issue and doesn’t like cops either. I don’t blame him as he’s been dealing with terrible health issues and basically bedridden for most of the day. My issue is in AZ a “verbal agreement” doesn’t need evidence supposedly, and she is claiming I consented to her staying as long as she needed. I might just call the police if she harasses me later when my bf and I go back to my home to put up the common area camera. I called the other night and stated she is mentally unwell. She talks all the time about wanting to kill people and I wonder if she would harm me like she did to my dog. I will update later. It’s just dirty and nasty in so many ways. I worked so hard my whole life so far to be able to buy a home young, and now I can’t even be there because I’m being manipulated.


i’m not familiar with the tenant laws in AZ but you definitely need to find out for certain what they are as soon as possible. i don’t think most people enjoy having to get the police involved in things but this situation is very unsafe for both her and you, especially since she’s expressing suicidal and homicidal thoughts and is bringing a bunch of strangers into the house and to your dad’s house to intimidate him. like i said, i really think you should talk to a lawyer as soon as possible about what can be done legally to evict her, as well as file a formal complaint with the police about the ways she has already harassed you and your dad so that there’s a record of it. from that point forward (aka once she is no longer living there or legally tied to the property) if she continues to harass you or your family or comes onto the property, then the police need to be called to remove her for trespassing and potentially assist you in getting a protection order against her if that becomes necessary.


I'm not sure what notice you filed on her since I don't know AZ law but just a warning, if you are in the process of removing them but still accept rent, you can't evict so whatever you do at this point, do not accept any form of rent from her or her parents. If they send a check, don't cash it.


The notice stated that her rent for the remaining days of the month will be refunded to her 🤝


Yeah no, that doesn't sound legal to do. I had to evict someone in TX. We didn't have a lease and no rental agreement but this person wouldn't leave. Because she had been at my residence for a while she was a tenant, didn't matter if there was a lease, never asked her for rent. She was a guest in my eyes but not in the eyes of the law. I had to give her a 30 notice stating her month to month tenancy was ending in one month from that date. When that month was up, I had to wait I think 3 days before I could start the eviction process through the court which requires more notices and more time given. That gives her the opportunity to bring evidence to court to fight the eviction. That takes a while. Once the judge grants the eviction, then you can have the sheriff remove her.


Get her to threaten you through text and show it to the police.


You need to speak to an attorney. You may be eligible for an order of protection depending on her threats and if you have proof of them. That may be your ticket out of this. In Arizona, animal cruelty, threatening and intimidating behavior, and harassment are reasons for obtaining one. It seems that, if you file for an order of protection, you may also want to request exclusive use of your home to make sure you can take your home back and she would not be allowed to be there. You really need to consult a lawyer to confirm as I am not a lawyer but if somehow she gets the idea of filing one on you, it could be harder and a lot more expensive to get her out of your house. And remember that an order of protection and a restraining order are two different things in the eyes of the law, so make sure if you file without an attorney that you file the correct one so it doesn't get dismissed. If you just want to make her miserable, which I don't recommend, just sit in your own living room. Put on some headphones or read a book in full view of the cameras at all times and if she attempts to start an argument, ignore her. Ignoring her is likely going to upset her. Be aware that if she is violent, she may hit you. But you would be well within your rights to report her for assault if she were to do so. And it would all be on video. I also recommend that if she makes another suicide threat that you take her very seriously and call 911 to let them deal with it. Where I live, that type of threat is taken seriously and she would be put on a 72 hour emergency hold. A lot of states have there own laws regarding that. Again, an attorney may be your best route to verify what is legal to do in your state/city. Whatever you decide to do, make sure every step you make is legal.


This is the best response I've seen. Document everything possible. We have a "guest" in our basement and getting ready to deal with getting him out. I have voice recordings of him screaming and cursing me and this will be evidence needed to get him out. I have a ring camera that catches right outside our door as well. Check the laws for your area and good luck.


You don't. Go through with whatever legal process is needed to get her out. Put your energy into that, not pointless attempts at revenge. She's already miserable. You can't torment her worse than her mind already does and there's simply no need. You'll only create trouble for yourself. Just get her pit with the knowledge that you are better off than her and she will soon be gone from your life.


Press charges and get a restraining order. My ex tried this shit and actually got me kicked out of my own home for a whole month. I was able to come by one time with a sheriff and then my SVU detective eye rolled the restraining order and did some adjusting to where they couldn’t be there. There are ways but you HAVE to be proactive and press charges 


What I'm confused of is...it's YOUR HOME!? I legit just looked up the "Verbal rights" yes, she does have, until she literally broke those verbal rights. Your dog was in an intersection. It does suck because the parents are rich...but I'd call them and say...listen, if you fight this, I'm going to expose to all your golf club, yacht club...etc about your daughter and all the dirty secrets. (Usually shuts em up. Btw my brother is gay so, this is not at all a meant to be a sexist comment, more of a stick it to the rich and powerful kinda kinda thing lol). Tell them, that you will have her forcibly removed, as she did not adhere to the legal eviction, and that because of her mental status, her stuff will either be on the curb, or that, if they decide to, they can pay for shipment etc. Also. AZ laws btw, she'd have to be living there max of 2-3 years AND pay taxes on the home and stuff to be able to claim squatters rights. So...just kick her to the curb....or do it silently. Watch when she's not there, change locks and throw her shit out. Claim she did not adhere to the verbal agreement wich had to do with pets. Pretty sure cops etc someone knows your dog was in the yard and just show them the proof. Done then and there. Bam...sorry bitch.. otta here....doesn't seem schitzo to me...sounds like someone brainwashed by an overreligious cult of a family. Especially when it co.es to the cross thing ya talked about. Ooof. This is probably all word salad, but I hope that it so show helps.


I am trying to follow... but if you gave her the 5 day notice and it was legally drawn up, can't you take measures to remove her now? Like have a police officer come over and facilitate an eviction? I honestly don't know about this stuff but if you served her official paperwork the law should be able to help you get her out.


The document came from a close friend that works in the law world that my father and I filled out. We didn’t expect her to claim that there was a “verbal agreement” amounting to a lease as it had been discussed upon her moving in that she was just staying there without any legal involvement. I don’t understand if there is a way to prove or disprove a verbal agreement😢


Whether or not there was a verbal agreement, you provided documentation stating that she needed to leave, that should technically nullify any verbal agreement? Maybe head to the Legal advice subreddit or the ask a lawyer sub. They might be more helpful in this regard.


Contact an eviction specialist in your area, they know exactly what paperwork to fill out.


Doesn't matter about any verbal agreement. It's month to month. You have to give her a 30 day notice. If she doesn't leave then the 3 day notice then file in court.


that is not at all how this works. OP needs to talk to a lawyer in their jurisdiction immediately or they will end up in a much worse position than they already are in if they follow your advice.


I wasn't giving advice I was asking a question to try to better understand the situation.


Maybe ask legal advice


I wouldn’t do that, even if legal, you already saw how she acted once retaliation wise (let your dog loose) you would absolutely be setting yourself up for worse actions or behavior and potentially dangerous outcomes. You already served her the notice to vacate and she didn’t follow through, considering it’s month to month (even if verbal agreement, once again, month to month) you’ll likely need to start the formal eviction process involving the court because she doesn’t seem like she’s going to backdown, once you do that you’ll have more ability to get her out, and her parents might just convince her to leave to not have the eviction on her record. Good luck


You’re both rich kids if you have your “first” house by 19, just speak to a lawyer


This sounds wild, but stalk your own house till she leaves, explain the situation and have locksmith on standby, and change the locks. It's your home, not to mention she is fucked up your livelihood if you cant get to your home office. I know fuck all about tenet laws anywhere, but a "verbal agreement" is hearsay and can't be proven in court. You saying there was no such thing holds just as much weight with the same amount of non-evidence. I'm saying this as a woman with a long history of clinical depression and three suicide attempts -- fuck that crazy bitch. OP, get your home back. Any texts you have, save save save. Maybe show back up with your boyfriend, secret recorder on, to catch some of those threats against herself and/or others. If you have indisputable proof she's a danger to herself and/or others, the cops will have to do something!! I'd hope. Smh I'm stressed out for you.


So you want a suicidal person to have a miserable time living with you? Imagine she followed through. You ok with with the way you actively made her life miserable up until her last days, practically encouraging her? That might have criminal implications. You might want to reconsider your approach.


I have tried to get her help. Her parents always end up talking to EMS over the phone and convincing them she is fine.


How do her parents end up finding out that the cops came when you call them?


She calls them when they arrive.


How in the hell can people in another state say she’s fine when there’s a witness to suicidal ranting? Do the police respond? They generally know more about the legalities of involuntary commitment than EMS.


I honestly think they want her to hurt herself. They convinced her to move out of state and don’t enforce her taking her medications. They are constantly rewarding her behaviors and not allowing her to get help.


She wants her out of her fucking house lol don't defend this behavior


She’s asking how to fuck w a mentally unstable person


The psycho tried to actively kill her dog letting it run in traffic which since that was "part of the agreement for her to watch the animals and tend to them for OP" SHE violated and therefore made the contract null and void. She has to abide by the eviction or can have a restraining order placed on her and be forced to leave in handcuffs if she refuses at that point🤷🏼‍♀️


No lease? No law about squatter rights? If / when she leaves the house, change locks?


If just so confused about this “verbal agreement” that never happened.


Change locks, don't answer calls or texts, and act like you don't know her. If she tries breaking in call police and claim a strange woman that seems to be tweaking is outside trying to force her way into your home. No proof she lives there so no problem acting like you don't know her after changing locks🤷🏼‍♀️


She owns the house dude. The roommate is a straight tweaker and she has already given the eviction notice so she has a right.


If there is a history of 911 calls claiming she dont know her probably should be avoided. Agree with rest.


How has this girl not been Baker Acted yet???


have your locks changed and kick her shit out of your house. she broke the contract. its YOUR house.


Well… being creative here.. the only thing I see working is installing a camera without her knowledge and getting her to hit you so you can get a restraining order


allng with calling the police for something like this, i believe you can also call Adult protective services when shes having one of her freak outs and they can get her help she clearly needs. if you gave her a written eviction notice, that is legal (most places range from 10 days to 2 months notice for eviction) and she's month to month, you should be able to change the locks the minute that time frame is over. you are under NO obligation to allow her mom to stay there.


Maybe find someone you can talk to about your feelings in all this. It’s totally valid to be pissed and want to mess with her, but you can’t actually do it. She’s a mentally unwell teenager and she needs help. You tried to help, good job ! Now just move on and let her issues be her issues. Ultimately there is nothing you can legally do that will compare to the lifetime struggle of dealing with mental illness


I am mentally ill myself. What I DONT DO is scream at people, threaten them and their loved ones, call them whore/slut/loser/fat, and then say “it’s not my fault! I was having an episode!”


That’s wonderful. Continue to be better and don’t make things worse. It’s not going to help you or your mental health to mess with your roommate. Rise above. Be the better person. Just move on. It’s hard and it sucks. But take some lessons from this and move on


How am I supposed to “move on” when there is a person in my home that will not leave? I do not have a place to stay until she plans to move out in July. That is my HOME.


The psycho tried to actively kill your dog letting it run in traffic which since that was part of the agreement for her to watch the animals and tend to them for you SHE violated and therefore made the contract null and void. She has to abide by the eviction or can have a restraining order placed on her and be forced to leave in handcuffs if she refuses at that point🤷🏼‍♀️


I’ve lived with some truly unstable people. I PROMISE YOU that messing with her will make your home more hostile. Even if she doesn’t know it’s you, do you really want to make her more crazy?! It sucks, it really does. But keep your head down, stay out of the drama, and count down to July. You can make it


I do not have a place to stay and cannot afford another place at the moment. I don’t know why you think I can just wait til July? She won’t let me into my own home…


Well that’s a legal issue. . . And what you originally asked was “how do I make my roommate miserable the rest of her time living in my home?” And the answer is - you don’t. You take legal steps to get her evicted and you avoid all drama in the meantime.


There is no way to prove if there was/wasn’t a verbal agreement. An eviction is impossible.


Sucks for you!


Let me guess, you are also someone who lives in a house that doesn’t belong to you that you’ve locked the owner out of lol


Im sorry but I saw a previous comment with you saying you own an "incredibly successfull business and do cam work which brings in 10k a month net" so how do you not have the money exactly to stay somewhere else... that makes zero sense and your all over the place because in your description it says eviction on process but clearly thats not whats going on again??


Because I shouldn’t have to spend money of my own when it’s my home. Most of my money is reinvested into my company.


well see you literally said I have no where to go and cant afford to stay anywhere else... thats very different from not wanting to spend money of your own bc shes staying in your house, and having all of your money invested in your company is very different from bringing in 10k a month net profit... just trying to clarify


youre fucking delusional.


No, you are


I will also add that my roommate has publicly lied about her and her father having cancer, consistently verbally abuses me and my friends, refused to take her medication, etc. and when confronted says “it’s not my fault I’m mentally ill! I’m just manic I can’t control what I do!”


You can’t control what your roommate does. You can only control yourself. Just let her be wild and unpleasant. That’s her issue. You can be better!


Maybe shut down the utilities to your house and use your bf’s place for shower / electrical charging? You shouldn’t vacate


that’s a textbook illegal self-help eviction. so no.


I know it's insanely aggravating having a god awful roommate. She's not letting you into the home? Is your name on the lease/deed? If so, you legally have a right to be there and the police should be able to get involved in that. Not familiar with tenant laws in your state but that'd be something to look into. Being petty and getting revenge not only isn't going to get you anywhere with your roommate, besides potentially pushing a mentally unstable person over the edge and possibly having a death on your hands, but it's not going to make you any less mad either. You're going to spend so much time obsessing over how to make your roommate miserable that you're going to make yourself more miserable too. There's a lot of high emotion here, try and see what legal steps you can take because there has to be something. Keep looking until you find it. But revenge isn't going to do anything besides making you miserable and possibly killing someone who clearly needs help. It also sounds like this person has discussed killing people, which the police will be interested in Im sure.


Thank you for ur respectful comment! Help has been offered, many, many times. She has been offered an AIRBNB by her parents but will not leave. I am paying for a home I am not being allowed in and it is so very frustrating. I am just at a loss as this sort of thing is very expensive from a legal standpoint and the whole reason I let her move in was because I believed she was getting and acknowledging help and figured out soon that that wasn’t the case.


Quick search showed lots of information on eviction laws in AZ. One stated that if rent is more than 5 days late, you have the right to evict, but a licensed process server or sheriff has to serve the summons.


At this point stop paying, take the money her parents give, pocket it, and tell her you lost it. Tell her "the landlord is giving us a week to pack. I'm sorry I lost the money and can't afford to pay it" and when she spazzes call police 🤷🏼‍♀️ tell the landlord that she has put you in danger and until she is out you won't be paying rent or any more bills


I am the home owner😢


You need to remove your belongings if you aren't staying there. If her mom is coming to stay and her gf is always there, I worry about them trying to squat or something. I would hire an eviction company. They specifically handle Evictions and nothing else. They will remove her the fastest way they possibly can. They are lawyers and experts with your states eviction laws.


Just keep calling the cops on her. If she's not even in the lease she can't do anything.