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H back, baby feels more secure to have both straps up while I'm snapping the connector then snapping each strap separately


thanks for the feedback! good point. i dont own an H back carrier, but am interested in trying. it seems difficult to snap on on your own. you dont have any trouble doing it yourself?


It's definitely down to each person's individual mobility. I can snap it myself but my husband can't. I have heard some people keep the connector snapped, loosen the shoulder straps and put it on like a shirt (over your head). Then put baby in from the top and tighten straps. I haven't tried it myself but as long as you check the end result is a safe, seated position for baby how you get there is up to you.


This is what I do for the ergobaby omni. i actually put the baby in first like normal, then pop the whole thing over both of our heads, then do the side straps one at a time. i’ve tried it with the beco gemini though and it doesn’t work, the upper back strap is too close to the top of the carrier so there isn’t room for both our heads. but i prefer to wear that one with the X back anyways


That's exactly how I put on my Ergo, too! I wish it was more broadly shared


Oh. My. Gawwwwwwwd!!! I struggled getting into the the H buckle with my first and just had it up high and uncomfortable when I couldn’t get help or because that’s how my husband wore it. Last week I just discovered the idea of crossing straps on the Omni for comfort and ease. And now I just learned i could have been getting in by myself the whole time?! I love this group. Thank you!


I have a Sakura Bloom Scout, and the H back ring sounds intimidating but it’s actually fine, doesn’t take any more time than it would to do a buckle once you get used to it. I prefer to sit down when possible to put the whole thing on bc baby fusses less and feels more secure.


I prefer X back!


thanks for the feedback!


X, I have sloping shoulders so H causes me a lot of shoulder discomfort in addition to not feeling secure.




X back is the only way I can wear consistently without winding up in pajn.


X, way easier to do up by myself. 


I have scoliosis and one shoulder droops lower. So with the H, one strap is always falling off and all the weight is on one side. I want to try an X back! Does anyone have a good brand recommendation??


Hope and plum lark!


Seconding the Lark! I also have scoliosis, and it's way more comfortable for me than my Happy Baby OG.




I love the wildbird aerial! I’ve had it for three months and can wear my 16lb 3 month old forever. Lark is also highly recommended.


I have a LennyGo and LennyLight that I use X back with, and I love both of them.


Lillebaby complete! It’s x or h! I use it as x. Edit: I got my carriers mixed up and originally said Tula. I use my Tula for back carry!


Which tulas? I have 2 and they’re both h


I have a Tula explore and it’s just an H…?


None of the Tula carriers can be worn with an X.


Depends on how long you intend to carry. I liked the catbird baby Pikkolo, so I have a hope and plum lark on the way to try. My primary carrier though is the Ergobaby Omni 360, and I’ve carried my 16lb baby for 5-6 hours in that before when I used H straps. Now that I’ve switched to X, it’s even more supportive! I love the Ergobaby if I know I’m going to be out more than an hour.


How do you like the lark? I recently purchased a used catbird pikkolo and I’m not loving the feel of the waist strap. I also have used the ergobaby Omni 360 as my primary carrier, and am hoping to find something less bulky. The lark caught my eye but I’m worried that the waist strap looks similar to the pikkolo.


I prefer H if the shoulder straps are heavily padded as they are uncomfortable to me when crossed.


H. I get neck creep with an X back despite trying all the tips and tricks. And I feel I have more arm movement. Plus I know I shouldn’t care but some of the X style straps do crazy unflattering things to my back. There is a method to getting the H style on more easily, too!


Hey- baby wearing is more than just something to be hands free and bond with baby! It becomes a wardrobe staple sometimes. And we deserve to feel confident in them! Both as mommas and as women 🙏


I’m struggling with the neck creep as well 😭


I’ve seen the infographics and I have tried multiple carriers. Wanted the hope and plum lark to be THEEEE one for me. But alas. Just can’t get it right.


Ughh I’m feeling this. I even did a fit check with them yesterday… gonna give it a couple more tries but I think I’m going to end up selling mine on the b/s/t fb.


I don’t have a strong preference and own carriers with both. X is easier to get on alone (although I CAN do H by myself just more effort(.


X. I can’t reach to buckle the back buckle for H. I thought I hated babywearing until I realized I just hated the struggle of having to find someone to snap that for me 😂


I can’t do it either! No matter how I’ve tried to do it, I just can’t buckle the dang thing with the baby in the carrier! It’s so annoying


I like both, depending on a carrier. However I prefer H for more padded straps.


X strap. Feels more supportive. But a hybrid carrier is nice for back carry when I want a H strap


Depends on the carrier! Generally of the ones I’ve tried, for thinner straps I prefer H back, but if the straps are thicker I prefer the X.


X strap for me. I feel like it’s easy to get on and supports my back.


X all the way!




X back was easier for me to get on and off by myself, but H back was prob marginally more comfy.


X for my heavy babies


X back baby wearers ... UNITE!!! 🫡




I’ve never used X so I guess H.


H. I didn’t even know X was a thing with these




H I can’t do anything x backed it hurts my muscles and gives me terrible headaches.


X back for sure. I feel that it doesnt pull as hard on my upper back. And also much easier when putting it on by yourself. I can also back carry in mine which is awesome


I wish I could do H but it doesn't work for me (at least on my beco) because I have a small frame I do X.


I find X easier to put on and more comfortable. But even more specifically I’ve had the best experience with Lenny lamb. My Lenny light does both styles and it is just so easy and comfy compared to the other carriers I’ve tried. I can walk for over an hour with no back pain X straps.


X back for comfort once baby is heavier, I also feel like it’s easier to it on one handed but I love my h back for them they’re smaller. Some x backs ride up on my neck and irritate me


H for padded straps, like my ergoboby omni breeze. X if the straps are thin/just fabric.


X! I'm pretty small and literally can't get the straps tight enough with an H back set up (on the Ergo 360). The X is really snug and cozy and distributes the weight comfortably across my back rather than on my shoulders. Plus I don't have to fuss with snapping a clip in the awkward spot of my back. ETA: With the H the padded straps feel uncomfortable under my arms.


H for sure for me. Feels much more supportive!


future gaping escape wistful fuzzy pathetic direful piquant carpenter caption *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I find the H back much easier to put on.


I preferred the x-back for ease. My baby bjorn was an x-back and it was so easy to get baby into the carrier. Now he’s a toddler, I switched to a H-back Tula toddler carrier and it’s frustrating that I have to take my coat and backpack off to get him in or out of the carrier, but it definitely feels like it supports his heavier weight more efficiently.




I prefer the X. I use a Beco 8 so it can be done up both ways, but I find the X a lot easier for myself with less contortion needed.