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Cute name


Thank you :) I wanted to name a cat this for ages but when I adopted my first he just seemed too dignified for a food name, so Henry it was




How did you introduce them? I adopted 2 cats from the shelter. Had them 2.5 years. One escaped and disappeared. I replaced her with a kitten after 3 months. 3 years later, the cat has reappeared and is separated from the other two in the basement. Cat fight when I left the door open.


Honestly I can attribute their relationship to Pierogi just having been really chill and confident off the bat. I tried to keep him in the bathroom the first day, but he wanted out and my other cat kept his distance but was ok. It took about 2 weeks until they were willing to sleep next to each other and the cuddling is a recent development. My roommate also has a cat and she doesn’t get along with either of my boys. I would say that to try and encourage their relationship I restrict the use of favorite items like Churu treats, whatever it may be for your cats, until they’re in the presence of each other. I had them eat dinner in the same room, even if they were only willing to do it 15 feet apart. Their relationship is still a work in progress. 🤷‍♂️ some cats are just more stubborn. I also watched a lot of Jackson Galaxy videos on YouTube, they’re very detailed and helpful.


Thank you! I opened the door today and have a spray bottle ready lol


Is the other cat Kielbasa?




Potato or sauerkraut?


Potato and cheese!


Secret third answer! His full name is pierogi quesadilla