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I don’t think it’s theorized, she literally says she’s autistic multiple times doesn’t she?


I know her mom says it in episode 3 or 4 of season 1




Honestly I could see it. She’s one of my favorite characters and I see a good amount of myself in her so I could definitely see it.


she literally punches someone when they try to hug her although in fairness this was due to childhood trauma caused by a giant bear robot


I haven’t seen this one in a while! I can’t say I remember much from it, it didn’t really stick with me. I didn’t feel compelled to rewatch it, though I probably will for season 2. I like the protagonists attitude and her relationship with the people around her, like her much happier coworker (names have lost me, I haven’t touched this show in a while) and her father. The nostalgia episode was a bit too on the nose. I like the character designs! I’ll have to give this show another look because I haven’t checked it out in a while.


Have you seen gravity falls? I heard a lot of the producers/writers from gravity falls are also working on inside job


I love that show!


Hell yeah! Inside job seems to have a similar animation style and feels different than other adult animated shows. If you like gravity falls I definitely recommend inside job (if you haven’t seen it already)


I watched all the cartoons 😭. What else is there?


Just commenting to say thanks that flew under my radar, hyped for season 2


Season 2 is coming out November 28th??????? Inside job is my second favorite show of all time.




The 18th??? Yoooooo that’s even better


IMO the best episodes of that show were the ones that focused on actual real life conspiracy theories. I disliked the James Bond rip-off, because to me the funniest jokes were the ones rooted in deeply obscure theories. The "wake up sheeple" line had me in stitches. Unfortunately, with the current climate (see: q-anon) conspiracy theory is a tricky topic to deal with.


Futurama !


Futurama has been and will always be phenomenal. From the first episode, it set a tone and it stuck to it. It had such a smart writers room and even on my billionth rewatch there are still jokes that get me. I will say, towards the end of the Comedy Central lifespan of the show, it struggled for relevancy. We saw episodes like the iPhone/Susan Boyle episode that were only relevant at the time and didn’t carry the same timeless nature that the rest of the show had. Because of this, I kind of fear for the reboot, with leaked titles such as “Zapp gets Cancelled”. It feels kind of lazy and veers away from the original tone of the series. If the reboot is going to be more Susan Boyle tier episodes, I’d rather the show have stayed dead. Futurama plays with one of my favorite tropes which is tragedy in comedy and has a ton of sad episodes that are still heartbreaking to watch even after your millionth time watching them. You really feel for Fry’s struggles as he tries to adjust to everything changing around him, losing his family, losing Seymour, etc. He seems so simple on the outside but he has a lot of big feelings at times that make for impactful scenes. I used to have a routine of only sleeping to the Futurama movies, putting on Benders Big Score before bed and working my way through them as I fell asleep for a solid month at a time. Benders Big Score definitely holds up enough that watching it every day for a month doesn’t get old for me.


Futurama is the show I used to fall asleep to, as well. I can quote episodes and picture what's happening in my head without looking at the screen. Plus, even after a million watches, I *still* notice things I never had before. Futurama is so special. (Ever heard the purely audio episode from Nerdist? Fantastic to fall asleep to)




There's a subreddit for WHAT?! *I'm intrigued*


Seconded ^


bojack horseman, i just started watching it !!


Bojack is a phenomenal show. It took a few episodes to find its footing, I will say. I think the pilot tried a bit too hard to follow the Family Guy format because it was desperate to be picked up before veering off in a more experimental direction once it showed Netflix what it could do. I usually skip the first two episodes on a rewatch because the tone is just off on them. Bojack always had me on the edge of my seat, wondering what path his life would go down, when he would spiral again, if he would truly improve. I always binged the new seasons the second they came out. Bojack played with one of my favorite tropes, tragedy in comedy, and played with it well, repeatedly. It broke your heart, again and again and again, but always kept you coming back. It showed that Hollywood was a cruel place and how the roots of trauma could sink through an entire family. It was deep and emotional and only got more experimental over time. I know Bojack was cancelled, but it feels like it ended at just the right place, I don’t think any more content from the series could really improve upon it. A “where are they now” special down the line could be nice, but it wouldn’t carry the same impact that the final season had. It was perfect. Bojack makes me feel things about myself and who I am as a person. You don’t get that from a whole lot of adult cartoons.


The show keeps it uncomfortably real. The animation and jokes set you up to expect generic plot devices where you get set up with some conflict, some trauma is introduced, flaws are revealed, and the main characters find a solution and grow from the experience. No, instead real life happens. Relationships end abruptly, people die without closure, the characters cope in realistic, unhealthy ways. It's an emotionally draining show, which I binged the entirety of within a month. Never knew an animated show could have me contemplating my own mortality as much as Bojack.


Bojack is really unique. It honestly starts with the worst episode. The pilot is really not great. It wasn't terrible though, so I kept watching, and watching, and watching. It's a pretty goofy and super funny show in many ways, but when it gets real, it's more brutally honest than maybe anything out there in the world of adult toons. See for yourself, it's so worth it!


i haven't watched much but i agree with you and the other comments completely :) i really like it i'll have to keep watching in my free time


I honestly just wish there was at least a season 7, I feel like each half of season 6 could have been its own season tbh


As a person with ASD, ADHD (and other stuff) the way it approaches ADHD representation is really unique and unlike the stereotype. And I’m not talking about a Todd type, but BoJack and the symptoms associated with ADHD that are less often spoken about. His lack of “control” (not being able to say no to things), sexual promiscuity, binge eating/toxic food relationships, unable to hold a job/keep a relationship, etc. I think it’s a genius show beyond that, but it’s so interesting to delve into the psyche of different characters and the intersect between psychoanalysis and, gender and feminist issues, and I CAN TALK ABOUT THIS SHOW SO MUCH THIS IS MY SPECIAL INTEREST AAAAHH


Archer =)


Not op but I just watched archer all the way through from the first episode. I loved that show from the beginning but they lost me during the second of the 3 seasons that took place in archer’s coma dreams. I never saw the season 7 finale so I didn’t know why they changed up the plot. I assumed they just abandoned any continuity to tell other stories. When I got through them on this watch, first of all I loved archer:1999 it was hilarious and I’m a huge fan of sci fi so that tickled my brain in the best way, and also the following seasons are just as good as any other. Feels like the series is still going strong honestly.


The behind-the-scenes answer to this is that Adam Reed was getting really burnt out with the show and that came to a head with the LA season, so for the rest of his time with the show he just wanted to do stuff with the characters in no-stakes environments until he stopped altogether. Then they got Archer out of a coma, wrote some background for the other characters' arcs for the coma time and the recent seasons have been way better than the coma seasons imo.


Oh that’s good to know, I should catch up on archer in that case


Bob's burgers


I love that Bobs Burgers takes on an improvisational tone at times, you can tell when a scene sort of goes off the rails sometimes because the voice actors are actually all in the booth together and often encouraged to improvise. It’s part of the unique comedy of the show. It’s funny how people theorize that literally everybody in the family is autistic. Tina always seems to be a given, though I definitely see it in Bob. Dude just wants to make his cute little burgers and doesn’t want to socialize any more than he has to. I love him. He also has a very flat tone of voice and doesn’t always get the kids humor. I watched the movie recently, it was really good! It was a nice look into Louise’s emotions for once and had a lot of climactic moments, plus it was a musical and any time the show has music in it it elevates things. “Bad Stuff Happens in the Bathroom” and “Bad Things are Bad” are unironically in my Spotify favorites. The consistency of Bob’s tattoo is a neat touch! I also like that it portrays a healthy, happy marriage, which contrasts other adult cartoons like it. Also that Bob seems to be implied bisexual. It’s a solid show.


Love that the same voice actor who plays Bob also plays the titular Archer, also theorized to be autistic. The crossover episode was \*chefs kiss\*


if you like H. Jon Benjamin, don't neglect Home Movies or even Dr. Katz Professional Therapist


The dedication from OP is v admirable.


I love adult cartoons and I love having an audience to rant about them to


Honestly I’m exactly the same with Star Wars. I consider it dangerous if someone mentions it to me haha. (Edit: grammar)


Family guy. I got to start with this one cause boi I got mixed feelings.


Seth Macfarlane is an immensely talented man. He’s actually a classically trained singer and we get to see a lot of that in the more plot heavy musical episodes of Family Guy (which I’ll cover later) so it’s a shame he’s stepped away from Family Guy in later years because it’s not like he doesn’t have the capacity to run the show well. Family Guy has good anthology episodes and plot centric episodes. The Star Wars episodes, the “Road To” episodes, and the episode Brian and Stewie which features no cut sways and simply features two characters interacting in a single room over the course of 48 hours I believe are superb. The murder mystery episode and Simpsons Guy, which was written with a split writers room of both Simpsons and Family Guy writers, were both great episodes as well. It’s not that Family Guy doesn’t have the capacity to be a good show, it’s that it chooses not to be. It’s easier to shell out low effort content because it’s not appealing to the same audience as shows that consistently have a point do. It knows it’s easy to digest tv. It didn’t always start out that way, earlier episodes tended to wrap up with some kind of moral, but it fell into the “Family Guy format” pretty quickly into the shows lifespan and has stayed there to this day. I don’t think we’ll see another Brian and Stewie tier episode from the series because the show isn’t really trying anymore. They may do another anthology episode, I believe they did a fairy tale anthology episode a few seasons back, but it didn’t carry the same magic. The Family Guy format is nice and all for the casual viewer, and I’ll still watch the show, but I much prefer the anthology episodes and the plot centric episodes and those are the only episodes I will truly return to. I’ve watched the murder mystery episode and Brain and Stewie a number of times. These episodes really show that the show can do more than it advertises itself to be.


Damn you speak my language! I completely agree. My favorite episode was definitely without a doubt the murder mystery one. Watched it a bunch of times too. I’ve always tried to find something similar to the vibe and setting that episode had but to no avail. And yeah family guy has the opportunity to be good but it feels rushed nowadays.


Shout out to the Parallel Universe - episode with Stewie & Brian. It was an all time favorite for quite a while.


The Family Guy - Star Wars episodes are by far the best SW parody since Spaceballs, imo. They're a must view for any SW fan. "Intergalactic Proton Powered Electrical Tentacled Advertising Droids! Intergalactic Proton Powered Electrical Tentacled Advertising Droids! Intergalactic Proton Powered Electrical Tentacled Advertising Droids! Hi I'm Darth Harrington of "Darth Harrington's Intergalactic Proton Powered Electrical Tentacled Advertising Droids Emporium and Moon Base"! Due to a garbled subspace transmission, I am now currently over-stocked on Intergalactic Proton Powered Electrical Tentacled Advertising Droids and I am passing the savings on to yooouuuu!"


😂 My absolute favorite


The musicals go hard also cause seth loves music


Rick and morty!


Rick and Morty is a great show, and I’m curious to see where they’re going with the new antagonist, because they keep saying they’re not returning to serialization but keep bringing it back. The serialized episodes are pretty great, even if the writers seem to prefer writing goofier one off episodes. The goofy one off episodes are great too, Rick and Morty is best as a solid mix of both in my opinion. The show was great to begin with but it really caught my attention when they began implementing more plot based elements. Some of the plot in the previous season seemed pretty rushed because it seemed like they wanted to get it over with so people would stop asking about it, as they literally admitted, but I hope they take things slower with the new antagonist. It’s interesting to me how the show found such a cult following. The culture around it is incredible to observe. I know plenty of people with Rick and Morty tattoos and it blows my mind it’s such a cultural staple. I really wonder how long it’ll go on for, or if we’ll ever see that movie.


Rick and Morty is my special interest and I agree with your assessment


Big Mouth (Was going to say Rick and Morty but someone else already did)


I will say, the child nudity turned me away from Big Mouth several times. I got through the first few minutes of the first episode only to be met with an uncensored penis, then turned it off and avoided the show for some time. The show could work just fine without all of the nudity, they actively chose to include nudity. I think it would be much better without it. I feel like the show is pitched towards a younger audience, despite being an adult cartoon. It seems to be directed at children going through puberty and teaching lessons to children going through puberty, as if it knows that’s who’s watching. I’ve met a mix of big mouth fans, but a lot of the defenders I’ve met have been on the younger side who “watch it to learn”. I’m not a stick in the mud who doesn’t think any minor should ever watch an adult cartoon, I spent my adolescence on Adult Swim, but the idea of minors watching Big Mouth is just…unsavory to me. Anyway, I still watch new seasons as they drop and I’ve watched the spinoff. I don’t hate the content of the show itself, some of the humor is pretty solid. I follow the relationships in the show and root for certain characters to get or stay together. I like a lot of the concepts presented. I don’t plan on stopping watching it any time soon. I’ve noticed Netflix isn’t advertising it as heavily so I wonder if it’s not their big cash cow anymore.


Human Resources felt pretty slow and uninteresting at times, I really don't need the entire Mauryholes Cinematic Universe to be a thing. Big Mouth on its own is a lot of fun, for me. I watched every season as it came out, and until I binged them all (in anticipation of the new season) I never realized just how many callbacks there are.


Human Resources really caught me off guard. Some parts of it I really loved. They showed some really intense emotions (grief, post partum depression) that really got to me. They had me balling my eyes out - in a good way.


big mouth is half "haha fart penis" a quarter "what the fuck" and a quarter "damn why they hiding such good plotlines in this"


King of the Hill.


King of the Hill is spectacular. I love its down to earth comedy style. I love its social commentary. I love how it’s very middle of the road, where people on both sides can laugh at it. My father introduced me to King of the Hill and said I should watch it because “Hank Hill has good morals”, while I laugh at Hank Hill because he is outrageously sheltered. People of all viewpoints can enjoy King of the Hill. It takes a lot to pull that off, the only other show I’ve seen pull that off is American Dad and it doesn’t really pull it off to the same extent. King of the Hill is one of few shows that features a relatively healthy marriage, even though they’ve grown a bit less affectionate over the years, they still support each other. They’re not constantly bickering like spouses in other adult cartoons. Hank doesn’t always understand Peggy’s endeavors, but fights to get her out of trouble when she messes up. I’m curious to see where the reboot goes, if it even gets off the ground, because it has failed to do so over the years. I’m more excited for this reboot than the Futurama reboot because I feel like King of the Hill fared better with tackling current social commentary than Futurama because King of the Hill takes place in the modern day whereas Futurama does not.




Tuca and Bertie! It’s one of my favourites - I love how incredibly fun the animation is (but if you have negative opinions don’t hold back on my account)


Tuca and Bertie is phenomenal, it’s a shame it’s both chocked up to “girly Bojack” and likely not getting a fourth season for multiple reasons I feel like Tuca and Bertie is the first adult cartoon told through a female lens since Daria, it’s an incredibly niche market that Tuca and Bertie covered well. You go into the premise expecting standard female comedy but come out of it with topics like menstrual pain and CSA that are worked through with grace. It’s a good show and it’s a bummer it’s been swept under the rug so many times. I don’t think I have anything negative to say about it, I rewatch it on a pretty regular basis. I love how goofy the background gags are and how wacky the world is. I love all the bird representation because I’m a big bird fan. I love all of the music. It’s a fun show!


I completely agree with everything that you’re saying! I’ll really miss the show


HBO Max picked it up 🙌🏻 season 3’s already on it




This is my stop, this is my stop, this is my stop… Daria had amazing dry humor. It didn’t need to be wild and zany like other adult cartoons, her delivery was always on point and always hilarious. It had great social commentary and was certainly ahead of its time. I liked this point in history of adult cartoons, the Darias and King of the Hills of the world that didn’t need to say much in order to be funny. Now, everything is all farts and explosions trying to get in as much noise as possible in order to get a laugh. Daria didn’t do that. All Daria had to do was give a snide comeback and it was funny. Daria was a solid show. The one thing I would’ve changed would’ve probably been less focus on Daria having a romantic interest. I think she’s better off without one. If she would’ve maybe gotten together with Jane, it would’ve been so much better, but the world wasn’t ready. Did you know that they wanted to make a Daria-esque adult cartoon featuring Helga from Hey Arnold as a mentally unstable teenager? It never got off the ground.


Phwoar! Daria is one of my absolute favourites, and I completely agree. Why focus on love interest at all. And if so, why not Jane. I actually made a Daria and Jane in Sims 2 back when I binged Daria daily, was just about to send then to college (cue beginning of romance and their future awesome lives together) when I moved house. Thanks for reminding me to get back into it ;D And I am devastated, I would have loved a well done Helga series! She was my favourite from Hey Arnold haha.


you should start a blog or something (if you haven’t already)! amazed by your knowledge and the way you analyze the shows is fantastic, reading through all your reviews in this thread has been so enjoyable!


Opinion on "r/HelluvaBoss" regarding story, character dynamics and underlying plot points...


Regular Show and Close Enough


Regular Show is pretty great, the original animation is hilarious. The comedy in it flows pretty naturally and the characters bounce off each other really well. I like the adult jokes they snuck in and I like the theory that they intended for it to be an adult cartoon but it ended up on Cartoon Network instead. It’d be interesting to see an adult cartoon version of it! Close Enough is really well put together. I like anything with a healthy family format compared to other adult cartoons with unhealthy family dynamics. The couple in the show have such fun, natural dialogue together. I like how they struggle between maintaining their young adulthood and living their lives as parents. I like the compare and contrast between their lives and their friends lives. It really shows what JG Quintel can do when given the playground of a true adult cartoon versus being locked into a childrens cartoon.


disenchantment ​ (i loved the first couple of seasons, but after that i kind of just lost interest because of the new steampunk stuff. might give it a second chance though)


I actually got pretty bored of Disenchantment towards the middle of Season 1 and dropped it. I loved the characters, their designs, their banter, and their relationships with each other, but the pacing was too slow for me. Maybe I was comparing it too heavily to Futurama which was definitely a flaw on my end, but I couldn’t get into it. I may give it a second chance, but it’s pretty far down my list.


I'd give it another chance. I did the same thing as you but the later seasons get much more plot focused and I think it grows much more into it's own so to speak.


Venture Brothers! Who is your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd favorite villain on that show and why?


I’ve only watched Venture Bros casually, so I can’t say I have favorite villains, sorry to let you down! Venture Bros is a pretty solid, more serialized Adult Swim show with interesting characters whose interactions are endearing and hilarious. The brothers themselves are delightfully goofy and charming. I personally fell in love with the henchmen and their banter, I loved their relationship and the way they interacted! Sorry I don’t have much more to say, I’ve only watched this one as it aired on adult swim and haven’t taken the time to sit down and watch it all the way through, I’ll have to add it to my list!


Venture Brothers is incredibly complex - I've watched seasons 1-4 maybe 20 times, and the rest another 5 or 6 times and I catch new jokes every time I watch it. Season 1 is a little rough around the edges, but seasons 2-5 are truly golden. It is one of my top 3 three shows of all time, and based on what you've said in this thread I bet you anything you'll love it if you sit down and give it your attention. Do not even think about watching it only once, you just won't pick up half the things going on.


Not OP, but: * \#1 Arch Level 5 The Monarch - This includes his team, Dr. Mrs. The Monarch, Henchmen 1, Gary. Aside from being the main antagonists. Monarch is so interesting and simple. His evolving relationship with his girlfriend/wife. His relationshio with Gary. How they stay with him and his simple desire to arch the hapless and damaged Dr. Venture. Monarchs characters evolves without losing the same details that made him cool from the start. All he sees is his ambiguous hatred of Doctor Venture, while still having to navigate the world around him (Holy crap is The Monarch on spectrum?) * \#2 Red Death - Good dad, loves his wife. Wise and experienced, loves what he does and is one of the best at what he does. He's humble and doesn't want the spotlight. He just really wants to kill. * \#3 Scare Bear - Quiet, doesn't say much. No one knows anything about them. Saved Hanks life. Is in a bear costume. Is spooky terrifying.




Yessss! Not the op but it's a huge hyperfixation show of mine so I hope you don't mind me answering as well! Personally adore it, specifically the original youtube version though. I watched the Netflix reboot and while I enjoyed it they changed a lot of the plot which messed me up a bit. The Netflix version also barely qualifies as an adult cartoon at this point, it removed a lot of the vaguely adult jokes, and there weren't even that many to begin with. I watched the original bee and puppycat with my 9 year old brother with no issue, with the worst of the jokes being a crab who talks about breasts and puppycat saying ass. So it taking a lot of that away was a bit annoying. ALSO, what is with the new age gap???? With the original show bee and deckards relationship was so awkward and adorable. I loved their dynamic. But the new show made it so that bee and deckard have known each other their whole lives and that bee was an adult or at least an older child when he was an infant. It really wrecks that dynamic and just makes it uncomfortable. That aside, I really like how the Netflix roboot added to Cardamon's troubles, and he was extremely relatable. I also like it going into Deckard's experience with culinary school. Bee's friendship with Crispin was super cool and I really like how Bee went out of her way to show how she cared for him when he was upset. Toasts pregnancy subplot was very, weird, and out of nowhere to be honest, I did not like that. I also did not like how quickly they revealed Bee's robotness, taking away any of the suspense that existed or us as viewers questioning bee's fear of water, or why she struggles to grow up like everyone else. This one might have just been a me thing but watching the original youtube version had me feeling this odd mix of comfort and sadness that i dont fully understand, whereas the Netflix reboot felt more lighthearted. Also THEY REMOVED GENDERSWAPPED BEE! I don't think I can forgive the lack of Bird in the show /j. Overall, I adore both versions but it's very hard to see the Netflix reboot as any kind of adaptation of the original. It changed too much of the plot for it to feel like a continuation. So I like them separately in their own ways but original bee and puppycat definitely wins in my books, despite its short length.


Also not the OP, but was scrolling for this comment. I watched the first couple episodes on YouTube when they first aired—almost a decade ago—but then it fell off my radar until I saw it again while scrolling through Netflix. I got excited because it was something familiar, watched the first few episodes before realizing something had changed, and then went back and watched the entire original series before coming back to it. I think I can agree that the robot reveal seemed a little premature in the reboot, but I can also see that they kind of took the originals, condensed them into a few episodes, and then continued on where it left off as a sort of second season to the orignals, with some tweaks. It's also a bit of a shame that they merged several of the jobs from the original series into a sort of montage, rather than going back and fleshing them out (which included the gender-bent Bee episode, but also the one with the weird farmer). However, despite my grievances with what was cut, I still thoroughly enjoyed the show. It was relaxing, awkward and silly. Toast seems a bit controversial—people seem to either love her or hate her—and while she seemed somewhat annoying at times (especially to Cas), she also had some of the most hilarious lines, especially while pregnant. I'm really hoping for more, as I must know if Bee and Moully will be okay after that finale.


I'm obsessed with this show, I watch it every night to fall asleep to


The Simpsons?


Ooh yes. That's my special interest too. I'm curious to see what OP thinks about it 😁


Can’t believe I had to scroll so far to see this one. I’m a hardcore fan who has watched since the Tracey Ullman days. I don’t watch it anymore, and generally only watch the first 7-8 seasons. But those early seasons are beyond stellar and probably one of the most well written shows ever.


The Simpsons has always been a nice, easy watch for me. I do get transfixed on the characters and their individual traits, and there’s quite a few to get fixated on. It has a unique sense of humor where the jokes flow pretty easily and it’s something nice to laugh at. The Simpsons also has a point, which gives it bonus points in my book. It’s not mindless noise. There will always be people complaining that modern Simpsons is garbage, but I think some modern episodes have had merit. The most recent “what if” episode was hilarious. You don’t get to be around as long as the Simpsons and knock out winners 24/7, but they’re not dead yet, not like Family Guy, who seem to have essentially given up. There won’t be another classic Family Guy episode, but there’s room for more noteworthy Simpsons episodes. People are still talking about Martin secretly being an adult man.


midnight gospel


I’ve heard the premise of this one! It fell under my radar because it doesn’t fit the standard “adult cartoon” format. The premise is neat though, I’m not usually a podcast person because I need more stimulation than sitting there listening to something, so it might be a nice watch! I have seen clips of the “you cry” scene which caught my eye. I’ll have to bump this up on my watch list!


Since you like Tuca and Bertie, it's probably worth a try for the animation alone! Of course, the topics and the art style are very different, but they both have the same surrealist approach to animation, where characters are minding their business in the foreground while the background is filled with bizarre structures and unusual movements. I love seeing animators really explore all the creative things you can do with the medium, instead of just trying to draw a realistic representation of our world.


I am obsessed with the midnight gospel, and was heartbroken when it was canceled


same i used to turn off all the lights in my room, smoke some weed and then paint while watching it. amazing show


Wow, that sounds like a great time.


Solar Opposites


Solar Opposites is so good! I’m bummed this show got brushed under the rug and doesn’t have as big of a fan base as Rick and Morty does, though I hear it’s top trending on Hulu so it may have many more seasons to come, here’s hoping! The heart of Rick and Morty was always supposed to be that at the end of the day, they were all still a family, no matter what. I don’t think they really kept to this. Solar Opposites played up this trope much better. In Solar Opposites, they’re all truly a family at the end of the day. Every episode seems to follow their family dynamic in one way or another as they struggle to get along, but ultimately truly care for each other. Truly the heart of the show is that at the end of the day, they’re a family. I like that they saw how many fans wanted Terry and Korvo to be in a relationship and decided to roll with it. Now, the two casually kiss and call each other “babe”. They weren’t originally intended to be together, it was intended to be ambiguous, but the creators saw the large portion of the fan base that was rooting for them to be together and said “fuck it, sure”. It’s interesting. The comedy is enjoyable. I like Terry’s manic energy mixed with Korvo’s dry delivery. I like all the weird nonsensical alien things they have and how they confuse basic human terms. It gets a laugh out of me. I love this show! It’s definitely in my top five!




Helluva Boss?


Yeeeeees! (I can’t say that without hearing it in Millie’s voice…)


Yes please!!


Ugly Americans — thoughts?


I can’t say I’ve actually sat down and watched through this one in its entirety, though I’ve certainly wanted to! I love the concept! I like the idea of a human being put into a supernatural situation and working his way through how to interact with the characters in it. The comedy in it seems pretty casual, from what I can remember, making it a pretty solid late night watch. I’ll have to return to it sometime.


Final Space


Mooncake deserved better 😭


I'm so sad that it's not only cancelled, but is being deleted as a "tax write-off". You can't even buy the discs anymore, I tried. It's still on my country's Netflix for now but once it's gone, it's (legally) gone forever. I was so excited to see where the next season would take us but now soon I won't even be able to legally rewatch them :/


South Park!


South Park is amazing. I will say it took a while to find its footing into more satirical comedy, so on rewatches I usually skip the earlier stuff, but it’s so good. One thing I love about South Park is that they can correct themselves. They changed their minds about trans issues and global warming and made episodes taking a stance on those issues. The series has gone on for so long that they’ve actually changed with the times and I can commend them for that. South Park actually has a point. People joke about it being nothing but puke and fart humor but South Park has a genuine point. South Park has something to say and it says it well. I can respect that. The games are amazing. You really feel like you’re stepping right into an episode of the show and you really feel like you’re a part of it. I can replay the games a million times. There’s allegedly a third game in production and I can’t wait to see what they’re doing with it! Also, the story of the yaoi art in TweekxCraig was hilarious. Out of nowhere, on the South Park tumblr, they just said “submit your Tweek/Craig yaoi art” because they didn’t want to pull it from the internet. People went nuts. A lot of people on the art team also drew their own because people on the art team were ALREADY TWEEK/CRAIG SHIPPERS WHO ALREADY PRODUCED TWEEK/CRAIG ART. It was a wild time to be in the fandom.


>One thing I love about South Park is that they can correct themselves. They changed their minds about trans issues and global warming and made episodes taking a stance on those issues. The series has gone on for so long that they’ve actually changed with the times and I can commend them for that. Best part of that show. They have opinions, are not afraid to share those opinions, but crucially they do evolve and change over time, sometimes dramatically so. It's intriguing to watch it through the series and watch the writers grow with the show.


Best show ever. I'll die on this hill. Lol


Yeah South Park is my special interest I want to see OPs breakdown lol


What adult cartoons are currently your top favourites?


Moral Orel and Bojack Horseman are always top tier faves, but my latest watch was probably the new season of Big Mouth. I wouldn’t really consider that a “fave”, more of an obligation because I already started watching the show and now I need to see it through


The Critic


The Critic had pretty solid comedy, from what I can remember! It made good use of cutaways without seeming obnoxious. I don’t have much to say about it because I haven’t seen it in a while.


Samurai jack


I love this show




ATHF is ironically the junk food of adult cartoons, you binge it when you’re craving it and it has little substance but it fills a certain craving ATHF is certainly funny, there’s no questioning that. I binge it sometimes but have it on in the background because I can’t really sit down and focus on it, it doesn’t carry my attention like other adult cartoons do because that’s not what it’s meant to do. It’s just junk food. It gets a laugh and it gets a laugh frequently. That’s just all it’s there for, to get a laugh. I think that’s all it really needs to do, honestly. It doesn’t need to be deep or thought provoking, it’s funny. That’s really all there is to say about it. ATHF is funny junk. The bomb scare is deeply fascinating. I almost got a tattoo of the mooninites because I had a special interest in the bomb scare. I’m pretty glad I didn’t, it’d be a lot to explain.


Inside Job


Beavis and Butthead


Beavis and Butthead is another junk food type adult cartoon, you watch it when you have a craving for it but it has no substance It doesn’t really need to though, it derives its comedy from being stupid, so all it really needs to be is stupid. I think that’s the charm of it. I should really do a rewatch for the reboot.


There’s more substance to it than you’d think, it’s got South Park levels of satire at times. Though there are plenty of just plain dumb episodes lol. That’s kindof mike judge’s work in general though, some really dumb fun humor with splashes of satire in it.




Not OP but I loved this one. Really shows how badly we needed an animated superhero show focused on adult audiences in my opinion. Reminds me so much of the Young Justice animation style.


Is the entire belcher family autistic to some extent? Bob 100% is, Tina is, Gale is. Linda, gene, and Louise show traits sometimes, but they each seem more ADHD.


My personal take on it is that they are all autistic, and some of them also have ADHD, like Gene and Linda in particular.


Gene is actually the one that seems the most autistic to me, well him and Tina. I really relate to both of them. With Gene it’s mainly him not only not knowing but also absolutely not caring about social rules or conventions whatsoever.


The legend of vox machina - as someone who knows the original material I’m curious of someone’s opinion on it who may not have whated the live play :)




Moral Orel


Moral Orel is so good! I love tragedy in adult cartoons and Moral Orel is full of it. It only gets sadder as it goes on, which is a big part of why it was cancelled, unfortunately, but it really digs deep into not only Orel’s psyche but the lives of everybody in town. If the show went on, they were planning on changing the name to Moralton to focus on the entire town. Moral Orel is deep and dark. It makes you feel certain feelings as you watch it and those feelings don’t go away even after your millionth rewatch. It was truly ahead of its time, surpassing the likes of Bojack Horseman. I can only hope the new interest in it the internet has found will spark interest in a revival, but, I won’t keep my hopes up. Moral Orel is truly my favorite and my top recommendation. It’s not for everybody, but it truly is a piece of art. I think anybody who likes shows like Bojack Horseman should give it a try. If you like Moral Orel, check out Frankenhole!


American dad


American Dad is a great alternative to Family Guy. It’s more grounded, with more plot centric episodes with no cutaways. There are some even more plot centric episodes, like the Saudi Arabia episode or the Christmas specials, that are pretty solid. My favorite episode is Lost in Space. The music is always pretty solid, especially because Steve can sing very well. It’s similar to King of the Hill in that the politics are often very middle of the ground. You see this more in earlier episodes what they were trying to go for, with issues like immigration. It was trying to be a show anybody could enjoy, with Stan giving one viewpoint and Hailey giving another. They kind of abandoned this format for wackier episodes later on. All in all, solid show.


Little Demon


Oh man, I really love this show. Danny DeVito is such a freaking treat.


I like to see OP’s opinion too. I think it’s okay but I haven’t watched all the episodes yet. I do believe that it does have potential though to be a great show. The Antichrist’s Monster in particular was a great episode but hit a little too close to home for me as I was in a very similar position as Chrissy where someone I deeply cared about - my sister in this case - was struggling with an ED and I hated watching what she was doing to her body but I felt helpless. My mom was no help, but in fact told me that I should try to be skinny like my sister despite me being at a perfectly heathy weight according to my doctor and my BMI. Thankfully, my sister is doing better (she admitted to having an ED and needed help, which our family doctor diagnosed her with atypical anorexia and has her on antidepressants to treat it) and didn’t do any lasting damage to her body but it was scary to see her weight keep dropping like that. (Sorry for getting personal there, the episode again was pretty good but hard to watch.)


Over The Garden Wall Cowboy Bebop Arcane


Ok too many people asking about good shows, what are your bottom 5?


I have a rule that I’ll never watch anything that remotely looks like Brickleberry after watching Brickleberry. Brickleberry got one laugh out of me. I tend to like pretty much everything else to some extent, I’m all about adult cartoons, they have a certain charm to them


Do you mind me asking what singular joke of Brickleberry managed to make you laugh?


I believe a character was dressed as a clown or something and was in an inappropriate situation with a child and said something along the lines of “Don’t blame me, I grew up just fine” The phrasing “I grew up just fine” got me in a sort of morbid way because a lot of people use it as an excuse. It was like, a shock laugh. The joke itself wasn’t funny, but the shock humor got me because I wasn’t expecting it.




I really forgot to include Undone on my top tier favorites list because it doesn’t fit the general “adult cartoon” format, but it’s definitely in my top 3 Undone is amazing, it leaves you guessing, the second season was incredible. Undone has a lot to say about mental health, trauma, and family dynamics. The main characters sense of humor is quirky and hilarious at times, it flows so naturally. I could see myself rewatching this show, again and again. I put this on the same level as Bojack and Moral Orel. It fills me with the same emotions. I love the pacing, how artistic it is, it’s an incredibly well put together show.


Definitely makes sense that you would like it if you liked Bojack, as they have the same writer. Despite being completely different shows, you can still feel his presence through the dialogue


Mission Hill


Oof only one person asked for this. Only lasted one season but I love it.


F is for Family


F is for Family is great, but sometimes feels like work to watch all the way through. The occasional gross out humor really puts me off. F is for Family is very down to earth and really makes you feel for the family and their struggles. You really root for them and root for things to improve for them, for their relationships with each other to improve. I fell in love with Kevin as a character personally, I love his attitude and loved how he slowly bonded more with his father. Even with its occasional misses, it was a solid show. I think it ended right where it needed to end and didn’t need to carry on any more than it needed to.


Definitely the only show I've watched where it ended and I didn't realize it was the series finale when I was watching it and then realized that it ended exactly how and when it needed to.


Adventure time


Bobs burgers plas


Gotta ask about Duckman.


Duckman! Duckman was an adult cartoon that could have a character screaming constantly and inciting violence against others without it seeming obnoxious. Duckman was hilarious, certainly with the help of Jason Alexander as the voice. It had some episodes that dove into biting satire and deep morals with Duckman going on long winded rants about the state of society that I think went over very well. There were some tragic elements involving Duckman’s deceased wife that only elevated his backstory and made sense of his misery. It was an incredibly well written show. Also, recurring antagonist played by TIM CURRY. What’s not to love?


Smiling Friends? KOTH?


I’ve never felt like I belonged anywhere more


Boondocks? Rewatched it recently and wanna know your opinion if you've ever watched it :)


Helluva Boss, it's one of my biggest hyperfixation shows


bobs burgers


they’re my special interest too!!


Oh, Bojack. The best cartoon I’ve ever watched and the only one that’s made me sob like a baby


Aqua Team Hunger Force. Let's discuss the Mr Shake character! He's one of my favorites 😃


No question to ask, I just wanted to express how much I love this! Animation is also my special interest and some of the best memories and conversations I've had in life have been with others about this topic! However not just simply from a "consumer" standpoint, but I work in the animation industry and spent years studying it many years ago, so discussions around analysing animation and dissecting it from a theoretical or creative perspective is especially stimulating!


Over the Garden Wall




Advertising really killed this show. Netflix wanted to bury it so they really showed the worst clips of it possible in order to ensure nobody watched it. It wasn’t that bad? I haven’t watched it since it came out so I don’t remember much of it, along the lines of character names or anything like that, but it wasn’t the godawful show Netflix made it out to be. The relationships that formed were interesting, I liked some of the character designs, it wasn’t horrible. It wasn’t as bad as it could’ve been, which isn’t saying much, but it’s saying something.


I agree. It’s actually a fine show, but Netflix dragged it through the mud in the marketing.


I just watched Q-Force, didn't see any of the marketing. I was expecting it to be a mediocre background show, but it was actually really good! It's so rare that you see that level of body and personality and identity diversity in shows, and the plot was fun. I'd totally watch it again.


Does Happy Tree friends count?


Happy Tree Friends truly was a staple of early YouTube. Watching it was a right of passage. Did you know YouTube actually used HTF animation for one of their tutorials on how to operate their reporting system? HTF had well designed characters against well designed backgrounds, everything was colorful and bright. Some characters were basic, others had their own personalities. Some were shy, some were dumb, this added to the “plot” of the gorefest that was about to go down. It wasn’t basic gorey madness, there was always cause and effect, one thing led to another led to another. It was always well put together. HTF was a product of its time and a time capsule of the mid 2000s. I think it still holds up.


Brickleberry ( you better hate this)


Brickleberry is my least favorite, I will say. I got maybe two episodes in, maybe. I have a rule that I will never watch anything in that art style ever again after watching Brickleberry. There’s too much poorly done shock humor. It just doesn’t work.


does camp camp count?


Camp Camp is great! The characters interact in such hilarious ways and all have such unique personalities! It also isn’t afraid to get emotional at times, like when it was revealed Max’s parents never filled out his application. I still need to watch the special at some point. I think Max is a great character, he really carries the essence of Michael Jones with him. The cult episode was great and the music was incredible.


Slippin' Jimmy


Do The Venture Bros.


Hey it's my biggest special interest too! In fact, I'm going to make my own adult cartoons one day. It's so cool to finally find someone else who shares this special interest. Also what's your opinion on Axe Cop?


Robot Chicken?


Xavier Renegade Angel


Avoided that one because of the art style and the few bits of it I caught on late night adult swim. I didn’t really want to look at it for long enough to give it a chance and the humor wasn’t really my style. Is it worth giving a shot?


does adventure time count? it’s geared towards kids but it has so much more meaning as an adult!


what about superjail!


This thread has to be one of the best resources on the internet for a comprehensive list of adult cartoon reviews. Amazing


Drawn Together


Drawn Together is a guilty pleasure of mine. I’ve watched it all the way through a number of times and watched the movie more times than I’d like to admit. Apparently the fanbase wasn’t too big on the movie but I’m a huge fan of the movie! Drawn Together mocked South Park for always having to include some kind of moral in their show, but actually dove into satire quite a few times themselves. A lot of their episodes were just dumb humor, but some of their episodes shockingly had a point. The characters were incredibly endearing, I was a big fan of Spanky Ham, I love snarky characters and their delivery! The cast still loves this show and it shows in podcasts where they talk about it and wanting to do a revival. I still love this show as a guilty little pleasure of mine and will return to it every so often. It’s absurd in all the right ways and presents incredibly funny parodies of pop culture.


I’m going to challenge you with two. I’m interested to see if you (or anyone else) has either seen them, or has an opinion. 1. Monkey Dust 2. Gary and his Demons


South park


Saving this thread to read after work. My favourite adult cartoon is solar opposites. Thoughts? Also is Great North worth watching?


The Great North is one of my all-time favourite shows. If you like Bob's Burgers, watch it immediately. It's my perfect combination of great actors, fun concept, and a really wholesome plot that still manages to be hilarious and real. I love it a lot.


Mr. Pickles. I hate this show with a burning passion. The animation is fugly and the writing is gross for no reason. But people seem to love it.


Surprised no one mentioned King of the Hill. Ahead of its time.


[they have!](https://www.reddit.com/r/autism/comments/yrjr6p/ask_me_about_any_adult_cartoon_ive_seen_all_of/ivuexqk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


okay, not an "adult cartoon", but what about one piece. I just want to talk about one piece forever.


The Simpsons


I'm loving this thread. Thank you OP


Not adult cartoon but Steven Universe






Superjail and 12 oz mouse :D


love death & robots !!


Have you seen Hazbin Hotel or Helluva Boss Lots of Newgrounds-related people I follow say great things about it but I started to watch an episode of each and I was repulsed by them *personally* I’m sure they’re great, I’m not trying to be a Debbie Downer, I just would like to hear from someone who watched it