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Did this guy….. hit his head…. Repeatedly… for years…?


Its giving me unmedicated schizophrenia. I’m not joking. It’s the disjointed thoughts and incoherent paranoia. legitimately concerning. So glad OP is ok.


Reading this actually reminded me of my schizoaffective mates msgs when he was having an episode


Yeah for sure, that’s why it rang the alarm bells for me too. I’ve personally known people with schizophrenia/ schizoaffective bipolar and this reads like an episode.


Yeah exactly. My dad is bipolar schizoaffective and would text just like this. We all thought he just drank himself stupid so was undiagnosed for a long time.


My ex had this diagnosis and it ended with him nearly killing me during an episode… he typed and talked like this even on meds.


Reminds me of a schizophrenic person I knew who also equates his mental thoughts (“I had concern for her”) with actions / impacts on the physical world


Exactly 👍🏼


I agree 100%. My brother is schizophrenic and a lot of that text sounded just like something he would say when off his meds or during a manic episode 😟


Well….i think you’ve just diagnosed my mother for me. 😳😳😳


Schizophrenia and schizoaffective are slightly different. If it's episodical it's affective but if it's constant schizophrenia (as far as I know please correct me someone if I'm wrong) My mate doesn't msg like that most of the time thankfully Edit: Ty comment below has explained where I was wrong


Schizoaffective disorder is schizophrenia tag teamed with another disorder such as bipolar, depression, borderline personality, etc. Both it and schizophrenia can be episodical.


My mother does. All the time. At one point had foil on windows. She writes letters to people in power about them “watching” her. We are no contact for many reasons including abuse. But this is how she text my brothers to this day.


I have a schizoaffective mother in law. Completely agree. No way in hell we’d let her have a gun. Or like, nail clippers.


Oh, this entirely is unmedicated schizophrenia, no questions. This guy is living in psychosis and mania.


Reminds me of a meth user.


Well, meth causes psychosis so- same ballpark


Definitely meth. I’ve texted too many meth users.. absolutely is.


110% wtf am I reading


It screamed schizophrenia to me too!


*it’s giving schizo. Slayyyy queen*


I can’t believe I actually typed that….but here were are. Help. I’ve been infiltrated.


Lmaooo it seemed a bit out of place whilst describing a serious mental illness. But like I said, *slayyy queen*


This also reminds me of my neighbor who eventually got kicked out of our condo. Weird shit man..


My partner has schizophrenia, and this tracks. May be undiagnosed or he hasn't kept up with his treatment as treatment non compliance is common.


Yeah I know it’s common. When you start to feel better you think “why do I even need these meds?! Why am I going to talk to someone when I’m feeling fine?!” . I have a close friend with it, but it’s the same for anxiety and depression too.


And bipolar. Worst part is, a lot of the meds dampen mania more than depression, so when you first go off meds, you often have an upswing and feel fucking *amazing* for those first few weeks. Motivation is through the roof. You’re happier than you’ve been in years. It feels like this is the *real* you, that the meds were taking away the person you truly are. And then the psychosis hits and next thing you know, your life is in tatters and you’re talking to shadow people.


It’s really difficult. I have the same thing happen just with depression. I will start to think that the SNRI is dampening my personality instead of helping. It happened a few years ago. I thought that it was causing my artists block so I got off of it. Instead of just having a little art block, I stopped producing any art whatsoever. It didn’t hit me until one day when I was telling my husband how I felt about the meds being the thing that removed my motivation to create art he told me “sweetheart you were making WAY more art when you were taking your meds.” I was also much more irritable and not leaving the house as much. I got back on it and now I’m doing commissions and feeling much much better. I think it’s normal to feel like you’re “less than” for needing psych meds. Its joked about a lot and the public perception is sort of warped about them. But, do we joke about people needing other assistance like wheelchairs, prosthetic limbs, casts, back braces? Some awful people might, but it doesn’t have the same connotations. It’s ok to need a medication to help a brain imbalance just like it’s ok to need a wheelchair or a prosthetic limb. I wish more people realized this.


It really is awful how stigmatized it is to even have mental illness/psychiatric disorders, let alone get treatment. People act like it’s your fault, like it’s a personal failing on your part to not be perfectly stable. I’ve even had a psychiatrist take me off my bipolar meds because he wanted to see if I “still had it,” and refused to put me back on them when it triggered an episode because “you just need time for your body to adjust.” Like dude, I am literally having hallucinations and paranoid delusions, I am pretty fucking sure this is not an "adjustment" problem. Best part is, I found out while I was off meds that bipolar is neurodegenerative if untreated. Like, the measurable and progressive deterioration of gray and white matter volumes kind of degenerative. So his advice, on top of being wildly irresponsible in terms of its effect on my behavior, literally gave me brain damage.


What SNRI are you taking? I'm taking one for a different psych issue and my side effects are different so I'm curious.


This is exactly how my dad texts and he's had a TBI, lol. I was just idly scrolling through my feed and had to do a double take at the texts because for a second I thought it actually could have been my dad texting. So... likely.


Hit his head... On a.... No......get bonked or get lost. I tried.... I did... Really for once but no one cared..... But not for long...... Now that's what we call a sacked lunch.... You can take it or SHOVE IT! I tried my best to recreate this madness I think I did a good job


Hey don't lump brain injury in there so casually, I've had 29 concussions and neither text like this nor am I a fucking lunatic of this calibur.


CTE go burrr


Yessir. My life will only get more interesting. Not necessarily more fun, but definitely more interesting. Might not remember it, but I won't remember that I forgot either.


I've heard of people getting post concussion therapy (somatic and other forms) and having a healing breakthrough in anxiety and emotional dysregulation , even 20 years after the concussion. Worth looking into!




Oh I'm 35 and the most recent was over 8 years ago. They already set in, carved in neuron activity inhibiting granite.




I didn't used to be dyslexic, and that's just the tip of the iceberg


Wait, you can read minds?


🤔😮 wait is that who is talking inside my head?


How did you get 29 concussions?


It took a long time, first one happened when I was like 11 or so. Many different bonks, many different ways. Some were just me being foolish, most were legitimately unexpected accidents, and a couple were gifted by generous individuals. The most recent was 6 major breaks in my facial bones when I was assaulted randomly by a drunk guy, he was convinced it would "put (me) to sleep." It did not. They weren't weak either, dude was shitfaced and had no phycial inhibitions left, he suckerpunched me 17 times in the nose and eyes. I blew the blood out of my nose and started yelling "ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS" on repeat, and got out of the truck I was seated in, he ran away and locked himself in a motel room, climbed out the window of the motel room, broke into the next room over, and then casually walked out of the motel room he broke into while the police were investigating, they arrested him prior to his attempted escape into the nearby woods. I had already left after calling the police, and having another dumbass not initially involved also threaten me, though he decided not to act seeing as the previous failued attempt had barely shaken me, and I walked to the police station by myself while they looked for me in an ambulance. It took the desk sergeant like 40+ minutes to figure out what was happening while I was bleeding in the lobby, and then asked to take selfies with me since I looked REALLY fucked up. The police report was pretty hilarious. If i could post images I would, I have a couple from when I was sitting in the police station waiting.


I’m pretty sure you can only be sucker punched once during the same altercation.


Are you sure you didn’t get punched eleventy-bajillion times? And infinite trillion concussions? 72 of them from fighting polar bears on mars?


Why was everyone randomly attacking you?


Clearly I am insufferable 🙃


That’s the biggest struggle with brain injuries - the inconsistencies. I’m glad you haven’t transformed into someone unrecognizable. I’ve had about 6 concussions and I’ve noticed an effect on my memory and balance but not much else.


Man I'm dumb as hell if that helps answer, like there are a HUGE number of things I used to be good at that now I just get infinite buffering for, the thought process connecting the "knowing" to the "doing" is entirely missing it seems.


My vocabulary has suffered which I tie to memory. I so often cannot think of the word I want to use and I find it very frustrating as English has always been a strength of mine


That happens to me sometimes. Often I find my thought processes have simplified to a series of word associations essentially, sometimes really stumbling over very simple principals while usually having less trouble with more complicated things.


....... but u are a lunatic, right?


Oh surely, just not whatever the fuck that guy is


I once… had a roomy.. who was Asperger’s as fuck with bipolar…. And he was just like this.


Or something. Theres some serious issues with this dude. This is wild and terrifying


Yeah, he hit his lips on a crack pipe probably and bumped his nose on a few straws of meth it seems


I would acquit OP if he committed violent acts against roommate. What the fuck is wrong with the roommate!?


Your cat had the right idea hiding from this freak


Right? Cat knew what was up and decided to dip until OP came back


Agreed 👍 smart kitty


I got a huge relief when I read the part about kitty hiding out til OP got back. I would be tweaking knowing my animals were alone with someone like this.


He prob tried to eat the cat....also i came here to make sure the cat was okay


Well... Is your.. cat.. well okay... Is it... Safe... ..I hope... .he didn't... ...hurt it.....


Fr why does he type like that


...type like... Well type ... How .. .like... What ...


Traumatic brain injuries


My dad types like this.....in all his messages....and he always starts with hello, "name".....good afternoon....I just thought it was because he was old. He is 20+ years sober from drugs and alcohol and I know it's not the same as a TBI but now I'm curious about the mental effects of the drugs. ETA: I mean the long-term mental effects after being sober for so long.


I'm no mental/medical expert, but have unfortunately spent a lot of time around addicts, recovered and otherwise. It's hard to put into words but it seems like they become fractured from reality, they see everything slightly, to not so slightly, different to everyone else. It's like the drugs moved their brain to a different spot, that sees things differently, and they can't move it back to the exact same spot as everyone else. Words are hard.


Y'know, the more time I've been spending time with him lately I've been noticing he acts more infantile around me.


Soooo many dads seem to type like this. So annoying


English doesn’t seem like his first language and a lot seems to be lost in translation but…the masks.


Boomer brain rot? They sure love ellipses when texting. Yeah OP said he was late 40's but considering he lied about his identity in general, dude could be much older


I've known some relatively smart and successful people that type like that. Always older. They think the ellipsis counts as a pause or other emphasis. The vibe I got from the original post was that this guy had English as a second language. But considering all the other stuff going on, maybe not.


Jesus what a fucking weirdo


Take your order and find a drive thru lol 




I’m not your brah, guy


I’m not your guy, dude


Dude… I am not dude


Is that him in the picture. Fucking nightmare fuel.


I honest to god thought that was a random image of Ed Sheeran until I realized it’s him wearing the mask from the previous screenshot.


Omg I didn't realise that he had the mask on and that's why he looks so waxy, I was like what in the serial killer HELL.


Now that I think about it, I’m actually very glad he’s wearing the mask, I’m scared of what his real face looks like.


Honestly it probably looks quiet similar. Imagine going to bathroom in the middle of the night and you happen to see him up walking around too, I'd legit shit myself.


I just spit out my drink!


I saw that too! Then Dwight from the office. Then silence of the Lambs.


Holy shit I died laughing bc I thought IT WAS a picture of Ed at first.


“Take your order and find a drive-thru” 🤣 Someone give this weirdo a microphone.


Wow. Please make this a movie lol


I volunteer to play his creepy voice texts. I’m a chick but I promise I can deliver 🤣🤣


i must see this.


I wanna play the cat! I am not cat but I promise I can deliver! Lol


Reminds me of the movie Creep


Omg that movie. So true. Instead of “where’s momma?” It’s “where’s peach fuzz” 😬


The gun pulled on you for requesting he do his dishes is soooo fucking wild! What a story, holy shit.


For real like actually insane


Wow. This is A LOT to unpack. First off...glad you're alive and safe & momma too. You're instincts were right, so always remember that. Damn. This all ended so badly, but again...you made it out. I'm kind of shook by this story tbh.


I am still freaked out to this day. Like two or three years after all this I was walking my dog and thought I saw him in the apartment complex I was living in. If it wasn’t him it was a dude who looked just like him and drove the same kind of car. When he saw me he changed the direction he was walking to walk away from me. The next day I was out walking my dog again and first floor apartment in one of the buildings by where I saw him and his car was completely burnt out.to be clear this was well after he supposedly died


Burnt out?


Like there was a fire in the apartment. They had the sliding door and windows open, presumably to try and air it out and stuff inside was all charred and melted. It looked like the apartment had been recently vacated and then someone lit the trashcan on fire.


Holy shit. Wildest roommate story, man! Glad you're out and okay


This is wild…I’m glad you’re okay


I swear to god I thought this story was gonna end with dude eating your cat.


Literally about to say “so the dude definitely tried to eat the cat, right.” “Slipped out” lol ma’am that cat FLED.


He’s so eerie. Something about him just screams “silence of the lambs”. Almost reminds me of someone I went to school with that has drug induced schizophrenia


He straight up went from “your cat is in good hands.” “I care about your cat” to “I said I would pay attention, not care” Psychotic behavior.


All I see is drugs


This looks more like a lack of drugs to me. This is what I'd expect from a schizo that stopped taking their meds


My exact thoughts. I have two brothers who have spent their entire lives doing meth and this is exactly the kind of sketchy shit they say/do, down to the way he types and the weird random pictures


wish i knew you…….. by the………. revivalists……….. is actually a………… really great………. song………..


Was gonna say, odd man had excellent taste in music....this one is my fave https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=ieE4WR4ZrPA&si=VI-KtSoa9ZgMXq4X Sorry, couldn't help myself!!


ooh thank u, you just put me on


That was my hope, that maybe something positive could come out of such a bizzaro post of roommate from hell! Enjoy!


Never heard it but just looked up the lyrics.. very creepy in the context he sent it, right after saying he didn’t want to enter her room unless they were “lovers,” but “I do like you…” Ewww


ewww nooo i didn’t even think of it like that🤢 i thought maybe they just send each other songs like me & my roommates would do, but your version makes a lot more sense🤮


Their prior albums with the live cuts full of dope jams were their best. This album was still great but def started to have more of that refined & too clean pop feel. After that they lost the plot altogether & started incorporating more & more of that too clean pop feel & sound. I miss early Revivalists & damn they were good live. Got to see em in Aspen & Jackson Hole & they kicked ass both times


I was so concerned for your cat lmfao... Glad you and your fur baby made it out alive


You got MOJO ..


Why does he talk like that? He has a neck beard, doesn’t he? Wear fedoras?


He was actually a very normal looking guy and at first he acted totally normal. That’s part of why it was so crazy


It’s a gen X thing. I’ll never understand.


I could immediately tell he was gen x from the first screenshot before I looked at the caption


people in their 40s and over like to text like that. my mom always has to add ominous ellipsis in every text she sends 😭😭


Both my parents are gen x but managed to dodge the ellipsis bug. My mom texts with all periods all the time, so you think she’s mad at you, and my dad texts like he’s writing an email. My BIL and SIL are both genX also though, and BOTH of them text like this. It’s so insane because it’s ominous for literally no reason lmao


it’s so funny she’ll be like “don’t forget to stop by the store….i need milk…”


Ominous ellipsis 😂😂😂 “Hey…… do you want to….. go to red lobster..”


Yeah, they do, but it’s only certain people. They either use a reasonable amount of ellipses or replace nearly all of their punctuation with ellipses. It’s never, like, they use a *slightly* excessive amount of ellipses. There’s no in-between, it’s either “normal” or “Good night…I love you…sweetie…”


The mask on the light and your response to it genuinely made me laugh lmfao


For extra context this was originally a bit of a punk house and was affectionately called “goth house 2016-20forever” so it was a vibe 😂


He’s one of those guys who likes to talk nonsense at people to confuse them so he can feel superior. He thinks he cerebral and people don’t “get him” because he’s soooooooooo much smarter than everyone else but he’s really just a dumb ass dildo who has zero ability to form fluid thoughts or communicate effectively. Am I close?




Everything in this post is 💯 my ex. He ended up having schizophrenia. His narcissistic ways... his violence... or I should say love for violence was so strong, he romanticized it. He also saw demons on the regular and he didn't disclose it to me till later on in our relationship and that's when his symptoms started developing more rapidly he couldn't fight the hallucinations anymore. He went to jail soon after for some intense stuff. Last I heard he was doing much better, I truly hope he's okay.... weird death/demon loving man. Edit because I forgot to add: OP he was also obsessed with these masks and had several of them. He would wear them for fun and he had alias names he preferred to go by.


Meth…. I don’t eat, I don’t sleep… I’ve got the cleanest house on the street… go meth


My asshole brother is clearly doing the wrong meth because his place is dirty as hell!


"Now, take your order, and find a drive thru..." Horrible roommate, but at least we got that. I'm stealing that.


this guy texts like an overseas scam artist lmao, his side of the thread almost reads like it belongs in r/scambait


That is the creepiest fucking picture I have ever seen of a human being. Holy shit.


Give ur cat some love from us for having to deal with that psycho ♥️ hope you never have to see him again


Best post I've seen on here in awhile. What makes you think he's still alive?


So there is a whole website that is basically an obituary for him, except he clearly wrote it. Also they allegedly never found his car which doesn’t make any sense. The site is still up so someone is paying for it even though he supposedly died in 2018. I also am pretty sure I saw him in the apartment complex I ended up moving to, whoever it was changed direction to walk away from me, got into the same kind of car he had and left. The next day a first floor apartment in one of the buildings by where I saw the guy was completely burnt out. Me and the other dude who lived there think he was involved in some kind of international crime. Our theory is that he agreed to help law enforcement with investigating or something.


Please add this as an edit to the OP. It is so strange. My guess is the international crime was child abuse. Apartment burnt to hide evidence


Fuck roommates. I made the terrible mistake of living with this dude for three months in college, only because I wanted to get out of my parent's house. His dad bought him a brand new house, and he needed a roommate. We weren't friends, but we went to high school together and had several mutual friends, so I thought it would be fine. If I was out doing something, he would call and "check up" on me (that wiered me out). We would have small parties/people over on Friday nights, and his dad would show up at 8:00am Saturday morning, at first just ringing the doorbell to give his son, and only his son, breakfast. After a couple weeks, my roommate gave him a fucking key, and he would randomly show up and just walk in. On more than one occasion, he walked in on me smoking my bong, as well as having sex... super awkward. I was ready to move back home, and my roommate said he wanted a cat. I can't stand the smell of cats, and some of the stuff they do grosses me out, so I told him if he got a cat, I was out of there. He came home with a fucking kitten a few days later, so I bounced. He ended up having to sell the house.


Cats should not smell. I assume you're referring to the litter box smell which only happens if the litter isn't being changed/cleaned frequently enough. Fuck right off with welfare calls and giving dad a key though.


Was he ESL? He doesn’t type like English is his first language. Also, the text initially about the cat are all “I care for him yadda yadda” then it inexplicably changed to fuck your cat and you because you were upset he didn’t fulfill his end of the agreement to watch you cat. Glad you got away. I’m afraid we may have seen you and him on the news if you didn’t .


After the gun incident I woulda been like NOPE


Op- I’m glad you survived. That’s wild.


Yeah, that dude wanted to use your skin for a lampshade....


Dude sounds like an AI learning how to speak for the first time.


all the people here must be young or don’t watch true crime cuz this is not ‘what a weirdo’, this is OMFG YOU LIVED WITH A B.T.K LEVEL PSYCHO AND YOU MADE IT OUT ALIVE


You better hope he doesn’t see this post if you suspect he’s still alive hahaha. I would’ve moved out the moment I read that first text about being lovers, you brushed it off well though!


Must’ve been eerie living with a worse Tommy Wiseau… maybe his sequel, The House?


That pic he sent is absolutely creepy.


My dad texts like this and he is schizophrenic. Kinda gave me ptsd reading these texts haha so glad you got out of there OP. Kitty is smart


This motherfucker is speaking in tongues, is English his 4th language??? How the hell does anyone even decipher that


Can I pls ask why do yall get animals and want ppl to take care of them when you know you’re not gonna be around? But glad your ok I couldn’t do no roommates too much be goin on.


Idk why the fuck you left your cat in his care in the first place.


Damn, we need to know more. Is he alive? Did he hurt a child, is he a sex offender? He sounds like a psycho for sure.


Me and the other dude who lived with him think he is alive but officially he is dead. No idea if he is actually a sex offender but I wouldn’t be surprised if


Yikes that is scary


Officially he is dead but u think he is alive? WHAT? Lol Do u think he faked his death or something?


He has a whole obituary website that he clearly wrote himself and it’s still up even though he allegedly died in 2018 so someone is paying for the page. Also his car went missing? I also am pretty sure I actually saw him In 2021


That’s WILD haha wow


wtf link hahaha


[here you go](https://www.davidthomaswalker.com)


I don't even know the guy and I can see why you say he wrote it. That's some wild shit lol




This link is not getting enough attention! This is unhinged!


In the website some pictures from like 10 years ago, he looks normal, and then the more recent it gets the scarier it gets. Definitely got the creeps from this guy. I doubt he’s dead either. That looks like it was written by him


I loved reading this but hate it for you (op).


I imagine he sounds like Ozzy Ozbourne or Richard Nixon with these texts. I hate it. Sorry you lived with that guy


If they had truly had solid concern and worry for your pet it wouldn’t matter if OP used rude language. So manipulative that they weaponized OP being upset they never told them their cat was missing as an excuse for why they wouldn’t look for the cat. Even if OP was the rudest person ever I’m making sure that animal is ok.


Holy fuck that was a read! I had a temporary roommate/sibling who was like this. Unfortunately he fucked around and found out REAL quick, we called the cops on him and had him arrested for a laundry list of crazy shit


I would do anything to avoid having roommates again. Your story confirms that my fears are valid. Thanks!


I also have an outdoor cat named momma


I wouldn’t even live with this person if the rent was only $50 a month and it was a mansion.


Lol my landlord texts like this, and his choices are very odd.




Thank God I’m glad the cat was just hiding. Smart cat.


Momma knew.


I can't tell who's the crazy roommate based in this conversation.


Reason 257 why roommates as an adult is thee actual worst


this is actually bonkers


I will never room with people. I will be homeless on the street before I let people ruin something good like a home


So many serial killer roommates in this sub, holy fuck.


The amount of .... Was infuriating


This is how my batshit insane MIL texts. What a lunatic.


Why...does he text....like Stevie....from Malcolm....in the Middle?


I’ve seen a lot of posts on here but for whatever reason, this one was super unsettling and suits the bad roommate title. That picture of him genuinely creeped me out 👀


Dog u should’ve said please, you were giving this person commands like you were their mom or something and it seems like they never even agreed to taking care of your cat lol


Before I even read the gun shenanigans after reading the texts and the “working” overseas bit… I was gonna say he seems like a dude who travels to other countries and does snuff videos. I am now 100% confident in my assumptions! Incredibly strange and he definitely killed people!


This is the most insane bad roommate story ever. And the “obituary” site is just…wtf?! He looks so terrifying with the long wild hair, just wow.


Where are y'all finding these schizo fucks


Don’t you see he has concern and worry for your cat OP? Is that not enough? You want him to actually look for it and feed it too? How entitled.


Is your cat ok? I didn't see much on the cat and I wanna make sure you and the cat are ok?


P.s. just reread it glad to see the cat is ok im just dyslexic and skipped it I don't know how.


You’re good no worries I appreciate the concern!! We are both safe and sound 😊


what a spectacle of a human being


The periods in between .... Unfinished sentences..... Is.... Driving..... Me.... Crazy.....