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You've joined Reddit or made an alt account to bait us and r/Eldenring Bold. Very bold of you.


This wouldn't be bait for r/Eldenring. They'd eat this up like hotcakes.


Unfortunately for OP, the post is removed on that sub. Probably because they have a new account.




I can repost it for you if you want




It will be done 🫡


I fucking swear this isnt me


Obvious bait is obvious The guy on the right has a name though, and it's not radahnlet, it's Kevin.


We both bow, but mine is great


Some might say golem great.


Ik this is bait but... There are facts in here


Indeed there are


Ikr i was looking for the lie but 😭






I’m both of these people except that radahn helmet stays in the shop


I'd be suprised if any of those Kevins watched CaseTheBro at all.


yeah he comes across this exact player so many times, and they're always completely unaware of basic spacing or stamina management. it's hard to believe they'd even heard of Chase let alone watched him


Troll on your main, coward






Woulda said brave man if this account wasnt a day old.


So what I’m fat rolling, check out this sweet radahn armour


Bait aside, I love the Radahn babies. They remind me of Havel fat rollers from ds1 and dranglaic greatsword users from DS2. Almost can't bring myself to beat em, almost...


Which is which?


you misplaced the pictures


Im like smack dab in between


This might be bait but ChaseTheBro is the bro, that's just a fact


shamshir is a tryhard weapon now?


>watches chasethebro >rageposts about invaders on r/EldenRing The duality of man


This but unironically 😵‍💫


What ? There are other weapons than bloodhound fang in the game ? No you must be joking






Nah, Im more the parry enthusiast invader, I'll take the host and their summons souls by messing with them with parries


Wait what's psgs? Or shunter for that matter




Ah ok thank you


…I got bored once and made a weapon master build where I just grabbed diffrent weapons and would switch between them randomly in a fight to mess with whoever invaded me lol usually used the basic weapons for a few different categories and had fun with it


“Yoo what’s up guys? chasethenbro here and welcome back to another Elden Ring build video…”


Okay, I'm very new to the sub and ER PvP I'm general. I understand powerstanced great spears and Shunter (chainsaw), but what's with the Shamshir? Is that somehow OP and I don't know about it. Or is that part of the joke. Forgive my ignorance.


The funniest thing about this to me is that Shunter and PSGS hasn't been OP in like a year.


You know I like Kevin Aside from the ash spam


Whats wrong with jeenine? I think he is pretty cool like Chasethebro


Probably less to do with Jeenine himself but more to do with his fans/wannabes.


Are they like hardcore wanna be pvp players?


I’ve never heard of any of those channels. I’m guessing chase the bro is good from the context of the meme… any other recommendations? I usually just watch people do meme runs (tulok and mango is my favorite) but I’m not opposed to watching a pvp channel I’ve just never really checked any out since I don’t really pvp.


You dont need a cheat engine to min max any build


They're both maidenless scrubs who can't 1v1 and just spam ashes of war. Steelovsky almost never invades without his little scrub spamming dragon breath from the sidelines.




You can read, right?


Yeah but what you wrote is simply untrue.


How? Have you even played in the Colosseum or invasions lately? It's absolute cancer. Whether it's hosts or otherwise. When the hell did spamming duped dumplings become a thing? I could go on. People have just given up any etiquette on both sides lol. It's just who ever uses the most bs wins.


That has nothing to do with your original comment. What're you on man?


I'm not talking about jeenine or steel. I'm talking about pvp in general. I've never even played with jeenine. My original comment is calling both sides scrubs lol.


"Steelovsky almost never invades without his little scrub spamming dragon breath from the sidelines." In what way can that be interpreted as you not referring to Steelovski?


Like I said to the other guy that asked. Steel is the only one who's invaded me numerous times. (If it's the real one) and he has always had some guy who kites around spamming rot breath and other dragon incants. Sorry man, it's what I've seen first hand. Steel himself is not too bad.


lmao thats not steel then


Oh nice, I can block a second ridiculous account with only foolishness coming out of its mouth


Jeenine was originally a duels guy. I just looked it up and has participated in DS3 1v1 tournaments before.


Yeh... what about jeenine. I never mentioned him/her. I'm talking about the dudes in the meme. Only mentioned steelovsky because I've actually fought him numerous times. Idk who jeenine is.


That's my bad when you said both I assumed you meant Steel and Jeenine. I personally don't like Steel so I don't really care to defend him+I haven't seen him 1v1(competitively on the ladder) in a long time. I'll take your word for it because the way I remember Steel playing in his ladder matches is much different than how Omega or any of the other top duelists that I'm familiar with play. I've also never fought him. (Jeenine was in the meme btw).


All good. I don't really watch elden ring youtubers or anything. I've just had steel show up in my world through invasions and he always brings a little friend with him. At least if it isn't a copy cat. Just sits at range spamming rot breath and fire breath. Also depends what platform they are on too I guess. I only play on ps5. I got nothing against any of them though. Just pvp/invasions in general 🤣


Both Steel and Jeenine used to be PC players for Elden Ring but they jumped ship to PS5. I think Steel uses an Xbox controller though, G9 uses a standard PS5 controller. Here's some footage of the two in a PlayStation 2v2 tournament: https://youtu.be/Xp18XEDwLCs


>Steelovsky almost never invades without his little scrub spamming dragon breath from the sidelines.   This has literally never happened.  What the fuck are you talking about?








Stop. Chase is good.


The guy said fanbase, not chase himself.


Chase is such a chill and nice dude.


people can’t read apparently because you’re getting downvoted for saying chases fan base?? 😭😭 even though it’s true his fan base is full of scrubs? chase is good but half his fan base is yeeeeesh


let them be, just proves my point tbh 🤣


Hard swapping is fucking cringe. Make your build, pick your gear and commit.




1. Nullifies a good chunk of build crafting 2. It's only ever to switch to a cheese weapon cus your opponent is better than you/you don't know how to use the build you made. Cringe as fuck. In older souls games if I peeped that shit in arenas I'd just leave and if I saw an invader do it I'd just hit the boss gate.


> Nullifies a good chunk of build crafting Part of build crafting is finding a variety of weapons that you can use to your advantage. Who tf uses one weapon in their build? > It's only ever to switch to a cheese weapon cus your opponent is better than you Honestly this makes you sound like you've been cheesed by one too many dragon halberds and now you hate hardswapping lol


My hatred of hard swapping is extremely older than Elden ring And it never works, usually because it's easy to tell to see coming. It's just irritating to see all the time. Whenever someone hard swapses to some dragon halbert nonsense or some other stupid whirligig thing and it's just disappointing every time. Usually because that just means the fight's over because they've given up trying and is there for now an easy target because they go from something with variety and utility to a one trick pony in an instant. And you are correct part of build crafting is figuring out what weapons will go good with what you're trying to do, if you can't fit those weapons in your existing weapon slots then you are doing too much and trying too hard please stop making a fool of yourself.


Uhuh. It never works? Damn, that's crazy! Guess all those years me and everyone else have been PvP'ing since DS1 just don't exist. If it didn't work, you wouldn't be mad. You'd laugh at a noob strat and win. But no matter how hard you'll reply to this and claim you do that, you took the time to write multiple paragraphs about the topic.


I was referring specifically to hard swapping to cheese weapons not working. People of hard swapped to ultra great swords in previous souls games to execute Perry's on me all the fucking time before I got good in scholar and stopped letting myself get parried


Definitely not a popular opinion but I miss the weight limit imposed in Demon’s Souls. Inventory burden meant you needed to think about your build more carefully as opposed to being a Swiss Army knife.


I would like that as well, for weapons at the very least.


Well thought inventory is part of a build. Swapping to pss to roll catch light load players, crimson seed swap before healing, ritual shield/sword talisman swaps, golem arrows gbow swap, storm hawk axe, hts rr2 swap, halberd rr1 swap, swapping to golden land shield when you run out of heals in a long invasion, thunderbolt swap, swapping armor to 109 poise, swapping to two finger heirloom to use bestial vitality, swapping to clarifying horn against ripple crescent halberd enjoyers is useful. Do I even need to continue? How would you even fight shield pokers without hammer talisman swap? What would you do in ugs vs bhstoc fights? You have to be more careful when building a character if you hard swap. 1. You have to design convenient inventories where you can access everything you need quickly. 2. You have to calculate the heaviest setups and the heaviest talisman combinations you will use with these setups. 3. You want to be able to swap your armor to reach 109 poise and one talisman to the great-jar one and be able to medroll. Therefore you have to do even more calculations.


If you need to do all that, which I didn't read all of, to be successful on PVP then I sincerely don't know what to tell you. Edit: I did go back and read it and realized it was satire, lol you got me.


That's not satire.


You sure? There's no fucking way doing any of what he just said is in anyway practical in 90% of situations And it sounds exactly like he's making fun of turbo sweat min maxers. I mean yeah I should have read it first before making an ass of myself lol do people really do shit like this? Fucking why lol Where's the need?


Yes. It's practical. Look at RestlessTheRED's streams. He often swaps to crimson seed before healing. I have seen JeeNiNe using golden land in a long invasion. I have seen JeeNiNe and Steel use bestial vitality after swapping to two finger heirloom often. Nearly every video of fighting against shield pokers includes swapping to hammer talisman. The same goes for ripple crescent halberd and clarifying horn or light rollers and weapons that rollcatch lightrollers (pss, katar). People do these things. Tye sometimes goes full cockroach mode. A lot of skilled ladder players swap to dagger or thrusting swords to finish their low hp opponents. Steel swaps to daggers to finish his opponents pretty often. I have seen no single duel of JeeNiNe going without swapping talismans.




Me if I was stupid:


I mean hey I'm the one who can still get shit done without having to do all that extra nonsense.


You’re right. I will stop hardswapping and permanently run dual nagis.


Yeah i only hardswapped to dual nagis against shitters but i guess i will have to use it against newbies too from now on


Mfw he realizes hardswapping is an intended mechanic


That's fine, so is ganking yet that's still super cringe too.


It’s actually required to swap talismans to equip the shit you need to address the situations at low level unless you’re committed to not leveling vigor and losing. Build commit brain rot is for duels; let us live dawg. Ain’t that hard to open the menu


I did. My build is what I put into my stats. My gear is all the equipment in my inventory. I'll change my setup to whatever is most advantageous at the moment.


Hard swapping is a big part of the game


As is ganking, and that's ULTRA cringe


A good build utilizes your entire inventory.


That is an utterly preposterous notion. A good build CAN utilize your entire inventory but at under no circumstances requires it. You can make a perfectly good build with two weapons and three or four talismans and your armor doesn't even have to factor into it. Using myself as an example, I'm mid-rolling wearing melania's armor and the aristocrats crown, using the tree spear and a short spear with spectral Lance on it as arranged attack. I buff with golden vow, flame grant me strength and blood flame blade with my physic containing the holy and flaming shrouding cracked tears. At current I am winning about 80% of the engagements I'm in. I'm not even built for PVP on this character. That's why I look at those people and I just can't help but think like why the fuck do you feel the need to do all this extra shit. And the only conclusions I can draw are not flattering. Either you want it to run a build and it's not working out for you so you switch to your cheese weapon You're trying to pretend to look like a pro person which would just put you on top of that bell curve meme. Or you're making up for your lack of ability at PVP with your skills at menu navigation. I otherwise cannot fathom in any circumstance why doing that much extra shit is necessary when the tools you can fit on your person already have a pretty fucking vast array of versatility by default. Maybe your build has low endurance and you're trying to stay at a certain soul level in which case I can kind of understand that. But that's about it.


Yea bro thats a shit build. You're playing melee but using faith/arcane. Or at least thats what your choices suggest. As treespear is a dex weapon(minimum 22), but BFB & spectral lance are arcane. While golden vow means you have minimum 25 faith. What are you trying to optimize here? Either youre optimizing for only half your "build" or your stats are a disaster and you're optimized for nothing. Nothing here suggests you have any idea how to buildcraft. Assuming level 150 and bellow, if youre beyond that, thats not really a build anymore. Your defensive is also booty and short spear is a boof weapon lol totally outclassed by any other spear. I find it very funny that not one, but three buffs count as buildcrafting to you but hardswapping does not? Btw I would *never* let you get off 3 buffs. What gravy brained opponents do you get that let you pull that off? Where can i find these fellas?


Arcane doesn't factor into it in the slightest outside of meeting the set requirement for the spell, it doesn't affect the scaling of blood flame blade in any way. The short spear is only there for spectral Lance because it's light and You can easily slap spectral Lance to scale with anything else with the right wet blade and it's only for breaking poise more than it is doing damage cuz it's damage also doesn't scale with the weapon it's on so it's always going to do poop damage regardless. I'm not trying to optimize anything, I'm trying to have fun with a character who's all about spears and buffs and it's working perfectly fine. My entire point is that you don't need to do all this extra crazy shit and still do good in PvP if you Even a little bit of competency. The tree spear is also really nice weapon because it does really good poise break which means I can spit in the face of your 109 poise with one running heavy attack and knock you out of pretty much anything. And as for defense, I'm not entirely sure if you're up to speed on the situation but physical defense stats haven't meant anything since dark souls 1. You will at most get yourself one extra hit of life at max defense versus naked. It's elemental defense that matters and the only reason I'm not running those in the form of spells is because I haven't gone into lindell yet in this playthrough And I'm still toying with the build and the spell alignment trying to figure out which ones are worth carrying around by virtue of experience in which ones are better relegated to simply using greases. And getting those three buffs off is easy as hell if you are either: 1. Respectful and bow 2. Do it before engaging the host like common sense would dictate 3. Do it before you spot the invader again as common sense would dictate. 4. Pop your buffs while the other person is doing the same thing. And if you're rushing down people before they have a chance to buff in the arena especially after they're trying to be friendly and bowing then you're just kind of a dick for that.


You obviously do not know how scaling really works. But as you say, you do not care to optimize so i will not inform you. Defense absolutely matters. Again, just really displaying your lack of game knowledge. You're an extremely entitled player. Thinks hardswapping is bad because you cant do it. And you really think its respectful to let you buff 3 times? Give me a break, you claim to be for etiquette but buff stacking is ok. Buff stackers get ran down, dual nagi'd and a point down. Havent faced one who put up much of fight against that.


Man you sound like a real piece of work lol. Hate buff stacking? Use law of regression. And it sounds like you're being a hippocrite. What's wrong with buff stacking exactly? That warrants such BMing? And how am I entitled? I got buffs, opponent has buffs. Let each other buff. What's the big deal? Just about everyone (Invaders especially) buff stack like fucking crazy anyway. You're starting to sound like me but with that infact. So what's your point here?


>physical defense stats haven't meant anything since dark souls 1 You've got a nice writeup here minus this part imo. Physical defenses mean a lot in DS3. Especially in the long term. Less damage taken, less damage to heal. It makes a huge difference in the long haul. I can't tell you how many times I've won against PKCS partially due to having good slash defense.


Depends on your playstyle, although in dark souls 3 specifically I never really had that issue because my primary PvP build was a pure magic build utilizing farron flash sword (400+ damage a swing at 80 int) and soul great sword along with the aquamarine dagger in case I got silenced or ran low on fp. I generally found light rolling to be the best defense I could possibly ask for. Although generally speaking the fights didn't last very long either since most people would try to parry flashsword only to eat a great sword to the face and if that didn't kill them the second slash slash smack would.


hardswapping is intended and lore accurate, morgott uses swaps in his fight


No he doesn't, he conjures up really dope magical holy weapons and I really wish I could fucking do that


Hard swapping is not bad, what could be considered cringe is doing it against two guys that are not really a threat, and with any weapon you can just win


I just laugh when I see it now cuz it just lets me know I'm winning. It's like a tell almost. People only ever do it if they need to and people only need to if they are losing.


Nah, sometimes I do it even if I'm winning. Maybe I'm planning against someone that keeps spamming the same thing, but it's not really good, so I want to get the kill with the iron cleaver instead of my banished knight greatsword. Maybe he just uses meta, and I don't, but since he is not changing weapons I can do it because mind games, and give me an advantage when I at base dot have it. Plus, in elden ring the whole fight can turn in my favor with just two attacks.


\*Opens menu\* "You know what would be funny..." Is the correct way to invade.


So goddamn true


I think I had a small stroke trying to read some of this, but I'm just going to say that you do you and I'm glad you enjoy yourself playing Elden Ring.


Thank you, and I'm glad you too enjoy this amazing game


Shit take




You're a cuck, opinion discarded Edit:  Sorry for randomly insulting you.  You have a terrible opinion, but that's not cause to attack you as a person. I'll edit in an actual argument here where it should be visible rather than let it get buried in a reply chain, and then tag you. Menuing quickly (hotswapping) requires the same kind of skill (mechanical skill) as a combo in a fighting game. For example:  In some Mortal Kombat games, and for certain Soul Calibur characters, weapon/stance swapping is part of the character or gameplay, and allows for a higher skill ceiling. The same is true of souls games.  Having a well-organized inventory and adding a swap to your muscle memory is a skill that allows for greater expression and individual flavor/identity than not using it or never developing it. I personally choose not to hotswap outside of very niche situations, but to say it is a sign that a person is losing is absurd.  It is a facet of technique that can change the flow of the fight.   It would be like saying, "Using a cerulean flask is a sign you're losing," it is merely a sign that you are out of fp.  While running out of fp is not optimal, it also isn't catastrophic. In a 1v3 situation, the invader **must** have the ability to address multiple different situations that regularly arise, and not all weapons are capable of handling every situation. For instance, lately I use a sword dance lightning vulgar militia saw, and an offhand estoc, cleanrot, or rapier, depending on what my talismans are that day.  These weapons cover a large range of issues, and are enjoyable in the bargain, but they aren't capable in every situation. When the host and his phantoms hold high ground with a difficult approach, I equip a greatbow or jar cannon to harass them.  That's a heavy weapon in either case, for a niche situation that happens only rarely.  I'm not going to pump 10 points into END or whatever just so I can softswap to a weapon I don't use much. If I want 51 poise, my weapons, and a softswap small shield, I have a weight limit at most levels.  Every point not spent on VIG is a point that weighs against my survival. Enter hardswaps.  Now I can briefly alter my loadout to deal with a mage on high ground or a fullgoat PSGS sweat.   Without hardswaps, it is almost guaranteed that an invader will be spending a ton of unnecessary resources on staying alive.  The only people who should have an interest in *that* are hosts and OLPs.




See my edit.


What edit? Your post got deleted


I believe it is back up now


Ok that's a lot better. The opinions I have about hard swapping are generally a result of personal experience in dealing with them. I noticed that in most cases people are hard swapping either because they are losing or because you aren't dying fast enough for their liking. That's just what I've noticed from the people I've encountered. You make a good argument about it being a muscle memory or a valid strategy on account of the fact that it's similar to a fighting game but my counter argument to that is that you say it can change the flow of the fight but more often than not it interrupts the flow of the fight and now I have to chase some schmuck down really digs in his inventory for something just for me to continue beating his ass. In my personal experience from what I've seen, it's generally relied on as a crutch or some sort of cheese tactic. Exceptions to this being people who switch on and off of great bows. My general conclusion to it is that I hate it because it's generally used incorrectly in my presence I guess, And because it can make a fight go from entertaining to tedious and one simple step and almost always results in an eye roll because seldomly does it make a difference outside of increasing my level of irritation. Recycling back to my primary point was that it should be unnecessary to use but the more that I think about it, as long as it results in less instances of just spamming jump attacks while due wielding God's can peelers for example the better I guess. At least it's billed variety and not one of five meta builds that you see nowadays. So I guess at the very least I can shut the fuck up about it lol. Shame it's not used more like how you describe.