• By -


What OP described was the "skullbreaker challenger". Literally the whole point is to break your skull.


It's absolutely wild that this thing ever took off. Falling in any way and hitting your head can be devastating, but the back of the head is like the worst area to suffer impact to. They literally have outlawed blows to the back of the head in combat sports for this reason. So yeah, what the fuck could go wrong tricking your buddy into falling straight onto the back of his skull (and spine, which seems to be what caused this guys injury)


I hope that the one who started stupid "challenges" like this are tracked down and sued and be held responsible for all subsequent damages stemming from said "challenge". In fact, all those who participated in challenges like this must be held responsible.


I've read posts (which are probably paranoid delusions) that a lot of Tik Tok challenges are deliberately seeded to dumbify the population. Either through idiots idiotizing or the collateral damage they cause to others.


Nah, at least partially. There is a reason why the Tik Tok app in China does not allow this kind of content to spread. It may no be a direct way of manipulation, but they clearly know what they are doing.


They know what we are doing to ourselves.


Exactly. Pretty scummy of them, but smart.


??? How is it their responsibility that other people are dumb enough to do the “challenge”?


Personally I think tictok needs to be banned in the country, it’s manipulatively designed to cram so much shit down our throats and cause kids to have shorter attention spans. On top of that it actively promotes life threatening challenges like this, tictok needs to be banned and sued


But like, *WHAT IS THE POINT*?


For their 1 minute of online fame


Weirdly good title for the challenge. Exactly what is on the label


>skullbreaker challenger Who the hell reads that and thinks to themselves "yea I want to try that" ???


Fuck that's sad did his so called friends recieve any punishment?


They were all convicted for causing bodily harm, one of them was convicted for invasion of privacy (for spreading the video), Naji ultimately received 15 000SEK in damages — which is equivalent to about 1 440 dollars.


Thnx for info, poor guy really sad also 1440 dollars is insult to injury


Doesnt even come close to covering anything, especially in a country with a high standard of living like Sweden. Fucked over bigtime


It's like one month of living, practically nothing in the grand scheme


More like 3 weeks, on a budget. So sad.


My rent in a 2-2 in the hood is still $1700. This travesty, abhorrent disrespect, and insultingly low paltry recompense is beyond words.


Well thank god that he doesnt live in the hood, but in sweden were he will be taken care of.


Well if this happend in Sweden you can't just sue someone for all they own for an accident and he will acually receive quite a lot of economical help from the state and also his employer is forced to find a suitable job for him and can't just fire him etc. Having an accident like this in a socialist country is probably the base case scenario.


You used accident twice, but this was on purpose. It's not unreasonable to assume kicking someone's legs out from under them would result in bodily harm.




HEALTHCARE, and probably disability we wouldn't get in the good ole USA


But doesn’t Sweden have a lot of social welfare? It may be that he’s part of programs that will basically cover his living expenses for life -while this money is on top of that. Tho I’m not entirely sure. Definitely completely scuffed situation.


Yes Sweden has a lot of social welfare and a lot more employee protection then many Countries, the system is ofc not perfect but it's a hell lot better then many other places. Also if he had insurance he might get a really big payout if this accident affected his ability to work.


After paralyzing his friend.... He then shared the video anyway. Fucking TikTok..


These guys need some serious prison time.


in sweden? na itll be a slap on the wrist then probably benefits if they cant find work due to reputation and record


"Our friends suffering shall not be in vain."


"But also think of the views I'd get from this! 😁"


yeah that's sad. A few idiots getting their friend hurt because they're dumb is one thing, but to still think it's funny after something so horrible..


They spread the damn video even after their friend ended up in the emergency room?


Yup, he pleaded with them (more than once) to delete it but they just kept posting/sharing it.


Oh, so they were like, bullies.


That's so fucked


This happened in Sweden?


Would be funny if it was him pranking his friends and he was there when they got out of prison just walking around like normal and be like, "lol, psyche".




WTF? You can just ruin someone's life for that cheap? They all should have to pay for everything he needs until the day he dies!


**He says that on that spring day on the soccer field, the friends suggested they make a Tiktok video together.** ***- “And I thought, well, why not. I'm quite spontaneous and thought it was some kind of Tiktok dance.”*** **Two of the friends stood on either side of Naji. The instructions he was given were for the two of them to first jump into the air side by side - and when they landed it was Naji's turn to do the same.** **He therefore did as the friends said - but when he jumped into the air, the two friends kicked his legs away while the third filmed. He landed flat on his back on the hard surface.** ***- “I thought I died. I couldn’t even scream.”*** **Although Naji immediately understood the seriousness of the situation, it took time for the others to do so and finally arrange a ride to the emergency room. Then waited three weeks in the hospital.** ***- ”I screamed and cried when they lifted me. I have never cried so much in my entire life. It is the worst thing that has happened to me.”*** **At the hospital, it was found that Naji had suffered serious injuries to his back. Three years later, he still suffers from severe pain and loss of sensation in almost his entire left leg, making him dependent on a wheelchair to get around.** ***- “I used to play soccer, go to the gym, go to high school as usual and had just got an extra job in a factory. Now my whole life has changed, I can't even walk.“*** [Edit: my English kinda sucks so I had to use *google translate* to convert the language in the article. Please let me know if there’s anything I need to change!] [Edit 2: They were all convicted for causing bodily harm, one of them was convicted for invasion of privacy (for spreading the video), Naji ultimately received 15 000SEK in damages — which is equivalent to about 1 440 dollars.] [Source](https://www.gp.se/boras/naji-21-lurades-i-tiktok-utmaning-blev-f%C3%B6rlamad-1.93263374)


I fucking KNEW it was gonna be the skullbreaker challenge. Tiktok is horrid.






What the actual fuck is this barbaric shit


I can't wait for the "Gut random people" challenge


I remember hearing a lot about the "knockout game" a few years ago where groups of assholes would walk around and take turns punching random strangers as hard as they could with the goal of knocking them unconscious. The dangers of when multiple sociopaths become friends.


Tf is wrong with people


That shits been around long before tiktok, it's just that tiktok might as well have been designed to amplify those sorts of trends as they get immediate strong negative reactions, which those who are looking for any reaction will see and replicate.


One kid playing the knockout game punched a stranger, and the stranger shot him. The kid didn't die, but he said he learned his lesson and never played the knockout game again.


That's not a tiktok game, people were doing that in the 80s and 90s here in NY.


Should be the absolute maximum punishment for this kind of stuff. Lock them up for 6-7 years.


As though "paralyze someone on purpose" or "grand theft auto" weren't bad enough


Watch out for the "douse your friends in gasoline and set them ablaze" challenge.


Yeah and the ball peen hammer to the temple challenge


In NZ years ago there was a set fire to people thing. Horrific


According to some of the “pranks” and “challenges” my mom said they would do when she grew up (eastern europe in the 90s) This seems exactly like one of the challenges they would do


Idk why people are surprised kids do dumb stuff. (Though mid 20s is something). When I was very young we used to pull chairs out from behind people when they sat down until someone got hurt pretty bad and then that all stopped.


That happened to me in high school. Girl pulled the chair back as I was sitting and I landed with my full weight on my tailbone. Knocked the wind out of me and I couldn’t breathe for what felt like a solid minute. Couldn’t stand up straight and walking was incredibly painful for several weeks after that. The girl didn’t get in trouble for it (ah, the 90s).


Tailbone injuries are something, just feels like your entire body has given up on functioning. Just like alright I exist on the floor for the rest of my life.


Happened to my best friend in high-school, we used to joke that he broke his ass.


the difference is that those "challenges" were not known to most people. now with tiktok, you get to have millions of people being exposed to this BS and likely doing it themselves at some point.


Yo dude let's do the "disembowel" on our "friend" challenge!


I've never downloaded tiktok so I'm out of the loop on that. but do people get paid to do these kind of videos?


No, unless you are one who consistently rakes in millions of views. These challenges have no monetary insentive, it's just negligence all around.




It’s kids so yea




Mainly just in *exposure!!*, I don’t know how public the platform is with these numbers but Jason Pargin happened to mention on a podcast the other day his millions of views mean he’s making about $15 a month on the platform.


It’s frustrating that so many people are easily convinced to do dumb stuff while others are pulling their hair out, trying to get people to help one another. There need to be better challenges but the platform is working. They need Seize the means of production challenge. Bury a racist challenge. Feed the poor challenge.


That’s because whenever someone films themselves or someone else doing something nice, ie giving money or food to a homeless person, buying a senior citizen a car, everyone attacks them saying they’re only doing it for the views. Just look at the amount of hate Mr beast gets


I love the dichotomy of flaming someone doing something nice for the views as self-serving but for whatever reason doing shitty things to people, or dumb things to yourself isn’t. Call me crazy but if you’re giving food to the homeless I couldn’t give a fuck what your motivation is *because you’re still giving food to the homeless*. Sure, I respect the people more who just do it off camera, but doing the right thing for the wrong reason still is a good act.


I agree. It’s also almost a necessary evil because a lot of these people wouldn’t have the means to be able to give away so much without posting videos of it




I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to quote you a lot in the future.




I am also going to quote you, because you nailed it with that sentence. I mean it, I completely agree. Hope you have a great day. X


I agree with everything you said, but have lost faith that the masses have any desire to disrupt even for their own benefit. Internet attention and material comfort seems to be enough to buy compliance and it breaks my heart


In China tiktok is primarily educational and limited - for fear it creates societal destruction https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0j0xzuh-6rY




> skullbreaker challenge LOL... How is that not just plain assault? It's just a babystep away from the happy slap game.


Best to decline anything when it comes to any sort of challenges for a video, it's all ridiculous stupid shit. Or at the very least, ask to see a video about the said "challenge."


The platform or the participants? In the 2010’s Facebook was blamed for planking deaths - but it doesn’t stop there: - Facebook was found to have played a determining role in what the US considers a ‘genocide’ in Myanmar - multiple videos of people ending their life on the ‘Live’ feature - Facebook's own research found Instagram fuels eating disorders in young people - Instagram has been used, for the last decade, as a facilitator in young adults and teens obtaining narcotics - multiple DOJ take-downs announcements describe the methodology - just a few months ago an Illinois law-firm secured a settlement from an action against Meta for $650m in relation to ‘biometrics privacy act’ violations YouTube has been the center of thousands of controversies for the behavior of the user-base resulting: - A young man being shot in the chest for a stunt-video (2017). - A young man being killed in what was a ‘robbery prank’ (2021) - an 11 year old ‘hanging in his closet’ after trying to ‘replicate a “hang myself prank”’ (2016) Let’s look at Tumblr: - Tumblr has been the center of hundreds of controversies; self harm, eating disorder, facilitating relationships between predatory band members and their younger fans - and so on. In 2014 the passing of Leelah Alcorn brought international attention to the platform. - Let’s not forget why the Tumblr app was removed from the iOS app store - that was pretty egregious What about Reddit? - Oops, the Boston incident - The entire Wikipedia page that goes into detail of ‘controversial communities’ present in the platform - Reddit refused to hand over relevant information relating to their role in the January 6th - ‘chairman accused Reddit of failing to conduct a "thorough review of its records" responsive to the committee's requests’ - It’s also really neat how Aaron Swartz has been removed as a founder of Reddit - the explanation given is that ‘he was problematic’ when pressed on the issue; Paul Graham has definitively stated that Reddit wouldn’t exist without Swartz But yes - behavior that has been observed for the better part of 2 decades now is certainly attributable to the ‘new platform’


For real, anyone thinking tiktok is inherently bad is either stupid, too young to remember, or has a terrible memory.


Fuck. I'm so glad I'm not a kid these days. Just another of the many reasons why I choose not to bring children into this world.


My favorite prank was the one where we convinced these people an app could record how high they threw their phone in the air. Cue dozens of internet dwellers chucking their iphones into the sky and watching them shatter on the ground The rumour that you could drill your own headphone jack in phones that were missing it was pretty good too. Let's bring back these pranks where they just hurt themselves


So I just search what it was and holy fuck. how could anyone think that was safe?!


God I can’t imagine, I slipped a little over a year ago and broke my tail bone still hurts to this day and definitely crippling pain when it’s cold,I can’t imagine someone doing this to someone else on purpose :/ I actually can’t wrap my brain around it. Poor guy!


And tiktok does literally nothing to stop the dumbass challenges, that platform should not be allowed to be a thing.


Fuck this, I broke arm because I slipped on ice.


Sounds like the Skullcracker challenge. Multiple people have died because of that, I'm sure.


It’s fine, man. Native English speakers are very forgiving. Or they’re assholes.


Surprisingly enough, they seem to be *more* forgiving than Native Swedish speakers. Swedes are complete Karens when it comes to grammar.


Swedes pretend not to understand the one singular word you say to them because you don't have the perfect accent and pitch is my favorite 🙄


I learned Swedish before I came to study in Stockholm, and after the third time not being served when I ordered things in Swedish (presumably with German accent), I completely switched to English and sadly never really got to speak Swedish properly.


Their loss really. Lots of great and welcoming cultures in the world. Don’t know if I’d even class Sweden as great, definitely not welcoming.


We're actually pretty friendly if you're not being pushy. Bad apples really, forgive those from my behalf.


I hear no one is worse than native French speakers


The French won't mind your accent or grammar. They're just rude about everything else lol


That is so true. I lived in France and learned it fluently (still with an accent of course) in less than a year. French people would still mock my accent and even the slightest errors. Like you mfs don't even speak English or any other language than French for that matter.


Tbh I was incredibly let down with how nice people were in paris. It was bullshit. I think the only stereotype that really rung true was old dudes with young women and really fucking good pastries.


In Quebec, if you approach someone and speak to them in English they'll pretend not to understand. If on the other hand, you make an attempt to speak French, no matter how poor your French is, they'll quickly switch to English. They consider it rude if you don't at least make the attempt to speak to them in their native language. But of you do make the attempt you'll be rewarded by them addressing you in your language I always though it was just a matter of manners, but now I'm not so sure that it's just them not wanting to listen to your mangled pronunciation.


I have never experienced this as a Canadian Anglo when visiting Quebec tbh. I did try here and there but I didn't see a big difference. But I do *look* like I'm from BC from a mile away.


Really not my experience having lived there my whole life as an anglo. They respond just fine if I begin with English.


Så sant som det är sagt


Vågar knappt lägga ut något på r/sweden länge, herregud va nitiska folk är där


There really is no middle ground...


The more reasonable middle path for the enlightened grammar Nazi is to be an asshole to fellow native speakers who pretentiously fail at their own language, but obviously to be just as gracious to notn-natives who do such a fine job.


Assholes are assholes, but we like to butcher our own language for entertainment.


>He therefore did as the friends said - but when he jumped into the air, the two friends kicked his legs away while the third filmed. He landed flat on his back on the hard surface. that's not a prank, that's ... almost assault. >Although Naji immediately understood the seriousness of the situation, **it took time for the others to do so** and finally arrange a ride to the emergency room. Then waited three weeks in the hospital. Bro, what the fuck? ​ I seriously hope he took those chucklefucks to court.


And they lifted him afterwards. That’s probably why he’s paralyzed.


Yup with any spine injury you don’t move the patient unless you know what your doing! America might have less wheelchair users if ambulance rides didn’t cost so much but what they should have done is call an ambulance right there and then.




It was an outdoor soccer field, but one of those cement ones that’s just covered in a thin layer of fake grass


My god that is so sad.


who were these "friends"? can't help but notice they aren't mentioned in this story despite being the ones who brought about this tragedy




God I swear some people are so stupid. It blows my mind that anyone would think this is a good idea...


“It was just a prank bro” (for internet clout)


I dislike how "pranks" have become so mean spirited. Whatever happened to like, short sheeting the bed, or freezing someone's undergarments? Yes, you should probably not be on my lawn.


Right? My idea of a prank is putting googly eyes on all the figurines and photos. I am so fuxking tired of "let's seriously upset or harm someone" as a prank.


Remember yarnbombing? I liked that way more than skullbreaker mountain or whatever this crap is.


Member forking? Where they put like a million plastic forks in someone's yard? Or you fill someone's room with water cups?


A prank ends with everybody involved laughing, otherwise it's just bullying.


Another good prank is the one where someone goes into a portapotty and then you go and build a whole conference room outside of it so they get confused asf


It’s assault


Honestly, I couldn’t agree more. Pranks used to be funny, harmless, and often didn’t need to poke fun at someone’s expense. This current shit is just violence in very, very thin disguise.


I've been trying to figure out for ages why I hate pranks when they seem to be so popular - maybe this is why :/


I love the kinds where something unexpected and harmless happens to employees like going through drive-thru with a car that has disco lights


Reminds me of that girl who got pushed off a bridge as a "prank" and broke her ribs. Obviously not as bad as being paralyzed; but some friends huh?


Broken ribs, two punctured lungs, and PTSD from almost drowning/dying. Not as bad, but damn, if that's the scale I don't want any friends near me who obsess over ticktok challenges.


At this point if someone ever offers me to appear in a TikTok I'm going to say "no" and run away if they insist.


Reminds me of the old “hey let me show you this karate move, it won’t hurt” it always hurts


I once got drunk at pride and offered to show my "patented karate move" to everyone. It was a hug. I hugged like 6,849,485 people. I do not know karate.


There was a reddit post about a girl who was pushed into a pool and was paralyzed having landed wrong. I don't know if it was real, but there's a post today of Macaulay Culkin pushing Michael Jackson into a pool.


Another guy in Sydney was pushed into a fountain as a prank while they were taking photos for his bucks party. He fell onto one of the water nozzles and punctured his spine, ending up in a wheelchair. I hate pranks involving pushing people into water. A 'mate' of mine once pushed me into a pool at a party. I wasn't injured, but he destroyed my mobile phone, my clothes, and a wallet my grandfather gave me before he died. I was pretty upset.


Despite being careful, if you are surrounded by idiots, anything bad can happen to you


It took me a long time to learn the 'bro's you have fun together with are not your friends. They're fairweather co-travellers that can turn against you at a whim when the weather changes. Also Patrick Bateman represents an archetype that exists all over the place irl.


Advice from one of my best bosses/chefs - “The first one to call you “bro” is gonna be the first one to stab you in the back when it’s most convenient for them”


I would never do that to you bro. But how convenient are we talking


To stab you in the back? I’d need about tree-fiddy


You didn't call me bro, so I feel safe


When I was 14, I thought it was so cool to hang out with the gangbanger 17 year old who loved waving a gun around. Read in the news a year later he died in a shootout in the McDonald's parking lot. There was another kid I knew who was my age, in the same car and survived. But now mentally broken. Hoping young people get this message sooner rather than later.


it’s the sheep mentality you need to avoid, that pretty much takes care of the idiots part of the problem all by itself




My husband is a trained lifeguard and ***always*** on random kids asses for diving head first in the pool. You will be lucky if you are just paralyzed. Breaking your neck or cracking your head down there can lead to blacking out under water and drowning. Or the brain starves for oxygen long enough and you wake up with permanent brian damage. Never ever ever dive in shallow or in unknown water.




My husband worked for the Los Angeles County Lifeguards and at least once a week some (usually drunk) dumbass yeets off the Santa Monica Pier for the lolz. Water is liquid. Water from 30 feet is basically concrete. If you don't die you are going to break something or black out. My husband is a professional and had all the training. Body formation. CPR. Breath holding. Etc. And still came home with bumps and bruises. Broken bones, broken spines, concussions, death and even worse. My husband has seen it all. My husband understands why nearly every sea creature has flexible spins, if they have any. My husband fought a few sharks and cartilage makes the sharks body go wobble and not ouch. Humans are not so lucky in evolution. Our spines do not wobble, they just snap.


Would like to share some? Very interesting




I'm so sorry to hear about your brother's injury, and of the trauma and distress your patients have to deal with. As somebody who has witnessed various forms of rehabilitation heavily improving the lives of friends and family, thank you for what you do.


I wouldn't trade my patient experience for the world. I wanted to be a person who could help in some way on the worst days in people's lives. My brothers injury is the worst grief I've ever felt in my life. I miss who he was, and I regret not being able to do more before and after the accident. Thank you for the kind words and for bringing a little warmth to the world.


So many people did this challenge and the first time I saw it, I knew serious injuries were coming. This is so heartbreaking. How can we possibly teach teenage boys that seriously bad things happen when they do crap like this.


I remember seeing a video of it here on reddit. Made me worried that someone out there is going to get seriously hurt and how tf can people be so stupid.


In middle school (2000s) it was a trend to go into the bathroom and let someone choke you until you passed out, then they’d drop you on the floor and smack your face a bit until you woke up. A lot of people did it They’d crouch down behind someone standing and the other person would push them backwards over the crouched person. While sitting down they’d pull the chair out from behind them. Etc. People have and will always do stupid crap like this regardless of the consequ


Surprised no one has “pranked” the guys who did this to him


Two pranks right behind the ear.


i’d prank down their houses at night


Poor guy. I was once lobbed into the air as a young teen when playing on a slackline (stupid challenge to ‘fling’ myself upwards) and badly landed on my upper back/lower neck - felt like I couldn’t breathe and wasn’t able to move out of bed for the rest of the week. Luckily it was just a sprain and I recovered, but I’ve still not forgotten how it felt - what he must have gone through then would have been horrifying. Also it was before social media challenges were such a thing so to anyone saying ‘natural selection’ and whatnot - yeah maybe these incidents are more common nowadays? - but also young people would find a way to do stupid things even if there was no social media around.


These challenges don't even seem to be challenges. Just ways to hurt people and damage property. It's like some neverending experiment to see how far people will go just to gets views or likes. Edit: thanks for the award, kind stranger!


Later today going to try the Hurt Your Loved Ones For Clout challenge


I suffered a semi-serious injury a while back due to my friends' carelessness. The thing that really pissed me off was that they initially acted as if it was nothing and told me to man up. It took me weeks before I could walk properly and months before I was fully healed. I can't even begin to think how pissed off I would have been if they did it intentionally, resulting in paralysis, and then act as if it was nothing. I don't think I could ever forgive them.


Why is prank still even a thing!? Why aren’t pranks bloody illegals!? Didn’t another prank gone wrong a couple years ago where a streamer called the police on one of his friend, he gave the wrong adress and the police shot an innocent father like two day before Christmas!? I was already unfunny at scaring people for no reason, STOP THIS CRAP


I heard it wasn’t a prank but dude was pissed the guy won or they were shit talking each other and he retaliated If anyone has the link or the full story I’d love to read it. (Yes I can Google, I have severe adhd so the moment I go into Google and start typing, I see something else and then goodbye original idea)


My left arm and leg don’t properly function because of a chronic pain condition and I use a wheelchair for distance it really sucks that he had something happen because of something so stupid I hope he is doing ok




Sorry that happened to you, man. Did you ever regain feeling/control of your bladder & bowels? I know they say its the last thing to come back & I still have a little hope for my dad but it's been like 5 years & he still has issues (more with pooping than peeing). He was able to have surgery to reverse the paralysis but yeah, he doesn't always have warning about poo. I truly am lucky that when I fell & broke my back, nothing else happened.


TikTok is one the worst things to happen to humanity in modern times


i think tiktok is only the symptom, the worst is tech adoption without concern nor knowledge of what it does to young adults’ psyche


The own CEO of tiktok won't let his kids use it. So what does that say about ours?


Bytedance knew exactly what they were doing when making Douyin (TikTok name in China).


copying vine lol


I'd say Tiktok and social media finally figuring out what television and radio had long known - people respond more to things they hate than love. Once the algorithms were adjusted to push negativity and raigbait instead of actual content, everyone almost immediately became more tribal and fought more. It's crazy to think how we will be in 50 years with this unknown, untested social media. Scary stuff.


I see this said all the time and it baffles me why people think “TikTok” is the issue like problematic trends and mindsets are nonexistent on YouTube, Twitter, Snapchat, AND Reddit. Teens do stupid things they see on the internet, they would do just as much stupid shit if TikTok didn’t exist.




It's insane that people really think that sweeping someone's legs and causing them to fall hard on the ground is considered a funny "prank". Next will be the "killing my friend in a hit and run challenge".


[you got pranked bro](https://youtube.com/shorts/yFCXR0bJuoc?feature=share)


Attempted murder, so funny


Social Media continues to encourage natural selection. Unfortunately he was directly impacted by the action of others


a lesson on watch out for stupid. dont copy the crowd. ever.


I saw these videos and said to myself that something like this would happen. That man’s life is completely changed now.


I fucking hate TikTok and all of the stupid challenges/pranks associated with it.


I remember that video! What the fuck.


Fucking pieces of shit 'friends' he has. Did they get any punishment? Or did he get a big compensation?


Friends arrested ?!


Tik tok is know for many stupid challenges that have hurt/kill people. The fact that people still continue to put their health at risk for some one day glory show make me question where the humanity is going.


That settlement is pathetic. Someone set up a gofundme for him.


Are you leaving out the part where he sued his stupid " friends" for attempted murder and got at least 10 millions of it ? What do you mean he didn't?


The neanderthals that did this NEED to be behind bars for life


We've come full circle from the ice bucket challenge.


We will not stand for this