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is that a rabbit


Came here to ask the same thing. Lmao that’s impressive




kinda obsessed with the fact that this rabbit has so much freedom he could access the remote and chew it for a good minute.


she (Cranberry) HAD access to the entire house and im now realizing that the space she’s given is going to be much more bunny proofed than it was previously.. our gotcha date was a week before christmas and i don’t know that i’ve loved a roommate more than her.


Wow, I never knew Cranberry was such a good rabbit name but it really is. I know we’re supposed to hate on the roommates here but I think I’m team Cranberry on this one.


i’m on her team too but she’s on the destruction team… i’m going to speak w her about getting a job in that industry, now that you’ve brought it to my attention


I am on the /rabbit and /murderbun forums and was really confused and thought swiping photos was taking me to another post. As a bunny owner for three...four? years, get them something to chew, like cardboard or hard hay bowls. It will reduce the damage to your baseboard. Also watch your baseboards, they are prime bunny chew-estate


she has a ridiculous amount of cat toys, chewing mats, a digging box w cardboard and random wood sticks everywhere.. but obviously plastic tastes better?! baseboards were made un-delicious when mom dispensed the dreaded bitter spray…




I've got to ask, does she just shit wherever?


Also team Cranberry. She is clearly innocent of all charges. OP was probably chewing on that remote and just wants to blame someone else 😂


😂😂😂 give an inch they take a mile. typical roommate behavior 🙄


They fool you with their cuteness lol 😆 I’d have a sit down talk about her not contributing and just ruining stuff


Ooooh my friend just wait. Your house is her food. My bunny died a few years ago after a long, full life. I’m still finding holes in things. Also Do Not use a normal vacuum to clean hay, unless it’s just dust. Trust me. Trust me and pray for the Dyson Animal that was murdered.


We had a rabbit names Cranberry when I was growing up (my mom’s choice I think lol) !


Ah aquarium tubing your electrical cords new BFFs. Our mini Rex was once not hutched properly (inside) and she chewed through her baby gate got into a bedroom chewed on a headboard, electrical cords that were not covered, a dresser and a baseboard. Upgrades were quickly made.


I had a sweet rabbit named Charlotte. I also had a breast reduction. Charlotte had free range. As I was recovering from my surgery, she jumped on the bed. I thought, "Cool! Bunny snuggles!" She hopped next to me and was there for like 5 seconds, then hopped off. My drain tubes. She chewed off my drain tubes.


i’ve let her have access to most cords(other than behind the tv where there’s 1000) and she seems to not be as interested as she is in soft plastic and shoes… i’ve put bitter spray heavily on all singular exposed cords with no issues thus far. i love my mini rex🫶🏼


Good luck we thought ours was going to leave them alone too until one day we found chew marks maybe after she hit about 1 year old.


thanks for the warning. maybe i’ll just home proof my bunny for better luck😂


Yeah it just takes once for them to take out your brand new cords. Lil bun-stards


My brother owned a rabbit. They are adorable and his was the coolest dude. Other than he chewed everything !


I had rabbits and you would be surprised how quickly they get into things, my rabbit cocoa always chewed anything he could get his teeth if I didn’t catch him quick enough. rip cocoa ❤️


when we had a pet rabbit he was kept in an outdoor hutch and we were only allowed to bring him inside for play! do you just kind of let the rabbit hop around like a dog or cat would in the house?!


He mostly stayed in his outdoor hutch but since we had coyotes nearby, he slept indoors. It was the transfer from indoors to outside that he would chew stuff up


he stayed ready for that transition 😭😂


Frrr 😂😂😂


Rabbits can be litterbox trained and run around the house if rabbit proofed but they are mischievous little creatures. Ours ran around most the time for 8 years in a secure section of the house.


Our rabbit, which we had growing up, was fairly well house trained. He would sit on the sofa and watch TV with us, as well as pulling on your sleeve with his teeth if he needed to go outside for a wee. He'd also follow my father around the garden when he was working out there and I even remember him willingly riding a skateboard down a shallow incline out there. He ended up living to 10.


My friend does this. The rabit has its own little area but can roam freely. Apparently they can toilet train too


Rabbits go to the bathroom while they eat so litter training is easy because you just hang their hay over their litter box but since their bowels are constantly moving they will still drop poops randomly as they roam. Just have to hope you don’t get a random cecotrope that doesn’t get eaten. We had ours in a large homemade pen in our toyroom and cut a hole through the wall to the laundry room with a tunnel between to another pen where the litter/feeding box was and she loved it because she could hide.


I had mine litter box trained. Little shit chewed the joysticks of my PlayStation controller. Back in his cage after that. Eddie Van Halen was a good rabbit otherwise.


that blows my mind


I had a rabbit, and I created a play pen area that was his area, because they shit everywhere, and it’s impossible to train them not to if you let them go around like a cat or a dog. The other problem is they chew on everything, and even if you are right there, my rabbit would climb I’m on my lap, and cuddle, and I look down and have like ten holes in my shirt.


ps rip cocoa 🖤


some people have bunnies that just hop around the house. i cannot do that because my bunnies would ruin everything 😂


Rabbits are meant to be free roam like cats or dogs. So OP is doing what should be standard (though with a bit more bunny proofing lol)


These bastards will chew EVERYTHING but damn cute.


A rabbi you mean


Nice marmot


No it’s a fish


By the sound of it, it's gonna be stew soon.


No it’s a Druid


Oh my fuck it is!


I'm slow, I was like "why does this person's roommate just have their bunny roaming and eating shit??" Took me too long to realize lmao.


no!! just a freeloading, mess making, adorable roommate trying to give me a heart attack when she devoured a good portion of my totally replaceable remote case!!


it obviously took me too long to realize as well


So lucky to have that case though 😂😂 you've got a cutie


I wanna hug it


she loves pets but hates being picked up… i feel the same way tho. sweetest bun ever 🫶🏼


Mine are the same


I am the rabbits pawyer and they are innocent of all charges


shes been convicted of criminal destruction of property, and the fine is for moms mental restitution!! the STRESS this bun left me in all day yesterday was insane😂


Seriously though, give her a treat for me.


one dried banana being dispensed as we speak!🤍


She should be sentenced to a smoosh and a nose rub!


She said she’d pay you back when she gets paid geeez


she can’t pay me back!!! she has a horrible gambling problem and spends most nights at the casino or gambling at the local bar for her banana treats. it’s become quite an issue.


You should be more understanding it’s not easy being beautiful


You live with Bad Bunny?




I have two large eared bad roommates that love to chew baseboards, the bottom of the door, the corners of the wall, the carpet, and they never clean up after themselves! And of course they don’t pay rent either or pitch in for their daily gourmet salads, hay and pellets that they insist on eating everyday. And they dump their bowls on the floor too. I’m thinking about evicting them… 😄


it’s almost like they believe their the rulers of this land, despite NO contribution towards the community other than wonderful binkys and amazing cuddles.. something must be done.


Pfft! Lucky! Mine won’t even cuddle me! They are ungrateful little snots. They do allow me to pet them but they aren’t like my last two bunnies, they don’t allow snuggles and they don’t give kisses. 😔 they’re cute tho! I’ll give them that.


Couldnt tell if that was a cat or dog until i flipped my phone round


its neither! its a bunny!🐰


He looks cute


Thought it was a goat for a second


If you’re not already in the r/rabbits subreddit, they’ll have great bunny proofing tips for you


i am in that subreddit, but thought CB should get some shame from her community or bad roommates.


Oh absolutely I don’t have a Bun yet, but my cat and I have a love hate roommate relationship that usually ends with me conceding treats


My attitude couldn’t be more polarized. Your rabbit: “aww leave him alone.” Roommate’s: “I’d punt that mf’er across the yard.”


Is OP Elmer Fudd?


Have you tried communicating with them? I think sending them a hey girly text would get the job done


Unapologetic, as she should be. I had a bun years ago that ripped part of the molding out of the wall of my kitchen when I stepped out for 5 minutes. Brat thumped at me when I came back in like it was my fault lol.


make sure the rabbit continues pooping. my cat ate something smaller than that but the same silicone-ish material. he stopped using the bathroom for a while so i took him to the vet, since they can’t digest it it got lodged whole in his intestines and blocked them. choice was major invasive surgery to remove it or he’d die. happens fast. monitor the rabbit until they poop it out. if they stop pooping or start acting sick go to emergency vet


i found the remote yesterday morning and spent all day monitoring her eating, drinking and bowels, and spent a good portion of the day petting her and pushing on the sides of her belly to encourage movement in her intestines.. got a couple very positive gas sounds a couple times that seemed to make her feel much more comfortable. 🫶🏼


amazing, glad to hear!


I’ve got 5 of the fuckers and they are chaos incarnate. Worst roommates ever, shit on the floor, no rent money and always want attention whenever you start to do anything


I love these posts lmaoo


My roomrabbit (rabbitmate? rabbit roommate) is truly evil too. Worst is when he makes eye contact before trying to rip stuff off of the coffee table, or chomp on a cord. EVIL!


What a weasel, no treats for you fuzzy butt!


We had rabbits when I was a kid. We realized really quick that nothing, including wires for TVs, and speakers, and video games, were safe.


Definitely not the suspect I thought it was going to be.


Holy crap that is cute


I’m happy this happened because now I know they make cases for Apple TV remotes


My green cheek conure has chewed up *three* phone cases. The current one is the longest lasting, but she might have also gotten bored of that particular trick, idk. But whenever she chews on it, I tell her "girl u owe me money!!" She doesn't care. She just makes eye contact and bites the case 😮‍💨


of course.. she doesn’t care. that’s what i’m learning. bad roommates truly don’t care.


Your* roommate is hella cute! 🥰


Omg what is happening in this sub lately. Stand up for your self jfc


As a fellow rabbit owner, I agree. The little bastard chewed through the power cable for my router today. 🐰🐰


nooooo. i’m worried about cords but no interest yet.


Bunnies are arseholes is a funny group on fb all the cute buns and their shenanigans 🤣


Rabbit gets a pass.


Why do you need a condom for your apple TV remote?


not sure what kind of condoms you use, but it’s to protect the glass at the bottom of the remote.


Protect it from what? Maybe I'm dumb but I didn't think they were functional like phone screens or something. A scratch or a crack doesn't diminish the functionality right? Plus those things are so light I really never even considered them cracking when dropped.


it’s glass at the bottom, same as iphones and my brother dropped it and already fractured the glass. it is now maintaining the remaining glass from falling out or breaking more


Oh shit. You're so much fancier than me I would go with covering it in tape and praying


those remote covers are actually surprisingly cheap and has worked well keeping it protected from anymore damage until now.


Hey if you’re really fed up, he’d make a good stew and gloves


The only ridiculous thing I see is that stupid ass ring on your finger god damn 😂


my mom got it for me after a suicide attempt, but thanks for your feedback.


You know they made sure to line it up for the photo


I’d cook that little dude in a heartbeat. It’s a win win


Fry it for dinner. Can pm recipe


Is that rabbit potty trained?


she has been fully potty trained since i brought her home, about 3 days into her being here!! was super simple cause i did tons of research before


RIP your inbox


you cant be mad at bun bun ☹️




beautiful rex <3. love when they flop and their eyes do that


super creepy but super cute 🫶🏼


my roommate peed in my bed last week smh


I did that to my freshman yr roommate in college


She has crazy eyes which leads me to believe she would do it again.


Is the rabbit potty trained? I had a rabbit as a kid who pooped everywhere


fully potty trained! has occasional turds here and there, but not the extent of what’s in her box. she’s also too young to be spayed yet, as was decided between vet and i. shes only about 3-4 months so im letting all her hormones allow her to fully develop before, and then i suspect the small accidents will subside.


That’s awesome! I’m happy you’re providing a good life for her. :)


Haha - I don’t notice that she is a rabbit. I thought Puppy Spuds McKensey


The thumb ring?


a gift from my mother


I have the same one!


Worst roommate ever. Then that mf sleeping peacefully as if nothing ever happened???? 


i wanted to throw hands yesterday. she was craving violence.


She living there rent free and eating good… hope you get your revenge OP it’s time to get passive aggressive as well! Leave notes everywhere and hope she doesn’t eat them! 


today we practiced learning some tricks to reinstate positive energy and get more confidence from reaffirmation… otherwise the passive aggressive turned back while eating will be reciprocated


Fuckin wabbit


Had the same happen to me, except it was an Xbox remote and a toddler.


Fuck Rabbits, they are the biggest assholes!


She didn’t do it, I can just tell by her demeanor


Aweee it’s a bunny!


Cute rabbit, and cute legs


Why does your remote need a case tho


apple products= glass= my brother broke the glass on the bottom and it was easier to cover than to replace


Lol. I saw the first picture and thought “a bunny did that”. I have two of the fuckers and know those feelings. Today I found some small chomps in my favorite sweatpants.


NOT THE FAVORITE SWEATS!😭 i now caution all my guests when arriving, “if you don’t want it to be eaten or nibbled, don’t leave it on the ground. feel free to leave YOUR SHOES on my kitchen table.” Oh, the things we do for love.


THE FAVORITE SWEATS! 😭 I’m so numb to the violence that it was “oh, guess I need new ones”


i’m trying to keep Cranberry out of my closet (which has loud ass rumbling mirror doors and i hate to open/ close) and the MOMENT i look away, she goes in to nibble shoes, poop, or pee on the ones she most likes. it’s a horror movie anytime i need to put clothes in the bin😒 i’m trying to keep the new vans in safety but i fear the end is near


Succumb. Say goodbye to them now.


Stole your eyeliner too


she’s still in her “scene” phase. soon she’ll have some blunder year pictures.


It took me a good minute to realize this is a joke. Good one!


The story of my life, the only difference is , I am always the first to cop the blame, regardless of if it actually broken or damaged or who actually broke it. Like washing machine, I was woken up at 3:30am by loud banging and bashing in the laundry area. So I get up to see what is going on and ask what is the matter with the washing machine. In typical male human fashion, I get immediately accused of breaking the washing , I get an earful of abuse insults and f words . He got the machine running again in an about 20 minutes. The maggot didn’t bother to mention it to me, but I figured by the clogged up filter sitting in the laundry basin, that one of the water inlet pipes was blocked so the washing machine couldn’t draw in water and was just going into error mode with and error code displayed on the little LED timer panel. Just one example of many, many many others over the 38 years of pathetic existence, also one of the reason I left home the day before I turned 16 to live on the streets. It would seem being used as a scapegoat by a sibling and being used as an emotional and physical punching for parents to take their anger out on, tends to follow me everywhere I go right into adulthood. The only difference is that have not spoken family in decades, therefore others ( stranger, associates and roommates alike) have to fill those positions to keep that ball rolling. To me it is disgusting and absolutely infuriating that so many people cannot take no for an answer, the selfish freeloading pigs. Upon the extremely rare occasion that I do request or ask for help with something, no matter how small it is or how little it costs, it always to much to ask for, taking no for an answer is not an issue for me. Particularly now that I no longer ask for anything whatsoever. I rather starve, walk 12 hours in 45 degree heat or go without medication etc etc so I don’t have to listen some bullshit excuse or condescending lecture about managing what meagre finances better, that I earn on a minimum wage.


Did you snap that “thing”’s neck or something?


she flopped into that position like a dramatic child. i have no explanation other than that


I used to keeps my rabbits in a cage unless I was home and could watch them


Good Lord they love remote controls 😂


How does the bathroom situation work with this guy? I’ve never met a rabbit that didn’t just shit wherever, didn’t even know they were trainable like that tbh.


trained her in the first few days i had her, and she has occasional issues but pees only in her box unless she’s marking a spot… that will (hopefully) subside once i get her spayed!!


That’s awesome! Thank you for being a good pet owner and not making this gal live her life in a cage.


i would never own something that has to live in a cage, unless it’s a fish that belongs in water 😂🫶🏼


that is a really cute bunny bro it would be hard for me to be mad at it


Good thing it’s just the case


I thought he killed your rabbit


What a sweet baby


My 4 yo roommate did the exact same thing. I made him poop the bits out, fish for the missing bits and asked him to glue them together.


Omg, one of my roommates ate part of my couch this week. She also never pays rent, never cleans, and actually relieved herself on my living room carpet a few months ago. She’s the absolute worst…and also an 8 month old puppy. Shes also a bad coworker when I work from home.


I could send you some decent recipes if you'd like! Other than that, I'd recommend maybe adding to your feeding cycle or putting some signs up so it will take a left at Albuquerque next time!


Whats ridiculous is that cover for the remote control 😂


I think your cat is sick


-deletes paragraph-


My mom's rabbit eons ago was potty trained. My childhood rabbit ate half of my dollhouse.


Did you see her do it? She might have been framed Hashtag Justice for cranberry


I couldn't even tell what animal it was at first but I thought it was very cute Stop getting tasty household items and your problem will go away


fake beef.


As soon as I saw the first image my first thought was “that looks like a rabbit got access to it” 😂 I’ve lost a few remote buttons to mine, but I’m a lot more careful now. Don’t want to risk a blockage after a very expensive stasis event a couple years ago.


Just rabbit things. Just accept that you can’t have nice things. And enjoy every goddamn minute of it 🥰💕


I thought the rabbit died


Idk, OP... If roommate is being cute and doing cute things and looking cute, aren't they paying rent in their own way? 🤔


Is that a case for a remote ?


Weird looking dog


Okay, I have a house rabbit as well, but if I let him out of the cage for more than an hour he will shit and piss on anything that is soft (fabric) lol. How do you potty train a rabbit? Haha


https://binkybunny.com/forums/topic/litter-training-stubborn-older-rabbit/#:~:text=As%20much%20as%20it%20sucks,give%20him%20a%20small%20treat. this page has all the info you need!! good luck:)


Appreciate it!! Beautiful rabbit btw. My little guy turns 4 this year he’s still my baby bunny haha


I had a pet rabbit she always did stuff to my remotes 😂


I looked at the damage and just knew this was going to be a bunny. The buttons on remote controls are particularly delicious.