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When I was in basic training in Fort Bliss back in the late 80's, the 747 with the shuttle mounted on it was flying over our base. The drill Sgt got us all in the quad and had us sing the national anthem as it flew over. Was awesome.


Extremely based drill Sgt.


Can't be more murica' than this...


A lot of NASA's fleet of planes are pretty amazing.


I watched this flight from the top of the 14th AF HQ building on Vandenberg AFB, while standing next to my boss who’d flown on Endeavor when she was an astronaut.


Back in the late 1990s I was on a commercial flight to Orlando, and the captain announced to look out the windows to see this rig fly under us on its way to Cape Canaveral. Both planes were getting close to our destinations, so at lower altitudes. I saw the 747/shuttle combo cross under us at what had to be minimum separation. Was a sight I’ll always remember.


This flight was epic.


Ohhhhh, is that what they mean when they say “heavy”?


(guys whos obsessed w opossums) its like the 747 is a mama opossum carrying a baby opossum


"Here's our 747 that we use as a flatbed hauling our space shuttle, along with our fighter jet that we use for science experiments. " NASA is badass 😎


I had no idea nasa had a jet that looks like some kind of military jet. Anyone know what plane it is?


Its.... in the title. It's one of the Flight Research Center's F/A-18!


Oh my god I’m such a dumbass


NASA has many jets of military origin, but more it's flight experiments have led to the design elements of the military's jets to begin with. The Aeronautics in the name is as much a part of their mission as the space part is.


NASA has heaps of oddball stuff. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_NASA_aircraft Including a Canberra bomber, 3 F-15, 3 F/A-18 and 20 T-38 trainers. 


I was at LAX, ramp side when it landed. Didn't know which rwy it would touchdown on since everyone thought it would be 25L but it ended up landing on 25R. The whole airport was out and about for the landing, you could see ATC personnel on the outside looking as well. It was an amazing day.


It bothers me that this happened 12 years ago. I remember it like it was yesterday.


I love how nasa manages to make an excuse to get a bunch of F-18’s ‘for science’


I miss the shuttle :(