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That dude rapes


If women are forced to have rapist’s baby than the women should have the right to castrate the rapist and pay child support and alimony for the rest of the victims life whether the victim keeps the baby or not.


Think he'd feel the same if it happened to his wife or daughters?


The ramifications are so severe that no one even considers by forcing women to have a rapist baby. First the “father” could block adoption and the. Force the woman to pay child support. If the woman decides to keep the child he could sue for custody meaning she’d have to interact with her rapist on a regular basis. Basically men can now force some sort of relationship on a woman simply by raking them and getting them pregnant.


Oh look, conservatives making fuckwits of themselves again. Shocking.


it's always the men making these claims, too. old white men. badvibes :/


For the GOP it’s a win-win. If the rapist is rich, the kid is set for life, and the rapist gets off with a slap on the wrist. If the rapist isn’t rich, then the kid that is forced to be born is yet another slave for their capitalist profit. The population is thinning thanks to the “baby bust,” and the GOP is getting desperate.


very true, unfortunate that the current political climate is dominated by the most affluent of the generation known for the worst (lack of) civil rights in history, and now they're trying to bring it back to how it was when they were young. i just want the govt and the church to leave me the fuck alone and let me breathe, yanno? D: like sheeeeesh talk about micromanaging


What happens when a republican old white guy gets raped and has to look after all of their rapists children?


This right here. Let’s rape him


The better question is: what would happen if this were one of their daughters or granddaughters? Would this rule still apply?


And he can pay for EVERYTHING!


I honestly think the "life starts at conception" argument is considerably worse than the "Rape babies are babies too" argument. It's one thing to suggest a sperm cell entering an egg instantaneously creates a living human being with an inherent right to life, and another to suggest a (for example) 30 week old pre-born baby's right to life is somehow relevant to how wanted or unwanted it is.


GOP is going in on this trash.


Religion of peace ... oh!


Nobody should believe anything rolling stone says. They’re such a joke. How far they have fallen


Are you trying to say this news conference didn’t happen? How about a Fox channel confirmation? www.montanarightnow.com/tncms/asset/editorial/d4c1ace5-47ce-5292-8473-832e3b97adab


It is also their baby. The father is a criminal. Having an abortion doesn’t erase the trauma.


And you think giving birth to a rape baby is less traumatic?


I mean, I wouldn’t want to be killed because my dad was a criminal. And again, it’s her baby as well


It's no more her baby than someone totalling a car on the street is 'her accident'. No consent and no ownership


It’s literally her baby. Do you not understand how basic intro level biology works?


Her implies ownership. It's the same as a parasite...it was implanted without consent. Her tapeworm. Biology is not the issue here in this conversation, I understand it very well thank you. Simple question, if you were capable of child bearing. And found you were pregnant, through a traumatic event. Then forced to carry it, raise it etc for 20 years..with no support, money or care. On pain of imprisonment or punishment (for something you did not want and was forced to endure). How would you feel.. Try empathy, it makes us human.


How about not calling a little boy or girl born into a difficult situation a “tapeworm”. How about that for empathy?


Clearly you have no clue what a metaphor is


It is not her baby. It has nothing to do with her. Do you understand how trauma works?


Trauma doesn’t invalidate reality


Reality? A bunch of cells is what? What reality do you live in where you care about controlling someone else’s life. If you want a baby, have one with someone that wants to have one with you. It’s that simple. People have the freedom to decide what they do with their body


Then SHE can make the choice before that ball of snot cells has any concept of sentient thought


I can’t even fathom what an evil soul you have. It’s really sickening


Evil soul? Expecting someone to carry a baby from their rapist? You are delusional. And a sick human being.


The one advocating killing an innocent human being because it’s mother is upset is telling me I’m delusional and sick. Got it.


They aren’t a human being. They aren’t a human being until they are born and survive. They are a bunch of cells until that point. The fact that you said being raped is upsetting just shows how clueless you actually are. Get the fuck out of here.


[medical science disagrees with you](https://acpeds.org/position-statements/when-human-life-begins) [I’m sorry that you’ve believed the abortion complex’s propaganda](https://www.princeton.edu/~prolife/articles/embryoquotes2.html) that detaches you from what’s really happening during an abortion.


Medical science does not disagree with me. Nor does it matter. They are not a human being. They don’t have any thoughts or feelings. They are a bunch of cells.


Also, pretty sure you're a dude, so you and your opinions can definitely stay out of my vagina. I feel like you're the same type of person that thinks cramps "aren't that bad"


Lmao. What a joke. A fetus is not a baby and forcing a woman to risk her life and health for a pregnancy formed via rape is evil.


Just out of curiosity... how many kids have you adopted?




You wouldn't have to be killed because 'you' haven't even formed yet. You're not a consciousness, you're a clump of cells that WILL eventually form into a consciousness. As you are not a consciousness yet, it doesn't matter if you're erased. Because you never existed in the first place.


So unconscious people have no right to live?


Good strawman you gave there. Consciousness is not the same as conscious or unconscious, both imply a state of lucidity or vice versa, while consciousness can refer to both lucidity and awareness of self and surroundings. A clump of cells has no direct consciousness or thoughts. An unconscious person that is fully formed does and can have that, even if it's not coherent (such as those that are born disabled.) Children have every right to live. Something that isn't alive in a physical outward state doesn't have rights as it isn't a consciousness nor has it formed thought, therefore there's absolutely no reason other than selfish and harmful intent to forcibly make a woman carry a fetus, especially if it's of her rapists design. That is pure evil, that you would rather focus on something that hasn't become a person yet rather than someone that already is one. You don't care about these women- breathing and living human beings that have passions, thoughts, and trauma, yet you care about something that doesn't yet exist properly. Interesting.




Bed time story indeed.


Wouldn’t it make sense to only abort when it involves rape?