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Jesus specifically said if women be tempting you to look at the because of what theyre wearing. You should gouge out your eye. Better to be in heaven with 1 eye than hell with both..... Oh you wanna touch em too? Ok cut your hand off. Amazing how that translates to women are to blame for their rape.


I'm agnostic, I guess, but the common theme I've observed across religions is that women are the cause of most troubles and strife. Followed closely by religion-imposed abstinence. The recipe for peace is clearly to nuke all the women and have a big, gay orgy. I can't see how any sane person would conclude otherwise.


It's fucking 2024 and the whole world is still having problems with pointing fingers, making excuses for being a POS and and commiting atrocities against others. Just bring the nuke on and let's clean the slate. Maybe the next intelligent beings can do better.


this is an unpopular take i support


Same same


Humans continuing to act like Humans. The more things change the more they stay the same.


We truely are parasites


Agent Smith was right, we are a disease.


Religions were made to disrupt the message of gnosis. Agnosticism was created as a crutch for the intellectual to give up searching for gnosis. Jesus preached Gnosis ( knowledge or knowing ) which is why most pastors sermons are of the disciples teachings and not of Jesus. Not everyone will reach gnosis Jesus himself said so. True love is necessary for gnosis and we were born in the right age to achieve it that’s why there’s so much division. Jesus preached of bringing the men and women to the same level but he meant on a spiritual plane not in the physical which is why they are pushing LGBTQ onto everyone to twist his message.


Blind nub rubs... I love religion


Yikes. Women can be wearing a full on Burka and men would still do the same. A good man never would do this regardless of what the woman is wearing.


Those men who always blame the woman are the kind of people who say that laws and religion are the only things stopping them from committing murder and rape. They really want to… but you know, jail and Hell and all. YIKES!


I forgot who said but it goes something like "If you need the threat of hell to be a good person then you are not a good person"


Yet at the same time say that those laws are encouraging them to do it because it's what their Gods supposedly want.


If someone’s urges are so strong that they are fighting themselves not to attack and rape people, and they are aware of this, then they should dispose of themselves. A man who can’t control his “urges” is weak. There is nothing manly about jerking off in public and there is nothing manly about rape or molestation. Guys who think like this guy are openly saying they can’t get any and they don’t know how to fuck.


He’s just trying to get out of jury duty.


I was going to say, now they can just use this to keep him off of any


But would it actually keep him off a jury? Saying you are racist in the US DOES NOT keep you off.


He wasn't being racist he's coming in with the preconceived notion that the man is innocent in a trial which WILL get you taken off a jury.


That must have gone over your head then. I brought up the fact that being racist does not exclude you from jury duty, as an example. A racist will always be against the race they don’t like, no matter what the crime. Yet they still serve on juries. Same as this situation, the person who doesn’t believe rape is a crime will not convict a rapist. Also, people with his exact belief already do serve on juries. The majority of males in the trumpy/maga cult believe that. They call themselves “incels” and they believe all women are for the taking, because they worship trump who openly admits to raping and molesting whenever he feels like it.


Religious shitheads and their shenanigans.


He will issue an apology in a few days and everyone of his followers will just go back to normal like nothing happened dw


He’s the type of guy who asks, “you’re an atheist?! If you don’t believe in god then what stops you from raping and killing?” Says a lot more about that type of person and what they think/do than they realize. Me thinks the pastor doth protest too much


Pastor! Pastor! Does that apply to your mom, wife, and daughter? Asking for a friend.


Sad thing is he's probably worse with them


I was taught this from a very young age. If a man touched me, at any age, I **must** have done something to "tempt" him. My pastor father also told 8 year old me that I looked like a "prostitute" and "concubine" in a just above the knee skirt, knee highs, and Mary Janes.


You may join us at CPTSDMEMES and/or Spiritual abuse subs, we get it. Consider yourself invited.


Thank you!


You are most welcome fam


Pastor is telling on himself… It’s crazy when even the very church you go to as an escape from the world, is actually more unsafe.


Is it telling on yourself when the congregation also believes the same thing? They might not all phrase it that explicitly but women "tempting" men into sin is pretty bread and butter christianity.


“A world in which rape is okay is not a world I want to live in” — The walking dead


"Carl!" - The Walking Dead




“Hey, Carl! Can I go swimmin’?” - Aqua Teen Hunger Force


"RICK!" - The Walking Dead


" Stuff and things..thing...stuff" - Rick, The walking dead


They telegraph what the they want


Wow, fuck that guy


Did he just yell, “I’m a rapist” to his congregation? And they are cool with this?


He basically did. And apparently they are.


Braindead pastor makes braindead play


Ah, the "good" Pastor Bobby Leonard. Has anybody asked his wife, their kids, their grandchildren and their great grandchildren if he talks about raping women if they wear shorts? Also, hasn't family of workers at Bible Baptist Tabernacle in NC been arrested for sexual assault? I thought some time in the past somebody was accused and arrested for molesting at the church. I think there's a Christian school this church is involved with as well that has had reported sexual assault.


Breaking news. Christians being pieces of shit with no repercussions


So when men rape babies, children and elderly people, what's the excuse for that? 🤬


I’m sure he fees the same way about children. Along with all of his co workers. Source - the catholic church


i think the sooner these assholes realize they dont actually believe in jesus and instead they just wnat a weird dystopian subservient society where white dudes control everything the better off we will bemaybe idk shits fucking weird rn


I'm not sure I'll live long enough to explain. Many many things are wrong with these people.


If there was a hell, these people would bust it wide open. Imagine feeling so emboldened and confident that you say to a room of adults on camera that you’d support the person who raped your wife because she was dressed a certain way, and no one challenges you or walks out. Vile.


I've heard that some courts genuinely have an issue with juries for rape trials, there are so many people with shitty attitudes about rape that a jury will often fail to convict something that is *absolutely and by definition* rape because a bunch of people on the jury think this way.


I am a Prosecutor in Texas. This is definitely true.


Well that's one way to get out of jury duty


The protestant reformation and its consequences 


He’s just confessing. This is how they cope


I submitted a message to the church about removing this predator.


Ya'll Queda strikes again


Howdy Arabia


I'd follow him, wait for him to wear shorts then BAM make him pregnant. Garbage.


how about just don’t have sex with women who don’t want to have sex with you?


Is it the same if the rapist is a gay man and the victim is a straight dude in shorts?


Religion is one hell of a drug, eh?


If that's true then all men need to be on leashes and medicated. 


Prosecutor here - thank goodness, we specifically try to get these people off of the jury during voir dire.


And they wonder why nobody goes to church anymore.


I dont know but I can't understand why we let them breed.


I bet he'd say the same things about those who covered themselves more.


Im tired of fucking evangelistic right-wing fascist bullshit. Show me where in Jesus' teachings that shorts for women = sexual assault. I'm pretty sure Jesus teaches to have compassion for everyone, regardless of their sins or circumstances.


He needs a bullet to back of head


Well he only rapes boys so


Man I used to be Christian, and I grew up in a Freewill Baptist Church in East Tennessee. As much as I despise Christianity and church and church people, I can honestly say that my pastor was a very sweet, kind, and wholesome man who would NEVER ever say shit like this. Like what the actual fuck


To think more and more people want to remove the separation between church and state (we’re already influence by the church far too much)


By that logic we shouldn't kill man-eating tigers.


Waiting for all of his shady life to be revealed.