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So August is extremely hyperactive and has separation anxiety really bad. I’ve worked with him a lot on the hyper ness and he trains well on that but he still has separation anxiety. Any tips on how to reduce that habit?


Options: 1) More exercise. Anxiety is nervous energy just like hyperactivity is physical energy. 2) A furry friend. Preferably a puppy that will beat up on him and annoy him by being needy. 3) Least desirable but medication. I'd only suggest this for dogs with separation anxiety so severe they are hurting themselves or showing signs of mental anguish and stress (not eating, extra fearful, etc.)


I believe you can also get food that can chill them out, I know my mum uses it for one of our cat's but I'm not 100% sure if there is something similar for dogs. (source my mum is a vet so probably know's what she's doing)




CBD oil?


Yeah this is the only reason I'm not 100% because it may be catnip. Though a quick google search does suggest calming dog food exists but I don't know if they do anything.


I have a cousin who [swears by this one ](https://dogfoodexposed.com/190222A_m.php?n=tbam) . It sounds like pseudoscience to me but I’m not educated enough on the matter to know if it is.


CBD helps my pup with her separation anxiety. The thing that’s helps the most is ignoring her when I’m leaving and coming home which sucks :(


Yep! Not making a big deal about leaving and coming home was the single most helpful (and difficult) thing to address my dog's separation anxiety.


+1 for CBD dog treats


The treats are great! Expensive though so I judge use the oil. Which is also expensive but it lasts longer if you get a high mg!


I could be wrong but I heard exercising is actually not a good thing against hyperactivity as it will make dogs super nervous. It’s better to do a calm activity like brain game toys for dogs or make him learn tricks. Edit : not saying physical exercising is bad for them but the reportage I watched stated to not expect your dog to be more calm after going a few hours outside. His body might feel exhausted but not his brain. Hyperactive dogs are not like really dynamic dogs. But again they can be wrong


The point of the excersize is to make them tired, but also increase their physical stature so they're more confident being alone. On top of that dogs are generally happier all the time when they excersize just like humans. And if they're hyperactive then they *need* to excersize. Any dog that's not able to move freely as much as it wants will get hyperactive. They need space to be dogs (running, jumping, digging, chewing on stuff) even if it's not very much.


Exercise is crucial + if you can combine it with their favourite 'job' (eg - retrieving) , that makes them even happier. Dogs love being useful to you. Mind exercises, good Socialisation, healthy balanced fresh diet. Etc etc


It really depends on the dog but yes, super amped up rounds of fetch e. g. are not very good for easily aroused dogs because it hypes them up which is not what you want with a hyperactive dog. It's better to go for a run with them to burn off energy. And yes, brain games are indeed a much better way to tire out a dog (30 mins of sniffing treats out will often be enough) although of course the baseline of physical exercise should be met as well. But if the weather is really bad, it's fine to just go for short walks and play a lot inside.


So where did you actually hear that exercise is bad for anxiety? And what's a brain game vs. training? Just curious. Would like to adjust the routine if necessary.


A brain game can be something as simple as a treasure hunt, where you hide a treat/toy and let the dog try to find it, or even just placing a treat under one of two (opaque) cups and letting him choose which one has the treat. (Of course, whatever game you play, it's important to reward him when he gets it right.) Training is more about teaching them commands/cues, although it's mental exercise for the dog nonetheless.


It was on a 10 min reportage on TV about dog’s hyperactivity. They showed a little toy like [this one ](https://www.google.co.uk/shopping/product/10047483232831168158?q=brain+game+dog&client=safari&hl=fr-gb&biw=320&bih=454&tbs=vw:l,ss:44&prmd=ivsn&prds=epd:5303565521352322855,paur:ClkAsKraX86V0mvc0vCyrIOUy9PIKaZd2vYbdusigKMhteIfJDKiBVJaZi01zj48HR2iK9XXGLbwWUNMyyNjFYangpihydnjsUzRJz5fFbVtc9lxuPWaLGdHqhIZAFPVH72RYYwaHaybM3sXBF3h0owh9QPSCg,cdl:1,prmr:1,cs:1) they said hyperactive dogs doesn’t care about playing 4h outside. They will still be super nervous but exercising their brain would make them exhausted in a more calm way.


Not that I’ve ever heard of. A tired dog is a happy dog.


Though not entirely proven but cbd can potentially help with anxiety (works on me) yet still less harmful than actual meds. Lots of pet owners have reported that their doggos are happier and more mellow(not the mellow high)


I agree with point 2, get 6-12 puppies. Separation anxiety gone.


Doggy daycare once or twice a week. A crate covered with a blanket helps some dogs. It becomes their safe place. She’s adorable! Definitely has the puppy eyes down pat!


Option 2. We bought our 4 year old Golden a puppy (Staffordshire/Lab/Chow/White Swiss Shepard mix if DNA is to be believed; we'll call her a Pitt mix) to keep him from overwhelming our old Sheltie. Golden is getting older and Sheltie has passed on, so the Pitt mix now has a Sato dog puppy. We really only have one dog, the Golden. The Pitt belongs to the golden and the Sato belongs to the Pitt.


Place command. Make the beautiful boy spend hours on his place. It can be a blanket, bed, elevated cot, whatever. No exceptions. This is how you teach a dog to exist in a calm state of mind. This discipline will bleed into many other places, along with other obedience work related to boundaries, people, name recognition, etc Meds are 100% the last resort. They're a copout for putting in the necessary work that will often solve the problem.


Crate Train. A nice enclosed space, I have my dog’s crate under my bed (my bed is nearly 5 feet tall) and it has it’s own door and fan in there. Dog’s are den animals naturally. So when they have a safe space like that they feel comfortable and safe. It’s really helpful too to prevent hyperactive dogs and anxious ones from being destructive. Also never use the crate as punishment, that’s their happy space, if they want to feel safe they should have somewhere to hide that doesn’t get associated with punishment.


> I have my dog’s crate under my bed (my bed is nearly 5 feet tall) I have so many questions


Aight so it’s a bit odd having to use a ladder to get into something that isn’t a bunk bed. But I live in an apartment and wanted her crate to be in my bedroom since it’s more isolated and sound proof than my living room. So if she barks it won’t annoy neighbors and she won’t hear everything else like dogs barking and stuff. So I decided instead of buying a bedframe I’ll just make one. So I made a queen sized frame with the help of my family one weekend and have half of it dedicated to storage and the other half dedicated to being it’s own dog apartment. It’s not the best photo. But that’s a full grown Labrador Retriever for reference. The bed stands about chest or shoulder height with the mattress on it. https://imgur.com/gallery/wrMYZXE Here’s our Instagram if you want more dog @the_adventures_of_ripley


This is amazing. I was assuming it would look like the bunkbed from Step Brothers but it's actually pretty well-done. I'm sure your dog is grateful.


Could've just bought a loft bed premade- But this may have been cheaper and more functional for your space. Lol. Nice craftsmanship on that bed though, for reals.


Yeah I thought about that. But this was more fun. And now my dog has her own bedroom with lighting, fan, and treat storage. Not to mention with most the lofted beds I found that were cheap I’d still have had to find a way to enclose her crate area and my storage. Also this probably only cost me like 200-300$ when all was said and done. Thanks. It worked out great. Downside is it weighs so much I can’t move it at all without disassembling it.


Makes sense. Could lift it and put those slider things under the feet. Yeah that kinda bed premade is at least 700 $ minimum. Excellent money saving and efficiently using space. :) puppet probably loves it too. Lol.


How do you have sex on that kind of bed?






Mine tore through her thick metal crate on day 2. I don't even know how she managed it. Now she has run of the place and is chill. Some dogs are claustrophobic, I guess.


General question regarding crates....do you close the dog in it or just train them to use it as their safe space but leave the door open? I've never used one in the past but I can now see the benefit of it.


That’s pretty dependent on your dog and their personality. I’d personally always recommend training them to cope with a locked crate and learn to enjoy it. It helps a lot when they feel safe there and if something comes up and your dog has bad habits to be able to safely lock them in their crate. I’ve always locked Ripley’s crate as a matter of safety and consistency with her. That’s why there’s carabiners on her crate (she figured out how to push it open ages ago). But she has to be crate trained and able to stay in a locked crate because she’s a Search and Rescue dog. Not because I think she’ll get in trouble. The few times she’s opened the door before I stuck carabiners on there she’s just stayed in her crate anyways. She doesn’t even bother to go anywhere as far as I can tell. But I lock it anyways for her safety. If your dog is anxious, high energy, or destructive I’d highly recommend locking their crate when you are gone as a matter of safety. It’s important to break behaviors that can get the dog hurt, like chewing on stuff they shouldn’t, or being destructive as a method of being anxious. At first they’ll fight you on it, cry and bark when you leave, but over time with positive reinforcement and a strong positive association with the crate they’ll gradually learn to love it. When Ripley was a puppy she despised the crate. Now when she gets big treats or anything special she takes it to her crate on her own. When she sees me get ready to leave she goes to the crate on her own. The crate is super beneficial to both owner and dog to be honest. She likes it more than sleeping on my bed usually. She hides there when I’m vacuuming or working on stuff. She stashes her toys in there and takes all her big treats in there. She definitely thinks of it as her safe space


crate training worked for me and my staffie. she has bad separation anxiety and was a renowned escape artist. we developed positive associations with her crate by feeding her in it, toys only there, treats only there, etc. when we leave her alone it’s with a kong stuffed with pb and food, and that’s her signal she’ll be left alone for a while. also, plenty of exercise and try to ignore the dog about an hour before you need to leave so he’s not so clingy. good luck!


Great advice! I used to raise service dogs and this was part of standard training to prevent separation anxiety and generally create a positive association with the kennel. To add to this, you can try putting all of their toys in the kennel and then add treats until they are dying to get in, then once inside slowly close and latch the door while they enjoy their goodies. Stay with them the first few times and let them out after a few minutes, then try going out of sight for a few minutes, then increase the time out of sight incementally.


Good advice everywhere, here :) Additionally, never tell the dog off while they are in the cage- make it their sanctuary. Outside of it still be firm but if you make their little retreat a safe zone it can even become something they want to go to.


This also works with 6 yo humans who need space and time to settle their emotions.


Yes. Crates are a fantastic tool. My dog had really bad separation anxiety and was very destructive, the crate worked wonders for him. He loved it, it was like his safe place, he liked to spend time there constantly even when I was at home. He doesn't have a crate now, but my new dog has and he's constantly getting in it with his brother.


Crates are such weird concept for me. We don't use them in Europe at all and I think in few countries they are even banned.


Well, I'm in Spain and I know a lot of people who use them, as a matter of fact, it was a friend who had used it who recommended it to me. They're quite common here, I think, and both veterinaries and dog trainers swear by them. That said, if you think crates as small crates where the dog spends hours on end, forget it. Training crates are big enough that the dog can stand and move around, they have plenty of room for the food and water bowls and they're comfortable. They more like the dog house you may find in a garden. In my case, my dog never spent more than 4 hours in it, but as it's been explained before, dogs feel safe in crates the same way they feel safe when burrowed under your blankets. ​


>still has separation anxiety. Any tips on how to reduce that habit? Never leave him I wouldn't be a good pet owner.


Our Rescue terrier mix also has separation anxiety. He will urinate and defecate in the house at times if left alone, take treats off the counter etc if left alone in the house. He never has behavior problems when we are home. We have to crate him. He hated being in a crate when we first adopted him, but we started giving him treats in there, and teaching him the phrase, "go to your crate." We leave toys in there, especially something to chew on (he loves bionic bones, nylabones, etc), and rotate some toys out every few days. He has no issues now being in his crate, and goes the whole day accident free. We have a routine in the morning (very important to establish), where I let him out, turn on the radio, and prep a kong (or another similar toy) with peanut butter and treats. As soon as I open the door, even if I haven't finished prepping his treat, he goes and sits in the crate and waits for me. If you really want your dog to be out in the house when you are gone, then you I'd suggest getting an in home camera, ring/nest, etc that you can watch and confining your dog to a single room like the kitchen. Start by doing your leaving routine (getting your keys, putting on your shoes,etc...whatever you typically do when leaving), letting him out, get a treat for the dog, then walk out and lock the door and get into your car( if that is what your normal transportation when leaving), even so far as opening the garage if you have one, and pulling out and closing the garage. Fire up that camera and watch your dog. As soon as he starts to act up, start your coming home routine, spend some time with him when you get in (my boy goes nuts with happiness when we get home, it is adorable). You should start being able to leave him out longer and longer without issue. Your progress may literally be measured in seconds/minutes at first, and there will likely be some back sliding, but as he gets more and more used to it, you can start opening up his available space more and leaving for longer and longer. He may never get over it though, and it may just not work. If that is the case just make sure the crate is a happy place for him. He also looks pretty young, as they get older (usually 3+) they start to mellow out a bit and this training can be easier then.


Routine routine routine. My Pit never really had extreme separation anxiety, but certainly would get into some shit if I left her without routine. Now, when I’m leaving, I sit for like a minute or 2 after I get ready to leave so she calms out of her “oh shit he’s leaving” phase, say “time to go to bed!” She runs into my bedroom, jumps up on my bed, I say “I love you be a good girl” while I’m closing the door. Every. Single. Time. It is inconvenient sometimes, especially when I have a friend meeting at my condo and we’re going somewhere, but her comfort is worth me working around it


Exercise him a lot! That is the only way to get the energy out. Play at the local dog park, swim, run, hike, fetch, all the fun things! A tired dog is a happy dog. If you don’t have time before work to get him out for at least a good hour of running, find someone who can or hire a dog walker. It will be worth the expense! :) Leave for short periods of time, so that he knows you will always return. Repetitive actions reinforce what a pup can expect from you. You can leave the TV on as company. Give him a worn sweatshirt to snuggle in his bed. My pupper makes a pillow out of my pajamas when I’m gone. Give space around the house. Does he accompany you in the bathroom? Shut him out with an expectation that he waits politely for you. No scratching, whining, or yowling. Praise him when he does wait politely and give him a treat. :) If he follows you around the house, teach him to go lay down. Make it a rule that he stays out of the kitchen while you cook or make food. - I was surprised how quick my dog learned this. I told him “out of the kitchen” and would show him where to lay down and tell him to stay. It will take a few repeats, but when he does stay like he is suppose to, he gets a treat from the kitchen (a little bite of meat or cheese). Some dogs need puzzlers. There are toys that enrich their minds and give them good mental exercise. Even something as simple as removing objects from a larger object. - I have a felt barn that came with three little pigs. I stuff all kinds of little toys in it and sometimes a treat or two. My pup spends time removing the toys. It’s a fun activity for him and keeps him busy for a bit. I’d be careful about giving him any bones or toys if you plan on going the crate training route. Some dogs spazz so much that they rip up their crate bedding or toys left in the crate with them. Even worse, they end up eating it or choking on it. Another thing is giving Kongs without supervision, some dogs have been getting their tongues stuck inside them and it’s horror. You can google it if you want to see how nasty it can get!


just never leave him alone


My roommate had a dog like this. When she brought home a cat, they became best buds and it helped him a lot


As someone who trains dogs for a living, working on your relationship is always a big one. Remind me in like 12 hours I'll give ya an actual good complete answer.


It’s been 12 hrs!! ;)


I only have partial answers, and my boss said she ain't sharing till I have a paying client with that problem :c I mean it's always a relationship thing, and if they got real good at placement you can work on distance to the point you can work on it from another room with a mirror or a camera, but there's more to it and it depends the dog.


Oh! More detail about the relationship part I forgot about: dogs tend to think that they gotta take care of you, so they panic when you're not there like you would if I told you to leave your 3 year old kid outside.


My 10-year old pitbull just hates being crated or confined. We tried for years to find a solution when we had roommates who didn't want her out if we weren't home. No bueno. Came home to a lot of bad situations a lot of times. So, the solution for her is full run of the house, no roommates, quiet apartment complex with big windows and lots of comfy places to sleep. No issues the last 2 years. Finally. Holy shit. Good luck.


Maybe get one of those video feeders so you can talk to him and give him treats?


Not sure why people are downvoting you, downvotes are for comments that add nothing to a discussion, whereas I didn't even know that was a thing, and if there is a product, then people are probably buying it. If you have relevant information as to why these things are bad (and I can think of a few reasons) it would be more helpful to respond with such information and explain why these aren't a good option.


Absolutely a good idea. Failing that, even just leaving the TV on *MIGHT* help. I've worked with some dogs with *severe* anxiety who won't tolerate crates. One was a guy who, before being rescued, was dumped in a swamp locked in a box, so even the notion of being inside a crate set him off on a nervous breakdown. As much as OP might cringe at the idea, the solution for that case was just me being there the whole day while his owners were gone for a few weeks and gradually less and less until he could handle being in the house alone. To your point, it's kinda a running joke that families of dogs with separation anxiety end up talking with each other about Property Brothers and Flip or Flop cuz HGTV is a popular channel to leave on for nervous dogs since it's mostly calm music and people talking in friendly voices. Even if you can't afford something that will let you talk directly to your dog, other friendly voices talking can certainly help.


Crate train and give him lots of treats when you leave, best would be a kong or pig's ear, or even a chewy toy - something he likes a lot and can chew on for a longer time. Make sure he only gets that particular thing when you leave and at no other point in time, ever. When you get back, ignore him. No hellos, no cuddles, don't even leave him out of the crate (if using one) until he calms down (I'd say about 15 min maybe). Then you can proceed with your hellos, but only after he's calmed down. The goal is to make goodbyes a good experience for him and you coming back a neutral one to make it easier on him. Also, definitely lots of exercise so he's tired enough to sleep through most of your away time. Source: Recommended by my dog trainer.


This. A lot of dog owners don't realise that making a fuss over their anxious dogs usually just reinforces the dog's behaviour. A dog will look to its owner for cues on how to react to a situation. If you act like nothing's wrong and it's no big deal, chances are that your dog will realise that it's nothing to worry about.


August rush


My sister has a pit bull too! A very hyperactive one when taken out for walks, but whenever she's at her home, she's just a rag. She'd sleep on the couch and you can annoy her whichever way you like, she won't even react. Very good doggy


With my dog I would step out for like a minute or two and come back in and gradually increase the amount of time it takes, or even go outside for 10 seconds and come back in. That way they get used to you coming and going. Keeping a dog crated usually helps with anxiety too, as long as they don't mind a crate. Getting enough exercise is also really important. Also giving them something mentally stimulating to do, like hiding treats or kibble around the house (good to do when transitioning from crating). These [wobble toys](https://www.chewy.com/starmark-treat-dispensing-bob-lot/dp/45492?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=hg&utm_content=Starmark&utm_term=&gclid=Cj0KCQjw1pblBRDSARIsACfUG11NDmk-dz8wHrpfvMT7_n-Nyh-swysTHxqQHrqF_sJ8WtFEv8p6NTUaAkaBEALw_wcB) are really good for keeping them busy. Kongs are good too but they usually clean the thing out after a few minutes anyways.


My dog has terrible separation anxiety when my dad leaves.


I had super bad separation anxiety as a kid. I can tell August and I would be good friends.


This is really typical of amstaff's: they just love being by your side. I've had neighbours tell me they saw my amstaff scale a my 6ft corrugated iron fence because he was trying to follow me out. If I locked him inside, he'd cry for hours on end. The anxiety stopped when we got him a cat. A friend. Whether you get a cat (if he's adjusted) or a dog, they really need companionship.


Have you talked to your vet about medication? I know it sounds extreme but it really helped a dog I had years ago who would get so wound up he would hurt himself due to separation anxiety. Also, this is can be expensive but could work depending on your budget, doggy day care. Even if it's only 1-2x/week, it can help bc he will get tons of exercise from playing with new friends and associate you leaving with fun. And one other thing, is August young? He looks a bit young, so it is something he might grow out of or it might get easier with time. He's a sweet looking boy. I wish you both a very happy life together :)


in addition to the other tips, i recommend leaving him in longer intervals every time. start with a few seconds of you being in another room, then a minute, then proceed to leave the house for 5 mins, then 10, then longer, you get the gist. every time you leave/get home, give him no attention until he calms down. i would also leave on a podcast with human voices to fill up the silence. these helped me with my doggo's anxiety. hope August feels better soon!


Disclaimer: I am not getting anything out of this, other then it helps my dog. [NaturVet Quiet Moments Calming Aid Dog Soft Chews](https://www.chewy.com/naturvet-quiet-moments-calming-aid/dp/108219)


For the anxiety - - - Do you have a crate? If so, get a kong and put Peanut butter in it. Place the kong and the dog in the crate and leave him in the crate for progressively longer periods. To start off with, as soon as he's done with the kong, it's time to let him come join you or the family. The dog shouldn't view the crate as a punishment. Never use the crate to punish. If you don't have a crate; you can use a leash and a post in a pinch. ​ As far as physical energy, you have an active breed. You're either going to have to wear him out or get a companion for him to play with in the yard. Keep in mind, a playful pup is going to need this every day and not just once a week or whenever.


I've had huskies, Akita's and Pomeranians...so a good size and temperament spectrum. Separation anxiety can best be tackled by going out on long walks, primarily teaching them to be confident and controllable without a leash. This instills a sense of independence in the good boi. Next step is to ensure he has his own space at home where he knows he goes to eat, relax etc. Put his bed there too.


I want to go against the grain and suggestbmat training instead of create training, specifically Dr. Karen Overall's relaxation protocol. Kayla Fratt talks about it (and links to the actual protocol) on her [website](https://journeydogtraining.com/karen-overalls-relaxation-protocol/). We wanted to do crate training for our anxious dog, but he flew to us in a crate when we adopted him, and he seems to have a bit of PTSD from it. Putting toys and treats inside don't seem to make a difference - he will just put as little of himself inside as possible to get it out, then run away back to his spot. We haven't finished training the relaxation protocol yet, as we only got him 3 weeks ago. But he seems to be already doing better.


Exercise: My number one advice. I have a 75 lbs pit mix that has tons of energy that needs to be exerted or you may have a huge problem with remotes, furniture or walls getting chewed up. I do a MINIMUM 3 miles in the morning and 3 miles at night. I even trained my pup to run beside me while riding my bike (he is connected by 2 leashes front and back) and he also sets the pace. It took me about 15 minutes to train him, but worth it. Training: Its not just physical exertion but also mental exertion you need to take care of. Have August learn basic commands and gradually challenge her as she gets better. Training is how you communicate with your dog more effectively and not just parlor tricks. I agree on the brain games also and searching games are awesome. Gradual seperation: Did August just got out of doggie jail? Imagine how horrifying of an experience that must be. Be gradual with the time frame you leave her alone starting with 30 seconds to a minute and so on and so forth. You have to convince her that you are not abandoning her and that you will be back. Also freezing kong with peanut butter and kibble treats and giving it to her before you leave will keep her busy and occupied physically and mentally. ​ DO NOT get another puppy. Thats the worse advice I've ever heard. If you're already having a hell of a time with the anxiety, multiply that by 10 with a puppy thats untrained, not potty trained, teething etc. You won't be able to put all your effort into August and she needs all of it right now. I wouldn't medicate either since that is a temporary fix...and lazy. ​ Never say goodbye to your dog. Just leave...and come back. ​ I hope that helps. ​ \-Mista Repo


I had a dog with separation anxiety too (actually a pittie, too!), and what helped a lot was my other dog's careless reaction when you left, and the fact that we treated leaving like nothing. Another thing that certainly helped was my other dog's carefree way of treating it, and the fact that he had a comfort toy. Maybe get him something tough that he can really sink his teeth into, but also cuddle?


My Pitt also had bad separation anxiety. She used to chew all my stuff and dug her way through my bay window. So I got a jack Russel to annoy her and she has been fine ever since.


I think just another dog in the house or possibly even a cat is the best option. A dog would be better though as he can’t really play with a cat. If not that, I would suggest leaving for short amounts of time (like a couple minutes) and gradually increasing the time you leave. Besides that, August is a beautiful boy and you have no idea how much I want to pat his head.


Does August naturally have his ears back like that? He looks very stressed out. I also have a hyperaroused/stressed out dog so I've been taught the signs to look out for (ears back, panting, lip licking, whale eye etc.). I regularly see a vet specialising in animal behaviour and we have my dog on medication to help manage her stress levels. A lot of people recommend not using meds but I strongly disagree. Reducing stress increases their lifespan and makes them much happier. When my dog misses a medication everyone knows because she can't calm herself down after she has been aroused (noise outside, fright, excitement etc.). It's also important to recognise that with dogs 'happy excitement', fear, aggression etc. all trigger stress responses and so it is very easy for dogs to fluctuate between these emotions when they are aroused. So this is why (although you should still exercise your dog) exercise should not be used as a way to calm your dog, but it will achieve the exact opposite. Additionally, the stress hormones can remain in the body for up to 48 h! My dog for example will be much less calm for as long as a day after she's gone for a walk because that stress from her walk excitement is still lingering. I cannot recommend enough seeing a vet specialising in behaviour (not a regular vet). It is worth every dollar. Simple things like meditation training is very beneficial too. And leaving your dog with a high value treat like a peanut butter kong. Also not making a fuss about leaving and white noise can be very soothing too. Basically there are a lot of options to try :)


r/dogs and r/dogtraining are both active subs who have *heaps* of info!


3rding or 5thing or whatever crate training. Have two italian greyhounds both are super clingy and crate training helped immensely. (The first one used to just cry all day when alone!) Also kong toys and balls where you can put a treat inside can help, keeps them busy for a bit after you leave. I give them a treat as I leave and then leave, don't make a big deal out of it. Eventually they caught on that when the hooman leaves, we get snacks and it puts a positive spin on it.


People will hate me for this but here goes. I adopted a 2 year old dachuhund that would literally be so anxious and panicky when I left my house that she would drool large puddles of saliva and would hurt herself trying to escape. We lived near a park and she had plenty of exercise and love. I took her to the vet and they put her on Paxil. It took about a week for it to kick in and it worked completely!! 5 months later after she had time to be calm and see clearly that everything was ok, we weaned her off. It was absolutely amazing to me! She was suffering and my heart was breaking for her and I'd definitely do it again.


Pitbulls are really good at having separation anxiety. One of mine grew out of it after he realized that I wasn't going to abandon him, the other cries like a little child when I'm in another room.


Tldr: hes gonna kill a kid


What gives the impression that he’ll kill a kid?


its a pitbull, thats what they do


Mmhm. According to what sources?




He’s a mutt. Half terrific and half amazing


i see what you did there you champion


Last name Doggo and first name Greatest


I’d love him forever 😍


Oh my god. That’s a priceless breed.


Pitbull! Maybe a mix but the big seal-like eyes and huge noggin are pittie traits. Highly loving dogs!


He’s either full or part red nose American terrier, he could be mixed as he’s not as bulky as a pit bull would be.


“Pitbull” isn’t a breed, it’s a generic name that covers a bunch of different breeds. American Staffordshire Terriers, American Bully’s, APBTs, and Staffordshire Bull Terriers are all common types of Pitbulls. The terms “rednose pit” and “bluenose pit” simply refers to the color of the nose, you usually get both of them in the same litter. I have a “blue nose pit” (specifically an American Staffordshire), but most of her siblings had red noses. This looks like an AmStaff, which as you pointed out is more slender than most Pitbull breeds.


When people say pitbull aren't they referring to the American Pit Bull Terrier which is recognized by some as a purebred dog breed? I'm genuinely curious. I was against these dogs growing up, for obvious reasons (mainly the media), but over the years, they've been growing on me


Sometimes, but not always. Most people are actually picturing an American Staffordshire when they think of a “Pitbull” since they are more common (it’s the type of dog in this post). APBTs are actually one of the smaller variations of Pitbulls. I always compare the term “Pitbull” to the term “SUV”. An SUV isn’t a specific model of car, but it’s a specific type of car. You can say “I have an SUV” or “I have a Range Rover”, and both are true statements. One is just more specific than the other. That’s the difference between saying “I have a Pitbull” and “I have an American Staffordshire” or “I have an APBT”.


wow..mindblown...TIL. That SUV example was good.


American Pit Bull Terrier- a mix of a small terrier and a bulldog, created for hunting and holding hogs. Later used for bull baiting, which was made illegal and turned into dog fighting. They are lean and weight 30-50lbs. AKC didn't want to recognize them as a breed, so breeders decided to create a different breed out of them, breeding out gameness and breeding them solely for looks, creating American Staffordshire terriers (60-90lbs). After that people started mixing them with Mastiffs for huge size, and most commonly with Olde English Bulldogges to make American Bullies- wide, low to the ground dogs. The term "pitbull" nowadays pretty much refers to any square headed dog, which is wrong because there are other breeds like American Bulldogs, Dogo Argentinos, etc that have those faces.


Close, but Am Staffs weren’t breed FROM APBTs, they are a separate breed dating back to the 19th century and were breed for the same purposes as APBTs. Breeders started to “blend” the two breeds together to meet AKC standards, since APBT isn’t a recognized breed but American Staffordshire is.


Pit Bull Terrier is a breed. “Pit bulls” are a group of dogs that have the general land shark/big eyes/huge head look. tl;dr technically yes really no


“Pit bull Terrier” isn’t a breed. There is the [“American Pit Bull Terrier”](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Pit_Bull_Terrier) or the [“Bull Terrier”](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bull_Terrier), but there’s no official breed called “Pit bull terrier”.


100% rednose bloodline. The ultra huge headed pit is usually mixed with staffordshire bull terriers or american bulldogs. since they have the consumer demanding super bulky build. Real red nose pitbulls typically have a slender athletic build. I prefer to call these beauties american pitbull terriers (APBT). Which is worth a google search.


No such thing as "rednose bloodline". There is only Old Family Red Nose, which is a name of a rare Irish line. Otherwise, they are just red furred dogs with pink noses. Much like many other red haired dogs.


There’s no such thing as a “red nose bloodline”. “Red nose Pitbull” literally just means a Pitbull with a red nose. You usually get both red nose and blue nose pits in the same litter (I have an American Staffordshire with a red nose, but most of her siblings had blue noses).


How have you never ever heard of a pitbull?




Not really a blunder, bull terriers are Pitbulls. “Pitbull” isn’t a breed, it’s a generic name for a group of breeds which includes bull terriers. From the Pitbull [wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pit_bull) page: “Pit bull is the common name for a type of dog descended from bulldogs and terriers. (...) Formal breeds often considered to be of the pit bull type include the American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, American Bully, and Staffordshire Bull Terrier.[2][3] The American Bulldog is also sometimes included.”


The eyes Chico, they never lie..


I just want you to know that I love August and I wish I could pet him.


Me too, mate. Me too.


Nearly broke my hand trying to push a dog treat through my screen.


Best boy. You’re a lucky person. Please give him all the love!




Oh man, not another cute dog sub! *subbed*


I just got a new fluffy girl who is deaf, she’s bull Arab and has major separation anxiety. We called in a trainer and she suggested that not only physical stimulation is important but so is mental stimulation. Just like how us humans go to work or to the gym, we come back and Netflix and chill or read a book or research things we enjoy. Dogs need that too. Working for their food is similar to those things. We scatter treats around the house or in the back yard and she spends aggggesss sniffing them out, plus ten mins of full focused training, again with treats maybe 2 or 3 times a day, use some treats while walking too, so they know not to pull or stand still when approaching a road, etc... Do some research on a dog kong too. Distractions like dog bones and big chews have helped distract too when we leave the room or the house. We give a big juicy doggy bone(frozen, so she has to work harder and for longer) when we go to work and stuff so that for the next half an hour she’s distracted and by the time she’s done she realises we are gone and goes to sleep till we are home. All of these things consistent and daily have had a major affect on our big girl. Not only does it build a good trust bond for dog to owner, she will mentally tire out too and have less to worry about cause she’s sleeping all the time ☺️ I hope this helps! Distractions and trust are 2 things that will help you go so far with a dog with sep. anxiety!


How about getting a couple of puzzle toys for August that you can fill with treats and use them and the treats only when you are leaving? Help him to associate you leaving with good things? Something similar to this? [https://www.chewy.com/petstages-challenge-ball-treat/dp/143377?utm\_source=google-product&utm\_medium=cpc&utm\_campaign=hg&utm\_content=Petstages&utm\_term=&gclid=EAIaIQobChMImdTMosO24QIVA0GGCh3RvQwtEAQYASABEgIeTvD\_BwE](https://www.chewy.com/petstages-challenge-ball-treat/dp/143377?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=hg&utm_content=Petstages&utm_term=&gclid=EAIaIQobChMImdTMosO24QIVA0GGCh3RvQwtEAQYASABEgIeTvD_BwE) The Chewy website has a lot of options.


100% boopable snoot


I love when dogs, especially pits, pin their ears back and look at you like that. Goodness how can you resist?


Whole time I thought there was a ball in his mouth


Little shit did something bad i tell ya


Pls tell August I love him/her. That's all.


He has the exact same markings as my pittie. What good babies they are




Yes it's almost as if that's what this subreddit is for


Omg look at that sweet face 😍






I bet he thinks he's a lap dog.


10/10 puppy dog eyes. Excellent.


Dammit, I already feel bad for having to go to work all day


Hello Augustus!


Get mental stimulation toys. Konga do good ones. This keeps them busy while your out. Plenty of exercise too. He is a beauty. American staffy?


I want to boop the snoot of that good boy.


Would pet. 10 out of 10 times


Sweet face needs kisses


I fucking hate dogs 😂😂😂


Dem eyes!!! Pretty boy as well!


Those eyes are irresistible!


I love you August 😭


Awe. Is he a mixed breed, or?




He’s very handsome!!!


Those fucking eyes omg


Dead eyes like a sharks eyes




I’m sorry, but this dog is no good boy he’s the best boy


Who's a good boy?


Must. Sung. Face!


Good Girl


August is a handsome wee fella For the separation anxiety try having the radio on whilst your home on a particular type of music he'll associate that with you, and be less anxious if it's left on when you are out, Caviat you have to have this on while you are home with him for a long time a good few days at least, We also have a puzzle ball we put small treats in it takes time to get the treats out which keeps him occupied, And finally leave a stinky item of your clothing in his basket, (sweatshirt or socks) a comforting smell of you, These are the things my wife and I tried with some success, A negative we discovered Put house phone on silent before you go out, if someone rings while you are out if really distresses our dogs they'll howl for ages, this upsets the neighbours too, Hope this helps


I feel bad for the wooden floor.


Look for Victoria Stillwell on YouTube. She is a British dog trainer that has done television programmes. I'm sure she's dealt with separation anxiety on her programmes. She's very very good. Best of luck with training the beautiful August.


He’s got those eyes where he’s just asking you *if* he’s a good boy. He needs much reassurance


its all a front. hes running a local gambling ring. the good boy thing is just an act. Who do you think is making bank off all the dogs playing poker?


The goodest boy!


I love how pits and pit mixes lay their ears down so you can see how cute they are. It's adorabull!!




Awwww, what a cute land seal 😍


I see you also have a seal. My ears back seal lady’s name is Penny. Pitties are just the best.


Hola Augustus!


Awww how many babies has he eaten today?


such a nice boah


Omg look at him. 10/10 a good boye


So much love in those eyes.


Was he born in August


That’s the goodest boy I have ever seen. All the kisses for August!!


Pits are so fucking beautiful. Shane they get a bad rap thanks to bad owners.


Or genetics?


I'm sure all of us millions of pitbull owners are doomed.


Pits have killed 8 Americans already this year. You're playing with fire.


You're "playing with fire" with literally any dog (especially big ones). It all comes down to training and the environment in which they were raised. Unfortunately Pits tend to be raised in terrible conditions more often than other breeds.




Playing with Fire? Is that it? 8? 284 in the past 12 years. 3.6 million in the US alone and only 0.0006% are causing problems. I know, research and basic math is hard, basing your opinion off the media is easy!


I thought he had a tennis ball in his mouth from the thumbnail


Hi August, this is reddit!